CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 01/30/92 23:29:36 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 225465; next msg =45453; 377 active msgs. Prev. call 01/29/92 @ 23:34, next msg was 45441 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO y >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 7 KILLED. 54 SUMMARY. 24 ,23:34:56,225447,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45441, E#45442, E#45443, E#45444, E#45445, E#45446, E#45447,26 01/30/92,00:16:39,225448,2,A G,, 01/30/92,00:23:15,225449,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,3 01/30/92,00:35:47,225450,2,BOB MCKELVEY,, 01/30/92,07:42:07,225451,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,5 01/30/92,11:43:32,225452,2,KEN STOX,,1 01/30/92,14:08:43,225453,2,GRANT KILLEY,Chicago/ IL,0 01/30/92,14:33:45,225454,1,LANE LARRISON,,2 01/30/92,14:37:11,225455,2,STEVE RYAN,,1 01/30/92,15:11:40,225456,2,CYRUS PATEL,,1 01/30/92,16:32:36,225457,1,GARY CARTER,,5 01/30/92,16:38:16,225458,1,GARY CARTER,, >Help: LEAVE MESSAGE, E#45448, E#45449,13 01/30/92,19:39:39,225459,2,JOHN SERRANO,, E#45450,13 01/30/92,20:26:57,225460,2,MARILYN LITT,,3 01/30/92,20:30:14,225461,2,MARILYN LITT,,5 01/30/92,20:37:59,225462,2,MARILYN LITT,, E#45451,3 ]Hello Ward, I just left a message title Federal Job Openings. If you know any PC programmers who are looking for work, please call it to their attention. We are particularly interested in people with C background. There are four openings. If you have any questions about this, you can reach me during the day at 751-4387. Thanks! MARILYN LITT, 01/30/92,20:45:37,225463,1,DAN GOODMAN,, E#45452,4 01/30/92,21:03:00,225464,9,DAVID GIBBS,,2 01/30/92,23:29:41,225465,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45441 01/29/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => NORB DEMBINSKI: "R/CD-ROM DRIVER.SYS" 45442 01/29/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ROY LIPSCOMB: "R/3.5 OK WITH AT?" 45443 01/29/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => CURT ROSTENBACH: "R/YOUR WORK" 45444 01/29/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => DAN GOODMAN: "R/DOS APPS 2 WINDOWS NEED HELP" 45445 01/29/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BOB SULLIVAN: "R/C QUESTION" 45446 01/29/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MICHAEL SHARTIAG: "R/POSTSCRIPT VS PCL" 45447 01/29/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => AL HIGGINS: "R/HP DESKJET 500 INKJET PRINTE" 45448 01/30/92 GARY CARTER => ALL: "NEEDED" 45449 01/30/92 GARY CARTER => ALL: "NEEDED" 45450 01/30/92 JOHN SERRANO => ALL: "WHAT TO DO WITH AN IBM 8512?" 45451 01/30/92 MARILYN LITT => ALL JOB SEEKERS: "FEDERAL JOB OPENINGS" 45452 01/30/92 DAN GOODMAN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "THANKS FOR MSG" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45441 is 07 line(s) on 01/29/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to NORB DEMBINSKI re: R/CD-ROM DRIVER.SYS There's nothing official, but I found something from one person via our internal BBS - he sent me the files... I keep thinking I could just drop 'em off, but I've been getting to work early and leaving late, I should have just gotten your mailing addr. Call me at work and drop off a mailing addr, or leave it here as a command when you do the (G)ood-bye command. Sorry I didn't get it to you sooner! Msg 45442 is 03 line(s) on 01/29/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ROY LIPSCOMB re: R/3.5 OK WITH AT? I think low-density is OK, but the BIOS didn't support 1.44 - internally in IBM I checked - everyone was using some special program someone internally wrote. Msg 45443 is 01 line(s) on 01/29/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CURT ROSTENBACH re: R/YOUR WORK No, not consulting. Been an IBMer since '68 ;-) Msg 45444 is 03 line(s) on 01/29/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to DAN GOODMAN re: R/DOS APPS 2 WINDOWS NEED HELP Will this be a full windows application? If so, you need to get the toolkit, or work in a language that has it built-in, such as Visual Basic, or Borland ... I forget which one.... (even the sample program blows up ;-) Msg 45445 is 24 line(s) on 01/29/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BOB SULLIVAN re: R/C QUESTION "Vectoring"? You mean, a line from (1,1) to (5,5), and having it show up? NO! This is a VERY complex issue. For one thing, there would have to be a printer driver for every different printer; then there's the issue of how much memory you want to devote, etc. The typical way that a package dumps to a printer in graphics mode, is this: 1. create a buffer in memory as large as possible. It represents a "Band" of the printer - for example at 200 DPI, 8" wide, B/W only, you have 200 bytes per horizontal dot line - lets say you could afford 20K, this would be 100 vertical dot lines - a half inch (only!). 2. Run your graphics generation program, a vector at a time, to the output driver - which then uses well-documented "clipping" techniques to determine if that particular line is "in" the "band" currently in memory, and if so, it "plots" that line into the "band". 3. When all of the graphics have been processed, "dump" that band to the printer - it will thus print 1/2" vertically by 8" wide. 4. Clear the buffer, logically move it down (to the next 1/2"). 5. loop back to step 2 - yes, generate the WHOLE thing again, this time capturing just the parts that are in the 2nd 1/2" of vertical space. ---- Needless to say, this is a VERY non-trivial thing to do! It is MUCH easier with a Laser with a full-page of memory, since you can plot the vectors directly out to the printer memory then just issue the print page when you're done. Msg 45446 is 10 line(s) on 01/29/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MICHAEL SHARTIAG re: R/POSTSCRIPT VS PCL It would be printer dependent. For example, (a pretty BAD example) the postscript printer I use at work requires me to set up a file "standard_output = ascii", and then run a "PagePrinter Config" pointing to the file - after that I can just treat the printer as a ProPrinter, even including graphics. When I need Postscript again, I have to run the config program pointing to a file containing the one line "standare_output = PostScript". I'm not saying yours is ANYTHING LIKE THIS but that that's how one mfgr did it. I believe the newer version of the driver for that printer uses multiple simulated ports - i.e. LPT2: is postscript, LPT1: is ascii, etc. Msg 45447 is 14 line(s) on 01/29/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to AL HIGGINS re: R/HP DESKJET 500 INKJET PRINTE Are you aware that paper has "sides"? What may seem to bleed a little may be the wrong side. I bought some very GOOD paper, and it was about the worst I'd tried - six months later I thought about the "side" issue - sure enough - the other side was great! I use Hammermill paper 10300-2, under $4/ream. For something a bit better, there are various Laser related papers. P.S. sorry, but I'm a nut on spelling: its hear -> it's here. seams -> seems reguards -> regards aprox -> approx heh heh you might consider one of the spelling checkers.. (though it won't catch things like "there $23.99" which took me a while to figure out meant "They are $23.99" -> "They're $23.99". Msg 45448 is 01 line(s) on 01/30/92 from GARY CARTER to ALL re: NEEDED Commodore Modem Software Needed Msg 45449 is 01 line(s) on 01/30/92 from GARY CARTER to ALL re: NEEDED Commodore Modem Software Needed Msg 45450 is 07 line(s) on 01/30/92 from JOHN SERRANO to ALL re: WHAT TO DO WITH AN IBM 8512? I have an IBM 8512 (their el cheapo lo-res one) that just died on me. There's something wrong with the vertical sync; the characters just flip from the bottom of the screen to the top. How much would it cost to get this sucker fixed anyway? In the meantime, I'm using a Panasonic C1381i; it's much nicer than the 8512, too (not to mention less expensive). Msg 45451 is 27 line(s) on 01/30/92 from MARILYN LITT to ALL JOB SEEKERS re: FEDERAL JOB OPENINGS WANTED: MICROCOMPUTER ENTHUSIASTS! The Railroad Retirement Board, an independent Federal agency, is currently seeking Systems Applications Specialists for our headquarters office located near the Gold Coast in Chicago. Ideal candidates will possess a wide range of knowledge and experience in the practices, techniques, and methodology applicable to the planning, development, and installation of microcomputer systems. These positions require knowledge of PC operations and software packages and the ability to design and test user applications using software packages such as Lotus 1-2- 3, dBase IV, or Turbo-C. Starting salary will be either $36,747 per year or $41,451 per year based upon your qualifications. Excellent benefit package available. If you meet the above qualifications and desire to become part of our team, please call Dee Banks in our Personnel Office at (312) 751-4580 no later than February 14, 1992. Calls will be accepted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. U.S. CITIZENSHIP IS REQUIRED THE RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER This message should be deleted after Feb. 14, 1992. Please do not send me messages regarding this announcement. You must direct your questions to the number shown above. Thank you. Msg 45452 is 03 line(s) on 01/30/92 from DAN GOODMAN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: THANKS FOR MSG Thanks for your reply. Client unsure what they want to do, but advice is helpful. Appreciate your reply and your BBS. I am a new user of it but found it very interesting. Hope I can return the favor someday. No dup. chars. >Function:?