CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 09/04/90 23:07:47 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 216847; next msg =43930; 376 active msgs. Prev. call 09/02/90 @ 17:21, next msg was 43919 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 13 KILLED. 116 SUMMARY. 25 09/02/90,21:37:53,216809,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43920,4 ]Patching to try to handle speed problems better; also going to log the commands from the modem - so I can see what result codes are coming in. __I may lock it up and have randy have to reset it tomorrow... WARD CHRISTENSEN, 09/02/90,21:42:56,216810,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, >Help: MSTATS,14 09/02/90,21:57:27,216811,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,0 09/02/90,21:59:13,216812,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 09/02/90,22:02:12,216813,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 09/02/90,22:06:26,216814,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,25 09/02/90,22:32:34,216815,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43921,15 09/02/90,23:10:18,216816,2,DON PIVEN,,5 09/03/90,01:11:17,216817,2,JORGE MENDEZ,,1 09/03/90,01:14:38,216818,2,JORGE MENDEZ,,2 09/03/90,03:22:32,216819,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#43922,17 09/03/90,05:18:49,216820,2,PETE JONES,,1 09/03/90,07:10:31,216821,2,ALEX ZELL,, 09/03/90,07:17:18,216822,2,ALEX ZELL,,1 ]ALEX ZELL, 09/03/90,16:26:26,216823,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43923, E#43924, 09/03/90,17:01:48,216824,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 09/03/90,21:00:07,216825,2,DAVID GIBBS,,1 09/03/90,21:23:55,216826,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43925,2 09/03/90,22:03:06,216827,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,, E#43926, E#43927,10 09/03/90,23:07:42,216828,2,ED FOSTER,,1 09/04/90,01:11:59,216829,9,RANDY IMAGEN,,9 09/04/90,07:07:55,216830,2,RANDAL CRAIG,,3 09/04/90,07:11:35,216831,1,MICHAEL MCDANIEL,,5 09/04/90,09:41:09,216832,2,DENNIS STAHL,,6 09/04/90,13:21:15,216833,2,ANDREW DECKOWITZ,, E#43928,13 09/04/90,14:11:25,216834,1,AL HIGGINS,,3 09/04/90,14:43:44,216835,2,DON PIVEN,,2 09/04/90,16:25:00,216836,1,JOHN RAIGER,, >Help: FIND MIKE DOYLE,11 09/04/90,18:34:45,216837,2,RANDY BAKER,Toledo/Ohio,8 09/04/90,18:40:02,216838,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,3 09/04/90,19:43:11,216839,2,ARNOLD BOYD,,0 09/04/90,19:54:30,216840,2,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 09/04/90,20:35:41,216841,2,DAVID JACOBSON,il,4 09/04/90,20:44:26,216842,2,DAVID JACOBOSN,ILL, 09/04/90,21:09:02,216843,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#43929,13 09/04/90,21:32:19,216844,1,MARTY LINGG,,3 09/04/90,22:10:43,216845,2,AL HIGGINS,,1 09/04/90,22:16:25,216846,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,3 09/04/90,23:07:51,216847,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43919 09/02/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MIKE REINHART: "R/SOLDER-TAB NI-CADS?" 43920 09/02/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => TAN LU: "CBBS CALLERS" 43923 09/03/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "CBBS 300-9600 BACK!" 43924 09/03/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "CBBS NOT STUCK @ 2400" 43925 09/03/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "ROY LIPSCOMB?" 43926 09/03/90 BENJAMIN COHEN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/ROY LIPSCOMB?" 43927 09/03/90 BENJAMIN COHEN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/REVIEWS" 43928 09/04/90 ANDREW DECKOWITZ => ALL: "WINDOWS 3.0 AND NOVELL NETWARE" 43929 09/04/90 BILL MATTSON => WARD/ALL: "WINDOWS/MSG#43916" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43919 is 05 line(s) on 09/02/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MIKE REINHART re: R/SOLDER-TAB NI-CADS? Mr. Nicad (for others looking on: see msg 43908) came thru! There is no minimum order charge, and the prices are great - $3 for sub-C solder tab NiCads. I ordered 2 I need and a few spares. Thanks again for the advice. Msg 43920 is 05 line(s) on 09/02/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to TAN LU re: CBBS CALLERS CBBS had quite a few callers, but then the motherboard died, and the replacement motherboard seems only to accept 2400 baud calls. It must be a timing thing, and I'm working on it. Could be we'll never quite recover those we lost by having 300, 1200, and 9600 not working here for a while (assuming I get it fixed!) Msg 43923 is 09 line(s) on 09/03/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: CBBS 300-9600 BACK! Oops! The modem was set for "restore from non volatile RAM" and when put back to "restore from ROM" (at power up) that solved it! Whew! QUESTION: How important is 9600 baud here? Seems Chinet could benefit from its availability, and a Practical Peripherals MNP 2400 would only cost $200 from ElekTek. Here's a list of 9600 users: DAVID GIBBS,22; JIM POLOUS,21; WARD CHRISTENSEN,8; JOE JESSON,6; DAN RICHARDSON,2; HARV MILLMAN,2; RANDY IMAGEN,2; THOM QUICK,2; TOM KOWALCZYK,1; MIKE ANDREWS,1; Msg 43924 is 02 line(s) on 09/03/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: CBBS NOT STUCK @ 2400 Please pass the word! I feel we lost a lot of callers when that happened! Msg 43925 is 02 line(s) on 09/03/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: ROY LIPSCOMB? Anyone know Roy's phone #? Could you give him a call & tell him thanks for reporting the CBBS problem, and that it is fixed? Appreciate it! Msg 43926 is 02 line(s) on 09/03/90 from BENJAMIN COHEN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/ROY LIPSCOMB? Not quite sure how to reach him; saw him at the CACHE-FEST; I'll see if he's called Antelope Freeway lately.and leave a message there. Msg 43927 is 10 line(s) on 09/03/90 from BENJAMIN COHEN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/REVIEWS The problem of reviewers being sued is real, but not too bad. Consumers Union took Bose to the US Supreme Court after Bose sued over what was in a review. Reviewers can get in trouble by libelling someone; it's not hard to avoid the problem, but can get touchy sometimes. The editorial integrity problem is another problem, but equally real. One 'magazine' was given a computer an software which it used to desktop publish the magazine. Guess what? A favorable review and several favorable mentions. Reviewers who receive stuff free always have a conscience problem; how do you slam the hand that feeds you? If you're not up to it, get out of it. Msg 43928 is 12 line(s) on 09/04/90 from ANDREW DECKOWITZ to ALL re: WINDOWS 3.0 AND NOVELL NETWARE Just a quick note - I've been installing Windows 3.0 on our Netware 2.15 network, and have found an incompatibility that can be quite irritating if you do not know about it in advance. The Windows package claims compatibility with Netware 2.10 or greater (and 386). This is true - with one caveat: for full functionality, including any use of full 386 mode, Windows REQUIRES version 3.01 of the Netware shell (IPX/SPX and NETx) - which is only commercially available with Netware 386! The solution is to request the updated shell programs (AS WELL AS UPDATED UTILITY PROGRAMS) from your Novell dealer. If you have a service agreement (or possibly even if not) you should receive the new software free of charge. Our updated drivers just arrived by US Mail - I'll let you know how they work. >andy< Msg 43929 is 07 line(s) on 09/04/90 from BILL MATTSON to WARD/ALL re: WINDOWS/MSG#43916 Well, as I said in message 43916, I couldn't remember the name of the file to edit to get rid of unwanted program icons. The correct name of the file is PROGMAN.INI.This file contains all of the names of the programs which require WIN to display a selection/ execution icon, (such as the dreaded TOOLBOOK icon). Deleting the name of the application from the file eliminates the display of the icon. PROGMAN.INI is in the \WINDOWS directory. Have fun. dup. chars. >Function:?