CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/06/90 08:44:26 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 217341; next msg =44009; 386 active msgs. Prev. call 10/04/90 @ 21:05, next msg was 44003 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dr summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 5 KILLED. 44 I don't understand 'DR SUMMARY', WARD Type ? for list of valid commands. >Function:?dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short SUMMARY. 25 05,217300,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#44002,8 10/04/90,10:25:25,217301,2,DON PIVEN,,2 10/04/90,11:00:42,217302,2,PETE CANTELE,,1 10/04/90,11:36:23,217303,2,GARY ELFRING,,3 10/04/90,16:24:50,217304,2,MIKE DEER,,3 10/04/90,17:12:22,217305,9,MARTY SILVERMAN,, >Help: HELP SEARCH,3 10/04/90,17:30:13,217306,2,WILLIAM NECKA,bloomingdale il,3 10/04/90,18:45:31,217307,2,DAVID GIBBS,, 10/04/90,18:47:03,217308,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 10/04/90,19:07:57,217309,2,TOM FITZMAURICE,,1 10/04/90,20:04:57,217310,2,SCOTT ANDERSON,evanston il,2 10/04/90,21:05:37,217311,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 10/04/90,21:11:16,217312,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 10/04/90,21:20:36,217313,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/04/90,22:38:17,217314,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 10/04/90,22:55:58,217315,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,, E#44003,10 ]__Moving it over to an SX? Why not? __Lately, it's been slowww, slowwww, slowwww. Primarily, I think THAT is caused by jrd (john dennison) doiing those damned compiles on that damned notes program he (and he ALONE) seems to love. CHARLIE KESTNER, 10/04/90,23:43:57,217316,9,MARTY SILVERMAN,,1 10/05/90,02:16:03,217317,1,EDWARD LAMMER,,7 10/05/90,03:46:00,217318,2,JERRY OLSEN,,7 10/05/90,04:17:01,217319,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#44004,2 10/05/90,05:02:06,217320,1,MICHAEL BEASLEY,CHICAGO/IL,3 10/05/90,05:56:16,217321,2,PETE JONES,,0 10/05/90,07:03:28,217322,2,PETE CANTELE,,0 type log,323;or;*;short 10/05/90,08:50:03,217323,2,GARY CLARK,houston tx,10 10/05/90,14:01:27,217324,2,PETE CANTELE,, 10/05/90,14:10:25,217325,2,PETE CANTELE,, E#44005,2 10/05/90,14:41:42,217326,2,BARRY WATKINS,Des Plaines/IL, 10/05/90,14:57:46,217327,2,SAM HAMPSTEAD,,2 10/05/90,15:32:16,217328,9,RON KRAAR,chicago,3 10/05/90,16:02:13,217329,2,DON PIVEN,,0 10/05/90,17:10:18,217330,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 10/05/90,20:22:51,217331,2,STEVE SVIATKO,, 10/05/90,21:48:46,217332,2,BILL MATTSON,,7 10/05/90,23:30:34,217333,2,NAZIR PASHTOON,dES pLAINES/ il, E#44006,27 10/05/90,23:59:47,217334,2,ANDY PAULSON,Matteson/Il.,5 10/06/90,03:19:56,217335,2,DEREK WELLER,BERMUDA, 10/06/90,06:13:01,217336,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,2 10/06/90,06:20:29,217337,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, E#44007,4 10/06/90,07:53:59,217338,9,JIM POLOUS,, E#44008,6 10/06/90,08:09:03,217339,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,19 10/06/90,08:37:58,217340,2,DAN INGEVALDSON,medinah il,4 10/06/90,08:44:30,217341,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44003 10/04/90 CHARLIE KESTNER => PETE CANTELE: "R/C HELP NEEDED" 44004 10/05/90 JERRY OLSEN => PETE CANTELE: "R/C HELP NEEDED" 44005 10/05/90 PETE CANTELE => ALL: "THANKS (W/ C/ & J)" 44006 10/05/90 NAZIR PASHTOON => WARD CHRISTIANSEN: "CROMEMCO SYSTEM ONE" 44007 10/06/90 JAMES SCHMIDT => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/COMPARE PROGRAM?" 44008 10/06/90 JIM POLOUS => ALL: "WANTED INEXPENSIVE HD" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 44003 is 09 line(s) on 10/04/90 from CHARLIE KESTNER to PETE CANTELE re: R/C HELP NEEDED Why don't you try calling chinet (283.0559)? There's quite a few C-people on there (it being a unix box), and you'll probably get more than a few responses (as they argue which is the best way to do what). If you've used unix, chinet will hold no surprises (Bourne, csh, Korn shells ALL available to newusers). If you've never used unix, just let the system hold your hand, the signon is a breeze (a LONG breeze 8-] ). Just a thot... Msg 44004 is 14 line(s) on 10/05/90 from JERRY OLSEN to PETE CANTELE re: R/C HELP NEEDED Following up on Ward's msg, malloc() permits you to specify the EXACT number of bytes desired. So if memory is a paramount consideration, using that fxn in conjunction with your second struct could be warranted. In real-world applications, however, the 30 sets of your "student" data take up so little memory that the discussion is truly academic. Also, in actual applications if you were using more realistic, much larger amount of data you would probably be writing a struct's data to disk as soon as its entered--for reasons of data safety, memory conservation and coding efficiency. In both of the latter circumstances, using your FIRST struct is infinitely easier . . . and ironically is a better use of memory by reducing the amount of code needed (which of course also occupies memory). Msg 44005 is 28 line(s) on 10/05/90 from PETE CANTELE to ALL re: THANKS (W/ C/ & J) Ward, Charlie, & Jerry; Thanks to you all for responding. I'll have to clarify. Once I define a structure that include pointers to strings, I wanted to know how to enter strings into those locations later in the program. I tried a couple of things and this is what I see: (This is my structure def: struct student_st { char *lastname; char *firstname; int grade; }student, *studp; ) If I declare the structure and DON'T initialize the strings with data, all I get for string storage space is the two bytes pointing to the string terminators ('\0'). If I DO provide initialization strings, the length of each string is the length of the biggest string I can put into that member variable. Ex: If I init student[0].lastname with "Cantele", that is the biggest string I can put into student[0].lastname. What I see I have to do is declare the structure with explicit lengths for those two variables so that I will have enough string space to input the largest string I'll need. So I have to come to the conclusion that including pointers to strings within structures are only useful when you also include initialization values for those pointers. If I had a more 'real world' situation I would do as Jerry said and use the structure as a model and write the structure to disk once it was entered. If I'm still wrong please let me know. Once again, thanks. Msg 44006 is 09 line(s) on 10/05/90 from NAZIR PASHTOON to WARD CHRISTIANSEN re: CROMEMCO SYSTEM ONE C DO YOU HAVE ANY INFO. ON THE EXISTENCE OF CROMEMCO USER GROUP(S)? I ACQUIRED A SYSTEM WHICH IS EQUIPPED WITH THE CROMIX ( A VARIANT OF UNIX) OPERATING SYSTEM. AS i UNDERSTAND THE SYSTEM WILL ALSO RUN THE CROMEMCO VARIANT OF CPM. THE SYSTEM BOARDS ARE MOUNTED ON S-100 BACKPLANE. THE SYSTEM ALSO HAS A SCSI CARD. I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE HARD DRIVES USED WITH THE SYSTEM, ESPECIALLY ANY INFO ON "PACIFIC DATANET". THIS COMPANY WAS ONE SUPPLIER OF THE HARD DRIVES, AND I BELIEVE I HAVE SOME OF THE DRIVERS FOR THE HARD DISK ON FLOPPIES. ANY INFO. WILL BE APPRECIATED. THANKS. Msg 44007 is 05 line(s) on 10/06/90 from JAMES SCHMIDT to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/COMPARE PROGRAM? Ward, Would the DOS SUBSTitute command be of any use? You could leave the files as is and SUBST them to look like they were in the ROOT directories of separate drives. James Msg 44008 is 04 line(s) on 10/06/90 from JIM POLOUS to ALL re: WANTED INEXPENSIVE HD If anyone has an inexpensive 20 or 30 meg hard drive for sale please let me know. My BBS is running (is almost) out of space. Jim Polous BBS # 708-422-0527 No dup. chars. >Function:? 10/06/90,08:44:30,217341,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#44009, 10/06/90,08:57:27,217342,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,0 10/06/90,09:22:47,217343,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,1 10/06/90,09:24:13,217344,1,LARRY GLASSMAN,, E#44010,3 10/06/90,09:41:32,217345,2,PETE CANTELE,,1 10/06/90,12:07:33,217346,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 10/06/90,14:01:05,217347,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,5 10/06/90,17:48:13,217348,2,ROBERT WINSLOW,,4 10/06/90,19:09:29,217349,2,JEFF SIMON,,5 10/06/90,19:45:04,217350,1,KEN STOX,, 10/06/90,20:32:15,217351,2,AL HIGGINS,,4 10/06/90,21:31:14,217352,1,STEVE RYAN,,0 10/06/90,21:38:20,217353,2,ED FOSTER,,2 10/06/90,22:43:19,217354,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#44011,4 10/06/90,23:04:37,217355,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44009 10/06/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JIM POLOUS: "R/WANTED INEXPENSIVE HD" 44010 10/06/90 LARRY GLASSMAN => STEVE BOGOLUB: "LOGOPOLIS" 44011 10/06/90 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "VGA MONITOR ON CGA" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 44009 is 03 line(s) on 10/06/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JIM POLOUS re: R/WANTED INEXPENSIVE HD One thing you might try - ask for a BUSTED disk - you can get a 20-30M drive repaired for <$100 at Disk Drive Repair service in Beaverton, and get a year's warranty on it, too. Msg 44010 is 07 line(s) on 10/06/90 from LARRY GLASSMAN to STEVE BOGOLUB re: LOGOPOLIS The hardware is not feeling to well lately. I guess that happens to old CP/M systems. I think it is either the CPU or a memory board. I think we need to run the software on a PC clone with an emulator. Have you been keeping out of trouble lately? Msg 44011 is 03 line(s) on 10/06/90 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: VGA MONITOR ON CGA Can a VGA monitor be used on a CGA system? I mean with only a CGA card and all? If not, then does a VGA simulate a CGA card while really pump a VGA output? Just wondering? No dup. chars. >Function:?