CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 11/10/90 17:27:21 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 218089; next msg =44136; 382 active msgs. Prev. call 11/07/90 @ 23:39, next msg was 44128 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 14 KILLED. 4 SUMMARY. 26 11/10/90,17:27:25,218089,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44128 11/08/90 JOHN THOMASON => RANDY SUESS: "CHINET" 44129X 11/08/90 PETER FLIEGEL => JERRY OLSEN: "THE ADVOCATE BBS" 11/07/90,23:39:36,218022,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 11/07/90,23:44:18,218023,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 11/07/90,23:48:22,218024,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,0 ]Going to Comdex (Vegas) and Hacker's Convention (Tahoe) 10th - 18th. Tnx for keeping an eye on things! WARD CHRISTENSEN, 11/08/90,00:49:45,218025,1,RODOLFO MUNOZ,MEXICO,3 11/08/90,01:12:19,218026,1,STEVE RYAN,,1 11/08/90,03:30:40,218027,2,ALEX ZELL,,4 ]Don't forget: Winnings are reportable as income. Losses only deductible from winnings. Does the company provide seed money for gambling? ALEX ZELL, 11/08/90,03:42:47,218028,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,3 11/08/90,05:16:31,218029,1,ANTHONY LEDESMA,Chicago,17 11/08/90,06:55:52,218030,1,AL HIGGINS,, 11/08/90,10:45:58,218031,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 11/08/90,11:15:20,218032,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,3 11/08/90,14:12:18,218033,1,RANDY IMAGEN,,11 11/08/90,15:10:36,218034,1,TONY ANTONUCCI,, 11/08/90,15:22:19,218035,2,Q W,chi, 11/08/90,15:37:09,218036,1,SHERMAN KAPLAN,,1 11/08/90,16:14:35,218037,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,2 11/08/90,16:20:22,218038,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,1 11/08/90,17:08:43,218039,2,JOHN THOMASON,Laexandria/ VA, E#44128,5 11/08/90,17:40:00,218040,1,ERIC MAYER,CHICAGO/IL, 11/08/90,17:50:53,218041,1,DAVID BREMMER,CHICAGO/ILL,27 11/08/90,19:49:54,218042,2,LOWELL GILBERT,,6 11/08/90,20:06:11,218043,9,JIM POLOUS,,3 11/08/90,21:09:32,218044,1,PETER FLIEGEL,CHICAGO/IL,25 11/08/90,22:00:36,218045,1,PETER FLIEGEL,, E#44129,6 11/08/90,22:20:19,218046,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 11/08/90,22:33:21,218047,2,DOTTIE JOHNSON,,2 11/08/90,23:31:29,218048,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 11/09/90,00:23:15,218049,1,MARK HARCOURT,,17 11/09/90,00:45:31,218050,1,PETER FLIEGEL,,2 11/09/90,01:13:23,218051,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 11/09/90,06:16:42,218052,2,THEODORE RUBIN,,0 11/09/90,06:35:07,218053,2,PETE JONES,,1 11/09/90,08:22:29,218054,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,2 ]Ward; No problem, but you will have to give us a report on any neat new stuff you find! TONY ANTONUCCI, 11/09/90,09:54:24,218055,2,GARY ELFRING,,2 11/09/90,10:38:55,218056,1,ANDY FISCHOFF,,8 11/09/90,10:48:57,218057,1,JOHN UCHMAN,,2 11/09/90,10:55:07,218058,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,0 11/09/90,11:45:22,218059,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 11/09/90,12:12:45,218060,1,GARY MCCOY,,2 11/09/90,12:49:18,218061,2,ARNOLD BOYD,,0 11/09/90,13:17:31,218062,1,MIKE WALDMANN,, 11/09/90,13:26:41,218063,2,JOHN SERRANO,, E#44130,11 11/09/90,15:34:08,218064,2,MICHAEL NEESE,Oconomowoc/ Wi,2 ]Thanks, Guys. Please register me as a new user. MICHAEL NEESE, 11/09/90,16:09:16,218065,2,PETE CANTELE,,1 11/09/90,18:13:02,218066,1,LARRY GLASSMAN,,2 11/09/90,18:28:36,218067,2,JOHN THOMASON,, E#44131,4 11/09/90,18:34:08,218068,9,DAVID GIBBS,,1 11/09/90,19:04:58,218069,2,AL HIGGINS,,3 11/09/90,21:42:26,218070,2,JIM CHALOUPKA,,4 11/09/90,22:10:01,218071,2,DARIO FAGNANI,,1 11/09/90,23:10:16,218072,2,JOHN SERRANO,,6 11/09/90,23:57:22,218073,1,MIKE ALFORD,amarillo/ tx,5 11/10/90,00:30:46,218074,1,MIKE ALFORD,, 11/10/90,02:17:13,218075,1,PETER FLIEGEL,,10 11/10/90,02:28:00,218076,2,JERRY OLSEN,,2 11/10/90,02:39:48,218077,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,4 11/10/90,02:58:01,218078,2,BOB ADAMS,Lockport/Ill.,4 11/10/90,03:03:02,218079,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#44132, E#44133,5 11/10/90,06:52:14,218080,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,2 11/10/90,08:28:58,218081,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, E#44134,2 11/10/90,10:54:57,218082,2,CLIFF SHARP,, E#44135,13 11/10/90,14:14:49,218083,2,NAZIR PASHTOON,,10 11/10/90,14:33:40,218084,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,1 11/10/90,14:44:39,218085,1,JIM SCARPELLI,, >Help: CHAT HELP, >Help: TANDY, >Help: TANDY,14 11/10/90,15:43:04,218086,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,5 11/10/90,16:19:46,218087,2,JOHN SERRANO,,2 11/10/90,17:09:45,218088,1,MIKE KAVADIAS,, 11/10/90,17:27:25,218089,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44128 11/08/90 JOHN THOMASON => RANDY SUESS: "CHINET" 44129X 11/08/90 PETER FLIEGEL => JERRY OLSEN: "THE ADVOCATE BBS" 44130 11/09/90 JOHN SERRANO => ALL: "CRASH IN WINDOWS 3.0" 44131 11/09/90 JOHN THOMASON => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "CHINET" 44132 11/10/90 JERRY OLSEN => COLIN SCHROEDER: "R/DISPLAY TYPE DETECTION" 44133 11/10/90 JERRY OLSEN => COLIN SCHROEDER: "" 44134 11/10/90 JAMES SCHMIDT => ALL: "8086 DISPLAY 32BIT #" 44135 11/10/90 CLIFF SHARP => JAMES SCHMIDT: "R/8086 DISPLAY 32BIT #" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 44128 is 04 line(s) on 11/08/90 from JOHN THOMASON to RANDY SUESS re: CHINET Is this BBS "Son of Chinet"? Is Chinet still up? If so, and if its on a different number, please tell me what it is so I can call it again. I lost it. Thanx -John No msg 44129 Msg 44130 is 14 line(s) on 11/09/90 from JOHN SERRANO to ALL re: CRASH IN WINDOWS 3.0 I run Microsoft Windows 3.0 from a 286-based PC with 1mb ram. I was running two separate files under Excel. The files were on their own Excel program (rather than running both files under one), with one being printed on a dot matrix (through Print Manager) while I was working on the other one. I had saved the one file and proceeded to go to the one that was still printing. When I switched over, my system went haywire. It happened when I was trying to save the file that was being printed. When I saved, my mouse pointer started to move back and forth (on the screen) very quickly. After that, the screen went blank and the system rebooted itself. When I tried to go back to the file that I printed, everything was erased. Fortunately, I had a backup on floppy and pro- ceeded to use that instead. Was my crash caused by a bug in 3.0, or was it because of my hardware? Msg 44131 is 03 line(s) on 11/09/90 from JOHN THOMASON to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: CHINET Ward- Can you please gice me the number for Chinet? I lost it. Thanks. -John Msg 44132 is 30 line(s) on 11/10/90 from JERRY OLSEN to COLIN SCHROEDER re: R/DISPLAY TYPE DETECTION The easy part first....I've had no reported problems simply testing the active video buffer for nulls and assuming graphics mode if any is found. The fxn (in 'C') looks something like this: isgrahics() { register int i; int vidseg; char far *vidchar; if (*(char far *)0x00400049==7) vidseg=0xb000; /* mono */ else vidseg=0xb800; /* color */ vidchar=MK_FP(vidseg,0); /* ptr to beginning of buffer */ for (i=0;i<1999;++i) if (*(vidchar+=2)==NULL) /* hop over video attrib bytes */ return(GRAPHICS_MODE); return(CHAR_MODE); } I've avoided mucking with different adapter types like the plague. :-) But I'll include a partial solution for you which works as far as it goes: graphic_type() { register int i; register unsigned j; int our_bit; geninterrupt(0x11); /* get BIOS equip */ if ((_AX&0x0030)!=0x003) return(CGA_AVAILABLE); else { our_bit=inportb(0x3ba)&0x0080; /* look for bit to change 10 times */ for (i=0;i<10;++i) { for (j=0;j<=32000;++j) /* give it a fair chance */ Msg 44133 is 07 line(s) on 11/10/90 from JERRY OLSEN to COLIN SCHROEDER re: if inportb(0x3ba)&0x0080)!=our_bit break; if (j>32000) return(NO_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER); } return(MONO_HERC_COMPATIBLE); } } Hope this helps a trifle.... Msg 44134 is 14 line(s) on 11/10/90 from JAMES SCHMIDT to ALL re: 8086 DISPLAY 32BIT # I'm taking a class in 8086 assembler and need a little direction please. I have a 32 bit number: Bignum dd 1234567890 I need to display it in decimal digits. I'm at a loss on how to do it. I'm not looking for code just some suggestions or pseudo code. I figured I could assemble the digits from right to left by dividing by 10 and displaying the remainder then divide the previous quotient by ten and display the remainder etc. etc. but 32 bit division is beyond where we are in class at this point. Like I said, any help would be appreciated. James Msg 44135 is 17 line(s) on 11/10/90 from CLIFF SHARP to JAMES SCHMIDT re: R/8086 DISPLAY 32BIT # You're on the right track. I don't know of any way to display a 32-bit number as ASCII decimal without the divide-by-ten. Now, a clue; if you think of the 32-bit number as two parts, A and B, think of it as 2^16*A+B. You're trying to do (2^16*a + b) / 10, and get the remainder each time. Think of the way you do long division on paper; the remainder from each single division is carried down and prepended to the next digit(s). If you can envision doing it four digits at a time, this will make sense. Divide the high-order 16 bits of the number by 10; save AX as the new high-order part. Ignore the remainder in DX for a minute. Now just put the low-order 16 bits in AX and divide again. Save AX as the new low- order part, and DX is the remainder, which you'll add 30H to and print as the last digit of the decimal number. By leaving the remainder in DX, you "prepend" it to the low-order bits in much the same fashion as you would doing a long division on paper. Oh, don't forget to zero DX before doing the first (high-order part) division... No dup. chars. >Function:?