CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 05/04/92 00:40:51 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 226790; next msg =45642; 368 active msgs. Prev. call 05/02/92 @ 00:01, next msg was 45638 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 8 KILLED. 111 SUMMARY. 24 92,22:03:49,226751,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45634, E#45635, 05/02/92,00:01:27,226766,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 05/02/92,00:11:49,226767,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,3 05/02/92,02:43:03,226768,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,2 05/02/92,10:29:58,226769,3,RICHARD FERGUSON,BEAVER CROSSING/NEBR., E#45638,18 05/02/92,11:10:20,226770,3,RICHARD FERGUSON,,2 05/02/92,13:02:12,226771,9,DAVID GIBBS,,3 05/02/92,14:38:12,226772,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#45639,5 05/02/92,19:40:49,226773,1,DAYLYN MEADE,Buffalo Grove,3 05/02/92,20:16:11,226774,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 05/02/92,20:52:21,226775,2,STEVE FARMILANT,, E#45640,11 05/02/92,22:44:54,226776,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,3 05/02/92,23:17:57,226777,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 05/02/92,23:42:21,226778,2,STEVE FARMILANT,,5 05/03/92,04:26:22,226779,2,ERIC SWANSON,,2 05/03/92,06:33:48,226780,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#45641,5 05/03/92,06:57:45,226781,9,BEN TEIFELD,,5 05/03/92,08:51:37,226782,2,JOANNE COX,CRYSTAL LAKE/ IL,9 05/03/92,09:20:53,226783,2,STEVE FARMILANT,,4 05/03/92,11:30:19,226784,2,ALEX ZELL,,6 ]Yep. r;1 = oops! ALEX ZELL, 05/03/92,13:39:07,226785,1,RICH TRENKAMP,,4 05/03/92,19:13:24,226786,2,ROBERT SKLAR,Park Ridge/ IL,19 05/03/92,20:00:30,226787,2,STEVE FARMILANT,,2 05/03/92,21:10:48,226788,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 05/03/92,23:57:51,226789,2,BILL MATTSON,,4 05/04/92,00:40:56,226790,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45638 05/02/92 RICHARD FERGUSON => ALL: "NEED PROGRAMS FOR Z80 S-100" 45639 05/02/92 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "MARS-BBS Z-120" 45640 05/02/92 STEVE FARMILANT => ALL: "3.5 TO 51/4 CONVERT???" 45641 05/03/92 BILL WOLFF => STEVE FARMILANT: "R/3.5 TO 51/4 CONVERT???" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45638 is 06 line(s) on 05/02/92 from RICHARD FERGUSON to ALL re: NEED PROGRAMS FOR Z80 S-100 i am in need of software for my system. i have complete utilities and programs for the 1.41+ bus. am willing to trade or work other arangements out. i can design hardware for the s-100 if needed. call me at (402)532-2300 voice line colect if needed. thank you signed richard l. ferguson Msg 45639 is 07 line(s) on 05/02/92 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: MARS-BBS Z-120 A friend of mine appears to have taken on a task bigger than he can chew. He is helping another friend take a Zenith Z-120 and trying to use it as a BBS on packet radio for a MARS station. It appears this Zenith won't run PCDOS and nothing is available for BBS work in ZDOS. So CP/M seems to be the only hope right now. Zenith mentions CP/M v2.2.101 for running CP/M. Anybody out there that can help, please EMAIL me some information to pass on to him. And thanks! Msg 45640 is 04 line(s) on 05/02/92 from STEVE FARMILANT to ALL re: 3.5 TO 51/4 CONVERT??? Is there a way to use copyiipc to backup a 3 1/2" disk onto a 5 1/4" disk? I've had no success after 6 hours of popping disks. The 3 1/2 inch drive is formatted at 1.44 mb, even though the disk itself is only 720. the 5 1/4 disk drive is formatted at 1.2. Any ideas? Msg 45641 is 05 line(s) on 05/03/92 from BILL WOLFF to STEVE FARMILANT re: R/3.5 TO 51/4 CONVERT??? Why use copyiipc? Just use the BACKUP command from DOS if all you want to do is really backup the files? Or better yet, just ZIP them into one neat little file and then save the new file to disk. If you really want to make a running copy of some protected software. then good luck! dup. chars. >Function:?CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 05/04/92 23:45:22 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 226806; next msg =45644; 367 active msgs. Prev. call 05/04/92 @ 00:40, next msg was 45642 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 10 KILLED. 111 SUMMARY. 25 05/04/92,00:40:56,226790,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45642,4 05/04/92,01:46:53,226791,2,STEVE RYAN,,1 05/04/92,03:50:58,226792,1,SARAH HANKINS,Oxford/ Ohio,3 05/04/92,05:09:58,226793,2,BILL WOLFF,,2 05/04/92,06:59:53,226794,1,AL HIGGINS,,3 05/04/92,09:32:39,226795,2,PETE JONES,,1 05/04/92,09:49:04,226796,2,KEN STOX,,3 05/04/92,10:19:42,226797,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,, E#45643,4 05/04/92,10:43:25,226798,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 05/04/92,10:53:48,226799,2,DON PIVEN,,2 05/04/92,11:19:01,226800,2,JOHN BALTIMORE,chicago,1 05/04/92,11:20:52,226801,2,STEVE FARMILANT,,2 05/04/92,19:23:38,226802,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 05/04/92,20:13:52,226803,2,BILL WOLFF,,3 05/04/92,20:23:28,226804,1,SHAWN BRYANT,FW TX,4 ]HEY, I REALLY THINK I COUld THINK OF A VALID REASON FOR CHAT... GIMME A BREAK, THIS ISNT REALLY RIGHT.. I CALLED LONG DISTANCE TRYING TO SPEAK WITH YOU ABOUT A MATTER.... HEHEHE, I JUST GUESS YOU ARE BUSY LIKE MYSELF! HEHE :) WELL ANYWAYS, IF YOU COULD PLEASE CALL ME COLLECT I WOULD APPRECIATE IT.... 817-496-1309 REMEMBER YOU CAN CALL ME COLLECT... IF YOU CALL I WILL ONLY TAKE A FEW MINUTES OF YOUR TIME... I WILL BE IN AFTER 4:30 PM DAILY... THANK YOU VERY MUCH.... BY THE WAY... I AM CALLING FROM FORT WORTH TEXAS... IM NOT SURE WHERE YOU ARE.. HEHE CHICAGO MAYBE? HMMMM WELL ANYWYAY.. PLEASE CALL THIS MATTER IS VERY URGENT... SHAWN BRYANT, 05/04/92,23:10:08,226805,2,WAEL ABURIDA,,3 05/04/92,23:45:27,226806,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45642 05/04/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => STEVE FARMILANT: "R/3.5 TO 51/4 CONVERT???" 45643 05/04/92 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => RICHARD HINTON: "R/4 MEG DRAM'S?" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45642 is 04 line(s) on 05/04/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to STEVE FARMILANT re: R/3.5 TO 51/4 CONVERT??? I think you can XCOPY with the /s option to include subdirectories - to copy between different sized media. Then, if you need a volume label, you can use the DOS Label command to put in the label. If the diskettes are copy protected, you're probably out of luck. Msg 45643 is 02 line(s) on 05/04/92 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to RICHARD HINTON re: R/4 MEG DRAM'S? I have not seen dip memory in the 4 meg chip, but they are readily available as 4 meg simm memory modules. dup. chars. >Function:?