No: 900520 S0/EMAIL 20-May-90 03:56 CDT Re: IMP overlays Fr: Irv Hoff [76701,117] =>: Ward I don't know what he is referring to as the "IMP" overlay. That's for the IMP modem program, nothing to do with BBS. I wrote a BBS for Z80 processors called HBBS, which a lot of Sysops like as it's likely the most automated of all BBS (whether 8-bit or 16-bit) and also one of the very easiest for anybody to use with regard to the message base. Since CP/M puts you directly into the operating base for BBS file transfers and since no MS_DOS BBS does (or could) do that, lots of MS_DOS guys turn and run soon as you drop them directly into the operating base and put them on the B0> drive where most systems store the newest files. Etc. So I don't know WHAT he wants. To run a RCPM, nearly everybody uses our BYE510 program, then usually something like ZCMD29 which adds user areas and protection for certain private areas, shows the time remaining and all that. Then they use my KMD23 for file transfers. (Think KMD22 is latest on CP/M forum.) Now they need an overlay to match BYE510 to their computer and probably need a time clock overlay as well for BYE510. All that stuff is on LIB 5 for CP/M forum. (BBS/RCPM systems) See how close that comes to what he needs. For HBBS then he needs a computer with a time clock - to show when fellows clocked on/off, keep them under one hour (unless he doesn't care) for file transfers, etc. (Won't let them commence a file if there isn't enough time left to complete it, etc.)