CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 02/02/92 00:17:47 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 225501; next msg =45463; 373 active msgs. Prev. call 01/30/92 @ 23:29, next msg was 45453 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 9 KILLED. 62 SUMMARY. 24 /30/92,23:29:41,225465,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45453,8 01/31/92,06:50:38,225466,9,NORB DEMBINSKI,, E#45454,6 01/31/92,09:19:13,225467,2,CURT ROSTENBACH,,6 01/31/92,11:03:45,225468,2,KEN STOX,,3 01/31/92,12:54:28,225469,2,PAUL STREETER,Chicago/ Il,5 ]Hello, again PAUL STREETER, 01/31/92,14:17:15,225470,2,RICHARD HINTON,,2 01/31/92,19:16:30,225471,2,DON PIVEN,,3 01/31/92,19:23:26,225472,1,GARY CARTER,, >Help: STILLWATER,6 01/31/92,19:52:02,225473,2,MARILYN LITT,,4 01/31/92,20:27:30,225474,2,NICK TALARICO,Mount Prospect/ IL, E#45455, E#45456,28 ]This new user thinks that the first session was useful, fun, and PAINLESS! NICK TALARICO, 01/31/92,21:07:29,225475,3,JIM COLLING,,8 01/31/92,21:19:28,225476,2,STEVE RYAN,,2 01/31/92,21:29:58,225477,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,4 01/31/92,21:56:13,225478,2,JOE NICOSIA,SANTA BARBARA/ CA,3 02/01/92,01:29:14,225479,2,NAZIR PASHTOON,,2 02/01/92,01:51:49,225480,2,NAZIR PASHTOON,,4 02/01/92,01:59:57,225481,2,NAZIR PASHTOON,,14 02/01/92,02:23:46,225482,2,CYRUS PATEL,,3 02/01/92,07:29:08,225483,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,8 02/01/92,09:44:13,225484,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 02/01/92,14:03:41,225485,3,DAN BOREK,CHICAGO/IL.,5 02/01/92,14:47:11,225486,2,ELI LEHRER,, E#45457,2 02/01/92,14:52:49,225487,1,MIKE PERJAWOWSKI,chicago, 02/01/92,14:59:53,225488,2,NICK TALARICO,,2 02/01/92,15:05:09,225489,2,ROY PLUM,,2 02/01/92,15:46:08,225490,2,MARILYN LITT,,5 02/01/92,17:25:06,225491,2,STEVE RYAN,, 02/01/92,18:32:27,225492,2,NICK TALARICO,,2 02/01/92,20:02:44,225493,9,NORB DEMBINSKI,, E#45458,8 02/01/92,21:25:20,225494,2,KEVIN KEYSER,,3 02/01/92,21:43:06,225495,2,DON PIVEN,,2 02/01/92,21:48:07,225496,2,ROY PLUM,,7 02/01/92,22:00:28,225497,2,ROY PLUM,, E#45459,14 02/01/92,22:14:59,225498,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,, E#45460, E#45461, E#45462,16 02/01/92,22:55:41,225499,2,MICHAEL CRISCI,Niles/ IL,5 02/01/92,23:28:56,225500,2,ED FOSTER,,3 02/02/92,00:17:51,225501,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45453 01/30/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JOHN SERRANO: "R/WHAT TO DO WITH AN IBM 8512?" 45454 01/31/92 NORB DEMBINSKI => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/CD-ROM DRIVER.SYS" 45455 01/31/92 NICK TALARICO => ALL: "OPUS CBBS WHATIZIT" 45456 01/31/92 NICK TALARICO => ALL: "WINDOWS/DOS5/QEMM" 45457 02/01/92 ELI LEHRER => ALL: "OVERDRIVE SYSTEMS (ADD)" 45458 02/01/92 NORB DEMBINSKI => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "CD-ROM DRIVER" 45459 02/01/92 ROY PLUM => MICHAEL SHARTIAG: "R/POSTSCRIPT VS PCL" 45460 02/01/92 BENJAMIN COHEN => ANDY SHAPIRO: "R/4DOS 4.0" 45461 02/01/92 BENJAMIN COHEN => ROY LIPSCOMB: "R/3.5 OK WITH AT?" 45462 02/01/92 BENJAMIN COHEN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/HP DESKJET 500 INKJET PRINTE" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45453 is 09 line(s) on 01/30/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JOHN SERRANO re: R/WHAT TO DO WITH AN IBM 8512? Assuming (not sure I can!) that the 8512 has one main logic board and that's what's wrong - or say one 'analog' board and that's what is wrong, you could call IBM Parts at 303-924-4015 and get them to ID the part, then call -4100 for parts ordering. NO, wait, no you can't. IBM considers displays to be a single, field-replaceable unit. About all you could do is check with a dealer on the replacement charge for the whole thing (i.e. they give you a credit for the old one - IT goes to a plant for reconditioning). Prolly not worth the trouble. Msg 45454 is 04 line(s) on 01/31/92 from NORB DEMBINSKI to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/CD-ROM DRIVER.SYS Thanx for the info Ward. I will leave my address on your phone at the office. Norb Dembinski Msg 45455 is 03 line(s) on 01/31/92 from NICK TALARICO to ALL re: OPUS CBBS WHATIZIT I have never used a bulletin board before. Am trying to find out for a friend what OPUS is. I have been told it is public domain software for establishing a bulletin board. If so, how is it available? Msg 45456 is 06 line(s) on 01/31/92 from NICK TALARICO to ALL re: WINDOWS/DOS5/QEMM I use a COMPAQ 386/25M, 4 Meg RAM, with Windows 3.0. Also throw in the complication of accessing IBM mainframe via Rabbit card. Although I've solved the problem of running emulator in a window, I get various kinds of memory grief depending on whether I used QEMM or DOS CEMM any suggestions? By the time the emulator is loaded in I'm down to 499K no matter what's loaded high. Msg 45457 is 22 line(s) on 02/01/92 from ELI LEHRER to ALL re: OVERDRIVE SYSTEMS (ADD) Call OverDrive Systems at (312)761-0274 300-9600 baud--Searchlight software We are sorry, please come back! We know that a large number of our users have recently had problems with our board. As a result we have lost many of you. We want you to come back! OUR PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN FIXED. OverDrive Systems: -ModemNews Magazine -Lots and Lots of Text files -The Best in Shareware -Lots of confrence Areas -90 minutes a day to all users--instant validation -No uploading required--EVER! Msg 45458 is 13 line(s) on 02/01/92 from NORB DEMBINSKI to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: CD-ROM DRIVER Ward: I received the driver software that you had sent to me today Saturday, February 1, 1992. I installed the software and it does work and does load high for me. I have not had any problems with it. The version that you had sent to me is 1.2 and the version that I got with the hardware was 1.1. Thanks for your help. Norb Dembinski Msg 45459 is 13 line(s) on 02/01/92 from ROY PLUM to MICHAEL SHARTIAG re: R/POSTSCRIPT VS PCL postscript printers do not print plain ascii files because the postscript c code itself is recieved from the pc as plain ascii. so, without the code syntax that tells the printer to print text, the printer assumes that all text comming in is programs. When you copy text to the prniter, all you get is the equiv. of a syntax error. To print an ascii file, then, you must first download a command file that says, in effect, print the stuff that follows, then download the file, then download an all-done command. (This is instead of any command that switch the printer into a different emulation.) I have a file like this which should work with any postscript interpreter along with a batch file that handles the details. instead of 'copy file lpt1:' you type 'textout filename'. you can call me (708) 299-7426 (voice) for more info. Msg 45460 is 12 line(s) on 02/01/92 from BENJAMIN COHEN to ANDY SHAPIRO re: R/4DOS 4.0 Don't use CP/M much any more. Still have the machines in the office, but I have a 386-40! I could probably use a 22DISK definition for the Advent format; I have some files on those disks, though I used DOSDISK to move most of the files to DOS format disks when I put the 'DOS machine to work in the office! Yeah for 4DOS! I couldn't live without it (well, no, not actually, but let's say I'd never willingly give it up)! I'm still unable to understand why MS-DOS 5.0 and DR DOS 6.0 after all these years STILL don't bother to tell the user the names of files that have been erased with DEL! Absolutely amazing! (Or are they just trying to leave something for JP to do?) Msg 45461 is 10 line(s) on 02/01/92 from BENJAMIN COHEN to ROY LIPSCOMB re: R/3.5 OK WITH AT? Check your SETP oops. Check your SETUP program. See what options it has for disk drives. On mine (DTK PTM 1000), which I got from my brother, I had only an option for low density 3.5 inch drive. I was told that I had to get a new BIOS to use a high density. WRONG. When my brother gave me the second setup disk with a setup program that had the high density drive listed, I could R/W high density disks in the drive. I got the $59 Sony at CompUSA and have been very happy for over a year Msg 45462 is 01 line(s) on 02/01/92 from BENJAMIN COHEN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/HP DESKJET 500 INKJET PRINTE Well, when is CBBS going to get a spelling checker on-line? :-) No dup. chars. >Function:?