CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 05/31/91 04:30:01 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 221876; next msg =44812; 370 active msgs. Prev. call 05/29/91 @ 22:05, next msg was 44806 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^ >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 12 KILLED. 56 SUMMARY. 25 05/29/91,22:05:14,221859,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#44806, E#44807,7 05/30/91,01:17:48,221860,9,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#44808, E#44809,12 05/30/91,06:37:42,221861,1,DAN MICHELSON,DESPLAINES,3 05/30/91,07:06:09,221862,1,GERALD PINE,,2 05/30/91,07:21:34,221863,2,ALEX ZELL,,2 ]=Ward, re full: I think we went thru this a couple years ago. I tried h;full cuz you had tried it in response to someone's inquiry and I wanted to see what you got. We have a couple of items in keywords under "F" so I was checking out the differences. "Keywords" is where I used to hang out a century or two ago on CBBS and CASAT. ALEX ZELL, 05/30/91,08:49:17,221864,2,DON PIVEN,,0 05/30/91,10:36:08,221865,2,DENNIS STAHL,,4 05/30/91,13:31:31,221866,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 05/30/91,18:49:41,221867,2,ALBERT BLYTHE,,5 05/30/91,18:56:29,221868,9,ROBERT FULTON,, E#44810,4 05/30/91,19:03:22,221869,2,BILL WOLFF,,3 05/30/91,20:55:33,221870,2,WILLIAM CHANG,NY,3 ]WILLIAM CHANG, 05/30/91,21:16:09,221871,2,WILLIAM CHANG,,9 05/30/91,21:53:09,221872,2,BILL MATTSON,,4 05/30/91,22:20:42,221873,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#44811,4 05/31/91,02:36:24,221874,2,ALEX ZELL,, 05/31/91,03:26:06,221875,2,JERRY OLSEN,,4 05/31/91,04:30:05,221876,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44806 05/29/91 WARD CHRISTENSEN => CHRIS S. SUSI: "BBS - ADS - ETC" 44807X 05/29/91 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALEX ZELL: "FULL" 44808 05/30/91 ERIC BOHLMAN => WARD: "CARDBOARD" 44809 05/30/91 ERIC BOHLMAN => ED F. / WARD C.: "WINDOWS" 44810 05/30/91 ROBERT FULTON => WARD: "HI" 44811 05/30/91 BILL WOLFF => CLIFF SHARP: "R/PRODIGY FOLLIES" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 44806 is 06 line(s) on 05/29/91 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CHRIS S. SUSI re: BBS - ADS - ETC Thanks, I don't wish to participate in such a thing. Due to my hate of advertising, I haven't watched commercial TV (channels 2, 5, 7, 9, 32) in about 3-4 years, and I just cancelled the last of my magazines, brought on by my intolerance for the cardboard that has to be fought. The idea of BBS's running ads - well, I would hang up in the middle of such an ad, and erase its number from my calling directory. No msg 44807 Msg 44808 is 04 line(s) on 05/30/91 from ERIC BOHLMAN to WARD re: CARDBOARD What do you think of Gateway's little extravaganza that appeared in PC Mag a couple weeks ago and Computer Shopper this month? I wonder what percentage of each system's price went into creating that ad? Cardboard is bad enough, but plastic now? Msg 44809 is 04 line(s) on 05/30/91 from ERIC BOHLMAN to ED F. / WARD C. re: WINDOWS Microsoft must be driving interior designers nuts. First we have "wallpaper for Windows" and now we have "Windows on the shelf." If there were a sudden dropoff in Windows sales, would we be talking about "Microsoft Curtains"? Msg 44810 is 04 line(s) on 05/30/91 from ROBERT FULTON to WARD re: HI hi ward, just showing off to a visitor from finland sight to see.. the world's oldest computer bbs rob Msg 44811 is 17 line(s) on 05/30/91 from BILL WOLFF to CLIFF SHARP re: R/PRODIGY FOLLIES Hi Cliff! Well I am glad you did some tests. It appears that Prodigy software you had looks legitimate enough. Although it isn't always what some have reported. Either they are mistaken or something. Another thing that maybe a big problem is that Prodigy can update your software at every time you call. So there are likely many different versions of Prodigy floating around. Mine was updated last in DEC89 I believe. The big deal I think isn't that they are controlling your computer or not, but they can without the user knowing about it. Some users may even have very important information on there computers at work and installed Prodigy for fun. A guy can get fired without knowing that this can happen. I think the warning should be posted, as I believe it is at the user's risk. Though they need the correct information to make that choice, right? Hmm... I also see a future for a third party hardware device that would record all RS-232 communications. It would also be nice to have a modem that would have a listen mode. You know, having a second computer with a modem recording what the first one is doing on the line. Hmm... what a wonderful idea. No dup. chars. >Function:?