08/15/91,21:53:34,223172,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 08/15/91,21:57:48,223173,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 08/15/91,22:03:57,223174,2,PETE RETZBACH,,6 08/15/91,22:55:20,223175,3,DOUG MANDELL,chicago/ il, 08/15/91,23:21:30,223176,3,KEITH MANDELL,, E#45060, 08/15/91,23:56:54,223177,1,STEVE RYAN,,4 08/16/91,10:25:24,223178,2,JASON TOMKO,schaumburg, E#45061,53 ]JASON TOMKO, 08/16/91,12:41:01,223179,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 08/16/91,12:57:20,223180,2,THOMAS HOLLINS,Valley View/ OH,10 08/16/91,13:38:39,223181,1,DAVID JOHNSON,,2 08/16/91,14:54:36,223182,2,TIM ACRED,MEMPHIS/ TN, 08/16/91,16:11:30,223183,3,CHARLES YOUNG,Chicago/ Il, 08/16/91,17:01:22,223184,2,DON PIVEN,,2 08/16/91,17:59:48,223185,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,5 08/16/91,19:36:10,223186,1,PETER FLIEGEL,,2 08/16/91,20:22:48,223187,2,JIM PERKINS,,4 08/16/91,21:05:11,223188,1,BERNARD GOLDLUST,,1 08/16/91,21:09:51,223189,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 08/16/91,21:20:25,223190,2,ALEX ZELL,, 08/16/91,21:42:04,223191,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,1 ]__Chinet been down long? __I tried there about 1830 and again now, and no joy either time. CHARLIE KESTNER, 08/16/91,22:18:39,223192,2,MICHAEL SALSBURY,Sewickley/ PA,6 08/16/91,22:54:43,223193,3,KEITH MANDELL,, 08/17/91,01:33:41,223194,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,1 08/17/91,01:47:26,223195,3,P AS,,2 08/17/91,04:24:49,223196,2,JIM THALE,,1 08/17/91,07:15:41,223197,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,3 08/17/91,08:32:09,223198,2,BILL FISCHER,,6 08/17/91,09:40:03,223199,2,JOE JESSON,,4 08/17/91,09:46:12,223200,2,BILL FISCHER,,3 08/17/91,10:19:41,223201,9,JIM POLOUS,,4 08/17/91,12:08:17,223202,2,ALEX ZELL,,0 ]Chinet seemed to have been down most of yesterday, but up now. However, all I get is garbazh on ttyd/c (725). Other lines are busy. Called randy and he said it must be in my machine. Tried other combos and it didnt work so I called here to see if I run into the same problem. I don't. ALEX ZELL, 08/17/91,14:56:21,223203,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,1 ]__Well, it just be MY luck, then; because I just called there on 5890 and all I got was a no-answer ring. __Yeah, Randy ALWAYS says stuff like "it must be your machine, because I _never_ have any problems". Sure. And pigs can fly. CHARLIE KESTNER, 08/17/91,16:09:46,223204,1,STEVE SUBAR,Chicago/ IL,5 08/17/91,17:24:36,223205,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,0 08/17/91,17:46:45,223206,2,BILL FISCHER,,4 08/17/91,19:10:30,223207,2,NICK GOODALE,Chicago/ Il,9 08/17/91,21:49:23,223208,2,MARILYN LITT,,1 08/17/91,21:52:28,223209,2,MARILYN LITT,, E#45062,8 08/17/91,22:01:15,223210,2,MARILYN LITT,,3 08/17/91,22:04:46,223211,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,3 08/17/91,22:54:40,223212,2,JIM CASEY,CHICAGO/ IL,2 08/17/91,23:06:19,223213,1,MIKE ROSSELL,Chicago,11 08/18/91,05:07:20,223214,2,BILL WOLFF,,3 08/18/91,06:43:06,223215,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#45063,3 08/18/91,06:49:22,223216,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,, E#45064,16 08/18/91,10:08:18,223217,2,ALEX ZELL,,4 ]Yesterday evening I got into chinet for a few seconds, "new user" was disabled (according to motd), only one other person was on; I had a chance only to check mail "from" and it was gone. Haven't been able to get on since. Must be having some trouble installing the new program. At times like this Randy doesn't need phone calls asking questions. He has enough to do. People don't really appreciate him. ALEX ZELL, 08/18/91,10:32:56,223218,2,BILL FISCHER,,2 08/18/91,11:00:39,223219,1,GREG WULF,Cicero/ IL,5 08/18/91,11:54:03,223220,2,JOE FLEMING,escondido/ ca,4 08/18/91,14:14:56,223221,1,STEVE SUBAR,,1 08/18/91,15:33:03,223222,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,, E#45065,10 08/18/91,15:59:25,223223,2,ARMANDO ROSARIO,chicago/il, >Help: LF, >Help: LINEFEED, >Help: LINE FEED, >Help: FIRSTTIME, >Help: FIRST,5 08/18/91,16:38:00,223224,2,ALEX ZELL,,2 ]ALEX ZELL, 08/18/91,17:21:48,223225,3,DON KOLCZAK,VALPARAISO;IN,3 08/18/91,19:29:03,223226,2,RICHARD HINTON,,4 08/18/91,21:57:49,223227,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 08/18/91,22:24:26,223228,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45060 08/15/91 KEITH MANDELL => DOUG MANDELL: "COMPUTERS" 45061 08/16/91 JASON TOMKO => ALL: "WANTED BBS SOFTWARE" 45062 08/17/91 MARILYN LITT => ALL: "FAST! NOT WORKING" 45063 08/18/91 BILL WOLFF => MARTIN SCHRADER: "R/SO YOU THINK PRODIGY IS SLOW" 45064 08/18/91 ROY LIPSCOMB => MARILYN LITT: "FAST! NOT THE PROBLEM" 45065 08/18/91 CHARLIE KESTNER => MARILYN LITT: "R/FAST! NOT WORKING" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45060 is 03 line(s) on 08/15/91 from KEITH MANDELL to DOUG MANDELL re: COMPUTERS HEY DUDE!!!! DO YOU KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND A GENEALOGY BBS???????? see ya later KWM Msg 45061 is 04 line(s) on 08/16/91 from JASON TOMKO to ALL re: WANTED BBS SOFTWARE Does anyone have any shareware for running a BBS? s {a a Msg 45062 is 16 line(s) on 08/17/91 from MARILYN LITT to ALL re: FAST! NOT WORKING I installed FAST! as a device driver on a model 60 with no other disk caching. When I ran Norton's speed index, it indicated that the disk index speed had increased, and the overall speed of the PC had gone from 7 times to 9 times as fast as an XT. However, none of the programs are executing faster. I timed the loading of a compiled spreadsheet -it still took 6 minutes. I tried loading it a second time, thinking it was a caching utility, and the next time would be faster; but their was not increase in execution. WordPerfect still takes the same amount of time to load and the disappointed users can see no difference in performance. Has anyone else had this problem, or do they have any suggestions? I installed the EXE file for a PS/2 type machine, and I am not using Fastopen. I left a message at the company, but they have not yet returned my call. Msg 45063 is 25 line(s) on 08/18/91 from BILL WOLFF to MARTIN SCHRADER re: R/SO YOU THINK PRODIGY IS SLOW Hi Martin! I disagree and believe there are uses for online services. I use CompuServe, GEnie, Q-Link, and sometimes Prodigy (usually to verify con reports). I also used The Source before they went under. I continue to subscribe to them because they offer bare minimum cost verses high long distance phone charges. I can usually EMAIL a friend a thousand miles or more for a few pennies verses using another method which is more costly. I also like online services for the news and latest computer news info. It's also a good place to share ideas and helpful tips. They usually attract software authors so you can also chat with them directly. Again, without expensive long distance charges. Another thing nice about online services is multi nodes and minimum down time. This is what paying a little extra can provide which saves tons of time. One little neat feature of online services that I latched on to, was Q-Link offered a deal of one payment of $169 for a lifetime membership. This meant you pay $169 once and no charge for basic services which normally run $9.95 per month. Well... years have past since the offer back in November 1988 and if I had to do it again... I surely would jump on another offer like this again. True this is a Commodore only services (with some MS-DOS and CP/M) and you need a Commodore with special software to log on with, well now it's basically free for me and still faster than Prodigy at 2400 baud vs. Q-Link's maximum speed of 1200 baud and Q-Link still uses graphics. I wish other services would offer a deal like this as well. Although I doubt if another deal would ever pop up like this again. It was perhaps... truly once in a lifetime deal. Msg 45064 is 14 line(s) on 08/18/91 from ROY LIPSCOMB to MARILYN LITT re: FAST! NOT THE PROBLEM Disk cacheing software (including, I suspect, FAST!) operate by allow fast RE-reads of disk sectors. When you're loading a long file, there are no re-reads, and hence the cache presents no advantage. For faster loading of programs, there are at least two strategies you can use: 1) Make sure that your hard disk is "defragmented"; that is, that each of the files on your hard disk occupies a single contiguous area on the drive. Otherwise, the disk spends most of its loading time skipping from track to track looking for the pieces of the program. 2) Create a RAM disk in the computer's extended memory, and load the most commonly used and/or longest programs onto that disk at boot-up time. Then place that drive's root directory at the head of the PATH parameter in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Someone else here may have other suggestions, and may be able to tell you if FASTOPEN would also be of benefit. Msg 45065 is 15 line(s) on 08/18/91 from CHARLIE KESTNER to MARILYN LITT re: R/FAST! NOT WORKING As an adjunct to Roy Lipscomb's reply to you on this (45064), I'd further suggest that if/when you do run a de-fragmenter, you pick one that let's you put INDIVIDUAL files where you want them. I.e. say you are running a program that takes overlay files that are frequently accessed. Now, normally you'd think that you'd wish to put the executable FIRST, but in this case, that would not be a good strategy; the executable gets loaded once, but the overlays are seing sought often, so it makes more sense for them to be first on the disk. If you've not ever USED a de-fragmenter, and have say Norton, disable your cache program first (MOST IMPORTANT!!!), then run the de-fragmenter. Usually, slow load times are invariably because of fragmentation, and trying to say, sort a large database that is heavily fragmented can also be much slower than one'd expect. No dup. chars. >Function:?