CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/02/90 21:46:42 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 215844; next msg =43762; 371 active msgs. Prev. call 07/01/90 @ 01:21, next msg was 43753 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 3 KILLED. 5 SUMMARY. 24 812,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 07/01/90,02:14:38,215813,2,CLIFF SHARP,,3 07/01/90,06:09:28,215814,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#43759,13 07/01/90,10:27:02,215815,2,EARL HALL,,1 07/01/90,10:28:50,215816,2,EARL HALL,,10 07/01/90,11:11:41,215817,2,DON PIVEN,,3 07/01/90,11:39:04,215818,2,RICAHRD CRANIUM,columbia,2 07/01/90,11:58:36,215819,3,STEVE SVIATKO,park ridge/ il,5 07/01/90,12:06:24,215820,3,STEVE SVIATKO,,8 ]This BBS could use some aspect of user friendliness. What can you expect from an IBM system, though?! STEVE SVIATKO, 07/01/90,14:10:35,215821,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,1 07/01/90,14:56:26,215822,1,ARNOLD BOYD,,2 07/01/90,17:33:40,215823,1,CHUCK CAREY,EPHRATA WA,3 07/01/90,17:59:31,215824,2,JOHN SERRANO,, E#43760,6 07/01/90,18:13:15,215825,1,RANDY IMAGEN,,4 07/01/90,18:16:20,215826,9,RANDY IMAGEN,,2 07/01/90,18:45:53,215827,2,JAY PIAZZA,,1 07/01/90,20:52:15,215828,2,JIM KENNEDY,,7 07/01/90,21:00:14,215829,1,MATTHEW BROOKS,,4 ]MATTHEW BROOKS, 07/01/90,21:14:41,215830,9,JIM POLOUS,,1 07/01/90,21:55:23,215831,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,8 07/01/90,22:45:32,215832,2,ART NOVAK,,23 07/02/90,00:57:26,215833,2,BILL MATTSON,,13 07/02/90,04:36:44,215834,2,SAMIR SHYAMANI,,4 07/02/90,05:38:58,215835,2,PETE JONES,,1 07/02/90,09:57:12,215836,2,DON PIVEN,,0 07/02/90,12:44:02,215837,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,1 07/02/90,13:25:57,215838,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,4 07/02/90,18:13:52,215839,1,BRIAN SSSSSS,GGGGGG, 07/02/90,19:53:39,215840,1,MARK HEIDE,Homewood/ IL, E#43761,8 07/02/90,20:10:08,215841,2,JOHN SERRANO,,3 07/02/90,20:27:22,215842,2,ART NOVAK,,5 07/02/90,21:04:09,215843,2,JOHN SERRANO,,6 07/02/90,21:46:47,215844,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43753 07/01/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JOHN SERRANO: "R/HARD DRIVE WOES" 43754 07/01/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BRENT JONES: "R/GRANDVIEW" 43755 07/01/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/387 SPEED" 43756 07/01/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RICHARD RYAN: "R/PETROLEUM ENGINEERING DATA" 43757 07/01/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => CLIFF SHARP: "R/SUPER VHS RENTALS?" 43758 07/01/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JOHN SERRANO: "R/A 4 MEG SIMM?" 43759 07/01/90 RICHARD GOZDAL => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/387 SPEED" 43760 07/01/90 JOHN SERRANO => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/A 4 MEG SIMM?" 43761 07/02/90 MARK HEIDE => ALL: "NOVELL NETWARE" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43753 is 13 line(s) on 07/01/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JOHN SERRANO re: R/HARD DRIVE WOES You can test for the bad contact by switching slots - at least that would help if the bad contact is in the BUS, not the adapter card. MicroWay: Those the '87 people? (i.e. the ones with the various 80x87 chips, the Weitek, etc? Ya, I think they're pretty good. But before I'd go sticking much money into an accelerator, I'd check out a "new" system. Atter all, putting a major CPU change into a machine makes it "non-IBM" so for what ever reasons you bought it, they no longer apply. Might as well get a new box ($40), power supply ($150), and put the # you'd put into an accelerator and buy a MOTHERBOARD with it. P.S. Please turn off caps lock when typing. (CBBS automatically lower- cases any msg in ALL upper case - but for some strange reason you typed "MicroWay" in lower case just like that, while everything else was upper-case. Just looks nicer; also is more readable. Msg 43754 is 05 line(s) on 07/01/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BRENT JONES re: R/GRANDVIEW I really like GrandView. The customizability (colors, keyboard, macros) was nice. Admittedly I don't know the diff from PC Outline, I just know I didn't want to deal with Brown Bag. I'm still mad at them for copy-protecting PC-Write and selling it as if it were some- thing completely different. Msg 43755 is 08 line(s) on 07/01/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/387 SPEED Sure, the '87s are either the same, or the bigger ones are super-sets of the lower ones. All you have to do is get the right one for your machine - an 8087 for 8088 or 8086, and 80286 for a 286, and, strangely, EITHER an 80287 or 80387 for a 386. You said you're running an 80286 and planned an 80387. That won't work, I'm quite sure. The 80387 is probably a 32 bit bus device. What is your application? Do you KNOW that it is HIGHLY dependent upon floating point ans supports the '87? Msg 43756 is 03 line(s) on 07/01/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to RICHARD RYAN re: R/PETROLEUM ENGINEERING DATA Try John Middleton at (312) 245-2112. While not a petroleum engineer, he DID work at Arco, and knows a lot of people in the industry. He is no longer in the industry however. Msg 43757 is 09 line(s) on 07/01/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CLIFF SHARP re: R/SUPER VHS RENTALS? Heck, just buy the Colorado Jumbo and be done with it. A VCR backup is a hack at best. With my Colorado, I can browse thru the backups, hit a key to see a full directory, tag a file to be restored, etc. It is only $279, but you'll probably spend a lot - maybe even an equal amount - on tapes (that's the advantage of the VCR backup). I would suspect that the ability to fetch a single file off of a VCR backup would be VERY time consuming, and I find that 90% of my use of restore programs is to find a single file (that I clobbered, or erased, etc). Msg 43758 is 08 line(s) on 07/01/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JOHN SERRANO re: R/A 4 MEG SIMM? Sure. IBM feature 3393 is a 4M simm. I'm working on a memory configuration paper for IBM, and it is used a LOT in my configs. IBM sells two cards that take it - a #3077 with 2M standard, and a #3011 with 4M standard - they each take up to 14M (assuming 2M on the motherboard, standard). They write to sector 2 of the hard disk for some config info and thus can't be used with Novell Netware, which starts its programs in sector 2 (vs DOS and OS/2 which start on the 2nd track, wasting the 1st track for just the partition block) Msg 43759 is 02 line(s) on 07/01/90 from RICHARD GOZDAL to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/387 SPEED That was an old message reply. I had a 287 and GOT a 387. The price was right so I jumped at it. I have a 386-20 system. Msg 43760 is 03 line(s) on 07/01/90 from JOHN SERRANO to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/A 4 MEG SIMM? I see what you mean about the 4 meg simm. Since my PS/2 has slots for 4 simms, couldn't I just pop four of them there in order to bring my memory to 16 megabytes (the system maximum)? Msg 43761 is 03 line(s) on 07/02/90 from MARK HEIDE to ALL re: NOVELL NETWARE Does anyone know of any community colleges in the area that teach a course on installing and operating a Novell Network? S dup. chars. >Function:?