CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/04/90 07:16:01 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 217300; next msg =44002; 379 active msgs. Prev. call 10/01/90 @ 23:57, next msg was 43996 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 14 KILLED. 44 SUMMARY. 25 10/04/90,07:16:05,217300,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43996 10/02/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BILL WOLFF: "R/WHAT FEATURES IN FULL COMMAN" 43997 10/02/90 BILL WOLFF => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/WHAT FEATURES IN FULL COMMAN" 43998 10/02/90 SPADE VANE => JAIME COBB: "R/OTHER BBS NUMBERS" 43999 10/02/90 SPADE VANE => STEVE SVIATKO: "R/OTHER BBS'S" 44000 10/03/90 PETE CANTELE => ALL: "C HELP NEEDED" 44001 10/03/90 PETE CANTELE => ALL: "HAYES 1200B FOR SALE" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43996 is 29 line(s) on 10/02/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BILL WOLFF re: R/WHAT FEATURES IN FULL COMMAN Hmmm, I must have written up FULL in the NEWS, which seems deleted! I don't think there are any secrets in it - but you have to type FULLW or FULL? to really see what's going on. Interesting kludge - in that if you just type "full", you don't really know what's going on! I should have the same msg come up for "full" as comes up for "fullw". The only undocumented thing is that there's a "fullc", which is for "Christensen", since I never went for the Wordstar keys - matter of fact, neither did Wordstar! The first Wordstar version patterned itself after WordMaster, which used ^H-J-K-L for left, down, up, right. I find that a lot easier, since I'm right handed. FULL is a full LINE editor, with word fwd & back, beginning & end of line, char insert (not "insert mode" unfortunately), delete char, delete to end of line, and char search. Makes typing a LOT easier, particularly if you're used to WordStar. Here's what happened - a "log" of my "session" dinking with fullw: >Function:?fullw Use FULL? to check assignments >Function:?full? Assignments are now: ^B=Front/back, ^A=Word left, ^S=Char left, ^D=Char right, ^F=Word right ^V=Insert sp., ^G=Del left, ^P=Erase line, ^I=Tab right, ^_=CharSearch ----- Note, one drawback is that if you hit ANY wrong key, it aborts the line. Only "C/R" () will save the line, as modified. Also if you have full on when going into msg entry, then the line editor (e;g e;20 to edit line 20) will put you in full-line mode. Oh, the ONE undoc'd feature is ^W: repeat. Each ^W multiplies by 4. Entering a # multiplies by that #: ^W12# produces: ############ (However, if such "noise" is routinely put in msgs, I del those msgs ;-) Msg 43997 is 02 line(s) on 10/02/90 from BILL WOLFF to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/WHAT FEATURES IN FULL COMMAN Since I like WordStar commands and I am right handed too, I assume I should use FULLW command. If so... what is FULL itself good for? Msg 43998 is 04 line(s) on 10/02/90 from SPADE VANE to JAIME COBB re: R/OTHER BBS NUMBERS spade -> check these boards out 1312/528/5020 up 7:00 pm est 1312/973/2227 have fun. leave msg for me if you find some more..... Msg 43999 is 04 line(s) on 10/02/90 from SPADE VANE to STEVE SVIATKO re: R/OTHER BBS'S call these boards -> 1312/6224442 1312/528/5020 1312/671/4992 call me if you find some......... Msg 44000 is 26 line(s) on 10/03/90 from PETE CANTELE to ALL re: C HELP NEEDED I'm looking for some assistance. I'm studying C and I've come across something that I can't figure out. (I'm doing a sample problem in my Learn C book.) I've declared a structure (that works) thus: ; struct student_st{ char lastname[20]; char firstname[20]; int grade; }student[30]; ; I fill the members (student[x].lastname & .firstname) using gets(...);. if I change the structure, (as my book suggests is possible), to this: ; struct student_st{ char *lastname; char *firstname; int grade; }student[30]; ; it should allow more efficient use of string space since member data that is less than 20 chars. uses only what's needed. Hmmm... Now that I reread this I'm wondering. Can I only do this with strings that are predefined? (That is, strings defined at initialization time?) Only one of my three C books talks about members being pointers. Msg 44001 is 08 line(s) on 10/03/90 from PETE CANTELE to ALL re: HAYES 1200B FOR SALE FOR SALE - HAYES 1200b internal modem. Auto dial/auto answer; can be used as COM1 or COM2 device. Complete with documentation. It works perfectly. I'm going to a 2400 bps modem at COM3. $75 or BEST OFFER!!! Please call 418-1615. If I don't answer please leave a msg. with my answering machine. No dup. chars. 51,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 10/02/90,00:08:24,217252,2,HERMAN HODGES,CHICAGO/ ILL,4 10/02/90,00:22:44,217253,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 ]>>ME, help chinet? Gee, she's sweet. All I did was mooch dinner, and about 35# of DC300XL tapes off Randy! Surprised he got it up already! He's moving it to a 386SX (perhaps he doesn't want that known - he might be waiting to see if anyone complains about it being slower), while he takes the 386 for himself - at least for the time being. WARD CHRISTENSEN, E#43996,15 10/02/90,00:48:21,217254,1,RALPH FRESE,Chicago, >Help: R-100,17 10/02/90,02:39:53,217255,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/02/90,07:51:18,217256,1,DAVID WARD,Chicago/ Il,5 10/02/90,08:14:43,217257,1,DAVID WARD,,2 10/02/90,08:19:31,217258,1,DAVID WARD,,3 10/02/90,08:27:34,217259,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 10/02/90,09:11:41,217260,2,GRANT KILLEY,Clarendon Hills/ IL,1 10/02/90,11:24:28,217261,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,3 10/02/90,11:36:02,217262,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,6 10/02/90,11:48:07,217263,2,DON FRICKER,University Park/ Illinois, 10/02/90,12:07:27,217264,1,GERALD PINE,,8 10/02/90,13:40:27,217265,2,JACK HOMA,,1 10/02/90,14:34:53,217266,1,DENNIS LEONG,,12 10/02/90,16:58:42,217267,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#43997,9 10/02/90,18:40:03,217268,1,GARRY GARRETT,Chicago / Illinois,9 10/02/90,20:39:01,217269,2,VOLKER EUCKER,,10 ]Volker Eucker from Germany ! for all Paepel in tis Mailbox .. my English is not so gut , shrip in Germany langwish ... Viel Guesse von Deutschland , habe heute zum erstenmal versucht , bei euch vernuenftig rein zu kommen . Leider ,habe ich mich ueberhaupt nicht zurecht gefunden . Vieleicht , sollte ich es nochmal versuchen , aber mit einer Person die Englisch gut beherscht . Wisst Ihr , mit dem Sprechen , habe ich auch keine Problem , lediglich mit dem Schreiben . Goodbye from Germany VOLKER EUCKER, 10/02/90,21:09:05,217270,2,BILL PRECHT,,2 10/02/90,21:38:35,217271,2,LARRY KREIER,Bolingbrook/IL,21 10/02/90,22:02:33,217272,1,ROLAND PIZARRO,CHICAGO / ILLINOIS,2 10/02/90,22:14:53,217273,3,SPADE VANE,OCOEE/FL, E#43998, E#43999, >Help: <<<, >Help: ,81 ]SPADE VANE, 10/02/90,23:39:08,217274,9,JIM POLOUS,,3 10/03/90,00:34:21,217275,2,BRIAN MOWERS,,8 10/03/90,05:59:17,217276,2,PETE JONES,,1 10/03/90,07:56:55,217277,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 10/03/90,10:29:18,217278,1,JOHN MUNDT,,3 10/03/90,11:49:12,217279,1,TED KEKATOS,,4 10/03/90,15:39:26,217280,2,PETE CANTELE,, 10/03/90,15:45:07,217281,2,PETE CANTELE,, E#44000, E#44001,2 10/03/90,16:51:08,217282,2,BILL WOLFF,,2 10/03/90,17:59:34,217283,1,EDWARD LAMMER,Lemont/Il.,25 10/03/90,19:20:21,217284,2,HERMAN HODGES,,5 10/03/90,19:26:22,217285,2,HERMAN HODGES,,1 10/03/90,19:36:03,217286,2,RICHARD HINTON,,2 10/03/90,20:01:06,217287,2,EARL PRYOR,,3 10/03/90,20:03:17,217288,1,ALAN CAPESIUS,,3 10/03/90,20:06:51,217289,2,RICHARD GOZDAL,,2 10/03/90,20:47:33,217290,1,STEVE RYAN,,3 10/03/90,22:20:31,217291,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,4 10/03/90,22:57:28,217292,2,PATRICK SMITH,chgo./il.,3 10/03/90,23:36:42,217293,2,JIM ANDERSON,,18 10/03/90,23:57:24,217294,2,TOM FITZMAURICE,villa park il,10 10/04/90,00:09:16,217295,2,BILL MATTSON,,5 10/04/90,00:42:01,217296,9,GREG HOLBROOK,, 10/04/90,01:59:36,217297,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,2 10/04/90,06:20:12,217298,1,TED BANACKA,,5 10/04/90,07:00:47,217299,2,RANDAL CRAIG,,6 10/04/90,07:16:05,217300,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, >Function:?CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/04/90 21:05:33 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 217311; next msg =44003; 380 active msgs. Prev. call 10/04/90 @ 07:16, next msg was 44002 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 15 KILLED. 44 SUMMARY. 25 10/04/90,07:16:05,217300,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#44002,8 10/04/90,10:25:25,217301,2,DON PIVEN,,2 10/04/90,11:00:42,217302,2,PETE CANTELE,,1 10/04/90,11:36:23,217303,2,GARY ELFRING,,3 10/04/90,16:24:50,217304,2,MIKE DEER,,3 10/04/90,17:12:22,217305,9,MARTY SILVERMAN,, >Help: HELP SEARCH,3 10/04/90,17:30:13,217306,2,WILLIAM NECKA,bloomingdale il,3 10/04/90,18:45:31,217307,2,DAVID GIBBS,, 10/04/90,18:47:03,217308,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 10/04/90,19:07:57,217309,2,TOM FITZMAURICE,,1 10/04/90,20:04:57,217310,2,SCOTT ANDERSON,evanston il,2 10/04/90,21:05:37,217311,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 44002 10/04/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => PETE CANTELE: "R/C HELP NEEDED" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 44002 is 14 line(s) on 10/04/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to PETE CANTELE re: R/C HELP NEEDED I'm short on time for details right now, but your *lastname reserves a pointer, as you probably know, but doesn't point it to anything. You have to use one of the memory allocation functions in C - check out alloc() or I seem to recall malloc() but it is not in the original K&R book. The amt of mem you'd alloc is the length of the name you're getting - then you'd put the pointer in the structure. It might save a LITTLE space, but it depends upon the efficiency of the memory allocation function implementation (how many bytes of overhead per allocation request, and whether the allocation routine is "granular" at link time - i.e. whether if you don't use alloc, you will get it anyway, or if by using it, you get it included at link time. If alloc is, say, 512 bytes of code, you have to consider that in your overall savings. But this is only an exercise, so that isn't a factor. You DO need to get comfy with pointers and mem allocation. No dup. chars. >Function:?