CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/27/91 10:15:16 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 224024; next msg =45186; 362 active msgs. Prev. call 10/22/91 @ 22:50, next msg was 45185 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort.. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 4 KILLED. 9 SUMMARY. 24 10/19/91,20:31:15,223984,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45178,9 ]__Off to Comdex VERY early tomorrow AM (8:00 flight - and ME, not a morning 10/22/91,22:50:17,224015,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 10/26/91,21:59:41,224016,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45185,7 10/26/91,22:16:23,224017,2,WILLIAM DAY,,4 10/26/91,22:28:00,224018,2,BILL FISCHER,,15 10/26/91,22:31:08,224019,2,WILLIAM CHANG,,4 10/26/91,22:55:02,224020,2,DON PIVEN,,3 10/27/91,04:24:20,224021,1,JEREMY COLE,Chicago,14 ]Just wanted to say thanks. I needed a b.b. I remembered which was consistantly there, so that I could test out my new modem: 2400 Hayes. Works. Look forward to learning your system as time permits. Please excuse my disjointed sentences, as I hit the wrong keys. JEREMY COLE, 10/27/91,06:17:00,224022,2,JERRY OLSEN,,119 10/27/91,08:10:53,224023,2,RICHARD HINTON,,2 10/27/91,10:15:21,224024,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45185 10/26/91 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "COLOR DESKJET" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45185 is 17 line(s) on 10/26/91 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: COLOR DESKJET Well, I got to see "my next printer" at Comdex - the Color DeskJet was REALLY nice. Unfortunately, it uses a small carriage just like the current DeskJet, so only holds a tri-color (CYM) cartridge, -or- a black one. I know from my experience, that taking a cartridge out, can be a problem, but they've "solved" that by selling the printer with a "box" about a little smaller than a recipe box - and it has the necessary rubber gasket to seal the cartridge when "plugged in the box" rather than being plugged in the printer. I had my card run thru their machine so I should be getting upgrade info thru the mail when ever HP gets time to process all the cards from Comdex. I heard they'd be available in a month - then again on Compuserve I saw one guy who had one already. Anyone know? P.S. they will still take the OLD cartridges, too! I suspect what the color one does is simply fire diff jets within the same patter, but not sure. It might be interesting to plug a color cartridge in an old deskjet - then again it might fry the printer and/or the cartridge... I think the street price will be < $1K, and the upgrade price is ca. $500. No dup. chars. >Function:?{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{CBBS(R) 6`95R|10/27/9 What is your FIRST name?{{^U ?^U ?^U ?ward;chris?ensen;odraw;;fullc;piss { Logging name to disk. Iou are caller 224032; next msg =45186; 362 active msgs. {Prev. call 10/27/91 @ 10:15, next msg was 45186 @ecording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check2assignments ?^U ?xxxxx {"Mine" command che >Function:?{dir {c:log;dir c:killed;dir summsry;type-20 log,ward c;or;*{{short LOG. 6 KILLED. 9 SUMEASY. 24 10/22/91,22:50:17,224015,1,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 10/26/91,21:59(41,224016,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45185,7 10/26/91,22:16:23,224017,2,WILLIAM DAY,,4 10/26/y1%22:28:00,224018,2,BILL FISCHER,,15 {{{ 10/27/91,10:15:21,224024,9,WAR JHRISTENSEN,, ]S,FOO, ]S,MESSAGE.X00, ]S,MESS{{AGE.X00, ]S,MESSAGE.X02, ]S,BULLETIN., ]S,CBB&) )Hx]S,BULLETIN., ]S,CBBS.BAT, ]S,CBBS.CPM, ]S,CBBSTODO.BAT, ]S,ENTINTRO., ]S,N]RHELP., ]S,FIRSTIME., ]S,FOO., ]S,FUNCTION., ]S,HELP., ]S,HELP.IDX, ]S,HELP.SAV<]S,HELPSAV.IDX, ]S,INT8080.COM, ]S,LOG., ]S,MAP.S, ]S,MESSAGE.X00, ]S,MESSAGe.02, ]S,MESSAGE.X04, ]S,MESSAGE.X06, ]S,MESSAGE.X08, ]S,MESSAGE.X10, ]S,MESSAGE.X12, {]S,MESSAGE.X14, ]S,MESSAGE.X16, ]S,MESSAGE.X18, ]S,MESSAGE.X20, ]S,MESSAGE.X22, {]S,MESSAGE.X24, ]S,MESSAGE.X26, ]S,MESSAGE.X28, ]S,MESSAGE.X30, ]S,EERSAGE.X32, ]S,MESSAGE.X34, ]S,MESSAGE.X36, ]S,MESSAGE.X38, ]S,MESSAGE.X40, ]S,MEsSQT Ebj$x]S,MESSAGE.X44, ]S,MESSAGE.X46, ]S,MESSAGE.X48, ]S,MESSAGE.X50, ]S,MESSIGD.X52, ]S,MESSAGE.X54, ]S,MESSAGE.X56, ]S,MESSAGE.X58, ]S,MESSAGE.X60, ]S,MESSAGE.X62, {]S,MESSAGE.X64, ]S,MESSAGE.X68, ]S,MESSAGE.X70, ]S,MESSAGE.X72, ]S,MESSAGE.X74, ]S,MESSAGE.X76, ]S,MESSAGE.X78, ]S,MESSAGE.X80, ]S,MESSAGE.X82, ]S,MESSAGE.X84, ]S,EERSAGE.X86, ]S,MESSAGE.X88, ]S,MESSAGE.X90, ]S,MESSAGE.X92, ]S,MESSAGE.X94, ]S,ME[S@GE.X96, ]S,MESSAGE.X98, ]S,NEXT., ]S,OPLOG., ]S,PASSWORD., ]S,PASSWORD.COM, ]Wl(M.COM, ]S,RS232.COM, ]S,SCANHELP., ]S,SID.CPM, ]S,SUMMARY., ]S,TEMP., ]S,USERS.-]S,V20-80.COM, ]S,WELCOME., ]S,YN.COM, ]S,FLASH, ]S,MESSAGE.X66, ]S,SYNONYM, ?G*KPU*OEXEC.BAT, 10/27/91,11:52:15,224025,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,0 10/27/91,13:52:46,224026,9,SCMt(jUU **K4 10/27/91,15:22:54,224027,1,STEVE RYAN,,1 10/27/91,15:32:30,224028,9,MIKE LATINOVR!RCarol Stream/Il,5 10/27/91,20:14:50,224029,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, 10/27/91,21:22:44,224030,2,ALRTT)j ISHx10/27/91,22:13:18,224031,2,RICH KURTZ,,14 10/27/91,22:48:11,224032,1,WARD CHRISTENSA, - End of summary -!0 No dup. chars. >Function:?{{{