CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/25/90 00:24:39 What is your FIRST name?^U ?^U ?^U ?ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk. You are caller 216218; next msg =43835; 377 active msgs. Prev. call 07/23/90 @ 23:08, next msg was 43821 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 7 KILLED. 38 SUMMARY. 25 07/23/90,23:08:06,216189,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43821, E#43822, E#43823, E#43824,11 07/23/90,23:38:56,216190,2,JIM CHALOUPKA,,3 07/23/90,23:46:52,216191,2,JIM ANDERSON,, E#43825,8 07/24/90,04:17:21,216192,2,JERRY OLSEN,,3 07/24/90,05:02:59,216193,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#43826,1 07/24/90,06:59:10,216194,1,MICHAEL MCDANIEL,,3 07/24/90,07:02:49,216195,2,PETE JONES,,2 07/24/90,07:05:40,216196,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/24/90,09:36:47,216197,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 07/24/90,10:40:18,216198,2,DON PIVEN,,2 07/24/90,12:53:28,216199,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 07/24/90,13:45:38,216200,2,JOE SEROCKI,, E#43827, E#43828, E#43829, E#43830,10 07/24/90,14:24:15,216201,1,BRUNO RUSSO,,20 07/24/90,15:39:19,216202,2,CLIFF SHARP,, E#43831,8 07/24/90,16:56:30,216203,2,JOE SEROCKI,, E#43832,2 ]CALL ME AT 708-587-2388 AND I WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT THE DRIVES. JOE SEROCKI, 07/24/90,17:50:24,216204,2,PRITESH PATEL,, >Help: , 07/24/90,18:02:46,216205,2,RICHARD HODGES,,2 ]Good advice. Problem is, I never seem to remember until after they close! Bad luck I guess. Take care, -Richard Hodges- RICHARD HODGES, 07/24/90,19:02:54,216206,2,JOE SEROCKI,, E#43833,2 07/24/90,20:41:00,216207,1,BERNARD GOLDLUST,,2 07/24/90,21:31:26,216208,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 07/24/90,21:39:23,216209,2,CHUCK BERMINGHAM,,16 07/24/90,21:56:10,216210,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#43834,12 07/24/90,22:18:35,216211,2,JIM CHALOUPKA,,2 07/24/90,22:59:02,216212,2,XXX YYY,,2 07/24/90,23:19:48,216213,2,JOHN SERRANO,,1 07/24/90,23:27:25,216214,2,TED KEKATOS,,2 07/24/90,23:51:37,216215,9,DAVID GIBBS,,1 07/25/90,00:03:13,216216,1,TAMMY FLORCZAK,chicago Il,2 07/25/90,00:18:27,216217,2,ED FOSTER,,1 07/25/90,00:24:42,216218,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43821 07/23/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => CLIFF SHARP: "R/FLOPPY STACK=HARD DISK" 43822 07/23/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JOSEPH SKOM: "CHARLIE KESTNER" 43823 07/23/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JOE JESSON: "R/RANDY'S UNIX SYSTEM DEAD?" 43824 07/23/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RICHARD HODGES: "R/COHERENT." 43825 07/23/90 JIM ANDERSON => ALL: "DISK BINDERS FOR SALE" 43826 07/24/90 JERRY OLSEN => ALL: "ACCESSING DOS SUBDIRS" 43827 07/24/90 JOE SEROCKI => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "HARD DRIVES." 43828 07/24/90 JOE SEROCKI => AL HIGGINS: "HARD DRIVES" 43829 07/24/90 JOE SEROCKI => JOE JESSON: "HARD DRIVES" 43830 07/24/90 JOE SEROCKI => ALL: "HARD DRIVES" 43831 07/24/90 CLIFF SHARP => JERRY OLSEN: "R/ACCESSING DOS SUBDIRS" 43832 07/24/90 JOE SEROCKI => JOE JESSON: "R/DRIVES F/SALE" 43833 07/24/90 JOE SEROCKI => ALL: "AT FOR SALE" 43834 07/24/90 BILL MATTSON => JOE SEROCKI: "R/HARD DRIVES" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43821 is 08 line(s) on 07/23/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CLIFF SHARP re: R/FLOPPY STACK=HARD DISK I'm a registered user of WSSI - matter of fact, he sent me the latest to upload to Compuserve. But that's not the point. I love working with Treeview (or name the directory manager program of your choice). I'd LOVE to be able to simply address, say, drive "Z", and have it have a bunch of sub-dirs, each of which represents a "normal" floppy, and the subdir name is the floppy volume label. Only when I finally actually look at, copy, or otherwise address the FILE itself, will the driver ask me to stick in a diskette. Msg 43822 is 03 line(s) on 07/23/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JOSEPH SKOM re: CHARLIE KESTNER Charlie is a friend and long time full-privilege assistant operator here. No need to tell him the rules. He wrote some of 'em. Msg 43823 is 04 line(s) on 07/23/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JOE JESSON re: R/RANDY'S UNIX SYSTEM DEAD? Randy called me @ 10:00 Sat AM (the ONE time NOT to call me! I'm just listening to the Whad 'ya Know monolog!). He said his drive took a dump. He was working on it. So I must assume the system was down for some drive problems. Msg 43824 is 02 line(s) on 07/23/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to RICHARD HODGES re: R/COHERENT. The best bet would be to contact Mark Williams Software directly - hopefully they'd know if there was a BBS for Coherent. Msg 43825 is 05 line(s) on 07/23/90 from JIM ANDERSON to ALL re: DISK BINDERS FOR SALE I have a lot of disk binders for sale. I have two sizes 1in and 2in wide both are the standard software size. Includes at least one disk and holder. I am asking .50 cents each or $30 a car load $250 a truck load if you want more please give me a call Jim Anderson 708=981-9300 The binders are in Elk Grove Msg 43826 is 06 line(s) on 07/24/90 from JERRY OLSEN to ALL re: ACCESSING DOS SUBDIRS I've been dabbling with code for a little "recreational" program which requires direct opening/reading of DOS subdirectory files. The primary open fxn (3Dh) returns an "access denied" error code. Following up a tip, I've have tried the FCB-style open fxn (0Fh), but it was just as unsuccessful. Does anyone know the necessary steps to open/read subdir files? Msg 43827 is 10 line(s) on 07/24/90 from JOE SEROCKI to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: HARD DRIVES. well they are seagate hard drives. I have left the following: 90 meg rll 40 meg mfm 20 meg mfm 40 meg rll have some comtrollers for xt and AT would be interested in color enlarger if you have one, posibily the Nikon. sorry it took so long to respond. List darkroom equipment if possible thanks joe Msg 43828 is 04 line(s) on 07/24/90 from JOE SEROCKI to AL HIGGINS re: HARD DRIVES Well I have a 80 rll, a 40 rll, and a 20 mfm. the 80 and 40 are relativly new, very little use. the 20 mfm, is quite older. sorry for the long reply. joe Msg 43829 is 01 line(s) on 07/24/90 from JOE SEROCKI to JOE JESSON re: HARD DRIVES have a 80, a 40 and a 20. would trade all for a resonable lapto. Msg 43830 is 04 line(s) on 07/24/90 from JOE SEROCKI to ALL re: HARD DRIVES ward, al, and joe: sorry i forgot to mention i also have 2 ide 40 meg drives. joe Msg 43831 is 08 line(s) on 07/24/90 from CLIFF SHARP to JERRY OLSEN re: R/ACCESSING DOS SUBDIRS Jerry, as far as I know you can't open a subdirectory in any standard way under DOS. You have to follow the directory chain using physical reads (or logical sector reads, of course) and calculate its location on the disk, then do direct sector reads to get the subdirectory. I would suppose you could 'chmod' the directory into a file, maybe, and then edit the file and 'chmod' it back into being a directory, but I've never tried that; DOS may refuse to clear the 'directory' bit for you under the 'chmod' call. Might be worth a try. Msg 43832 is 01 line(s) on 07/24/90 from JOE SEROCKI to JOE JESSON re: R/DRIVES F/SALE call me at 708-587-2388. very interested. joe Msg 43833 is 01 line(s) on 07/24/90 from JOE SEROCKI to ALL re: AT FOR SALE For sale AT 8mhz machine. Will consider trade for ?? Call Joe at 708-587-2388. Msg 43834 is 10 line(s) on 07/24/90 from BILL MATTSON to JOE SEROCKI re: R/HARD DRIVES Joe, I'm interested in the IDE drives. Please tell me what you are asking for them and the following information: 1.) Number of cylinders 2.) Number of heads 3.) Number of sectors 4.) Precompensation value 5.) Landing zone 6.) Brand and model Regards. Bill Mattson dup. chars. >Function:?