CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 01/01/80 15:04:33 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 216901; next msg =43935; 372 active msgs. Prev. call 09/04/90 @ 23:07, next msg was 43930 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 16 KILLED. 119 SUMMARY. 24 01/01/80,15:04:37,216901,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43930 09/04/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BENJAMIN COHEN: "R/REVIEWS" 43931 09/04/90 TAN LU => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/CBBS CALLERS" 43932 09/05/90 BILL MOYNIHAN => ALL: "3270 EMULATION SCREEN DUMP" 43933 09/05/90 RICHARD GOZDAL => ALL: "FINISHED PROGRAM" 43934 09/06/90 ROY LIPSCOMB => WARD: "ROY LIPSCOMB" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43930 is 07 line(s) on 09/04/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BENJAMIN COHEN re: R/REVIEWS Dunno if I said this, but when I did my article on Periscope debugger for PC Tech Journal, I received a follow-up comment that I couldn't receive any compensation in any form from the company whose products were being reviewed - specifically stating that I couldn't be "given" the equipment to keep. So when I mentioned this to them, they said "OK, we'll charge you $1". I said that wasn't the intent of the policy, and I wound up paying something like dealer cost for it. Msg 43931 is 03 line(s) on 09/04/90 from TAN LU to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/CBBS CALLERS I'm real sorry to hear this but there is nothing I can help you with. But if I can, just let me know. By the way, did you read my advertisement about the EGA monitor and Paradise card? Msg 43932 is 15 line(s) on 09/05/90 from BILL MOYNIHAN to ALL re: 3270 EMULATION SCREEN DUMP hello: i need help in either finding or writing a utility that will allow screen dumps of 3270 emulator board images to a file. i have seen "snapshot.com by pc mag but that only seems to work off of the "natural" session (i.e., pc-loaded application). i need something to capture cicsvs screens to send on email. any help would be *greatly* appreciated. thanks, bill moynihan 312 938 4752 Msg 43933 is 06 line(s) on 09/05/90 from RICHARD GOZDAL to ALL re: FINISHED PROGRAM Well, I just finished that darm revision to my Palmistry program. It is about 700K and should probably be up on the Hare Krishna BBS in a day or two. For EGA and a fast computer. This is the S/W] version. Definately different and 300% better than my last version, should be for all these months learning more programming. Some neat graphics for QB. Msg 43934 is 01 line(s) on 09/06/90 from ROY LIPSCOMB to WARD re: ROY LIPSCOMB Thanks noted! dup. chars. >Function:?