CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/18/90 22:21:27 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk. You are caller 216096; next msg =43807; 365 active msgs. Prev. call 07/15/90 @ 14:37, next msg was 43798 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 15 KILLED. 32 SUMMARY. 24 07/15/90,14:37:50,216033,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43798, E#43799,14 07/15/90,16:10:22,216034,2,DON PIVEN,,2 07/15/90,16:21:53,216035,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,11 07/15/90,18:26:48,216036,1,BOB SULLIVAN,,3 07/15/90,19:14:18,216037,2,JOHN FLISS,Chicago il,4 07/15/90,20:58:25,216038,2,AL HIGGINS,,9 07/15/90,21:19:15,216039,2,AL HIGGINS,, E#43800, 07/15/90,22:35:26,216040,2,CHARLIE KESTNER,,3 07/16/90,00:16:50,216041,2,SAMIR SHYAMANI,, E#43801, E#43802,8 07/16/90,00:28:00,216042,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,6 07/16/90,00:40:10,216043,2,BILL MATTSON,,5 07/16/90,05:29:16,216044,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/16/90,06:17:59,216045,1,MICHAEL MCDANIEL,,3 07/16/90,07:37:15,216046,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 07/16/90,07:43:35,216047,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,2 07/16/90,10:44:02,216048,2,NEAL SOSNOWSKI,,6 07/16/90,11:42:10,216049,1,JACK AILLES,Lansing Mi., 07/16/90,14:24:52,216050,2,PETE CANTELE,,2 07/16/90,18:13:24,216051,2,JOHN FLISS,,4 07/16/90,20:24:43,216052,1,EMMANAUEL SEMMES,CHGO/IL,1 07/16/90,20:28:07,216053,2,JOHN SERRANO,,1 07/16/90,21:17:32,216054,2,MIKE NICOTERA,CI\IL,2 07/16/90,21:25:01,216055,2,DON PIVEN,,1 07/16/90,21:42:55,216056,9,JIM POLOUS,,3 07/16/90,22:01:19,216057,1,BRETT BANFIELD,,3 ]BRETT BANFIELD, 07/16/90,22:04:39,216058,1,BOB SULLIVAN,,1 07/16/90,22:32:49,216059,2,BILL MATTSON,,3 07/16/90,22:39:53,216060,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,4 07/16/90,22:55:57,216061,3,JERRY KIMENTO,,9 07/17/90,00:41:06,216062,1,JIM KENNEDY,, E#43803,18 07/17/90,04:40:14,216063,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#43804,6 07/17/90,05:50:44,216064,9,JOE JESSON,, 07/17/90,07:43:05,216065,1,CHUCK JONES,,22 07/17/90,08:13:33,216066,2,GARY PETT,,2 07/17/90,11:30:50,216067,2,JOHN SERRANO,,1 07/17/90,11:34:27,216068,1,JIM CHAPMAN,chicago, >Help: X^, >Help: *,CHAT, >Help: Y, >Help: 6GU?HN^'MI, 07/17/90,11:47:39,216069,2,JOHN SERRANO,,1 07/17/90,12:30:33,216070,2,ALEX ZELL,, 07/17/90,12:49:06,216071,2,MARTY LINGG,,2 07/17/90,13:14:08,216072,2,GARY ELFRING,,0 07/17/90,14:01:06,216073,1,JOHN MUNDT,,1 07/17/90,14:30:05,216074,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 07/17/90,16:48:29,216075,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,1 07/17/90,17:50:16,216076,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43805,3 07/17/90,18:46:08,216077,2,AL HIGGINS,,10 07/17/90,20:48:59,216078,2,PRITESH PATEL,CHICAGO.IL,2 07/17/90,22:52:28,216079,3,RAY CAPANI,DUNDEE/IL.,7 07/17/90,23:00:17,216080,2,ED FOSTER,,1 07/18/90,07:06:14,216081,2,PETE JONES,,0 07/18/90,09:10:01,216082,2,JACK HOMA,,6 07/18/90,09:30:49,216083,1,WARNER CLEMENTS,,4 07/18/90,11:59:11,216084,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 07/18/90,12:00:12,216085,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 07/18/90,12:04:57,216086,2,MIKE DEER,,20 07/18/90,13:06:06,216087,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 07/18/90,15:30:01,216088,2,DON PIVEN,,1 07/18/90,17:02:04,216089,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,9 07/18/90,20:52:29,216090,9,JIM POLOUS,, E#43806,3 07/18/90,20:59:36,216091,3,JIM COLLING,,7 07/18/90,21:23:51,216092,2,AL HIGGINS,,2 07/18/90,21:39:41,216093,3,STUART GUBA,pa,5 07/18/90,21:43:35,216094,3,STEVE SVIATKO,,13 07/18/90,22:07:02,216095,1,CHARLES SANDERS,CHICAGO,7 07/18/90,22:21:30,216096,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43798 07/15/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => PHIL SCHUMAN: "R/SPINRITE II VER 1.1" 43799 07/15/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "FLOPPY STACK=HARD DISK" 43800 07/15/90 AL HIGGINS => JOE SEROCKI: "R/IBM HARD DRIVES FOR SALE" 43801 07/16/90 SAMIR SHYAMANI => CHARLIE KESTNER: "R/DOS 4.01 DEVICE DRIVERS" 43802 07/16/90 SAMIR SHYAMANI => ALL: "DOS 4.01 & SLOW PRINTER" 43803 07/17/90 JIM KENNEDY => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "MIGHTY MICRO" 43804 07/17/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => SAMIR SHYAMANI: "R/DOS 4.01 & SLOW PRINTER" 43805 07/17/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JIM KENNEDY: "R/MIGHTY MICRO" 43806 07/18/90 JIM POLOUS => ALL: "WYSE 3216 RAM CHIP ERROR" r;*;+;+ Msg 43798 is 05 line(s) on 07/15/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to PHIL SCHUMAN re: R/SPINRITE II VER 1.1 Phil, Please CALL Gibson and state your concerns. I have found them to be pretty good at explaining things. Also, some of their "more cautious" stuff might have caused some perf hits and you've found 'em. I haven't tried mine yet (got it just like you did), but I may after I fully back up my drive to tape at the end of the month. Msg 43799 is 30 line(s) on 07/15/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: FLOPPY STACK=HARD DISK I'd like to have the following: A program to treat a stack of normal floppies as a hard disk. Externally, here's how it would work: You'd take a bunch of floppies - ones you already have, a mix of any format your system supports (I support 5.25" 360K, 3.5" 720K, 5.35" 800K) and "catalog" them with this system, i.e. insert them one at a time while the "setup" program records their contents - files, directories, etc. It would also assign a volume serial # if one didn't exist - fortunately most of my old floppies were cataloged with numbers, i.e. "WARDs #0238", and would write the serial number to the diskette. YOU'd have to write the serial number externally on the diskette, and keep track of it. Then, when all of this was done, you could DIR this new "drive". It would go to the HARD DISK file to get the directory! You could even run TREE type programs (TreeView being my favorite) ON the directory, as if it were just another hard drive. When you then attempted to OPEN one of the files, the driver would tell you to insert diskette such-and-such in drive such-and-such (I.e.: insert diskette WARDS #0238 in drive G: and you'd do so; it would then allow processing of the files ON that diskette. To access a diskette, you'd just CD to its "volume label": cd wards_#0.238 Now the internals This COULD NOT BE A BLOCK DEVICE DRIVER because I want the floppies to be USABLE as regular floppies (DIR, copy, etc). Thus the program would have to run off of INT 21, which would limit the things you could do - not CHKDSK for example, because there's no "FAT" on this pseudi-hard disk. Also, WRITING to it would be VERY difficult, because files can't span diskettes. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Want to be commissioned to write it? ;-) Msg 43800 is 04 line(s) on 07/15/90 from AL HIGGINS to JOE SEROCKI re: R/IBM HARD DRIVES FOR SALE Would be intrested in knowing what you want for the 60 & 80 MB hard drives?, are they MFM or RLL and how much use have they had? You can leave a msg hear, or call me at 708 960-8095 from 8 til 5pm. Al Higgins. Msg 43801 is 03 line(s) on 07/16/90 from SAMIR SHYAMANI to CHARLIE KESTNER re: R/DOS 4.01 DEVICE DRIVERS Well, you are right I did get a readme file that I(duh) did not read. t Thanks Sam Msg 43802 is 13 line(s) on 07/16/90 from SAMIR SHYAMANI to ALL re: DOS 4.01 & SLOW PRINTER Again I am having problems. I think I have used the correct steps to get my printer working correctly with DOS 4.01 and the Gateway 2000 386. I have entered the commands: MODE COM2:96,N,8,1,B MODE LPT1:=COM2: When I use 4DOS' list command to print a file, or V. Buerg's list.com to do the same, or attempt a long print from Prodigy, I get a Out of Paper error PRN: A,R,F,I Why is this happening? Is there some way to tell DOS to KEEP TRYING? Can I correct this in some other way? Any help here will be appreciated. Thanks, Sam Msg 43803 is 08 line(s) on 07/17/90 from JIM KENNEDY to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: MIGHTY MICRO have you had any contact with mighty micro, a mail-order supplier in georgia? i ordered an intel above-board with i.o. for their advertised price of $429. over the phone using a credit card. the item arrived in great shape, but someone there had thoughtfully added $100. to the bill, making a total of $529., plus shipping, not exactly a bargain! several phone calls and over a month later got the mess straightened out. you might fwant to order from them, but i would suggest a check, not a credit card. Msg 43804 is 06 line(s) on 07/17/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to SAMIR SHYAMANI re: R/DOS 4.01 & SLOW PRINTER Sounds strange. Normally a serial port doesn't have any lines reserved for indicating things like out of paper, but I guess DOS 4 thinks you have one. What lines does your cable have? The only other thing (other than a bug in the device driver) is that the printer is sending something other than XON/XOFF back to the computer and the driver is interpreting it wrong. Msg 43805 is 07 line(s) on 07/17/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JIM KENNEDY re: R/MIGHTY MICRO No, sorry. I've never ordered an entire system mail order. My most recent "mail" order was a multi-function board from Jade, by calling their BBS. They phoned me back to say it was back ordered. That was months ago ;-) Did they ever explain the error? I mean, for example, I can't type numbers very well so I could see a simple mistake. But if it takes too many calls to fix, you get sheepish about it. Msg 43806 is 08 line(s) on 07/18/90 from JIM POLOUS to ALL re: WYSE 3216 RAM CHIP ERROR I have a 2 year old WYSE Model 3216 (16 Mhz 386) computer. Recenlty I turned it off and back on to reset it (no reset button and Ctrl-Alt-Del was disabled by the software). When I turned it back on the LCD panel on the front read "11 RAM Bit1 Fail" Can anyone tell me what chip is bad from this error message. I don't have a tech manual on this unit. I just added a 2nd megabyte of memory and once I disabled it, it works ok so far. But it is 36 static-column 256K x 9 chips and I have no way of testing them. Any ideas? Past hi msg # Msg #:? >Function:?