CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/18/90 21:20:52 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 217596; next msg =44057; 377 active msgs. Prev. call 10/15/90 @ 23:30, next msg was 44049 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 9 KILLED. 73 SUMMARY. 25 10/18/90,21:20:56,217596,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44049 10/15/90 WARD >Function:?type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short 10/15/90,23:30:58,217532,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#44049, 10/16/90,00:30:50,217533,1,FC ARFAR,dsa, 10/16/90,02:06:24,217534,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 10/16/90,08:49:12,217535,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 10/16/90,10:52:57,217536,2,CURT ROSTENBACH,,3 10/16/90,11:18:29,217537,1,JEREMY SCHUMANN,OAK PARK/IL,7 10/16/90,12:56:42,217538,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/16/90,13:21:26,217539,1,AL GOLLUB,lisle,1 10/16/90,13:47:40,217540,3,EZRA PETER,,5 10/16/90,13:57:30,217541,2,DON PIVEN,,0 10/16/90,14:17:02,217542,1,BOB GARCIA,,25 10/16/90,14:52:44,217543,2,BILL FISCHER,,1 10/16/90,15:09:21,217544,1,TED HEARNE,Chicago,2 10/16/90,15:59:26,217545,2,JACK HOMA,,2 10/16/90,16:03:51,217546,2,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 10/16/90,16:57:03,217547,9,DENNIS LEONG,,2 10/16/90,18:01:58,217548,3,MORT MOSS,,5 10/16/90,19:34:39,217549,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,11 10/16/90,20:30:15,217550,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,, E#44050, E#44051,6 10/16/90,21:16:45,217551,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,1 10/16/90,23:37:00,217552,2,PAMELA STASNLOV,Chicago/IL,8 10/16/90,23:58:19,217553,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#44052,6 10/17/90,02:22:51,217554,2,NAZIR PASHTOON,,36 10/17/90,03:09:36,217555,2,NAZIR PASHTOON,, E#44053,27 10/17/90,04:42:28,217556,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 10/17/90,05:56:20,217557,2,PETE JONES,,0 10/17/90,08:21:10,217558,2,CLIFF SHARP,,4 10/17/90,11:13:54,217559,1,GERALD PINE,,9 10/17/90,11:35:01,217560,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 10/17/90,12:06:19,217561,2,PAUL YINGER,,2 10/17/90,14:29:08,217562,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 10/17/90,18:24:25,217563,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,1 10/17/90,18:35:11,217564,2,TIM DAY,,3 10/17/90,18:57:31,217565,2,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 10/17/90,19:28:39,217566,1,RIC RIC,, 10/17/90,21:13:14,217567,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,3 10/17/90,21:58:18,217568,1,EZRA PETER,, E#44054,3 10/17/90,22:18:41,217569,2,MIKE REINHART,,5 10/17/90,22:29:13,217570,1,RICK SULLIVAN,WARWICK/RHODE ISLAND,6 10/17/90,23:10:42,217571,2,NAZIR PASHTOON,,5 10/18/90,00:32:24,217572,2,NAZIR PASHTOON,,22 10/18/90,05:22:17,217573,2,DON PIVEN,,1 10/18/90,06:34:32,217574,1,RICK SULLIVAN,,4 10/18/90,06:43:09,217575,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 10/18/90,07:45:37,217576,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 10/18/90,08:39:37,217577,2,TIM ALLMAN,,6 10/18/90,08:47:47,217578,1,CHARLES ENGLUND,,12 10/18/90,09:59:19,217579,1,CHARLES ENGLUND,,19 10/18/90,10:19:13,217580,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 10/18/90,10:49:19,217581,2,PAUL SOLOMON,East Chicago/ IN,3 10/18/90,11:08:22,217582,2,BILL FISCHER,,0 10/18/90,11:48:52,217583,2,MIKE COOK,,17 10/18/90,12:34:33,217584,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,1 10/18/90,13:47:26,217585,1,RICK SULLIVAN,, >Help: A,4 10/18/90,14:09:53,217586,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 10/18/90,15:34:12,217587,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,, E#44055,3 10/18/90,16:17:28,217588,2,JOHN SERRANO,, E#44056,15 10/18/90,16:51:09,217589,1,JOE HOLEWINSKI,,1 10/18/90,17:04:47,217590,1,PATRICK HARRINGTON,palatine,10 10/18/90,17:32:07,217591,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,10 ]Ward: Thanx for the suggestion RE Magee Ent.; yhey were written up recently in a local PC publication. I ended up taking a position as head PC programmer for a non-profit service bureau and am now up to my elbows in BASIC (yes, BASIC!!) code. Went to a meeting of the Atlanta UNIX users group recently, and met a guy who works at Emory U.; a UNIX head, but also a big booster of QuickBASIC! Amend the old saw to read "DP makes strange bedfellows". At this point I'm doing BASIC on PCs, C in UNIX (at home), and am getting into VM on IBM m/f!! What next?? Maybe I'll get a copy of Coherent; there seems to be some interest in it here! I miss being able to dial up anytime, what with long distance charges being what they are, but I haven't found anything quite like the "WardBoard" here yet (even if I do, I'll keep buggin' you!) Warm regards, and many thanks! Colin COLIN SCHROEDER, 10/18/90,18:38:52,217592,2,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 10/18/90,19:15:52,217593,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,1 10/18/90,20:42:23,217594,2,JIM FLANAGAN,,8 10/18/90,21:14:43,217595,2,MELVIN NICKLES,CHICAGO ILL,3 10/18/90,21:20:56,217596,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44049 10/15/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => HARRY WALDEN: "R/WINDOWS MANUAL" 44050 10/16/90 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => ROY LIPSCOMB: "R/PC/AT FLOPPY PROBLEMS" 44051 10/16/90 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => ALL: "IBM/SYSTEM36 Q" 44052 10/17/90 BILL MATTSON => HARRY WALDEN: "R/WINDOWS MANUAL" 44053 10/17/90 NAZIR PASHTOON => MICHAEL SHARTIAG: "R/PC/AT FLOPPY PROBLEMS" 44054 10/17/90 EZRA PETER => ALL: "HELLO" 44055 10/18/90 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => NAZIR PASHTOON: "R/PC/AT FLOPPY PROBLEMS" 44056 10/18/90 JOHN SERRANO => ALL: "IDE DRIVE FOR PS/2 M. 30-286" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 44049 is 03 line(s) on 10/15/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to HARRY WALDEN re: R/WINDOWS MANUAL I think Microsoft is your best bet - if you've lost yours, perhaps you can send the original diskette or something to get them to send you a manual. Msg 44050 is 04 line(s) on 10/16/90 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to ROY LIPSCOMB re: R/PC/AT FLOPPY PROBLEMS Did IBM put out any PC/AT's with low density floppies in them. I will check for the * on the underside of the drive. Also, the drive is the grey putty color... Did IBM not code low density drives as black??? I will let you know what I find. Thanks for the info. Msg 44051 is 04 line(s) on 10/16/90 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to ALL re: IBM/SYSTEM36 Q I am looking to transfer ( upload/download) files with an IBM System36. At this moment the 36 does not have a modem or software. Can anyone tell me what might be available in the way of software and the needed hardware to allow file transfers? Msg 44052 is 02 line(s) on 10/17/90 from BILL MATTSON to HARRY WALDEN re: R/WINDOWS MANUAL Harry, you should also know that the manual is 632 printed pages, and as such is probably not suitable for downloading. Regards... Msg 44053 is 19 line(s) on 10/17/90 from NAZIR PASHTOON to MICHAEL SHARTIAG re: R/PC/AT FLOPPY PROBLEMS -Floppy Woes I just got a 2nd hand XT compatible (Commodore) computer. I installed a 720 K 3.5" drive. Try the following: Assume you want to install the HD floppy as drive b: Make sure that your DOS diskett has the DRIVER.SYS file on it. Edit your CONFIG.SYS file, or create a CONFIG.SYS file on the DOS diskette. For DOS version 3.2 or lower, put the following line as line 1 in CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=DRIVPARM=/D:1/F:1 Here the D option refers to drive=1 (i.e. b drive) The F option being 1 refers to high density (1.2 Meg). For some later DOS 3.2, and definitely DOS 3.21 and above, install the following device driver in CONFIG.SYS and make it line 1: DEVICE=DRIVER.SYS/D:1/F:1 Now when you boot from the floppy, the high density driver will be installed Oh yes! to FORMAT for high density for DOS 3.3 and above use FORMAT C: (I am assuming that you don't have a hard drive. For DOS 3.2 or lower FORMAT B: will do. I hope this works for you without modifying the mother board. In my case I had to do a little rewiring. But that is another story. My system does work now, and if I want to I can boot from my NEC 720K drive. Msg 44054 is 01 line(s) on 10/17/90 from EZRA PETER to ALL re: HELLO hello everyone and how are you doing Msg 44055 is 04 line(s) on 10/18/90 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to NAZIR PASHTOON re: R/PC/AT FLOPPY PROBLEMS I do have a hard disk, with 1 floppy. My machine is an AT.. the problem is that the computer is not recognizing the 5 1/4 as a high denisty. You raised one point though that could apply? At what level of DOS was High denisty standard for 5/14 in drives, or at what machine type? Msg 44056 is 13 line(s) on 10/18/90 from JOHN SERRANO to ALL re: IDE DRIVE FOR PS/2 M. 30-286 I would like to know if there are any aftermarket hard drives that work with the PS/2 Model 30-286's IDE socket. All I know is that the IBM drives' power source is also on the IDE, whereas some makers have separate wiring for the power supply (like Western Digital's IDE drives). I'm running a Seagate model 151 3.5 HH drive. It's okay for now, but I only have about 7 megs free, thanks to Windows 3.0d 2 other Win3 applications. I think Conner has a 209 meg drive that would fit nicely in the bay my Seagate occupies. Also, I'm looking for a black and white *.PCX file of the Seal of The Department of Defense. The laser printers I'm using at work jam up when we use papers with letterheads. What I do is import the file into Ami Professional, and the rest is self-explanatory. No dup. chars. >Function:?