CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 04/15/92 22:28:30 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 226515; next msg =45597; 379 active msgs. Prev. call 04/11/92 @ 13:19, next msg was 45583 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 8 KILLED. 63 SUMMARY. 25 04/15/92,22:28:35,226515,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45583 04/11/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BILL MATTSON: "R/POWERMETER PROGRAM" 45584 04/11/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => AL HIGGINS: "R/DESKJET COLOR CARTRIDGES" 04/11/92,13:19:54,226437,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45583, E#45584,13 04/11/92,14:42:19,226438,3,KIRSTIE TIBBS,chicago,7 04/11/92,16:30:26,226439,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 04/11/92,17:06:08,226440,2,JOHN KINNEY,Raleigh/ NC, E#45585,14 04/11/92,17:20:19,226441,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 04/11/92,17:36:00,226442,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,1 04/11/92,19:16:04,226443,2,ART CLEMONS,,2 04/11/92,19:48:37,226444,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,, E#45586,10 04/11/92,21:49:44,226445,1,CHUCKY IN,,7 04/11/92,22:01:30,226446,1,CHUCKY IN,,1 04/11/92,22:03:46,226447,1,CHUCKY IN,,3 04/11/92,22:07:11,226448,1,CHUCKY IN,chicago,3 04/11/92,22:20:41,226449,1,IGNATIUS ZERMENO,Bolingbrook/ IL,10 04/11/92,23:45:45,226450,2,MICHAEL MELTON,skokie/ill,2 ]MICHAEL MELTON, 04/12/92,00:50:46,226451,2,ALEX ZELL,, 04/12/92,01:25:08,226452,2,BILL MATTSON,,7 04/12/92,10:18:48,226453,1,YGFUYG IUGIG,,4 04/12/92,10:31:06,226454,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,5 04/12/92,12:39:37,226455,2,GARY ELFRING,,1 04/12/92,13:27:01,226456,2,DON PIVEN,,4 04/12/92,14:09:17,226457,2,DAVID GIBBS,,2 04/12/92,15:28:37,226458,2,STEVE RYAN,, E#45587,9 04/12/92,17:25:09,226459,3,KIRSTIE TIBBS,,1 04/12/92,17:30:05,226460,3,KIRSTIE TIBBS,, >Help: DIALING ON MODEM,11 04/12/92,18:42:49,226461,2,DAVID JOHNSON,,5 04/12/92,19:03:20,226462,3,TONY ALLEN,chicago/il,4 04/12/92,20:41:04,226463,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,2 04/12/92,20:59:32,226464,2,AL HIGGINS,, E#45588,7 04/12/92,22:20:19,226465,2,GAYLAND BLOETHE,,5 04/12/92,22:29:06,226466,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,, E#45589, E#45590,8 04/12/92,22:38:27,226467,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 04/12/92,23:28:14,226468,1,REBEKAH BARTLETT,, 04/13/92,00:24:53,226469,2,CYRUS PATEL,,5 04/13/92,00:45:18,226470,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,0 04/13/92,01:19:16,226471,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,5 04/13/92,05:52:26,226472,2,PETE JONES,,1 04/13/92,08:13:07,226473,2,DENNIS STAHL,,8 04/13/92,10:40:37,226474,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 04/13/92,12:13:06,226475,3,RICH TRENKAMP,,2 04/13/92,20:14:42,226476,2,JOE FERINA,,25 04/13/92,21:10:08,226477,1,BERNARD GOLDLUST,,1 04/13/92,21:14:52,226478,9,SCOTT MUELLER,,9 04/13/92,21:28:10,226479,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 04/13/92,21:39:52,226480,2,STEWART CHERMAN,MORTON GROVE/IL., 04/13/92,21:50:27,226481,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 04/13/92,21:56:51,226482,2,JOE JENSEN,,2 04/13/92,23:00:02,226483,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,1 04/14/92,00:19:23,226484,1,BRUCE IEHL,chicago,10 04/14/92,00:34:44,226485,1,BRUCE IEHL,,4 04/14/92,00:40:18,226486,2,MARTIN SCHRADER,,9 04/14/92,01:05:53,226487,2,VIC BETHUNE,,1 04/14/92,03:19:08,226488,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#45591,16 04/14/92,06:54:47,226489,1,AL HIGGINS,,4 04/14/92,08:24:23,226490,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 04/14/92,09:28:42,226491,2,PAUL BRAMEL,,8 04/14/92,11:26:50,226492,2,SHANNON ROXBOROUGH,,3 04/14/92,11:57:16,226493,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,, E#45592, E#45593,9 04/14/92,14:25:56,226494,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 04/14/92,21:14:49,226495,2,JOHN WAGER,,1 04/14/92,21:28:14,226496,3,JASON MIDDLE,,3 04/14/92,21:59:53,226497,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,5 04/14/92,22:04:42,226498,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 04/14/92,23:24:53,226499,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,1 04/15/92,07:29:07,226500,1,AL HIGGINS HIGGINS,,1 04/15/92,08:15:49,226501,9,FREDERIC RIBLE,Paris - France,2 04/15/92,08:50:11,226502,2,GERALD PINE,,3 04/15/92,08:53:56,226503,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#45594,3 04/15/92,10:06:18,226504,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,, E#45595,2 04/15/92,12:57:42,226505,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 04/15/92,13:26:42,226506,2,DAVID JOHNSON,,2 04/15/92,14:52:14,226507,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 04/15/92,15:33:25,226508,3,J GROCHOWSKI,Evanston/IL,8 ]thanks for connecting me, I will call again soon. g J GROCHOWSKI, 04/15/92,18:31:45,226509,3,BILL RUSSEL,, E#45596,8 04/15/92,18:51:51,226510,2,ARNOLD BOYD,,2 04/15/92,20:52:52,226511,3,JEFF HALVORSEN,HANOVER PK/IL,30 04/15/92,21:49:48,226512,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 04/15/92,22:02:06,226513,2,BRUNO RUSSO,,8 04/15/92,22:11:47,226514,2,DAVID SILVERT,,2 04/15/92,22:28:35,226515,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45583 04/11/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BILL MATTSON: "R/POWERMETER PROGRAM" 45584 04/11/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => AL HIGGINS: "R/DESKJET COLOR CARTRIDGES" 45585 04/11/92 JOHN KINNEY => SYSOP: "TRI-ANNUAL VISIT" 45586 04/11/92 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => ALL: "64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB" 45587 04/12/92 STEVE RYAN => ALL: "ZENITH COMPUTERS" 45588 04/12/92 AL HIGGINS => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/DESKJET COLOR CARTRIDGES" 45589 04/12/92 BENJAMIN COHEN => NEAL SOSNOWSKI: "R/WORDPERFECT FOR WINDOWS" 45590 04/12/92 BENJAMIN COHEN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/COMDEX" 45591 04/14/92 ERIC BOHLMAN => MICHAEL SHARTIAG: "R/64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB" 45592X 04/14/92 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB" 45593 04/14/92 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB" 45594 04/15/92 ERIC BOHLMAN => MICHAEL SHARTIAG: "R/64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB" 45595 04/15/92 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB" 45596 04/15/92 BILL RUSSEL => SYSOP: "64K BACKUP RAM" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45583 is 11 line(s) on 04/11/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BILL MATTSON re: R/POWERMETER PROGRAM There are some good benchmarks outside of the BYTE and PC Mag arena: LinPac. This is a linear programming package, I believe, that one of the "labs" (Argonne, Fermi?) runs across ALL machines from the biggest IBM, Cray, etc, to an XT. BUT I think it is probably sensitive to the quality of the compiler used as well as the machine itself. HOWEVER, a single compilation for ALL PC benchmarks could remove that variability at least across PC platforms. (Then again. lets say you want to compare it to a machine running OS/2, Windows, and DOS - maybe the program should be optimized for OS/2 for example). I wanna put a DX2 in my 486 but like I said, Intel is concerned with BIOS incompatabilities. Msg 45584 is 13 line(s) on 04/11/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to AL HIGGINS re: R/DESKJET COLOR CARTRIDGES Are those Black cartridges? I think you're in trouble if you let 'em go dry. My most success in re-inking is to use a postal scale, and as the cartridge goes aound an ounce, I pump it up to 1.5 or 1.6ozs. If you let it dry out, I think you will have problems getting it going again. My biggest problem was when I tried working with blue ink, and thus had a blue, and a black cartridge - the problem was the one that wasn't in the printer dried out. You CAN buy the 'box' that HP uses for cartridge storage, and could thus have a 2nd black cartridge. I have not looked at refilling color cartridges. I have 3 old, unused color cartridges from my Canon PJ1080A, and I think I might try sucking ink out of them (they use a needle in the printer and a rubber barrier that it pierces) and putting it in the DJ 500C cartridge. If the chemicals aren't incompatible, it might re-juvenate it. Msg 45585 is 14 line(s) on 04/11/92 from JOHN KINNEY to SYSOP re: TRI-ANNUAL VISIT Hi, this is Anonymous Jones calling from AJIS in Raleigh to say hello. I try to visit every few years to make sure you are still going strong! I'll be doing a tutorial on computer communications down in Dallas in June and I always tell the folks that it all started here and they can call to say howdy if they want. Hard to believe that 9 years ago when Ward helped me on CI$ figure out how to run BYE on a 64K Superbrain that both you guys and I would still be around doing this mess! Good luck for the next 15 years or so and take care. Cordially, John K. Msg 45586 is 17 line(s) on 04/11/92 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to ALL re: 64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB I have npt done any real serious programming on the MS-DOS machine. I have done so at the 8 bit level and with mini's. The problem I am having is as follows: In turbo Pascal 6.0, I am getting an error 49, data segment overflow. From what I have found out, my variables are to big or numerous. With MS-DOS appliations, memory addressing is limited to 16 bits, hence 64K windows. Borland ( & others) have given you a 64K segment for actual code, one for data, and possbly one for the stack. 1) Is there another vendor out there that supports the 286/386/486 addressing capabilities in their compilers? 2) Is there a way around this problem with Turbo. I have not seen a command to display its complier usage of the memoty area? (maybe a can move a data structure to some other form of memory?) 3) Can I solve this with OS/2 and an OS/2 compatable complier that allows full usage of the machines memory by that application? 4) Will Unix/Xenix 386 provide me with a solution? 5) Are there translators that will take my turbo pascal code and create the pascal/C code that might work with one of the above? Msg 45587 is 03 line(s) on 04/12/92 from STEVE RYAN to ALL re: ZENITH COMPUTERS A bankrupt buisness near me has a few Heathkit HS-5100's to sell anyone have experience or know of problems with them? just how compatible is their bios? Msg 45588 is 05 line(s) on 04/12/92 from AL HIGGINS to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/DESKJET COLOR CARTRIDGES Intresting. I do have a postal scale and never thought of weighing the cartrigde to tell when it's almost empty. Will let you know how the hunt goes for red and green. Also understant they now have black that is indeliable! Don't know what one would use that for, but it is available! Msg 45589 is 05 line(s) on 04/12/92 from BENJAMIN COHEN to NEAL SOSNOWSKI re: R/WORDPERFECT FOR WINDOWS WordPerfect for Windows is WordPerfect. THe only advantage (if it's an advantage) for Windows users is mousable pull-down menus. (Actually WP has pull-down menus, too, but most folks don't use them.) It is supposed to be easier to use, however. But, it will be slow on any machine. Msg 45590 is 03 line(s) on 04/12/92 from BENJAMIN COHEN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/COMDEX Ward, take a look at Apple's PowerBook. They moved the keyboard way "up" on the machine and put a trackball "below" it, along with a lot of room to rest the palms. It's a very nice solution. Msg 45591 is 29 line(s) on 04/14/92 from ERIC BOHLMAN to MICHAEL SHARTIAG re: R/64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB In Turbo Pascal, you're dealing with four kinds of memory: 1) Code space. This is where actual program code goes. 2) Static data space. This is where global variables and typed constants go. As you've noticed, each program can have only 64K of it. 3) Stack space. This is where variables local to a procedure are stored. You can control the amount of stack given to your program, but it can't be more than 64K. Note that the maximum amount of stack used is determined by what procedures or functions are active at any time; if procedure A has 2K of local variables and calls function B which has 5K, you're using 7K. If procedure C uses 10K, but never gets called from A or B, and never calls them, then your maximum stack usage is 10K (not 22K). 4) Heap space. this is where dynamically allocated data (obtained with new and released with dispose) goes. You "talk" to data in the heap by using pointers. The heap can occupy more than 64K (because the pointers are 32-bit) but no single piece of data in the heap can exceed 64K. Here's an example. Let's say you need two 35K character arrays. You won't be able to declare them as global arrays, because together they take up more than 64K. If they were both temporary buffers being used by some procedures that never call each other, you MIGHT be able to get away with making them local variables. The best way, though, would be to do something like: Type array35k=array[1.35840]; Var array1,array2:^array35k; . begin . new(array1); for i:=1 to 35840 do array1^[i]:=0; and so on. No msg 45592 Msg 45593 is 05 line(s) on 04/14/92 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB If they are onthe heap then other routines can call access these values? Are there any other compliers out there for DOS that do not have this 64K boundary? instead of trying to patch this thing to run Imight want to get it to a platform or language that will provide me with straight through simple programming styles. Msg 45594 is 03 line(s) on 04/15/92 from ERIC BOHLMAN to MICHAEL SHARTIAG re: R/64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB I'm not aware of any Pascal compilers for DOS that don't have a 64K limit on global data. There's no problem passing heap data through to other routines-just be sure you understand pointers and dynamic allocation. Msg 45595 is 03 line(s) on 04/15/92 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/64K DATA BOUNDARY PROB What about other compliers? If I leave DOS and goto OS/2 can I get a compiler that does not have the 64K limit. At this stage of the game I am not tied to Pascal or DOS for that matter. Msg 45596 is 01 line(s) on 04/15/92 from BILL RUSSEL to SYSOP re: 64K BACKUP RAM You are a dumb buttfuck. You can go suck my dick for all I care.AssKisser dup. chars. >Function:? 04/15/92 22:34:02 Connect time 6 minutes ..Please continue, WARD 04/15/92 22:35:01 Connect time 7 minutes CBBS is a single user system. Hope you don't mind my making it avai NO CARRIER A/ CONNECT 1200/ARQ CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 04/15/92 22:37:19 Welcome updated 08/ Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?