CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 06/01/90 02:52:20 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 215213; next msg =43660; 365 active msgs. Prev. call 05/30/90 @ 00:36, next msg was 43654 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. 43 >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 11 KILLED. 78 SUMMARY. 24 05/30/90,00:36:50,215180,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43654,8 05/30/90,00:50:19,215181,1,LYDA HAYES,chicago/il, 05/30/90,07:46:26,215182,2,PETE JONES,,0 05/30/90,08:41:35,215183,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 05/30/90,11:08:41,215184,2,GENE BACKLIN,, >Help: SEAR,10 ]Take care and have a (????WARM???) summer...gene GENE BACKLIN, 05/30/90,14:19:05,215185,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,4 05/30/90,14:38:34,215186,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 05/30/90,15:52:32,215187,2,JACK HOMA,,3 05/30/90,16:39:57,215188,2,CLIFF SHARP,,2 05/30/90,16:57:08,215189,2,DON PIVEN,,3 05/30/90,17:51:13,215190,1,JOSEPH SKOM,,2 05/30/90,18:28:42,215191,9,DAVID GIBBS,,2 05/30/90,20:01:05,215192,9,HARV MILLMAN,,1 05/30/90,21:38:29,215193,2,BILL WOLFF,,2 05/31/90,00:51:19,215194,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#43655,15 05/31/90,03:35:27,215195,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 05/31/90,06:44:12,215196,1,MICHAEL MCDANIEL,,4 05/31/90,07:08:41,215197,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,, E#43656,6 05/31/90,09:13:19,215198,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 05/31/90,10:08:41,215199,1,BOB DURHAM,north~~vbrook,3 05/31/90,11:49:03,215200,2,GREG CLAWSON,Elmwood Pk/ IL., E#43657,17 ]Hi, Nice interesting BBs you have running here. Hope your BBs will live a long life. - See you around.. Greg GREG CLAWSON, 05/31/90,14:23:48,215201,2,ALEX ZELL,, 05/31/90,15:06:30,215202,1,ANDY JONES,, 05/31/90,15:48:09,215203,1,RORY TERRY,Chicago,5 05/31/90,16:26:46,215204,1,ROSEMARY TERRY,,2 05/31/90,19:01:49,215205,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#43658,9 05/31/90,19:31:48,215206,9,RANDY IMAGEN,,12 05/31/90,21:35:02,215207,2,KEVIN KEYSER,,3 05/31/90,22:08:16,215208,1,MARK VIEHMAN,Chicago/ IL,2 05/31/90,23:55:46,215209,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,6 06/01/90,00:20:17,215210,1,STEVE RYAN,,2 06/01/90,00:59:28,215211,2,GARRETT DERNER,, E#43659,10 06/01/90,01:22:30,215212,2,BILL MATTSON,, 06/01/90,02:52:24,215213,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43654 05/30/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => DARIO FAGNANI: "R/ACCESS PHONE NUMBERS" 43655 05/31/90 BILL MATTSON => JERRY OLSEN: "R/4 SALE" 43656 05/31/90 PHIL SCHUMAN => ALL: "PARADOX/LOTUS HELP" 43657 05/31/90 GREG CLAWSON => ALL: "STARBOARD (*NIX BBS)" 43658 05/31/90 RICHARD GOZDAL => GARRETT DERNER: "R/HAVE CLIPPER/ WILL DEVELOP" 43659 06/01/90 GARRETT DERNER => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/HAVE CLIPPER/ WILL DEVELOP" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43654 is 09 line(s) on 05/30/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to DARIO FAGNANI re: R/ACCESS PHONE NUMBERS Sorry, Curtis can't "forward" msgs to you. It doesn't work that way. This system has no private msgs, so any replies he gets you'll be able to read, also. To check for any msgs TO Curtis Carter, type the command: or;1,t=carter -or- or;1,t=curtis Good luck - and welcome to CBBS, the "worlds first" BBS. My apologies for its crudeness - but then occasionally I had run driving around in a model T a few times, too! ;-) Msg 43655 is 05 line(s) on 05/31/90 from BILL MATTSON to JERRY OLSEN re: R/4 SALE I'd be interested in details concerning this S-100 system. Working or not? What boards does it have? Is it IEEE? Packaging.bus, box, power supply, KB, ports, method of video display, etc. etc.also 8-inch or 5-1/4 drives, companion boot disks or other specific software, (hardware specific, that is). Regards. Msg 43656 is 29 line(s) on 05/31/90 from PHIL SCHUMAN to ALL re: PARADOX/LOTUS HELP I have a requirement to track sales data for over 100 elements. This is being re-keyed from our monthly reports - so it's all new. I was thinking of a record like this. location / year / month / sales I need a couple of different things from this data. 1. monthly breakout comparing this month with same time last year. location sales abc - current $150 abc - previous $100 % of change 50% xyz - current $200 xyz - previous $100 % of change 100% and so on for over 100 tracking elements. I would also like to produce some trending reports & bar graphs location 87 88 89 90 abc $100 $124 $156 $178 xyz $134 $174 $126 $198 I have started keying the data into Paradox - seemed like a reasonable way to go - ease in printing - but ran into roadblock - can't figure a technique for generating the percentage line item. ???? Also thought of using Lotus 1-2-3 or Quattro - but seems tough to have all the data as rows and then pick thru it for the proper months/years, even though the graphing would be better. Maybe a combo ???? This seems like a traditional sales tracking situation with comparison reporting and trending graphs. Anyone doing something similar ??? If so, there could be $ avail for your help instead of me bouncing my head off the wall. Msg 43657 is 07 line(s) on 05/31/90 from GREG CLAWSON to ALL re: STARBOARD (*NIX BBS) There is a new *nix BBs out. capabilities are quick and speedy Ms Dos or Xenix choosable OS to run StarBoard. Very unique BBs Thats worth looking into. Phone Number: 1-604-597-6299 See you in the Bytes - G * R * E * G Msg 43658 is 15 line(s) on 05/31/90 from RICHARD GOZDAL to GARRETT DERNER re: R/HAVE CLIPPER/ WILL DEVELOP The program I had trouble with was written in Clipper. how much Clipper I don't know but she mentioned she had switched to Clipper some time ago. I not only run DOS 4.01 but have "share" loaded for the large drive that is partitioned with DOS4. The error I received was from the "share". Apparently Clipper might have a but with THAT command. She got around it the sloppy way, just making a setup file with the drive used rather than debugging and finding out WHY the file went to the FIRST (C) hard drive rather than the one it was on (D). At the error I just hit A for about and the program went along BUT. the setup was not saved in the sub-dir I had the program. it went to the "C" drive where it could not be read agin by the program. Oh well, maybe a new bug for Clipper maybe sloppy programming, maybe incompatibility with DOS4 period! Msg 43659 is 06 line(s) on 06/01/90 from GARRETT DERNER to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/HAVE CLIPPER/ WILL DEVELOP The Clipper/C program I was testing failed on a client's maching, which was using DOS 4.00. The partition was 80MB-does that mean they HAD to be using SHARE? I'm intersted because I'm considering other ways of partitioning my own hard drive besides what I'm currently doing. I'm currently using Disk Manager's LDRIVE.SYS on a large SCSI. Trouble is the block size is THIRTY TWO KAY! dup. chars. >Function:?\^U ?# Next caller 215214; next msg =43660; 365 active msgs. *=43654 (hi msg last call) #1=43654 #2=43655 #3=43656 #4=43657 #5=43658 #6=43659 >Function:?