CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 05/23/92 16:13:54 ++LINE > 9 LONG - truncated, return to ACCEPT, ^U to RE-ENTER: +++=ELDON^U ?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 227028; next msg =45670; 379 active msgs. Prev. call 05/19/92 @ 22:08, next msg was 45665 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 15 KILLED. 135 SUMMARY. 25 05/19/92,22:08:13,226981,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45665,8 05/19/92,23:44:35,226982,2,ARNOLD BOYD,,1 05/20/92,00:12:47,226983,2,ROB HOPKINS,Bellevue/ WA,2 05/20/92,01:11:23,226984,1,TONY ANTONUCCI,,6 05/20/92,03:30:29,226985,2,ALEX ZELL,, 05/20/92,06:36:10,226986,1,AL HIGGINS,,6 05/20/92,07:03:43,226987,3,DAN RATHER,ELK GROVE;IL,4 05/20/92,07:06:28,226988,1,ALAN DIMROD,ELK GROVE; IL,2 05/20/92,08:26:53,226989,2,MARCOS MONDRAGON,Wheaton/IL,1 05/20/92,08:38:17,226990,1,JAMES JONES,MONTECELLO; INDIANA,2 05/20/92,10:21:13,226991,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 05/20/92,13:14:15,226992,2,ARCADY KHOTIN,, 05/20/92,13:17:02,226993,2,ARCADY KHOTIN,, E#45666,14 05/20/92,14:28:33,226994,2,DEBBIE DROPDRAWRS,SANTA CLARE; NEW MEXICO,2 05/20/92,14:30:40,226995,2,ALAN DIMROD,,2 05/20/92,14:59:27,226996,2,BILLY BUTT,ELGIN,1 05/20/92,15:24:10,226997,1,JERRY HASLETT,,6 05/20/92,16:18:44,226998,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 05/20/92,19:04:07,226999,1,SHAWN BRYANT,,4 ]this bbs obviosly has no files section! Whata drag.. Why? SHAWN BRYANT, 05/20/92,19:09:24,227000,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 05/20/92,20:34:57,227001,2,RICK NOWAK,, E#45667,3 ]Thanks again Ward!!! RICK NOWAK, 05/20/92,21:49:04,227002,2,ED FOSTER,,1 05/21/92,01:02:47,227003,2,BILL MATTSON,,3 05/21/92,06:46:00,227004,1,AL HIGGINS,,2 05/21/92,08:55:41,227005,2,CHUCK JONES,,8 05/21/92,09:37:01,227006,2,PAUL GRAY,mchenry/ il,20 05/21/92,14:24:45,227007,2,ARNOLD BOYD,,1 05/21/92,19:01:04,227008,2,ALEX ZELL,,3 05/21/92,19:55:20,227009,1,JIM EATON,,2 05/21/92,21:03:10,227010,1,EMMANUEL SEMMES,,1 05/21/92,21:11:58,227011,1,HANK WARD,parma hts./ ohio,3 05/21/92,21:54:22,227012,2,DON PIVEN,,1 05/21/92,22:39:03,227013,2,CHET MYZKOWSKI,,8 05/22/92,08:02:46,227014,2,PAUL BRAMEL,,20 05/22/92,10:00:13,227015,2,DAVID BETHANY,,13 05/22/92,12:08:14,227016,1,EMMANUEL SEMMES,,2 05/22/92,12:49:54,227017,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,2 05/22/92,13:57:24,227018,2,KEN STOX,,3 05/22/92,16:43:01,227019,1,AL HIGGINS,,1 05/22/92,18:30:57,227020,2,E. DANTE HAMILTON,Chicago/ IL,4 05/22/92,20:16:20,227021,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#45668,12 05/22/92,21:06:18,227022,1,BERNARD GOLDLUST,,0 05/22/92,22:01:40,227023,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 05/23/92,03:50:38,227024,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 05/23/92,09:32:27,227025,2,MARTY DIPPEL,, E#45669,13 05/23/92,13:30:07,227026,1,BILL PYKA,Elgin/ Il,11 05/23/92,14:56:59,227027,2,ELDON TYRELL,CHGO IL/, 05/23/92,16:14:00,227028,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45665 05/19/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ARCADY KHOTIN: "R/HELLO FROM RUSSIA" 45666 05/20/92 ARCADY KHOTIN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/HELLO FROM RUSSIA" 45667 05/20/92 RICK NOWAK => CHARLIE KESTNER: "R/CHICAGOLAND BBS LISTING" 45668 05/22/92 BILL WOLFF => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/HELLO FROM RUSSIA" 45669 05/23/92 MARTY DIPPEL => JOHN STAPLES: "CHINET LOGIN" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45665 is 15 line(s) on 05/19/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ARCADY KHOTIN re: R/HELLO FROM RUSSIA Yep, still running the board - ancient though it is. You use the term "E-mail" as if we had some great infrastructure here in the "states" that connected lots of people - but actually I know of no such thing. I have some friends at a small company, and I can get to them via Compuserve, using >MHS:name@node which is the Novell (?not even sure?) Mail Handler Service. Other companies, are on Compuserve directly (Borland, Microsoft, Norton, Fox, etc). Some companies - such as GREAT technical support for tape drives from Colorado, are supported by individuals with no forum on Compuserve. BUT I'm not sure how you get to/from the internet and Compuserve - I think there are IDs, but as a sponsored Compuserve Sysop it turns I'm not ALLOWED to access the Internet (perhaps there is an extra fee, I don't know). So, I'm not sure how you'd access various companies. It might help if you contact them individually - admittedly slowly - by mail, and establish what the best means is to contact them electronically. Msg 45666 is 11 line(s) on 05/20/92 from ARCADY KHOTIN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/HELLO FROM RUSSIA Hi, Ward! Great to hear from you! You are very famous in my country - phone lines are poor, we have to use protocols very wide . So, your protocol is taught at every computer science college we have. Many thanks for your comments, appreciate it. Since I'm running BBS, I'd appreciate if you'd write a few words to my users . We'd like to hear your ideas about BBS history and evolution, future. What business are you in now, what plans do you have, what do you think about changes in our country. I know, I ask a lot - but hope you'd find some time to answer. Hope to hear, Arcady Khotin. Software developer, President of Clipper Users Group in St.Petersburg. Msg 45667 is 01 line(s) on 05/20/92 from RICK NOWAK to CHARLIE KESTNER re: R/CHICAGOLAND BBS LISTING Thanks! Msg 45668 is 05 line(s) on 05/22/92 from BILL WOLFF to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/HELLO FROM RUSSIA Hi Ward! I use Internet from CompuServe once in awhile. The syntax is: INTERNET:whatever-the-internet-address. and that's it. To send a message from Internet back, the syntax will be the following: ????.???@CompuServe.com. <<<< The ??? characters is the user ID of the CompuServe user. Pretty simple, huh? Msg 45669 is 13 line(s) on 05/23/92 from MARTY DIPPEL to JOHN STAPLES re: CHINET LOGIN I hope you've had better success at logging in to Randy's board. Usually 7-1-E does the trick; terminal emulation doesn't matter unless you're going for ANSI graphics output. Once connected, changing parameters on your end doesn't matter; you have to call in again with the new parms on your terminal emulator. Sometimes the lines are flakey on chinet; I can't always get in either. Persevere. I hope you take the time and effort necessary to log in; I'd really enjoy exchanging EMAIL. If you like, I can also give you an account on the Silicon Graphics system at work. -not much there for PCs, but we do have a USENET connection as well as being an INTERNET site. Hope to see you at the bike trip in June. John said he wasn't sure if you could make it or not -hope so. I plan on it so far- if I make it, it'll be the first one in about three years. It'll be good to see the gang again. dup. chars. >Function:?