CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/14/91 09:08:34 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 222594; next msg =44986; 385 active msgs. Prev. call 07/11/91 @ 20:43, next msg was 44975 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 14 KILLED. 26 SUMMARY. 25 1,222560,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,4 07/11/91,22:19:36,222561,2,RON AIELLO,,14 07/11/91,23:13:35,222562,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,, E#44975,8 07/12/91,01:53:02,222563,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 07/12/91,05:16:49,222564,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/12/91,08:01:58,222565,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 07/12/91,08:22:35,222566,2,DON PIVEN,,1 07/12/91,09:40:53,222567,2,JOHN MALEWIG,Chicago,9 ]I need a terminal emulation program for a CP/M System I have a Northstar Advantage 2QD Drives I would like to connect it to a Unix System on a 386 Can You Help? Thanks. JOHN MALEWIG, 07/12/91,11:20:46,222568,2,KIMBERLY TRIPP,Chicago,8 07/12/91,11:38:13,222569,2,BOB JOHNSTON,,2 07/12/91,11:59:24,222570,2,JACK HOMA,,10 07/12/91,12:27:20,222571,2,JOHN MALEWIG,,31 07/12/91,15:18:10,222572,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 07/12/91,15:40:57,222573,2,VINCE MARIN,Chicago,6 07/12/91,20:18:13,222574,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,, E#44976,5 07/12/91,20:42:48,222575,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 07/12/91,21:13:45,222576,1,HARVEY BURR,,8 07/12/91,21:28:47,222577,1,CHRIS BENTLEY,chgo/il,5 07/12/91,21:41:49,222578,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,2 07/12/91,21:52:16,222579,2,MARILYN LITT,,22 ]I was trying to find your BBS LIST without success. I have retrieved it in the past by typing o;1,bbs list Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? I wanted the list so I could post a job opening on this board & other boards. Thank you. I will check here for a message in a few days. MARILYN LITT, 07/13/91,10:28:30,222580,2,RICHARD HINTON,, E#44977,2 07/13/91,11:08:09,222581,2,ARNOLD BOYD,, E#44978, E#44979,9 07/13/91,11:17:26,222582,2,ARNOLD BOYD,, E#44980,2 07/13/91,11:24:17,222583,1,GAYLAND BLOETHE,,9 07/13/91,12:07:14,222584,2,JOHN MALEWIG,,2 07/13/91,14:31:49,222585,2,ALEX ZELL,, E#44981, 07/13/91,21:33:32,222586,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,, E#44982,8 07/13/91,22:18:26,222587,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#44983,7 07/13/91,23:11:17,222588,9,JIM POLOUS,, E#44984,15 07/14/91,00:02:40,222589,2,THOM QUICK,,6 07/14/91,00:51:00,222590,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,4 07/14/91,03:22:50,222591,2,JAMES WRIGHT,,6 07/14/91,03:32:55,222592,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#44985,11 07/14/91,04:45:48,222593,2,ALEX ZELL,, 07/14/91,09:08:38,222594,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44975 07/11/91 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/HARD DRIVE WOES" 44976 07/12/91 PHIL SCHUMAN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/3270 FILE TRANSFER" 44977 07/13/91 RICHARD HINTON => ALL: "THE DR. OR #5?" 44978 07/13/91 ARNOLD BOYD => ALL: "FREE COMPUTER" 44979 07/13/91 ARNOLD BOYD => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "IDE DRIVE" 44980 07/13/91 ARNOLD BOYD => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "MSG 44979" 44981 07/13/91 ALEX ZELL => MARYLIN LITT: "BBS LIST" 44982 07/13/91 CHARLIE KESTNER => MARILYN LITT: "BBS LISTING" 44983 07/13/91 BILL WOLFF => ARNOLD BOYD: "R/FREE COMPUTER" 44984 07/13/91 JIM POLOUS => RICHARD HINTON: "DR DOS OR MS DOS" 44985 07/14/91 JERRY OLSEN => WARD: "R/COMPUSERVE" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 44975 is 17 line(s) on 07/11/91 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/HARD DRIVE WOES Ward, My understanding of the IDE drive is they basically built the controller onto the drive. THis gets somwhat complicated by the use of MFM, RLL and other varoius schemes for recording (Zone recording), but it is all transparent sst the IDE connector. The drives also convert from whatever they actually run in (as far as physical layouts) to a standard 17sector/ xx heads yy cylinders through their own onboard mapping routines. The IDE interface card is simply a parallel paddle card with a little bit of electronics to allow it to be I/O mapped and have a slection of addresses. They do not have BIOS on them, which is why they can't be used in XT machines. They were designed to be used with CMOS setup type machines only. I guess someone could have designed a card that is 8 bits, and has a BIOS on it, but this sounds more like a converter interface than an IDE card (while the end result is the same) I'll check the local compUSA by me. For some applications it could be interesting. It would at least open up the larger drive sizes to the XT machines. Msg 44976 is 09 line(s) on 07/12/91 from PHIL SCHUMAN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/3270 FILE TRANSFER the think that interests me is the way the file transfer is accomplished without stepping on the 3270 data stream codes. The killer would be the SBA - start buffer address - I don't think the buffer on the emulation board would see that code.... So, they have to be using some form of magic - like with ind$file - can only do 2 for 1 or remap chars or something - especially the binary files. You were at ryerson - the steel folks - hmmm - I know some folks down there - but they did quite a few shuffles last year. Msg 44977 is 06 line(s) on 07/13/91 from RICHARD HINTON to ALL re: THE DR. OR #5? It is now time for me to upgrade from DOS 4.01 to the next OS. Apparently there are two OS's to look at. The first is Dr. Dos 5.0 and the second is MS DOS 5.0. Has anyone h{d eerience suggesting a perference between either OS? Thanks... /e /exit Msg 44978 is 05 line(s) on 07/13/91 from ARNOLD BOYD to ALL re: FREE COMPUTER I have a Texas Instruments Professional computer that I would be willing to give to anyone who (1st) knows what it is and (2nd) can find a use for it. All I have for it in the way of Dos is ver. 2.11 with an emulation program to make it quasi IBM compatible. If you want it, give me a call at 830-4222 anytime after 10:00am 7 days Msg 44979 is 05 line(s) on 07/13/91 from ARNOLD BOYD to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: IDE DRIVE Yes the primary format is a true low level format, but don't use it. Seagate told me that if I really wanted to re-low level format the drive they would send me a program to do it, and not to use that one under debug I have all the specs available for Seagate drive, so if you need one, give me a call and I can mail or fax you a copy. Msg 44980 is 02 line(s) on 07/13/91 from ARNOLD BOYD to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: MSG 44979 I forgot to include my phone number (708) 830-4222 any time after 10:00am 7day a week Msg 44981 is 02 line(s) on 07/13/91 from ALEX ZELL to MARYLIN LITT re: BBS LIST This system no longer carries the bbs list. For an up-to-date list call the Advocate BBS, 312-939-4411. Msg 44982 is 02 line(s) on 07/13/91 from CHARLIE KESTNER to MARILYN LITT re: BBS LISTING We stopped carrying it quite a while ago. Try Stillwaters BBS @ 708-403-2826. Msg 44983 is 01 line(s) on 07/13/91 from BILL WOLFF to ARNOLD BOYD re: R/FREE COMPUTER How much memory does it have and how many drives does it contain? Msg 44984 is 24 line(s) on 07/13/91 from JIM POLOUS to RICHARD HINTON re: DR DOS OR MS DOS I originally purchased DR-DOS 5.0 shortly after it became available. It seemed to fit all of my needs at the time. There was a bug in the TYPE function that caused some headaches for me doing some programming (I don't remember it exactly, something with CRs and LFs. ) It is very compatible, reporting to all applications that it was DOS 3.31 It allowed me to use the NET3 Novell shell. It costs $99.99. MS-DOS 5.0, reports 5.0 for the version, but it has a neat SETVER command for those applications that won't run on odd DOS versions (I have it reporting Version 9.99 for PC Tools. It doesn't seem to mind). My Bernoulli box driver was not compatible with MSDOS 5, I had to get an upgrade of that. There appear to be better memory management features in MS-DOS 5.0, you can unload MSDOS and install your old DOS in its place. The DR-DOS full screen editor is Wordstart command based (Ctrl-K, Ctrl-Y to delete a line, etc). MS-DOS editor is like their programming languages (QBASIC, QC). MSDOS includes edlin as well as its editor. MS-DOS includes a QBASIC interpreter, DRDOS does not. There are other slight differences.... DRDOS's debug is called SID. Both include a GUI-Like shell... DRDOS's VIEWMAX and MS-DOS's DOSSHELL. I don't use them so I can't comment on them. MS-DOS has some features from Central Point Software.. ie, MIRROR and the ability to UNFORMAT a disk. The FORMAT command merely clears the FAT table and verifies the disk, and saves the old FAT table. If you need to unformat the disk, it just rewrites the FAT. MS-DOS upgrades are only $40 at Egghead. DR-DOS will set you back $80-$150 depending where you get it. Hope this helps. Jim Msg 44985 is 09 line(s) on 07/14/91 from JERRY OLSEN to WARD re: R/COMPUSERVE Thanks for the offer....I just received a carte blanche OK to use a (limited) expense account for whatever seems appropriate from the editor. Depending upon responses to FAXes and some air mail queries I've sent out (a total of about 3 dozen in 20+ countries), I may want to pursue CIS for supplemental sources. Do you happen to know if forums exist for areas OTHER than Europe? At the moment, I've found at least some leads on 5 continents, but would like more depth in some parts of the world. Western Europe is fairly well covered at the moment--subject to how responsive the sources are. (Just received my first reply--from England--today.) Thanks again. No dup. chars. >Function:? 07/14/91 09:11:21 Connect time 3 minutes .Please continue, WARD >Function:?hold Won't time out >Function:?r;-1 Msg 44985 is 09 line(s) on 07/14/91 from JERRY OLSEN to WARD re: R/COMPUSERVE Thanks for the offer.I just received a carte blanche OK to use a (limited) expense account for whatever seems appropriate from the editor. Depending upon responses to FAX