CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/27/90 00:00:19 ++LINE > 9 LONG - truncated, return to ACCEPT, ^U to RE-ENTER: RST^U ?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 216266; next msg =43849; 370 active msgs. Prev. call 07/26/90 @ 06:06, next msg was 43843 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^ >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 10 KILLED. 47 SUMMARY. 24 07/25/90,00:24:42,216218,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,11 07/25/90,00:36:57,216219,2,ED FOSTER,, E#43835,2 07/25/90,00:44:28,216220,2,AKIRA SHINJO,Tokyo, E#43836,13 07/25/90,06:10:53,216221,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,2 07/25/90,06:35:42,216222,2,JOE SEROCKI,, E#43837,2 07/25/90,07:01:31,216223,2,KEN STRITZEL,,8 07/25/90,08:53:49,216224,2,DENNIS STAHL,, 07/25/90,09:09:06,216225,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 ]SORRY FOR THE AUTO LOG-OFF THAT JUST OCCURRED INITIATED AT YOUR END. I WAS INTERRUPTED AND WALKED AWAY FROM THE TERMINAL WITHOUT HANGING UP. AS A LONG TERM USER, I APPRECIATE THE SYSTEM! DENNIS STAHL, 07/25/90,10:23:05,216226,1,PAUL STUMPO,detroit/ mi,5 07/25/90,10:43:14,216227,2,BRIAN MOWERS,Southfield/MI, E#43838,16 07/25/90,11:25:09,216228,2,KEN STRITZEL,,2 07/25/90,14:30:14,216229,1,JEFF BRADY,LIsle/IL,4 07/25/90,14:50:47,216230,2,GARY ELFRING,,1 07/25/90,16:52:19,216231,2,AL HIGGINS,,9 07/25/90,17:59:02,216232,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,1 07/25/90,20:03:38,216233,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,8 07/25/90,20:22:54,216234,2,JOE SEROCKI,, E#43839, E#43840,3 07/25/90,20:32:58,216235,9,DAVID GIBBS,,1 07/25/90,20:43:43,216236,2,PETE GIANAKOPOLOUS,,8 07/25/90,21:03:04,216237,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,7 07/25/90,21:49:59,216238,1,JOSEPH SKOM,, E#43841,5 07/26/90,00:31:22,216239,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,7 07/26/90,00:43:02,216240,2,AKIRA SHINJO,,2 07/26/90,01:06:03,216241,2,JIM ANDERSON,,4 07/26/90,03:34:13,216242,1,MARK HARCOURT,,7 07/26/90,03:59:46,216243,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#43842,7 07/26/90,06:06:10,216244,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43843, E#43844,10 07/26/90,08:13:08,216245,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 07/26/90,09:46:27,216246,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,1 07/26/90,09:54:34,216247,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,2 07/26/90,11:04:07,216248,1,PAUL STUMPO,,4 07/26/90,11:17:27,216249,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,1 07/26/90,12:25:42,216250,2,JOE SEROCKI,, E#43845,2 07/26/90,13:49:46,216251,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 07/26/90,14:07:12,216252,2,NORM WEISS,Naperville/ IL, >Help: BBS LIST,6 07/26/90,15:38:56,216253,3,JIM COLLING,,5 07/26/90,17:04:56,216254,2,DAVID SUGAR,Chicago/ Il,4 07/26/90,17:38:43,216255,2,TOM PRODEHL,Englewood/ CO, E#43846, 07/26/90,18:06:33,216256,2,KENNETH SCHABELSKI,,13 07/26/90,18:29:24,216257,2,GARY BUNTENBACH,,1 07/26/90,19:44:32,216258,1,JIM WARD,[D,4 07/26/90,20:12:37,216259,2,RICHARD HODGES,,3 07/26/90,20:17:13,216260,2,JOE SEROCKI,, E#43847,5 07/26/90,21:13:25,216261,9,JIM POLOUS,,4 07/26/90,21:52:47,216262,1,DAVID ROSENTHAL,Norridge/IL,5 07/26/90,21:58:09,216263,1,DAVID ROSENTHAL,,3 07/26/90,22:11:52,216264,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#43848,10 07/26/90,22:24:54,216265,3,STEVE SVIATKO,,3 07/27/90,00:00:23,216266,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43843 07/26/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ED FOSTER: "R/WHADDAYAKNOW?" 43844 07/26/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BRIAN MOWERS: "XMODEM" 43845 07/26/90 JOE SEROCKI => ALL: "AT 4SALE" 43846 07/26/90 TOM PRODEHL => JERRY OLSEN: "R/ACCESSING DOS SUBDIRS" 43847 07/26/90 JOE SEROCKI => BILL MATTSON: "R/HARD DRIVES" 43848 07/26/90 BILL MATTSON => JOE SEROCKI: "R/HARD DRIVES" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43843 is 19 line(s) on 07/26/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ED FOSTER re: R/WHADDAYAKNOW? Not only did I watch it (once) but I went to the taping (Thurs PM) of the one I watched. This is the 3rd time I've seen Feldman live. The TV show does leave something to be desired - I think it is that we are used to the 2 hour format, and there is just too much that has to be cut. The ONE thing I WOULD like to see, would be the screwey prizes - i.e. what DOES a solar powered fan cap look like? However, they elect to not show the prizes. Computers: I get a kick out of how many people in his audience work with or are involved with computers! When I filled in the audience card, and it asked for a quick description, I put down something like "another one of those darned computer people". ;-) A friend(*) from IBM was on the quiz one day - and made a complete fool of himself. When he was doing poorly, he was givven a "gimme" question: "do snail shells south of the equator spiral in the opposite direction from those north of the equator?" I yelled to my radio "YA, Russ! Go! He's giving you one!". He answered "yes", and I about died ;-). The ONLY good news was that he said he "worked for a large computer company" ;-) (*) Actually I've not seen him in quite a while, but he was one of the people who started in the same "very first class" as I MANY years ago. Msg 43844 is 11 line(s) on 07/26/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BRIAN MOWERS re: XMODEM Sorry, I have nothing but bad news for you. 1. Please don't call me "sysop", I just HATE that "generic term" 2. I have no idea where to go for source for file transfer listings. I really mean I have lots of sources - Compuserve, Bix, Public (Software) Library, local download boards, etc, but I have not kept up with such things and have no SPECIFIC places or things in mind. I have no idea other than the above "generic list" of where to find add'l protocol info - e.g. Ymodem, etc. There are YMODEM doc files that I recall seeing on the IBMCOM forum on Compuserve many years ago, and I presume they're still there. Sorry. Msg 43845 is 02 line(s) on 07/26/90 from JOE SEROCKI to ALL re: AT 4SALE 286/8mhz. 640k. 40m hard, 1.2 floppy, cga, with comp. monitor. Excellent machine. Asking $500/offer. Call Joe at 708-587-2388. Msg 43846 is 04 line(s) on 07/26/90 from TOM PRODEHL to JERRY OLSEN re: R/ACCESSING DOS SUBDIRS TO access a subdirectory file you use find first and find next functions. There arr no defined file access functions for 'reading' subdirectories. the onll other way is the acess the disk ddrectly. Do you want to do that? ? Msg 43847 is 05 line(s) on 07/26/90 from JOE SEROCKI to BILL MATTSON re: R/HARD DRIVES bill: the drives are seagate 157a. they are 615 heads x 4 cylinders. i have two left and two controllers: st07 & st08 (seagate) both are 16 bit c controllers one has a floppy i/f one does not. Msg 43848 is 03 line(s) on 07/26/90 from BILL MATTSON to JOE SEROCKI re: R/HARD DRIVES Wow, Joe, that's a lot of heads! Are those drives 5.25 or 3.5 form factor? Regards. dup. chars. >Function:?CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/27/90 20:59:04 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 216279; next msg =43849; 370 active msgs. Prev. call 07/27/90 @ 00:00, next msg was 43849 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^ >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 10 KILLED. 47 SUMMARY. 24 07/25/90,00:24:42,216218,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,11 07/25/90,00:36:57,216219,2,ED FOSTER,, E#43835,2 ,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,3 07/27/90,00:47:46,216267,2,GERALD PINE,,6 07/27/90,03:19:15,216268,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 07/27/90,05:28:45,216269,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/27/90,07:30:16,216270,2,STEVE SMITH,,1 07/27/90,10:04:59,216271,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 07/27/90,13:58:29,216272,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 07/27/90,15:33:55,216273,2,PETE CANTELE,,2 07/27/90,15:46:31,216274,1,CHUCK JONES,,7 07/27/90,16:19:06,216275,2,ER ATKINSON,evanston/ il,10 07/27/90,16:45:37,216276,2,JIM CHALOUPKA,,10 07/27/90,18:03:08,216277,1,OFF OFF,, 07/27/90,20:38:59,216278,2,DON PIVEN,,3 07/27/90,20:59:09,216279,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, - End of summary - dup. chars. >Function:?