CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 01/09/92 22:05:41 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 225201; next msg =45411; 373 active msgs. Prev. call 01/07/92 @ 21:03, next msg was 45404 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 7 KILLED. 17 SUMMARY. 24 01/07/92,21:03:59,225173,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45404, E#45405,14 01/07/92,21:50:15,225174,2,DAVID SILVERT,,4 01/07/92,22:00:48,225175,2,DEAN PETERS,,1 01/08/92,02:03:28,225176,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,3 01/08/92,03:23:48,225177,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#45406,83 01/08/92,03:42:36,225178,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,, E#45407, 01/08/92,06:12:31,225179,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,2 01/08/92,09:19:01,225180,2,BILL WOLFF,,4 01/08/92,11:51:17,225181,1,DAVID JOHNSON,,5 01/08/92,12:41:34,225182,1,GARY MCCOY,,5 01/08/92,15:33:13,225183,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 01/08/92,16:18:50,225184,2,ANDREW DECKOWITZ,,2 01/08/92,18:02:10,225185,2,STEPHEN SVIATKO,,2 01/08/92,19:37:07,225186,2,KEVIN CENTANNI,,5 01/08/92,21:16:55,225187,2,KEVIN KEYSER,,5 01/08/92,22:21:47,225188,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,5 01/09/92,00:44:50,225189,2,DON PIVEN,, E#45408,3 ]DON PIVEN, 01/09/92,02:53:41,225190,2,MARTIN SCHRADER,,1 01/09/92,03:37:15,225191,2,DEAN PETERS,,2 01/09/92,12:04:43,225192,2,KEN STOX,,4 01/09/92,15:34:35,225193,2,RUSSELL PARKER,Skokie/ Il,3 01/09/92,18:03:48,225194,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 01/09/92,18:25:57,225195,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,3 01/09/92,19:17:53,225196,1,JOE JENSEN,,6 01/09/92,19:31:30,225197,2,CESAR LOPEZ,Chicago,28 01/09/92,20:23:55,225198,2,MATT ZELCHENKO,Chicago/ Illinois,1 01/09/92,21:09:39,225199,2,MIKE REINHART,, E#45409,25 01/09/92,21:36:29,225200,2,MIKE REINHART,, E#45410,4 01/09/92,22:05:46,225201,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45404 01/07/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BENJAMIN COHEN: "R/PARALLEL TAPE DRIVE?" 45405 01/07/92 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "PRODIGY-LIKE SW?" 45406 01/08/92 JERRY OLSEN => STEPHEN SVIATKO: "R/BULLETIN BOARDS" 45407 01/08/92 ROY LIPSCOMB => WARD: "PRODIGY-LIKE SW?" 45408 01/09/92 DON PIVEN => WARD: "PRODIGY-LIKE SW?" 45409 01/09/92 MIKE REINHART => ALL: "CANAPPLELZRPRT>IBM?" 45410 01/09/92 MIKE REINHART => STEPHEN SVIATKO: "R/BULLETIN BOARDS" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45404 is 25 line(s) on 01/07/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BENJAMIN COHEN re: R/PARALLEL TAPE DRIVE? No, I didn't mean a REAL audio cassette - I mean the "audio cassette type", with the notch. Anyway, THE DRIVE CAME IN! It is WONDERFUL! For anyone looking over our shoulders: this is a QIC 80 drive, from Microsolutions in DeKalb, but we bought it thru Comark (-mart?) - it was only $400. A DC-2000 tape holds 80M uncompressed - they squeeze 28 tracks into that little tape! With compression it can go higher - but for example I got 1.6:1 on my 120M drive, and only 1.1:1 on another drive - which mostly contained compressed files (diskette images using a special program). It ran about a meg a minute from a laptop - INCLUDING VERIFY, and when I backed up 79M on my 120M partition, it took 50 minutes WITH compression, so by compressing, it didn't take as much time. The software is very straightforward, and quite nice. Allows going thru the directory tree, tagging by directory, or filename, etc. I did a "fire drill" and erased some unimportant files, then restored them from the backup - it was fine. I really recommend this. I'm not ALL that thrilled with these little DC-2000/2120 drives - because I've had several tapes "eaten", but I think it might have been the DEI tapes - they seem to 'squirm' off of the spindle after a dozen or so uses - eventually wrinkling the tape and thus causing errors. I should bite the bullet and just throw 'em all away, and buy a bunch of Sony's (though Colorado - my tape at home - doesn't have them on their recommended list - I think Sony didn't come thru with eval units for 'em; and Sony is the most readily available type - CompUSA and Computer Discount Warehouse). Msg 45405 is 07 line(s) on 01/07/92 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: PRODIGY-LIKE SW? My brain hurts. What is the name of that protocol/software that allows pictures to be sent interactively - like Prodigy? I think under the covers it uses NAPLPS, or ?? - can't believe the name won't come to me. TEL.some- thing - I think they use it in Europe. A service-oriented company would like to expand their dial-in service from simple char-oriented mode to a more interesting graphics oriented one. Thanks for any ideas! Msg 45406 is 02 line(s) on 01/08/92 from JERRY OLSEN to STEPHEN SVIATKO re: R/BULLETIN BOARDS Nope, you didn't read anything about mandatory donations when calling our BBS. Msg 45407 is 01 line(s) on 01/08/92 from ROY LIPSCOMB to WARD re: PRODIGY-LIKE SW? That's not VIDEOTEX or VIDEOTEXT, is it? (Or is that ancient history?) Msg 45408 is 01 line(s) on 01/09/92 from DON PIVEN to WARD re: PRODIGY-LIKE SW? Telidon maybe? (No info; the name just sticks.) Msg 45409 is 06 line(s) on 01/09/92 from MIKE REINHART to ALL re: CANAPPLELZRPRT>IBM? Does anyone know if I can use an Apple Laser printer on my IBM? I understand the NT series is Postscript, serial connections, and that the LS model is Apple Mac only. But that's all I know. Any comments would be apprieciated! Mike Reinhart Msg 45410 is 03 line(s) on 01/09/92 from MIKE REINHART to STEPHEN SVIATKO re: R/BULLETIN BOARDS Stillwaters used to be (708)403-2826. I hope it still is...........it's been awhile since I called it. Mike No dup. chars. >Function:?