CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 11/27/90 23:46:15 ++LINE > 9 LONG - truncated, return to ACCEPT, ^U to RE-ENTER: =F ^U ?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 218488; next msg =44206; 369 active msgs. Prev. call 11/26/90 @ 22:01, next msg was 44202 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 13 KILLED. 55 SUMMARY. 27 ,218444,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#44198, 11/26/90,22:01:50,218459,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 11/26/90,22:25:00,218460,1,DONNIE STUHLMAN,, E#44202,8 11/26/90,22:36:09,218461,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,4 11/26/90,23:55:36,218462,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 11/27/90,00:58:40,218463,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 11/27/90,01:05:39,218464,1,STEVE RYAN,,3 11/27/90,02:39:45,218465,2,MIKE REINHART,, E#44203,9 11/27/90,05:58:59,218466,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 11/27/90,09:05:02,218467,1,PETER FLIEGEL,,1 11/27/90,09:45:33,218468,2,DENNIS STAHL,,6 11/27/90,12:40:41,218469,2,JACK HOMA,,3 11/27/90,12:44:01,218470,2,MIKE COOK,,9 11/27/90,12:56:37,218471,1,CHUCK JONES,,7 11/27/90,15:05:19,218472,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,1 11/27/90,15:21:09,218473,1,JOHN PARKHILL,,3 11/27/90,15:27:15,218474,2,RICHARD JORGENSEN,sussex/ wis,11 11/27/90,16:54:11,218475,2,BILL FISCHER,,0 11/27/90,17:31:21,218476,1,TONY ANTONUCCI,,1 11/27/90,18:52:14,218477,1,JAMES COSTELLO,GAINESVILLE/FL,3 11/27/90,19:38:24,218478,1,SCOTT RASMUSSEN,buffalo grove,8 11/27/90,20:27:50,218479,2,BRIAN MILLSAP,Evanston/ IL,11 11/27/90,20:58:29,218480,1,BOB SULLIVAN,, E#44204,2 11/27/90,21:44:19,218481,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,2 11/27/90,22:00:55,218482,2,TOM TEPPER,CHICAGO, E#44205,9 ]I'm not as familiar with the commands for this BBS as I need to be. Please leave a message for me for my next log on to aid me. Thanks, |om TOM TEPPER, 11/27/90,22:27:02,218483,1,BOB LUND,,10 11/27/90,23:05:36,218484,2,PHIL JERN,,1 11/27/90,23:09:22,218485,2,MARTY SILVERMAN,,4 11/27/90,23:27:29,218486,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,2 11/27/90,23:37:02,218487,2,PHIL JERN,, 11/27/90,23:46:19,218488,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44202 11/26/90 DONNIE STUHLMAN => ALL: "BBOARDS" 44203 11/27/90 MIKE REINHART => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/USING +" 44204 11/27/90 BOB SULLIVAN => ALL: "DALLAS AREA BBS?" 44205 11/27/90 TOM TEPPER => ALL: "RUSSIAN OPPORTUNITY" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 44202 is 01 line(s) on 11/26/90 from DONNIE STUHLMAN to ALL re: BBOARDS What happened to the list of Bulletin Boards that used to be here? Msg 44203 is 01 line(s) on 11/27/90 from MIKE REINHART to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/USING + Thanks, it works great! Msg 44204 is 02 line(s) on 11/27/90 from BOB SULLIVAN to ALL re: DALLAS AREA BBS? Does anybody happen to have a number or numbers for a BBS like this in the Dallas area? Msg 44205 is 23 line(s) on 11/27/90 from TOM TEPPER to ALL re: RUSSIAN OPPORTUNITY In August this year I was lucky enough to vacation in Russia. In Moscow I traveled down and down towards the middle of the earth on an escalator to the subway that was built to also function as a bomb shelter. In Leningrad I was awe struck by the golden splendor of St Isac's Cathedral. At the Black Sea resort town of Socci (pronounced so-chee) I learned the most about Russia because of the candid disclosures by a young university graduate, Rubin. He speaks English so fluently he is able to communicate his wonderful sense of humor. I learned the average income in Russia varies between 300 and 600 Rubles per month. This is about $20 to $40 US dollars. In some ways this is very little money. In other ways it is not so little because the cost of housing, food, and education are .... But you can learn the details of this, about medical care, about the schools, about how the socialist economic system really works in practice, and many other areas of the Russian way of life. While you are learning about Russia, Rubin wants to learn how American's live. He will be living in the homes of my family, then he wants to learn about how other American's live. If you have room in your home for a week or two you'll find this a rewarding experience while extending American hospitality. Leave a message here or phone me at 708/433-6650. |om No dup. chars. >Function:? >Function:?# Next caller 218489; next msg =44206; 369 active msgs. *=44202 (hi msg last call) #1=44202 #2=44203 #3=44204 #4=44205 >Function:?