CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 09/02/90 17:21:42 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 216803; next msg =43919; 377 active msgs. Prev. call 08/31/90 @ 05:55, next msg was 43910 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 10 KILLED. 93 SUMMARY. 25 08/31/90,05:55:44,216779,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43910, E#43911, E#43912, E#43913, E#43914, E#43915,18 08/31/90,09:56:22,216780,2,JACK HOMA,,4 08/31/90,10:20:33,216781,2,DENNIS STAHL,,4 08/31/90,12:23:29,216782,2,THOMAS HEINZ,oak park/ il,3 08/31/90,14:09:24,216783,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 08/31/90,14:27:12,216784,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 08/31/90,20:35:05,216785,2,DAVID GIBBS,,2 08/31/90,20:50:54,216786,2,AL HIGINS,St. Charles Il,3 ]FYI havent been able to dial in from work 1200 Baud from numerious computers. However, can access BBS from home at 2400 & 4800 baud same software package and protocalls!!!! AL HIGINS, 08/31/90,21:26:00,216787,2,LANE LARRISON,,4 08/31/90,21:38:13,216788,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,4 09/01/90,00:02:06,216789,2,WARREN MERCER,Pittsburgh/PA,4 09/01/90,00:58:06,216790,2,ROBERT WINSLOW,, 09/01/90,02:31:08,216791,2,ALEX ZELL,,8 ]Bought a "set of three" AAs with solder tabs at Radio Shack and successfully installed them in a cheapo something cordless phone using only two thumbs and a toe. I can drop a similar set practically never used at Randy's -- if you need them -- and if I can find them. If. ALEX ZELL, 09/01/90,10:27:53,216792,2,CLIFF SHARP,,3 09/01/90,12:00:23,216793,2,ALEX ZELL,,1 ]Yep. Found them. On the desk. Staring at me. RS rechargeable 3.75 v. ALEX ZELL, 09/01/90,18:58:40,216794,2,LARRY TOBAN,,2 09/01/90,19:33:45,216795,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#43916,16 09/01/90,21:13:45,216796,2,STEVE SVIATKO,,2 09/01/90,22:18:25,216797,2,AL HIGGINS,,3 09/02/90,01:01:21,216798,2,TAN LU,San Francisco/ Ca, E#43917,19 09/02/90,03:17:10,216799,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#43918,6 09/02/90,12:36:09,216800,2,ALEX ZELL,, 09/02/90,13:12:06,216801,2,MIKE KAVADIAS,,5 09/02/90,15:30:44,216802,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,1 09/02/90,17:21:46,216803,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43910 08/31/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BILL WOLF/ALL: "CBBS 2400 ONLY!" 43911 08/31/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BILL MATTSON: "R/WINDOWS 3.0" 43912 08/31/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => AL HIGGINS: "R/SOLDER-TAB NI-CADS?" 43913 08/31/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MIKE REINHART: "R/SOLDER-TAB NI-CADS?" 43914 08/31/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JIM POLOUS: "R/AST PREMIUM UPGRADE" 43915 08/31/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BILL WOLFF: "R/LOGGING ON AT 1200 BAUD!" 43916 09/01/90 BILL MATTSON => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/WINDOWS 3.0" 43917 09/02/90 TAN LU => ALL: "RELISYS EGA MONITOR FOR SALE." 43918 09/02/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/WINDOWS 3.0" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43910 is 09 line(s) on 08/31/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BILL WOLF/ALL re: CBBS 2400 ONLY! Based upon a phone call from Roy Lipscomb several days ago, I researched the log - sure enough, CBBS has been accepting 2400 baud calls only since the new hardware was put in place! I have to assume that the faster processor is somehow related to my software timing (remember, we're running OLD CP/M code here - not modern PC "timer tic" type software). I'm going to look into it this weekend and see if I can find what to patch to get it working again. You might drop a note on other area BBSs that CBBS is 2400 only due to the processor change, but that it is being looked into. Msg 43911 is 12 line(s) on 08/31/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BILL MATTSON re: R/WINDOWS 3.0 I've installed Windows 3, but am disappointed - as I frequently am lately - by the loss of older commands - I used to use alt-F9 and alt-F10 and alt esc all the time to rotate between applications and maximize the appropriate one, etc. I often wonder what logic people like Microsoft, and Norton, use when they get you used to something then take it away. I've had no inclination to run ANYTHING under Windows, since at the HEART of my PC usage is a control-Caps swapper software TSR, that Windows gets in below and defeats. That makes Windows take all my programs hostage, and makes me very anti-windows. I use windows as LITTLE as possible because of that, and the unwelcome bright screens (though I've customized it a bit). With only 2M on a 286, and all the above, I guess I'm not likely to be every very strongly into Windows 3. Msg 43912 is 12 line(s) on 08/31/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to AL HIGGINS re: R/SOLDER-TAB NI-CADS? If you've seen the inside of ANY ni-cad operated appliance, as I have - - soldering iron - shaver - grass clipper - dust buster .then you know that the batteries have ZERO extra space for anything. I need solder tab, no "holder" would come even CLOSE to fitting, Matter of fact, some times the thickness of the solder tabs themselves makes it too tight a fit! Thanks anyway. I DID go to a holder in my MIDI keyboard when its very expensive lithium battery died - a couple penlights have kept it going for years. Msg 43913 is 07 line(s) on 08/31/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MIKE REINHART re: R/SOLDER-TAB NI-CADS? >> That's << the answer I'm looking for! I am sitting right here with one solder-tab nicad (AA size) having put the other in my tiny printing calculator - I saw Mr. NiCad at a HamFest, and bought 2 AA's anticipating the repair on my calculator, but then a few weeks later my Dust Buster stopped working, and now I need a "C" size (or perhaps two, since I already replaced one of 'em already, and there are 3). Thanks VERY much! Msg 43914 is 06 line(s) on 08/31/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JIM POLOUS re: R/AST PREMIUM UPGRADE I have seen the latest, with their "Cupid" architecture. However, I'm not looking to buy a NEW, UPGRADEABLE system, but rather to upgrade my OLD, non-upgradeable system, hoping that due to its popularity (possibly the third most popular form factor after the XT and AT form factors). Its 7-slot architecture and different mounting holes makes it not suitable for putting a regular board in it. Msg 43915 is 09 line(s) on 08/31/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BILL WOLFF re: R/LOGGING ON AT 1200 BAUD! To reply to your msg in detail, no, the 300/1200 loss was a complete surprise. I sure DIDN'T lock 'em out! Matter of fact, my own 9600 access is GONE TOO! Something is completely wrong with the setup. It just dawned on me, perhaps the modem itself got locked at 2400, but I suspect instead some timing problems with the faster processor. It didn't answer calls at all with "turbo" turned on - unless coincidentally that was a non-2400 call also. I watched at Randys right after the new hardware was put on - after kicking out of turbo mode, it answered the next call. Will investigate this weekend. Msg 43916 is 09 line(s) on 09/01/90 from BILL MATTSON to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/WINDOWS 3.0 Yeh, I don't use TSR's myself, but am unhappy that W3 won't coexist with QEMM 5.0. I did discover a trick, though, if you can't get rid of a non-windows application icon after you've deleted the application, or thought you did, using the setup process. All of the icons are listed in a file with "MAIN" in the name. I'm being cryptic because at this moment I can't remember the name of that pesky file. I'll look again and report in a later message. I merely edited the file, and crtl-Y'd the offending line with my trusty old WORDSTAR in non-document mode! Msg 43917 is 08 line(s) on 09/02/90 from TAN LU to ALL re: RELISYS EGA MONITOR FOR SALE. Hi, I'm calling from San Francisco. I'm not sure if I'm in Chicago when I Log on so can someone tell me. My name is Tan. The real reason for this message is to advertise my 2-month old Relisys Monitor. I'm a graphics fanatic so I'm looking forward to getting a VGA Monitor. My suggested price is $250 but I'm always open for deals. So call me at my place at (415) 824-3085 in San Francisco if you want a good deal on a nice EGA Monitor. Thank You and Hello Chicago. P.S. A Paradis EGA card is included with the package. Msg 43918 is 05 line(s) on 09/02/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/WINDOWS 3.0 Look at the bottom of your keyboard to see if there are any DIP switches there. I had been using IBMFIX (or whatever it's called) for a few months and then by chance happened to turn my keyboard over. Lo and behold, there were two DIP switches, and one of them was labeled as swapping the Control and Caps Lock keys. dup. chars. >Function:?