CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/01/90 23:57:41 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk. You are caller 217251; next msg =43996; 382 active msgs. Prev. call 09/29/90 @ 09:20, next msg was 43985 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^ >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 11 KILLED. 40 SUMMARY. 25 51,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43985 09/29/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "COMPARE PROGRAM?" 43986 09/29/90 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "COMPOSITE/RGB MONITOR WANTED!" 43987 09/29/90 BILL WOLFF => TONY ANTONUCCI: "R/1200 HAYES MODEM" 43988 09/29/90 BILL WOLFF => JAMES SCHMIDT: "R/2400 BAUD MODEM FOR SALE" 43989 09/29/90 BILL WOLFF => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "WHAT FEATURES IN FULL COMMAND?" 43990 09/30/90 JAMES KARAGANIS => ALL: "SOUND BLASTER + ANIMATOR" 43991 10/01/90 ALEX ZELL => ALL: "CHINET" 43992 10/01/90 TONY ANTONUCCI => BILL WOLFF: "R/1200 HAYES MODEM" 43993 10/01/90 RICHARD HINTON => ALL: "VGA/EGA" 43994 10/01/90 BILL WOLFF => TONY ANTONUCCI: "R/1200 HAYES MODEM" 43995 10/01/90 CHARLIE KESTNER => ALL: "CHINET" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43985 is 17 line(s) on 09/29/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: COMPARE PROGRAM? I've been using CMP, which is a nice compare program whose output format is like a hex dump, with '.' for bytes that are the same, otherwise hex for bytes that are different. Thus Differences in file #1: 0040 . . . 03 . . FA . . . . . . . . FF Differences in file #2: 0040 . . . 04 . . FB . . . . . . . . 00 Etc. All lines that are the same are suppressed. The nice thing about the program is that the files DON'T HAVE TO BE THE SAME LENGTH, unlike silly DOS COMP program. For example you might have a config file for a new vers of Quattro Pro, that is a few bytes longer than the old one, but you want to do a compare - such as to try to figure out where the old version changed the bytes for screen colors, etc. WHY AM I LOOKING? Because the old one won't take PATHS. I must move the files to different disks if they have the same name in diff directories in one disk! Thanks for any suggestions. Msg 43986 is 13 line(s) on 09/29/90 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: COMPOSITE/RGB MONITOR WANTED! I have been looking for one of those composite/RGB type monitors that supports both video inputs. All EGA and VGA monitors lack (as far as I know) any composite input at all. Only one exception that I know of is the Amiga monitor. But that is about EGA quality. I would like VGA quality, but would take even CGA, if the price was right. I have looked at both Service Merchandise and Computer Direct and found nothing but that Amiga monitor. Computer Direct may get some in the future though. I wasn't worried about these types of monitors because they where all over the place. Now you can't seem to find them. They are handy for CGA cards and also work as VCR monitors too. Maybe that is where they all are at? Who knows? Msg 43987 is 03 line(s) on 09/29/90 from BILL WOLFF to TONY ANTONUCCI re: R/1200 HAYES MODEM If you still have those Hayes 2400 baud modems, I would like to buy one of them. I already have one and a HAYES 1200 baud. But I have lots of computers and only one 2400 baud modem. Thanks! Msg 43988 is 02 line(s) on 09/29/90 from BILL WOLFF to JAMES SCHMIDT re: R/2400 BAUD MODEM FOR SALE I might be interested in that 2400 baud modem. What features does it have that are different then a 2400 Hayes? Msg 43989 is 02 line(s) on 09/29/90 from BILL WOLFF to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: WHAT FEATURES IN FULL COMMAND? What are the features and commands that are used in the undocumented feature of the FULL command again? Msg 43990 is 08 line(s) on 09/30/90 from JAMES KARAGANIS to ALL re: SOUND BLASTER + ANIMATOR Does anybody have any experience using the SoundBlaster card with AutoDesk Animator animations? We're using the SB developer's kit with QuickBASIC and are trying to simultaneously run a soundtrack with an animation sequence. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Msg 43991 is 04 line(s) on 10/01/90 from ALEX ZELL to ALL re: CHINET Chinet (Randy Suess's public access UNIX system) is temporarily offline for maintenance. Should be up shortly. "You will know it is up when it answers," says Randy. For new users the number is 312-283-0559. Msg 43992 is 02 line(s) on 10/01/90 from TONY ANTONUCCI to BILL WOLFF re: R/1200 HAYES MODEM I have a spare 1200 baud Hayes modem for sale (not a 2400) If interested leave a message, I'll call ya. Msg 43993 is 04 line(s) on 10/01/90 from RICHARD HINTON to ALL re: VGA/EGA Looking for a used/new VGA/EGA (color) set up with card. Mainly interested in word procesing, desktop publishing and spreadsheet applications. Leave message here. Thnx Richard Hinton Msg 43994 is 06 line(s) on 10/01/90 from BILL WOLFF to TONY ANTONUCCI re: R/1200 HAYES MODEM > I have a spare 1200 baud Hayes modem for sale (not a 2400) > If interested leave a message, I'll call ya. Oh! I thought you also had some 2400 baud HAYES for sale. Sorry! If you find too many buyers for your 1200 baud modems. I have some I like to sell too. Msg 43995 is 01 line(s) on 10/01/90 from CHARLIE KESTNER to ALL re: CHINET Chinet (312.283.0559) is back up again. (Yay!)