/~]W724U@>l\_FQxjzLCBBS(R) 4.0.3b 12/09/91 21:52:49 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 224754; next msg =45330; 371 active msgs. Prev. call 12/06/91 @ 22:37, next msg was 45318 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO y >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 8 KILLED. 13 SUMMARY. 25 :37:29,224706,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,3 12/07/91,04:47:10,224707,2,JERRY OLSEN,,3 12/07/91,08:11:18,224708,2,DAVE BOLENBAUGH,,3 12/07/91,08:49:13,224709,2,RICHARD HINTON,,4 12/07/91,11:27:52,224710,1,DAVE LEONARD,,1 12/07/91,12:04:33,224711,2,STEEDLY YOUNG,,3 12/07/91,12:38:41,224712,3,JIM COLLING,,8 12/07/91,13:15:30,224713,3,BORIS KUKSO,,0 12/07/91,13:23:18,224714,2,DAVID GIBBS,,1 12/07/91,13:35:25,224715,1,JEAN BARBER,Riverwoods/Il,8 12/07/91,15:33:41,224716,2,JAMES KARAGANIS,,0 12/07/91,17:00:32,224717,1,BOB KOBETSKY,,5 12/07/91,17:24:42,224718,2,DAVID SORKIN,Chicago/ IL,5 12/07/91,19:22:04,224719,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,5 12/07/91,19:29:36,224720,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#45318,2 12/07/91,19:58:55,224721,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 12/08/91,00:32:36,224722,9,TOM LANGENHOWER,Chciago,2 12/08/91,01:06:20,224723,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,, E#45319,10 12/08/91,02:28:18,224724,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 12/08/91,04:20:16,224725,2,ALEX ZELL,, 12/08/91,05:17:25,224726,2,JERRY OLSEN,,57 12/08/91,06:18:27,224727,1,BILL WOLFF,, E#45320,10 12/08/91,13:41:31,224728,1,JIM EATON,,8 12/08/91,16:07:34,224729,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 12/08/91,16:08:57,224730,9,JIM POLOUS,, E#45321,12 12/08/91,18:54:31,224731,2,BOB BROWN,Downers Grove/ IL,2 12/08/91,19:09:38,224732,2,RICHARD HINTON,,2 12/08/91,19:26:19,224733,2,AL HIGGINS,, E#45322, E#45323, E#45324,16 12/08/91,20:33:44,224734,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,7 12/08/91,20:42:44,224735,1,CRIFTOS FRUMPAS,, 12/08/91,22:26:46,224736,2,PHIL JERN,,2 12/08/91,22:35:51,224737,2,DON PIVEN,,3 12/09/91,00:25:09,224738,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#45325, E#45326,11 12/09/91,03:18:11,224739,2,ALEX ZELL,, 12/09/91,04:38:53,224740,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,3 12/09/91,05:46:51,224741,2,PETE JONES,,2 12/09/91,08:44:17,224742,2,FRANK LATSON,chicago ill,2 12/09/91,10:01:54,224743,1,BYRON GRUSH,, E#45327,15 12/09/91,13:15:57,224744,2,DENNIS STAHL,,5 12/09/91,13:22:22,224745,2,KEN STOX,,1 12/09/91,15:46:32,224746,2,PHIL JERN,,1 12/09/91,16:24:39,224747,1,LANE LARRISON,,2 12/09/91,16:42:45,224748,2,ANDREW DECKOWITZ,,1 12/09/91,17:29:05,224749,3,JIM COLLING,,10 12/09/91,17:53:36,224750,2,DON PIVEN,,1 12/09/91,19:53:40,224751,1,GAYLAND BLOETHE,,8 12/09/91,20:20:02,224752,2,MARTY DIPPEL,, E#45328,14 12/09/91,21:03:37,224753,2,AL HIGGINS,, E#45329,12 12/09/91,21:52:52,224754,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45318 12/07/91 RICHARD GOZDAL => ALL: "GENUS TOOLS WANTED" 45319 12/08/91 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => WARD/ALL: "MONITOR CONT." 45320 12/08/91 BILL WOLFF => MICHAEL SHARTIAG: "R/MONITOR CONT." 45321 12/08/91 JIM POLOUS => RICHARD HINTING: "HARD DISKS" 45322 12/08/91 AL HIGGINS => BILL MATTSON: "R/DIABLO 620 PARTS" 45323 12/08/91 AL HIGGINS => BILL MATTSON: "R/HP DESKJET 500 INKJET PRINTE" 45324 12/08/91 AL HIGGINS => ALL: "WANTED DEAD SEAGATE 1144A" 45325 12/09/91 BILL MATTSON => AL HIGGINS: "R/DIABLO 620 PARTS" 45326 12/09/91 BILL MATTSON => AL HIGGINS: "R/HP DESKJET 500 INKJET PRINTE" 45327 12/09/91 BYRON GRUSH => ALL: "DEC RAINBOW WOES" 45328 12/09/91 MARTY DIPPEL => ANDY SHAPIRO: "R/TONY'S BOARD" 45329 12/09/91 AL HIGGINS => BILL MATTSON: "R/HP DESKJET 500 INKJET PRINTE" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45318 is 03 line(s) on 12/07/91 from RICHARD GOZDAL to ALL re: GENUS TOOLS WANTED Anyone selling GENUS's toolkits? I will order 2 but would buy 3 used (transferable)... GX Graphics, Effects. Text. I love the PCX Toolkit (fast and easy multi language kit). Msg 45319 is 11 line(s) on 12/08/91 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to WARD/ALL re: MONITOR CONT. I have reviewed my super VGA card manual and found the following: MDA = 18.4KHz Horizontal CGA = 15.75KHz EGA = 21.85KHz VGA = 31.5KHZ for standard modes VGA interlaced at 35.5KHz for Super VGA VGA non-interlaced at 49.8Khz...... If these are indeed correct, what can I do with an interlaced monitor with Horizontal at 33.5Khz +/- 500 Hz?? Can the clock on the monitor be slowed down by a percentage to get to a PC standard of 31.5 or optionally speed up to get to the 35.5 level ?? Msg 45320 is 08 line(s) on 12/08/91 from BILL WOLFF to MICHAEL SHARTIAG re: R/MONITOR CONT. I would think that monitor could adjust that far. Look for a horiz control, e.i. television. Though this may not be your problem, though one can't usually adjust the horizontal freq much on many non-multi- sync monitors far because the circuit is freq matched to the rated freq. If you wanted to change it one would need to recal the pin cusion amp, maybe change the flyback, yoke, and a few tuned circuits. Then again, I never got a CGA monitor to work at MGA speeds! Msg 45321 is 20 line(s) on 12/08/91 from JIM POLOUS to RICHARD HINTING re: HARD DISKS In my experience, Seagate drives are better than some hard disks I have encountered. I had one running a BBS for a while and it's 6 years old. Due to other hardware problems, I am no longer running the board, but If I fired up that drive, it would work flawlessly! At work, we have a couple dozen old Miniscribe 10 and 20 mb drives. These too function well, despite their age (6-7) years. None of these drives that I'm talking about are really speedy (Seagates @ 65ms, Miniscribes at 100ms), but they STILL work. On the otherhand, we've had a rash of Conner Peripherals drives die (3 in laptops, 2 in PCs). The 2 in PCs were under warranty, so we were able to replace them..(with Seagate IDE drives!). These Conner drives were all 20Mb, the Conner 40 mb drives are fine. In my opinion Maxtor/Storage Dimensions, Imprimis/Seagate/Wren and Miniscribe drives are all excellent - I'd watch for drives from a company called LaPine. I had one once and it was nothing but trouble. I think the company went out of business anyway, but there still may be a few around. For the heck of it, I'll tell you what I paid for that Seagate over 6 years ago... $589.00 - ST-225! Jim /exit Msg 45322 is 02 line(s) on 12/08/91 from AL HIGGINS to BILL MATTSON re: R/DIABLO 620 PARTS What do you want for it? Leave a msg and I'll pick it up this week..... Msg 45323 is 05 line(s) on 12/08/91 from AL HIGGINS to BILL MATTSON re: R/HP DESKJET 500 INKJET PRINTE Bill I've also been looking at the 500C. You can get a black only cartridge. I ran their demo on 10, 20, 40, and 70 lb bond paper. All typing and color graphs came out looking G R E A T. I need to try some transparencies and envelopes yet. I do not know what the optional epson/proprinter III emulation cartridge costs! Msg 45324 is 03 line(s) on 12/08/91 from AL HIGGINS to ALL re: WANTED DEAD SEAGATE 1144A Looking for someone who has a dead Seagate 1144A that had a head crash. If you have one or know someone who has one, please leave a message hear. Msg 45325 is 02 line(s) on 12/09/91 from BILL MATTSON to AL HIGGINS re: R/DIABLO 620 PARTS The message or the Diablo? (;-} Let's chat on the phone. Call me at 708-575-8600 days, 708-665-9525 evenings. Msg 45326 is 06 line(s) on 12/09/91 from BILL MATTSON to AL HIGGINS re: R/HP DESKJET 500 INKJET PRINTE Thanks for the input, as you may have gathered from some of my traffic with Ward, I'm not very well informed in page-printing, desk-top publishing, fonts, etc. This looks like a great machine. B/W or color, but I'm kind of lost on all the peripheral stuff (no pun intended) being basically an old Epson MX100 man who spent some money on a Toshiba P321, now broken. Msg 45327 is 13 line(s) on 12/09/91 from BYRON GRUSH to ALL re: DEC RAINBOW WOES I have acquired a Dec Rainbow 100 with two floppies and about 384K memory. This runs CPM and can run DOS. The drives are pretty funky. Are there people out there that still use these things? If so, I would be interested in either, upgrading this so that it is useful, or trading it to someone who could use it. It works. It has a bunch of software (word processor, spreedsheet, communications package, etc.) My problem is in trying to get the serial port to talk to my DOS machine so I can do file transfers, etc. I'd be interested in a drive transplant or hard drive addition. This has color (16) and a nice monitor. Let me know if anyone has any interest in this wonderful antique. Msg 45328 is 15 line(s) on 12/09/91 from MARTY DIPPEL to ANDY SHAPIRO re: R/TONY'S BOARD Thanks, Andy. I'll have to check into SIMTEL somehow soon. I've seen listings of SOME of the available archives, and it looks just huge. Tony Antonucci has very graciously uploaded MicroEMACS3.11 to his board for me (and others, though I wonder sometimes...). I've downloaded it and it works just GREAT. Many improvements since V3.9. I see by the docs he's got MicroSPELL V2.0 available as well. I'll have to see if I can pull that one down from SIMTEL. I've got SPELL V1.0 and it's just fair. Can't wait to see any improvements. If they're anywhere near the magnitude of the improvements to MicroEMACS, I'll be more than pleased. I can't understand why more people aren't interested in MicroEMACS. It's about the best programming editor I've seen for cheap; MUCH better than vi (at the risk of an editor war here) and without being the system resource hog that GNU EMACS is. Thanks again. Msg 45329 is 13 line(s) on 12/09/91 from AL HIGGINS to BILL MATTSON re: R/HP DESKJET 500 INKJET PRINTE Understand..... I've talked to several people at ET and it's really amazing the different stastics you get out of them. It's apparent none of them really know how a 500C works! They can't even speak intelligently based upon what HP puts in their product announcement. After those encounters I took my material over to ET and ran it thru the demo program. We were even able to talk them into hooking one up to a PC. The down side was the PC didn't have HG on it so I wasn't able to print out MY Charts that I print out on a LQ2550 at work. The next test is to print out Color transparities and see how they look! If they look good, I'll purchase one.\ That will mean I'll be the only one in the office that can do COLOR overheads. As the company will not pay the $8-11 per transparity... Besides, I don't know who is going to have more fun with it, ME or my three kids!!!!! Will let you know how the transparities come out..... No dup. chars. >Function:?