CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/22/91 22:15:37 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 222752; next msg =45012; 369 active msgs. Prev. call 07/20/91 @ 10:49, next msg was 45006 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^ >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 11 KILLED. 52 SUMMARY. 24 07/20/91,10:49:08,222706,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#45006,9 07/20/91,11:56:58,222707,1,GAYLAND BLOETHE,,6 07/20/91,12:39:00,222708,2,DON PIVEN,,2 07/20/91,13:51:44,222709,2,ARNOLD BOYD,, ]K,44999,ARNOLD BOYD, 4 07/20/91,14:26:02,222710,2,ALEX ZELL,, 07/20/91,14:54:17,222711,9,THOM QUICK,,1 07/20/91,16:55:33,222712,2,PETER ZELCHENKO,, E#45007,11 07/20/91,19:45:16,222713,3,MAX KOHN,, E#45008, >Help: FILE, >Help: KEYWORDWS,31 07/20/91,20:53:24,222714,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,13 07/20/91,21:33:01,222715,2,CLIFF SHARP,,3 07/20/91,22:12:56,222716,1,DAVID JOHNSON,,3 07/20/91,22:28:34,222717,2,BILL WOLFF,,3 07/20/91,23:12:22,222718,2,LO LO,lo, 07/20/91,23:36:16,222719,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 07/20/91,23:57:42,222720,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 07/21/91,00:59:12,222721,3,JOHN WILKERSON,,5 07/21/91,07:04:30,222722,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 07/21/91,07:40:28,222723,9,DENNIS LEONG,,3 07/21/91,11:04:23,222724,2,BOB LUND,,28 07/21/91,11:52:45,222725,2,BOB LUND,,7 07/21/91,14:17:01,222726,2,MARK ROTH,skokie/ il,4 ]Does the BBS have any files? I was just wondering... MARK ROTH, 07/21/91,14:44:41,222727,2,KEVIN KEYSER,,5 07/21/91,15:13:47,222728,2,LEEDELL MILLER,Chicago/IL,23 07/21/91,19:17:00,222729,2,VICTOR EARL,, 07/21/91,19:23:33,222730,1,DAVID JOHNSON,,5 07/21/91,20:06:56,222731,2,DON PIVEN,,1 07/21/91,20:35:17,222732,1,JAMA PARSONS,Chicago,6 07/21/91,21:52:32,222733,9,JAMES KARAGANIS,,2 07/21/91,22:24:27,222734,2,DONNIE STUHLMAN,,4 07/21/91,23:07:47,222735,2,PETE CANTELE,,6 07/21/91,23:17:15,222736,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#45009,9 07/22/91,00:31:48,222737,3,TONY ARNOLD,LOCKPORT,6 ]TONY ARNOLD, 07/22/91,02:07:39,222738,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 07/22/91,02:12:53,222739,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 07/22/91,05:51:56,222740,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/22/91,06:47:27,222741,2,MICHAEL MCDANIEL,,4 07/22/91,09:08:06,222742,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#45010,14 07/22/91,10:06:40,222743,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 07/22/91,10:13:33,222744,9,CHUCK ROSS,So. Holland/ IL,3 07/22/91,11:38:42,222745,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,3 07/22/91,13:15:06,222746,2,GERI PRICE,CHGO, E#45011,8 07/22/91,14:24:43,222747,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 07/22/91,17:52:13,222748,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 07/22/91,18:38:23,222749,2,DON PIVEN,,0 07/22/91,19:29:52,222750,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,1 07/22/91,21:50:15,222751,2,EMMANUEL SEMMES,,5 07/22/91,22:15:41,222752,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45006 07/20/91 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "MATCH DIR'S?" 45007 07/20/91 PETER ZELCHENKO => ALL: "FREE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE" 45008 07/20/91 MAX KOHN => ALL: "GENIE USERS MANUAL" 45009X 07/21/91 BILL WOLFF => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/MATCH DIR'S?" 45010 07/22/91 BILL WOLFF => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/MATCH DIR'S?" 45011 07/22/91 GERI PRICE => ALL: "I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT THE" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45006 is 06 line(s) on 07/20/91 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: MATCH DIR'S? Anyone know of a program that will make two directories match by ERASING files from one? I know of programs that copy newer, so the 2nd dir has the files in the first, but if you've cleaned up the first, it won't go over and erase files in the 2nd. I use (and registered) PCOPY, which works great for the copy-newer, but not for the deleting. Msg 45007 is 18 line(s) on 07/20/91 from PETER ZELCHENKO to ALL re: FREE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Free to good home: Compugraphic 7200i typesetter, the Chicago Reader's very first typesetter. Comes with >100 fonts and I will throw in a small Ektamatic processor. This machine must be spoken for in the next few days. Please call if interested. For sale: Quadritek 1201D typesetter and Compugraphic 2400Z processor. Comes with several manuals (including service set). Works pretty well. Comes with lots of RC paper. $100 or make me an offer. For sale: Itek 530 Graphic Camera. Comes with some film and lots of assorted stuff. I haven't seen it run, but then, I've never plugged it in. Art Institute, whom I bought it from, claim that it worked the last time they ran it (last year). May need some minor work. $1000 (this is a steal; they are going for $4000 elsewhere). Peter Zelchenko 312-327-3453 or pete@chinet.chi.il.us Msg 45008 is 05 line(s) on 07/20/91 from MAX KOHN to ALL re: GENIE USERS MANUAL Anyone need a GEnie user's manual before I throw it in the garbage?? Please respond before Labor Day oor it's gone! I used to subscribe to GEnie and Compuserve and after gathering huge bills, dumped them. Max Kohn No msg 45009 Msg 45010 is 13 line(s) on 07/22/91 from BILL WOLFF to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/MATCH DIR'S? Well I should revise what I said earlier. If you missed it, well sorry but I deleted it. As it was poorly written. Okay, PC Write (a shareware word processor) has a nifty feature which compares directories and adds +'s or -'s to an ASCII list for added or missing files. This sure would be a good data file to delete those extra files. Another idea; what about a program which would set each file to read only if it also finds one on the other disk. That way one could just delete all files not set for read only. Someway the archive bit may also be used, but briefly I fail to see how. How many files and how big of a job is this task you want to do? The bigger the job, the larger this program can be. Msg 45011 is 03 line(s) on 07/22/91 from GERI PRICE to ALL re: I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT THE f i would like to know what the phone number for ripcp No dup. chars. >Function:?k;45011 45011,03,07/22/91,GERI PRICE,ALL I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT THE >Function:?r;-