CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 01/03/80 07:04:16 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 216977; next msg =43949; 372 active msgs. Prev. call 01/01/80 @ 07:55, next msg was 43948 Recording logon for next time... Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K t >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 7 KILLED. 6 SUMMARY. 24 09/10/90,22:23:31,216933,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43941, E#43942,6 01/01/80,07:55:53,216964,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 01/02/80,06:43:32,216965,2,DON PIVEN,,2 01/02/80,07:05:39,216966,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,, E#43948,10 01/02/80,19:40:46,216967,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 01/02/80,19:42:42,216968,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,0 01/02/80,20:50:08,216969,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 01/02/80,20:51:43,216970,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,0 01/02/80,22:41:00,216971,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 01/02/80,22:46:08,216972,2,JOE JESSON,,5 01/03/80,01:09:40,216973,2,DON PIVEN,,1 01/03/80,02:42:06,216974,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,0 01/03/80,03:24:16,216975,9,THOM QUICK,,4 01/03/80,05:27:32,216976,2,DAVID GIBBS,,1 01/03/80,07:04:20,216977,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43948 01/02/80 BENJAMIN COHEN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "REVIEWS" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43948 is 15 line(s) on 01/02/80 from BENJAMIN COHEN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: REVIEWS Ah, of course when you're hired by someone to write a review, they SHOULD specify such a policy. After all, THEY are paying you so they don't want you to be affected by the manufacturer's blandishments. At least one magazine I wrote for specified that you had to make a proposal to them, they would acquire the product, and you were NOT to contact the source (except to test support). On the other hand, there are syndicated columnists, who are often beseiged (well, sometimes beseiged) by manufacturers with offers or even unsolicited shipments of stuff that they would love to have reviewed. They don't have an employer to enforce a standard of total independence. And of course there are employers who don't have such a policy (I hear one PC periodical has its editors acting as advisors to software houses). No dup. chars. >Function:?