CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/23/90 23:08:02 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 216189; next msg =43821; 373 active msgs. Prev. call 07/18/90 @ 22:21, next msg was 43807 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 6 KILLED. 33 SUMMARY. 25 07/23/90,23:08:06,216189,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 4380 >Function:?type-50 log,ward c;or;*;short 07/18/90,22:29:51,216097,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 07/18/90,22:31:28,216098,3,JERRY KIMENTO,,21 ]thanks for use of your system............jerry JERRY KIMENTO, 07/18/90,22:58:58,216099,2,JOHN SERRANO,,6 07/19/90,01:39:26,216100,2,CLIFF SHARP,, E#43807,8 07/19/90,01:51:30,216101,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 07/19/90,04:14:28,216102,2,ALEX ZELL,, 07/19/90,05:31:42,216103,2,EDGAR COUDAL,,4 07/19/90,07:01:27,216104,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 07/19/90,08:45:22,216105,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 07/19/90,10:42:44,216106,1,MARTY LINGG,,0 07/19/90,10:44:04,216107,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 07/19/90,13:25:55,216108,2,JOE HOLEWINSKI,, >Help: LIST,4 07/19/90,15:17:24,216109,2,DENNIS DUFFNER,, E#43808,6 07/19/90,19:44:46,216110,2,BERNARD PRITCHARD,Chicago/Il,15 07/19/90,20:42:47,216111,9,DAVID GIBBS,, E#43809,3 07/19/90,21:14:02,216112,2,PETE GIANAKOPOLOUS,chicago, >Help: F[W3, >Help: T[G,6 07/19/90,21:48:11,216113,1,DIMITRY BERD,IL,6 07/19/90,22:10:38,216114,1,K L,, 07/19/90,22:16:08,216115,1,CHUCK JONES,,7 07/19/90,22:27:34,216116,1,JOSEPH SKOM,, E#43810,7 07/19/90,22:33:54,216117,2,ED FOSTER,,1 07/19/90,22:46:41,216118,1,DIMITRY BERD,, >Help: HOW DO I GET A LINKA, 07/20/90,00:17:53,216119,2,NIC DANGER,,3 07/20/90,02:01:20,216120,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 07/20/90,04:51:15,216121,2,JERRY OLSEN,,8 07/20/90,05:32:04,216122,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/20/90,07:49:10,216123,1,JOHN MUNDT,,0 07/20/90,10:49:53,216124,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 07/20/90,12:36:11,216125,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 07/20/90,13:09:37,216126,2,JOE ANTONELLI,,0 07/20/90,13:58:34,216127,1,BILL MANTHEY,,2 07/20/90,14:14:19,216128,2,GARY ELFRING,,0 07/20/90,15:28:04,216129,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,, E#43811,4 07/20/90,16:47:33,216130,2,MIKE FORESTER,jackson/ ms,7 07/20/90,18:14:27,216131,1,CHUCK JONES,,3 07/20/90,20:38:56,216132,1,DOUG FLATTER,Nashville/tennessee, 07/20/90,20:49:42,216133,3,JIM EATON,, E#43812,9 07/20/90,21:02:43,216134,1,DOUG FLATTER,,7 07/20/90,23:26:25,216135,2,PHIL JERN,,7 07/20/90,23:45:06,216136,2,BILL MATTSON,,6 07/21/90,00:41:19,216137,2,AL HIGGINS,,2 07/21/90,01:25:00,216138,3,WARD IS AN ASSHOLE,JKS, E#43813, 07/21/90,04:25:04,216139,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#43814, E#43815,3 07/21/90,06:17:19,216140,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,6 07/21/90,06:41:53,216141,2,ELRICK WILLIAMS,chicago,8 07/21/90,08:45:41,216142,9,JOE JESSON,,2 07/21/90,09:00:54,216143,9,DAVID GIBBS,,1 07/21/90,12:00:40,216144,1,ROY PLUM,des plaines,5 07/21/90,12:31:32,216145,1,DENNIS LEONG,,3 07/21/90,14:44:59,216146,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,4 ]_Don't know QUITE how to handle Msg 43813, since Messr. Bohlman did such a fine job of replying to the guy. _Guess I'll leave it up (althought the tendency is to SNUFF it). _2nd thot, CAN'T leave it up. _Ward, see kill file for msgs 43813 & 43815. CHARLIE KESTNER, 07/21/90,14:51:28,216147,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,1 07/21/90,15:36:25,216148,2,WALLY JAMROSE,Frankfort/ IL,6 07/21/90,16:06:44,216149,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 07/21/90,16:31:18,216150,1,JOHN SERRANO,,5 07/21/90,17:32:50,216151,1,DAVID JOHNSON,,8 07/21/90,20:31:01,216152,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,3 07/21/90,22:14:35,216153,2,JACK AILLES,,5 07/21/90,22:28:03,216154,1,JOSEPH SKOM,,2 07/21/90,23:29:02,216155,2,MIKE REINHART,,15 07/22/90,00:04:03,216156,9,JIM POLOUS,,1 07/22/90,02:22:52,216157,1,MIKE REINHART,,2 07/22/90,02:54:16,216158,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 07/22/90,06:50:03,216159,1,JIM CHALOUPKA,Berwyn/IL,5 07/22/90,07:25:32,216160,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 07/22/90,09:23:45,216161,9,JOE JESSON,, E#43816, E#43817,10 07/22/90,09:37:38,216162,9,JOE JESSON,,3 07/22/90,11:03:17,216163,2,EDGAR COUDAL,,2 07/22/90,12:21:39,216164,1,ERNEST SCHULZ,chiago,5 07/22/90,14:04:38,216165,2,JIM CHALOUPKA,,1 07/22/90,16:01:32,216166,1,CHUCK JONES,,5 07/22/90,16:46:21,216167,1,DAVID JOHNSON,,1 07/22/90,17:05:08,216168,2,TIM EVANS,WHEATON/IL,2 07/22/90,18:56:41,216169,1,ELISA FARMILANT,chicago/il,3 07/22/90,19:23:35,216170,2,RICHARD HODGES,somewhere/ New Jersey, E#43818,15 ]Bye for now; please read mail; c'ya later. RICHARD HODGES, 07/22/90,22:00:01,216171,2,AL HIGGINS,,4 07/22/90,22:12:53,216172,1,DAVID JOHNSON,,1 07/22/90,23:33:02,216173,2,IRA BERKE,mt. prospect/ il., 07/23/90,00:00:01,216174,2,BILL MATTSON,,3 07/23/90,00:42:52,216175,2,JIM ANDERSON,, E#43819,8 07/23/90,05:30:16,216176,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/23/90,08:42:29,216177,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 07/23/90,10:30:46,216178,2,JEFF MARTIN,,6 07/23/90,10:38:04,216179,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 07/23/90,11:53:01,216180,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,5 07/23/90,12:08:50,216181,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,1 07/23/90,17:47:27,216182,1,RUSS ANDERSON,,3 07/23/90,18:10:18,216183,2,JERRY MULVANEY,hi,15 07/23/90,19:12:07,216184,2,RICHARD HODGES,,4 07/23/90,19:39:20,216185,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 07/23/90,21:16:10,216186,1,BERNARD GOLDLUST,,1 07/23/90,22:12:01,216187,1,JOSEPH SKOM,, E#43820,3 07/23/90,23:02:22,216188,1,STEVE RYAN,,5 07/23/90,23:08:06,216189,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43807 07/19/90 CLIFF SHARP => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/FLOPPY STACK=HARD DISK" 43808X 07/19/90 DENNIS DUFFNER => PHIL SCHUMAN: "AS/400" 43809 07/19/90 DAVID GIBBS => ALL: "BBS FOR S3X & AS400 USERS" 43810 07/19/90 JOSEPH SKOM => CHARLIE KESTNER: "R/I WANT TO TALK TO THE SYSOP!" 43811 07/20/90 PHIL SCHUMAN => DENNIS DUFFNER: "AS/400" 43812 07/20/90 JIM EATON => ALL: "ZOOM MODEM" 43813X 07/21/90 WARD IS AN ASSHOLE => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "ABOUT AN IDIOT" 43814 07/21/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => JIM EATON: "R/ZOOM MODEM" 43815X 07/21/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => WARD IS AN ASSHOLE: "R/ABOUT AN IDIOT" 43816 07/22/90 JOE JESSON => JOE SEROCKI: "DRIVES F/SALE" 43817 07/22/90 JOE JESSON => WARD: "RANDY'S UNIX SYSTEM DEAD?" 43818 07/22/90 RICHARD HODGES => WARD CHRISTIANSEN: "COHERENT." 43819 07/23/90 JIM ANDERSON => JOE JESSON: "R/DRIVES F/SALE" 43820 07/23/90 JOSEPH SKOM => ALL: "HARD DRIVE FOR BONDWELL LAPTOP" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43807 is 08 line(s) on 07/19/90 from CLIFF SHARP to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/FLOPPY STACK=HARD DISK Well, part of what you're looking for already exists in a shareware program called WSSI. At least it catalogs all the diskettes, keeps the catalog on the hard drive if you wish, will sorta do a DIR en masse, and will label (or relabel) a diskette on the fly. I think it also keeps track of the free space on each diskette, so with a little elbow grease you can easily find the optimal diskette to write a given file to. You might even think about finding the author of this and talk to him about "commissioning" him to do the "extensions". No msg 43808 Msg 43809 is 20 line(s) on 07/19/90 from DAVID GIBBS to ALL re: BBS FOR S3X & AS400 USERS THE MIDRANGE SYSTEM BBS The Bulletin Board System for IBM S/3X & AS/400 professionals. . Specializing in the IBM System/3X & AS/400 . Tailored for Programmers & MIS Managers . Non-Affiliated / Not For Profit . Nationally Networked . FREE A forum for users to exchange ideas and information on technical and non-technical issues related to the IBM System/3X and AS/400. The Midrange System BBS supports any IBM PC, compatible, or ASCII device with a 300/1200/2400/9600 (HST) Baud modem. THE MIDRANGE SYSTEM BBS IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY COMPANY OR MAGAZINE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM! (312) 439-9679 300/1200/2400/9600 Baud (HST) 8 Data, No Parity, 1 Stop Msg 43810 is 03 line(s) on 07/19/90 from JOSEPH SKOM to CHARLIE KESTNER re: R/I WANT TO TALK TO THE SYSOP! Leave Ward a message and tell him what's on your mind.but don't call him sysop. . Msg 43811 is 02 line(s) on 07/20/90 from PHIL SCHUMAN to DENNIS DUFFNER re: AS/400 tnx Dennis - I'm in the Chicago area also - Lisle. maybe we could do a face to face. Msg 43812 is 04 line(s) on 07/20/90 from JIM EATON to ALL re: ZOOM MODEM Am contemplating purchase of a Zoom Modem: 2400 Baud, Hayes compatible, capable of sending (but not receiving) faxes. This is just for recreational use. Any comments/experience with this modem would be appreciated, I've never bought anything from this company. No msg 43813 Msg 43814 is 03 line(s) on 07/21/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to JIM EATON re: R/ZOOM MODEM I remember hearing maybe one negative thing about it. I think it had to do with the modem having trouble connecting with USR Dual Standard modems; it may have been fixed in newer versions. No msg 43815 Msg 43816 is 02 line(s) on 07/22/90 from JOE JESSON to JOE SEROCKI re: DRIVES F/SALE I'm interested in trading or bying for cash - Have several laptops for sale or trade and want to build a large Unix system. Msg 43817 is 05 line(s) on 07/22/90 from JOE JESSON to WARD re: RANDY'S UNIX SYSTEM DEAD? I've grown dependent on Randy's unix chinet node and, this weekend, the system does not respond. I heard the systems sit side by side nd thought you may have heard anything about chinet problems? Maybe I could help him with some hardware or repair help. -joe Msg 43818 is 17 line(s) on 07/22/90 from RICHARD HODGES to WARD CHRISTIANSEN re: COHERENT. Hi. Just saw your BBS listing in the Computer Shopper and said "Jesus! This is the guy that made the Modem-7 protocol I used to use on my Kaypro!". I guess it was the predecessor to Xmodem. Anyway, I live in Carson City, and am presently in New Jersey installing equipment for my company. But actually, what I am really interested in, is whether anyone knows of a bulletin board for the Coherent system, which, as you might have heard is very much like Unix, but for only a hundred bucks from Mark Williams Company. I got it about a month ago, and am now seriously into Unix/coherent. I have had problems with a couple device drivers and sure could use some help from someone who knows Coherent! So, I'll try to log on some time later when I get a chance, and see if someone has left a reply. Want to call? My number at home is 702-885-9548, but don't bother until August or so, as I will probably be stuck in New Jersey for a couple more weeks! Thanks for the use of your board, and take care. -Richard Hodges- (I still can't believe I got hold of Ward C.!) Msg 43819 is 04 line(s) on 07/23/90 from JIM ANDERSON to JOE JESSON re: R/DRIVES F/SALE What type of laptops do you have and what do you want to trade??? I have Xenix 286 that I will trade I also have other Xenix programs for workstations as well as PCI pc interface for Xenix Give me a call Jim Anderson 708-981-9300 Msg 43820 is 02 line(s) on 07/23/90 from JOSEPH SKOM to ALL re: HARD DRIVE FOR BONDWELL LAPTOP Could someone please tell me what kind of hard drive would be compatible with a Bondwell Turbo-8 Laptop, and where I can get it? Thanks. dup. chars. >Function:?