CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 02/27/92 23:29:47 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 225825; next msg =45520; 368 active msgs. Prev. call 02/26/92 @ 21:57, next msg was 45518 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO y >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 6 KILLED. 33 SUMMARY. 24 02/24/92,21:42:18,225793,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45511,8 02/24/92,22:04:34,225794,2,AL HIGGINS,, E#45512, E#45513, 02/24/92,22:32:42,225795,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,3 02/24/92,23:58:14,225796,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,4 02/25/92,00:04:10,225797,2,MARTIN SCHRADER,, E#45514, E#45515,12 02/25/92,00:35:38,225798,2,MIKE REINHART,,7 02/25/92,09:07:40,225799,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,2 02/25/92,09:38:25,225800,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,3 02/25/92,10:20:27,225801,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 02/25/92,10:56:53,225802,2,DON PIVEN,,2 02/25/92,13:19:19,225803,1,DAN SMITH,, 02/25/92,19:46:15,225804,2,DON PIVEN,,0 02/25/92,20:57:39,225805,3,GERRY SWANSON,,7 ]Thanks for the program. I am using it right now except that I customized it a bit. I added a cursor and a printing option. I made a cursor by making line 50 read : 50 PRINT #1,X$;"_";CHR$(29); I made it print by using a flag to send it to a seperate subroutine that used an LPRINT to print the info when I press ctrl-P and stops when I press ctrl-O. I am working on a capture option. I prefer it to the comm. program that was supplied in Deskmate for my computer. I can load it up in 3 seconds and Deskmate takes at least a minute. The only problem is though is that it makes an annoying buzz whenever I press return. Why is that? GERRY SWANSON, 02/25/92,21:39:13,225806,2,ROY PLUM,,2 02/25/92,22:51:18,225807,2,ED FOSTER,,1 02/26/92,05:47:50,225808,2,ALEX ZELL,, 02/26/92,12:17:06,225809,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 02/26/92,13:49:17,225810,2,DON PIVEN,,0 ]DON PIVEN, 02/26/92,15:33:10,225811,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,, E#45516,6 02/26/92,16:57:08,225812,2,ROGER PENROSE,naperville, E#45517,11 02/26/92,19:50:06,225813,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,3 02/26/92,21:24:29,225814,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,3 02/26/92,21:57:27,225815,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45518, E#45519,15 02/26/92,23:04:52,225816,2,PETE CANTELE,,2 02/27/92,00:34:02,225817,2,STEVE RYAN,,3 02/27/92,01:37:37,225818,2,CYRUS PATEL,,2 02/27/92,10:54:03,225819,2,TOM ULBRICHT,, 02/27/92,13:09:33,225820,2,DON PIVEN,,2 02/27/92,15:39:03,225821,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,2 02/27/92,17:52:14,225822,2,MARK SILLS,Santa Barbara/ CA,5 02/27/92,18:24:17,225823,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,7 02/27/92,22:53:31,225824,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,4 02/27/92,23:29:52,225825,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45518 02/26/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => GERRY SWANSON: "COMMO.BAS" 45519 02/26/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ROY LIPSCOMB: "R/HIGH-CAPCTY DJ INK CARTRIDGE" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45518 is 21 line(s) on 02/26/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to GERRY SWANSON re: COMMO.BAS I didn't put a cursor in, because I wanted a very short simple program to use for a few seconds to confirm if a phone line & modem worked, I would never dream of using it for anything serious. The "noise" you hear when you press enter is the prompting "bell" from CBBS. I'd nearly forgotten about it. Probably silly that it is turned on by default. The P command in CBBS turns it off, and if you then use the U command, it updates your (U)ser record, so it remembers you don't want a prompting bell from then on - once you log on and your name is entered, it will restore the state of about 5 flags, including the prompt bell, from your profile (not bad for software that hasn't been updated in 10 years, eh? ;-) My communications program has a "nobell" option, so it doesn't even beep the first time - but I DO leave the beep off when in auto-dial mode, so that the beep will call me to the system when it gets thru to CBBS. P.S. thanks for the tip on the cursor. I'd done it before (I think I used a block char like chr(177) or something, but I think at the time I was as yet unaware of the "cursor addressing" of BASIC. Then one day a few years ago, I decided to try ALL the control chars and see what they do ^ goes up, _ goes down, ] left (as you used), \ right, L clears, K homes, B goes back a word, F goes forward a word, etc. I found 'em by experimentation. How'd you find that chr$(29) goes back? Msg 45519 is 15 line(s) on 02/26/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ROY LIPSCOMB re: R/HIGH-CAPCTY DJ INK CARTRIDGE Why use foam in the first place for a cartridge? Well, probably more spill-proof, more even pressure (gravity)...I've been not totally thrilled with the bladder-type cartridges in the DeskJet. It seems hard to maintain proper pressure when a bladder might tend to suck the ink back, etc. Dunno if it is re-inkable - depends upon how the ink is inserted. Foam is inherently re-inkable because it can have ink shot into it - with a bladder - well, what the Think Jet did was have a place on the nose of the cartridge that was a hole - smaller than a BB - that they put the ink into, then stuck a plastic BB into the hole to seal it. Dunno how the DJ does it. YOU TELL ME - take one apart after it empties (grin). As to the labels, they came from the - as I'm sure you know - Seiko. I hear that now or in the near future, the post office will be able to scann off a postalnet bar code even if it sin't on the bottom 1/4" of the envelope, so an envelope with postalnet on the label should go faster than one without. No dup. chars. >Function:?