CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/28/91 20:53:10 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 222852; next msg =45023; 379 active msgs. Prev. call 07/24/91 @ 20:57, next msg was 45015 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 9 KILLED. 52 SUMMARY. 25 07/28/91,20:53:14,222852,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45015 07/2 >Function:?type log;or;*;short 07/23/91,23:42:25,222774,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 07/24/91,00:12:20,222775,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,6 07/24/91,00:26:30,222776,2,JIM WILLING,,5 ]Greetings guys! Thought it was about time that I dropped in to see how it was going. Yes, the long-distance cousin system still lives, in fact they even wrote about us not too long after they wrote about you! Ok, it was not much of an article... Ok, it was not an article... Alright, I'll admit it... They just mentioned that we were just about the only system left running that was on the first published BBS list. But hey, it was SOMETHING! B^} Tried to call Ward's system first, but it does not seem to be there? Heck, I know how that goes... Well... all for now I guess. Best wishes to all! BTW: version 4??? whats new now??? Jim (& Bill) - CBBS/NW JIM WILLING, 07/24/91,01:59:13,222777,3,KEITH MANDELL,, 07/24/91,10:27:44,222778,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 07/24/91,11:10:01,222779,2,ROBERT COURTNEY,chicago/il,11 07/24/91,12:24:53,222780,2,JOHN SERRANO,, E#45014,9 07/24/91,13:24:17,222781,1,DAVID JOHNSON,,1 07/24/91,17:36:32,222782,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,3 07/24/91,19:17:01,222783,2,JOHN SERRANO,,1 07/24/91,20:43:55,222784,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,8 07/24/91,20:57:59,222785,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 07/24/91,21:02:48,222786,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,0 07/24/91,22:20:44,222787,2,ALEX ZELL,, 07/24/91,23:31:08,222788,2,WILLIAM DAVIES,,1 07/25/91,02:15:57,222789,2,HERMAN MENDEZ,chicago/il, E#45015,6 07/25/91,03:34:43,222790,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#45016,5 07/25/91,03:49:27,222791,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#45017,7 07/25/91,05:38:11,222792,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/25/91,06:36:30,222793,2,RANDAL CRAIG,,11 07/25/91,07:43:30,222794,1,AL HIGGINS,, E#45018, 07/25/91,09:37:45,222795,2,JOHN BAUSCHARDX,chgo/ill,17 07/25/91,10:00:49,222796,2,J B,ch/il, 07/25/91,10:11:28,222797,2,JOHN BAUSCHARD,/ill,4 07/25/91,11:12:05,222798,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,1 07/25/91,12:44:56,222799,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,2 07/25/91,14:04:00,222800,2,PHIL JERN,,2 07/25/91,15:00:15,222801,2,JACK HOMA,,2 07/25/91,16:05:13,222802,1,STEVEN GARRITY,, 07/25/91,16:49:39,222803,2,TED KEKATOS,, >Help: +++0, 07/25/91,17:35:49,222804,1,STEVE RYAN,,5 07/25/91,19:32:37,222805,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,1 07/25/91,20:05:45,222806,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#45019,4 07/25/91,20:21:48,222807,2,WILLIAM DAVIES,,1 07/25/91,21:00:04,222808,9,BEN TEIFELD,,2 07/25/91,21:42:21,222809,3,MAX KOHN,, E#45020,13 07/25/91,21:59:18,222810,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 07/25/91,22:25:25,222811,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,5 07/26/91,00:11:35,222812,1,MILTON WOLKEN,WILMETTE ILL, >Help: //,8 ]THIS IS FIRST LOGON TO BBS. WILL REVIEW YOUR INSTRUCTIONS AND CALL AGAIN...MANY THANKS, CAN YOU HELP ME WITH ANY OTHER INFORMATION TO CONTINUE...MILTON WOLKEN////??????? MILTON WOLKEN, 07/26/91,00:17:26,222813,1,MIKE DISANTO,, 07/26/91,00:18:25,222814,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 07/26/91,02:00:38,222815,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,2 07/26/91,03:11:42,222816,2,HERMAN MENDEZ,,1 07/26/91,04:08:56,222817,2,CLIFF SHARP,, E#45021,6 07/26/91,06:04:41,222818,2,PETE JONES,,0 07/26/91,06:44:15,222819,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,3 07/26/91,10:30:27,222820,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,2 07/26/91,12:40:03,222821,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,3 07/26/91,15:26:35,222822,2,ARNOLD BOYD,, E#45022,2 07/26/91,16:05:04,222823,2,ALEX ZELL,, 07/26/91,16:47:34,222824,3,JIM COLLING,,5 07/26/91,17:42:31,222825,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,3 07/26/91,18:28:23,222826,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,1 07/26/91,20:42:34,222827,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,0 07/26/91,21:06:30,222828,2,HERMAN MENDEZ,,2 07/26/91,21:21:11,222829,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,2 07/26/91,21:31:54,222830,2,STEVE BOGOLUB,,8 07/27/91,00:12:11,222831,2,STEPHEN SVIATKO,,2 07/27/91,02:14:33,222832,1,BILL DONAVAN,Stelle/ IL, >Help: -15,17 07/27/91,03:01:09,222833,2,DARREN WILLIGER,,1 07/27/91,03:29:44,222834,2,JERRY OLSEN,,2 07/27/91,07:33:47,222835,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 07/27/91,08:59:48,222836,9,JIM POLOUS,,4 07/27/91,14:09:34,222837,2,DON PIVEN,,1 07/27/91,15:37:19,222838,2,STEVE MARCELLE,,1 07/27/91,16:01:59,222839,1,DAVID JOHNSON,,2 07/27/91,23:38:52,222840,2,HERMAN MENDEZ,,1 07/28/91,00:47:03,222841,1,CHRIS BENTLEY,,3 07/28/91,01:10:16,222842,2,NETTA GILBOA,broomall/pa,1 07/28/91,02:37:38,222843,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 07/28/91,03:39:17,222844,2,JERRY OLSEN,,0 07/28/91,10:22:06,222845,2,MACK EDWARDS,downers grove il.,8 ]MACK EDWARDS, 07/28/91,10:41:28,222846,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,0 07/28/91,11:02:38,222847,1,PETER FLIEGEL,,4 07/28/91,11:38:04,222848,2,SEAN AUSTIN,,5 07/28/91,14:26:16,222849,2,KIMBERLY TRIPP,,2 ]Ward, I can't spend anymore time here today but, I promise that at some point I will play with it. By the way, did you tell Randy that I received a retroactive raise that was activated at my four month date. If you didn't and Randy is reading this...then Hi Randy! How are you? My job is great...and I am going to finish school except it will take a little longer because I started my career a little early. Regardless, I want to thank you for the advice you gave me before I took this job! I think that's all I have time to say. I'm in the office again and have lots to prepare for tomorrow. Ward-When you get this message giv a call...Talk to you guys soonBYE KIMBERLY TRIPP, 07/28/91,16:02:10,222850,2,KIMBERLY TRIPP,,1 07/28/91,19:39:52,222851,1,MAGGIE BEEGAN,Rolling Meadows/ Illinois,6 ]I will check in with you later. I learned about you in Baordwatch Maganziine MAGGIE BEEGAN, 07/28/91,20:53:14,222852,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45015 07/25/91 HERMAN MENDEZ => ALL: "HAMFEST" 45016 07/25/91 JERRY OLSEN => MAX KOHN: "R/GENIE USERS MANUAL" 45017 07/25/91 JERRY OLSEN => WARD: "R/MATCH DIR'S" 45018 07/25/91 AL HIGGINS => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/HP PRICES" 45019 07/25/91 RICHARD GOZDAL => AL HIGGINS: "R/HP PRICES" 45020 07/25/91 MAX KOHN => JERRY OLSEN: "R/GENIE USERS MANUAL" 45021 07/26/91 CLIFF SHARP => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/HP PRICES" 45022 07/26/91 ARNOLD BOYD => DAVE JOHNSON: "DOS DISK" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45015 is 02 line(s) on 07/25/91 from HERMAN MENDEZ to ALL re: HAMFEST When is the next Hamfest in the Chicagoland area? Is there a BBS that keeps a current list of dates/times/places? Thanks in advance! Msg 45016 is 03 line(s) on 07/25/91 from JERRY OLSEN to MAX KOHN re: R/GENIE USERS MANUAL I would have the same interest in the GEnie manual as for the CIS manual we discussed over on my system. See a msg I put up there a few minutes ago about working out details. Thx. Msg 45017 is 17 line(s) on 07/25/91 from JERRY OLSEN to WARD re: R/MATCH DIR'S That's an interesting idea for a "directory utilities" package of mine. In the meantime, though, a quick (and by no means thorough) check of the latest Encyclopedia of Shareware doesn't reveal anything quite like what you want. It does, however, list a few duplicates-deletion programs which might be workable in tandem with PCOPY (or better, perhaps, with PMOVE). What *I* have been doing in similar cases is combining a couple of programs in my DirUtils package. ADIR will display two DIRs (actually, up to 6) in whatever sort order desired. After identifying what I want to zap, I use ADEL with parms for all filespecs I want to zap. (You can specify as many as you can stuff onto the command line.) ADEL also lets you further narrow "matching" filespecs by date or date range and has three levels of confirmation. Used together, these features let you specify enough about the files you want to zap to encompass them, then-- if some files you want to KEEP are among those which would be zapped, you can specify forced-confirmation mode. You also can do these (and other) functions recursively, if desired, which I have set up as a CLEANUP.BAT to rid my hard disks of all temp files. Msg 45018 is 04 line(s) on 07/25/91 from AL HIGGINS to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/HP PRICES ELEK-TEK is selling NEW HP IIPs still for $849. The used computer places are trying to sell a used or referbed for $750-900. If I was a betting person, I'd purchase a new one, unless you can find one at a good price! Good Luck!!! Msg 45019 is 05 line(s) on 07/25/91 from RICHARD GOZDAL to AL HIGGINS re: R/HP PRICES I was wondering about used prices. Thought there might be more response and that would mean that some are upgrading and getting rid of used IIPs. Guess they are few and far between. I really don't have HEAVY use for one and wouldn't buy one from a 3rd party. Knowing the past use would prove invaluable. Msg 45020 is 10 line(s) on 07/25/91 from MAX KOHN to JERRY OLSEN re: R/GENIE USERS MANUAL I wasn't aware of your interest in the GEnie manual. In that case, expect a call from me tomorrow so we can arrange delivery of these manuals. I have read and replied to your message on your bbs. I do noot want to trust US Mail so we'll have to arrange mutually convenient meeting. I also do not want this meeting to inconvenience Carol either. Please make sure that when we arrange the meeting it won't be interrupting anything you or she may be planning. I'll call you tomorrow so we can work it out. Max Msg 45021 is 06 line(s) on 07/26/91 from CLIFF SHARP to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/HP PRICES People don't appear to be upgrading from the IIP. That's probably why you're not finding good prices on used units. Although the III is a MUCH better unit, people are used to the idea that they're getting really nice performance from the IIP and they seem to be hanging on to them. You might not find the deal you want on one, and might end up buying a new one; might as well, from the prices we've seen here. Msg 45022 is 01 line(s) on 07/26/91 from ARNOLD BOYD to DAVE JOHNSON re: DOS DISK I found the disk, give me a call at 830-4222 No dup. chars. >Function:?