CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 05/08/91 21:19:11 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 221484; next msg =44743; 371 active msgs. Prev. call 05/07/91 @ 00:31, next msg was 44728 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 9 KILLED. 24 SUMMARY. 24 05/07/91,00:31:10,221445,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#44728, E#44729, 05/07/91,06:32:55,221446,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 05/07/91,06:53:52,221447,1,GARY MCCOY,,1 05/07/91,08:18:09,221448,2,SAM EVANS,des moines, 05/07/91,12:19:57,221449,2,BOB HAGER,,1 05/07/91,12:26:11,221450,1,DAVID JOHNSON,,3 05/07/91,12:39:47,221451,2,DON PIVEN,,2 05/07/91,13:33:43,221452,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,5 05/07/91,13:47:23,221453,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 05/07/91,14:50:57,221454,2,ED FOSTER,,2 05/07/91,15:35:46,221455,2,KEVIN KEYSER,,6 05/07/91,15:45:30,221456,2,JOHN CHAN,,2 05/07/91,15:53:20,221457,2,ED FOSTER,, E#44730, E#44731, E#44732,3 05/07/91,15:59:21,221458,2,BEN BURCH,, E#44733, E#44734,12 ]As always, thanks! Nice to see you still here. Sort of like finding that the sunrise really happens, whether you are up that early or not. BEN BURCH, 05/07/91,16:55:57,221459,2,ARNOLD BOYD,, E#44735,3 05/07/91,17:07:11,221460,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#44736,5 05/07/91,17:20:30,221461,1,LANE LARRISON,,5 05/07/91,18:57:28,221462,9,DAVID GIBBS,,1 05/07/91,22:06:03,221463,2,DON COLEMAN,,3 05/07/91,23:15:40,221464,2,ED FOSTER,,1 05/07/91,23:49:34,221465,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,5 05/07/91,23:59:28,221466,1,TUVIA VINITSKY,, E#44737,3 05/08/91,01:06:20,221467,1,MIKE MACDONALD,BERWYN/IL,13 05/08/91,01:24:39,221468,1,MIKE MACDONALD,, 05/08/91,05:44:13,221469,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#44738,5 05/08/91,05:55:39,221470,2,PETE JONES,,1 05/08/91,09:59:15,221471,2,BILL WOLFF,,2 05/08/91,10:03:59,221472,1,CHUCK JONES,,21 05/08/91,16:29:50,221473,2,MARC JACOBSON,,1 05/08/91,17:53:21,221474,2,SHERMAN KAPLAN,,2 ]there is a lot of noise on this line today for some odd reason. I'll try to call back later. thanks. SHERMAN KAPLAN, 05/08/91,18:06:18,221475,2,AL HIGGINS,,2 05/08/91,18:13:35,221476,2,ARNOLD BOYD,,2 05/08/91,18:43:40,221477,2,JERRY HASLETT,, E#44739,6 05/08/91,19:18:36,221478,1,JOHN VU,MT VIEW,5 05/08/91,19:25:39,221479,1,JOE JONEX,chgo/il, 05/08/91,19:52:54,221480,1,STEVE GENOVESE,Arlington Hts, E#44740,19 05/08/91,20:16:36,221481,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#44741, E#44742,7 05/08/91,20:34:36,221482,1,TUVIA VINITSKY,,1 05/08/91,20:48:06,221483,3,ALEX HENKEL,NH,8 05/08/91,21:19:16,221484,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44728 05/07/91 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JAMES SCHMIDT: "R/WHO OWNS DOS?" 44730 05/07/91 ED FOSTER => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/WINDOWS LOW-LEVEL PROGRAMMIN" 44731 05/07/91 ED FOSTER => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/64-USER LAN BBS?" 44732 05/07/91 ED FOSTER => TUVIA VINITSKY: "R/COMMUNICATIONS HELP!!" 44733 05/07/91 BEN BURCH => JAMES SCHMIDT: "R/AMERICAN SCIENCE CTR" 44734 05/07/91 BEN BURCH => BILL WOLFF: "R/DAMARK WARNING!!!" 44735X 05/07/91 ARNOLD BOYD => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "SCREEN SAVER FOR DOS" 44736 05/07/91 RICHARD GOZDAL => DAVID JOHNSON: "R/DISK COMPRESS" 44737 05/08/91 TUVIA VINITSKY => ED FOSTER: "R/COMMUNICATIONS HELP!!" 44738X 05/08/91 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ARNOLD BOYD: "R/SCREEN SAVER FOR DOS" 44739 05/08/91 JERRY HASLETT => ALL: "REMOTE TERMINAL FOR PC" 44740 05/08/91 STEVE GENOVESE => BEN BURCH: "IS THAT U?" 44741 05/08/91 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "FRAUDIGY PART 1" 44742 05/08/91 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "FRAUDIGY PART 2" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 44728 is 06 line(s) on 05/07/91 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JAMES SCHMIDT re: R/WHO OWNS DOS? I guess I thought all DOSs were derivitive works off of MS, though some things IBM did on its own. As to whether there will be a PC-DOS 5, that's interesting, since IBM is pushing OS/2 so much - "what runs DOS better than DOS, Windows better than Windows"? - and it seems it DOES - if you have enough memory. I think we'll just have to wait and see. Msg 44730 is 06 line(s) on 05/07/91 from ED FOSTER to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/WINDOWS LOW-LEVEL PROGRAMMIN I have "Programming Windows" by Charles Petzold (Microsoft Press, 1990). It is 944 pages long, and deals with lots of stuff like that, although I did not see "writing device drivers" in quick look at the index. The preface mentions that to compile the examples you need the Windows Software Development Kit and Microsoft C 6.0. I also have a 4-disk set called "Supplementary Driver Library". If you'd like to look at any of this stuff let me know. Msg 44731 is 02 line(s) on 05/07/91 from ED FOSTER to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/64-USER LAN BBS? This looks like a disaster waiting for somewhere to happen. Please let us know after July 1 how it came out. Msg 44732 is 06 line(s) on 05/07/91 from ED FOSTER to TUVIA VINITSKY re: R/COMMUNICATIONS HELP!! I have had some problems occasionally with Carbon Copy and networks, but most of the time they work fine. You didn't mention what the remote sites do when they call in. (I assume the remotes run CCHELP and the machine on the network runs CC.) If they run a program, did the program change? And do you have this trouble when you are just doing DOS commands and listing directories? Msg 44733 is 02 line(s) on 05/07/91 from BEN BURCH to JAMES SCHMIDT re: R/AMERICAN SCIENCE CTR In fact, ASC has open (Some time back) a location in Milwaukee, and will open (This Summer) one out in Geneva, IL. Msg 44734 is 04 line(s) on 05/07/91 from BEN BURCH to BILL WOLFF re: R/DAMARK WARNING!!! I have ordered a number of items from Damark, and have not had any problems, either. One can have a bad experience with ANY vendor, I guess. I should tell you about my experiences with IBM some d~ray... No msg 44735 Msg 44736 is 03 line(s) on 05/07/91 from RICHARD GOZDAL to DAVID JOHNSON re: R/DISK COMPRESS That program looks a lot better. I can compress the smaller ones and probably run a TSR only when needed. There surely should be somthing like this out there. Msg 44737 is 11 line(s) on 05/08/91 from TUVIA VINITSKY to ED FOSTER re: R/COMMUNICATIONS HELP!! Yes, we have this problem just sitting at the prompt. Repeat, NO software has been singly bumping. It is a random occurence between 1 and 60 minutes into a call. We returned the exact machine modem and hardware setup previously used, (except for we did not restore the old network obviously) and it still does this nonsense. I suspect line trouble, but Bell says it is OK. tuvia No msg 44738 Msg 44739 is 03 line(s) on 05/08/91 from JERRY HASLETT to ALL re: REMOTE TERMINAL FOR PC It is desired to connect a remote terminal to an XT Clone via a twisted pair or an RS232 cable about 25 to 30 feet long. Any suggestions? Msg 44740 is 02 line(s) on 05/08/91 from STEVE GENOVESE to BEN BURCH re: IS THAT U? Your name sounds familiar, have you ever worked at Rockwell Switching Systems? Msg 44741 is 22 line(s) on 05/08/91 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: FRAUDIGY PART 1 I know all of you have heard something like this before about Prodigy, but it has come under attack again. It appears Prodigy has the ability to scan your hard disk and then make copies of what it considers useful information to a Prodigy data file called STAGE.DAT for uploading to the Prodigy system. This is fueled by what people have been finding within this file. Now some have defended Prodigy and blamed that the Prodigy software is so bad that it somehow goofs and extends the end of file to some areas of the disk that was previously deleted by your DOS. So that is why there are scraps of your data attached to that file. Even if the program is that bad, Prodigy already admits that it uploads that file to the system. So it is still getting your personal data whether the programming is bad or not. Now bare in mind, not all STAGE.DAT files are containing personal data. It is my guess that once Prodigy uploads what it wants, it deletes the data in the STAGE.DAT. Also note, STAGE.DAT normally contains the most often used screen displays, so they can be accessed by Prodigy to save telecommunications time and keep it low. cont... Msg 44742 is 12 line(s) on 05/08/91 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: FRAUDIGY PART 2 Although I have not tested this yet, but it is said that if you take a brand new Prodigy software package and install it on a brand new floppy even though you have a hard disk as drive C:. It will pull information off your hard disk and place it in the STAGE.DAT file even before you log on for the very first time. Someone who works on the inside of Prodigy as a columnist admitted that Prodigy does pull information from your system and does so legally because if you read your on-line agreement closely, it says that you sign all rights to your computer and its contents to Prodigy, IBM & Sears when you agree to the service. Well that is all very interesting... wouldn't you agree? No dup. chars. >Function:?