CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 05/12/90 18:56:06 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 214822; next msg =43573; 372 active msgs. Prev. call 05/10/90 @ 06:20, next msg was 43560 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 13 KILLED. 15 SUMMARY. 24 05/10/90,06:20:34,214762,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43560,9 05/10/90,06:34:09,214763,2,MIKE SANDMAN,, >Help: TONY, >Help: FIND TONY,5 05/10/90,11:37:28,214764,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 05/10/90,14:40:53,214765,2,RICH ELGIN,,6 05/10/90,17:04:24,214766,1,Q Q,c, 05/10/90,17:20:29,214767,2,DON PIVEN,, E#43561,17 05/10/90,19:04:30,214768,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 05/10/90,20:23:57,214769,2,JONATHAN SEIDMAN,Chi,4 05/10/90,20:43:42,214770,2,ED FOSTER,,1 05/10/90,21:26:54,214771,2,AL HIGGINS,, 05/10/90,22:13:17,214772,2,KEN TRAINOR,,9 05/10/90,23:20:53,214773,1,DOUG MASTEN,, 05/10/90,23:29:37,214774,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 05/10/90,23:56:04,214775,2,CLIFF SHARP,, E#43562, E#43563,14 05/11/90,01:24:51,214776,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#43564,10 05/11/90,01:42:30,214777,2,JERRY OLSEN,,1 05/11/90,02:25:22,214778,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,4 05/11/90,04:09:30,214779,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#43565, E#43566,3 05/11/90,05:47:05,214780,2,ALEX ZELL,, 05/11/90,06:25:30,214781,2,PETE JONES,,1 05/11/90,06:28:04,214782,2,PETE JONES,,1 05/11/90,07:09:27,214783,1,JONATHAN SEIDMAN,,9 05/11/90,09:21:02,214784,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,7 05/11/90,09:44:12,214785,2,DON PIVEN,,1 05/11/90,11:23:28,214786,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 05/11/90,12:57:08,214787,3,J.L. RAMEY,, E#43567,13 05/11/90,13:12:52,214788,2,PAUL VADER,,6 05/11/90,13:31:31,214789,2,PAUL VADER,,1 05/11/90,13:49:54,214790,2,CLIFF SHARP,, E#43568,2 05/11/90,16:04:35,214791,2,BILL WOLFF,,4 05/11/90,16:56:25,214792,2,RANDAL CRAIG,,4 05/11/90,17:07:51,214793,2,MIKE NELSON,,1 05/11/90,17:13:21,214794,1,LANE LARRISON,,3 05/11/90,19:10:20,214795,2,GEORGE DIMIDIK,Chicago/ IL,13 05/11/90,19:54:37,214796,9,DAVID GIBBS,, 05/11/90,20:33:06,214797,1,TOM HENRY,,5 05/11/90,21:03:25,214798,9,JIM POLOUS,,1 05/11/90,22:02:59,214799,2,GREG LAURIANO,,9 05/11/90,22:24:44,214800,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,, E#43569,3 05/11/90,22:49:44,214801,2,BILL MATTSON,,4 05/11/90,23:41:37,214802,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,9 05/12/90,00:19:19,214803,2,BOB COHN,, E#43570,11 05/12/90,01:20:14,214804,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,3 05/12/90,03:30:42,214805,2,CLIFF SHARP,,1 05/12/90,07:38:52,214806,2,PHIL JERN,,5 05/12/90,08:10:03,214807,9,DENNIS LEONG,,4 05/12/90,08:36:13,214808,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 05/12/90,08:48:00,214809,2,KEVIN KEYSER,,5 05/12/90,10:24:17,214810,2,RICHARD SOTO,cicero/il,3 05/12/90,10:50:28,214811,2,DAN SEIBOLD,,2 05/12/90,10:59:45,214812,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,0 05/12/90,11:29:43,214813,9,RANDY IMAGEN,,1 05/12/90,11:55:32,214814,2,CHUCK BERMINGHAM,Chicago/ Illinois,4 05/12/90,12:52:37,214815,2,JIM SACKETT,, E#43571,9 05/12/90,13:08:05,214816,2,CHUCK BERMINGHAM,,1 05/12/90,13:12:49,214817,2,CHUCK BERMINGHAM,,4 05/12/90,13:21:41,214818,2,DON PIVEN,,1 05/12/90,13:59:03,214819,3,JIM COLLING,,5 05/12/90,14:57:22,214820,1,STEVE RYAN,, 05/12/90,15:54:36,214821,2,CLIFF SHARP,, E#43572,6 05/12/90,18:56:10,214822,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43560 05/10/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => CLIFF SHARP: "R/LOST INTERRUPTS" 43561 05/10/90 DON PIVEN => TONY ANTONUCCI: "R/CMD LINE ARGS" 43562 05/10/90 CLIFF SHARP => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/LOST INTERRUPTS" 43563 05/11/90 CLIFF SHARP => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/LOST INTERRUPTS" 43564 05/11/90 JERRY OLSEN => TONY ANTONUCCI: "R/SOFTWARE" 43565 05/11/90 JERRY OLSEN => DOS DEVELOPERS: "NEW DEVELOPMENT TOOL" 43566 05/11/90 JERRY OLSEN => DOS DEVELOPERS: "" 43567 05/11/90 J.L. RAMEY => ALL: "CPM OPERATING SYS FOR NEC PC" 43568 05/11/90 CLIFF SHARP => MIKE SANDMAN: "R/LOST INTERRUPTS" 43569 05/11/90 PHIL SCHUMAN => ALL: "PARADISE VGA & ARCNET" 43570 05/12/90 BOB COHN => TONY ANTONUCCI: "R/1200 HAYES MODEM" 43571 05/12/90 JIM SACKETT => WARD: "LINE NOISE" 43572 05/12/90 CLIFF SHARP => ALL: "COMM PROBS REVISITED" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43560 is 09 line(s) on 05/10/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CLIFF SHARP re: R/LOST INTERRUPTS You sure there's nothing fancy in the BIOS of your machine? I upgraded my PC to a Bullet 286, and it includes BIOS based disk cacheing, using an unusual memory mapping scheme. Specifically it has a "real" meg of memory, addressed from 0-1M, and the memory above 640K is operated by a "switch" that selects either the bus for everything from 640-1M, OR, the built-in memory. I like the idea, but I lose interrupts at 9600, because of the time the funny memory is switched in while doing bios-based cacheing. P.S. I'm sure it is not a full 384K since there IS the bios based cacheing, etc. Msg 43561 is 10 line(s) on 05/10/90 from DON PIVEN to TONY ANTONUCCI re: R/CMD LINE ARGS Microsoft C 6 (and maybe earlier) has an "isatty( )" function which distinguishes between character devices ("TTYs") and block devices (i.e., disk files). #include if(isatty(fileno(stdin) ) ) printf("stdin is a character device") ; else printf("stdin is actually a file") ; Msg 43562 is 18 line(s) on 05/10/90 from CLIFF SHARP to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/LOST INTERRUPTS Well, the problem shows up both with the 8250 in COM1 (not socketed) and with the 16450 in COM2 (socketed), so it's doubtful that it's one chip or the other. This happens with my Courier 2400e, my PacComm TNC, and with a friend's HST. The problem is definitely an overrun error, according to DSZ, which made me think it was an interrupt problem originally. Don't know if it's a defective interrupt controller, as that's part of the "G2" chip set (probably a C&T/VLSI clone set, from Hong Kong). No real way to check that, as I can't come up with documentation on it, although I suppose I could whip together some code of some sort to do normal PIC programming and see what I could find out. Interesting manifestation, incidentally. about the time I got this 286 board and started using it, my Courier lost the ability to handle hardware handshaking on DSR and CTS. If I set either the &S1 (modem controls DSR) or &H1/&H3 (CTS flow control), it slows the modem down considerably, and the modem won't echo characters sent to it, even though DTR and RTS are set properly, etc. Turn off those switches and it works just fine. Msg 43563 is 09 line(s) on 05/11/90 from CLIFF SHARP to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/LOST INTERRUPTS Well, I can't be entirely sure that there isn't anything like you suggest in this BIOS (it's an AMI BIOS), but I don't think there is, or at least it's not mentioned in the manual (the first I ever got without schematics!). However, I have tried disabling both my extended memory cache and my extended memory RAMdisk (at the same time), without effect. I had thought that that might have a significant effect, what with the machine having to switch into protected mode to access the memory above 640K and then switch back to real mode, but it seems to make no difference at all (which I find to be very suspicious!). Msg 43564 is 03 line(s) on 05/11/90 from JERRY OLSEN to TONY ANTONUCCI re: R/SOFTWARE The Turbo Pascal, and perhaps the Microsoft C sound tempting. What kind of prices are you thinking? (If you prefer voice to a msg, call me at 312.939.3300.) Thanx. Msg 43565 is 19 line(s) on 05/11/90 from JERRY OLSEN to DOS DEVELOPERS re: NEW DEVELOPMENT TOOL I'm developing a product to make the life of independent DOS software developers a little easier. While nearing release, input from a few more testers is desired. Its central function performs the following disk distribution tasks: 1) It interrogates the requested drive. When it senses a disk has been inserted, it will (if necessary) format it. If already formatted and containing files, the user is queried about how to proceed. 2) A product's files are copied or unarchived (any compression program). 3) A registration number of the user's creation is added to selected file(s) on the output disk. If desired, the number is auto-incremented (but is editable at any time). The numbering algogrithm is entirely transparent to virtually any .COM or any .EXE file, yet if desired is accessible by that program. (The number is encrypted, decipherable only be the author. Attempted alteration is detected.) Lastly, a licensing data entry feature can save data in a variety of formats for use by virtually any DB, WP or spreadsheet program. After this cycle is completed, the user may process a new disk simply by inserting it (or press ESCape if done). Msg 43566 is 16 line(s) on 05/11/90 from JERRY OLSEN to DOS DEVELOPERS re: All features are optional, may be varied for each product, are always editable and may be interspersed by any other commands of your choice. Unlimited command-sequence files may be saved to disk. Most features are in place and have undergone initial testing. Now, we're looking for a few more testers. If interested, obtain an alpha-test copy of REG-nn.LZH (where "nn" is replaced by the latest version number) in the C1: directory on The Advocate RCP/M, 312.939.4411 (24 hrs., 8/n/1, 300/1200/2400, central Chicago) or call voice at 312.939.3300 (work days). Or, to receive each significant alpha-test release by mail and automatically register for the first formal release (late May), send $25 to: Advocate Enterprises, Ltd., 899 S. Plymouth Ct., Suite 504, Chicago 60605. Specify 3.5" or 5.25" format. This prerelease registration amount is significantly less than the anticipated retail price and will maximize the opportunity to have the product develop in ways that best serve your interests. We place high value on tester input. Msg 43567 is 06 line(s) on 05/11/90 from J.L. RAMEY to ALL re: CPM OPERATING SYS FOR NEC PC Does anyone know how I access a copy of Wordstar for a NEC PC-8800 computer. I had a copy of wordstar ver. 3.0 for the machine, but it got damaged before I could make a copy. The PC has an intel 8080 micropro- cessor, and was made in 1979. Please excuse my use of antiquated techno- logy, but the machine was donated to the school where I am employed. I appreciate any help! Msg 43568 is 03 line(s) on 05/11/90 from CLIFF SHARP to MIKE SANDMAN re: R/LOST INTERRUPTS Thanks for the suggestion, Mike. I did try slowing the machine to its lowest speed (6 MHz), but it didn't make a difference. Appreciate the thought, thank you. Msg 43569 is 06 line(s) on 05/11/90 from PHIL SCHUMAN to ALL re: PARADISE VGA & ARCNET We have a Novell ELS-I system running arcnet and Paradise VGA Plus (8-bit) boards. Is anyone else running Arcnet & Paradise VGA boards ??? We seem to have a lockup whenever a video mode function is executed. like just a DOS MODE CO80 type command. It could be conflicts with interrupts (don't think so) or RAM (??) or ??? Any users that ARE or ARE NOT running with Paradise VGA and ARCNET ???? Msg 43570 is 14 line(s) on 05/12/90 from BOB COHN to TONY ANTONUCCI re: R/1200 HAYES MODEM Yes, I am still interested in buying a true blue Hayes 1200 baud external modem. I did locate one for $50. for myself at the Chicago Computer Exchange. But, I have friends in my industry who would like to run this same quirky program and they have now asked me to look for them (since I am the only one into the BBS world). You can call me at 312-929-2200 or leave your phone number here for me to call. - The program not only requires The program not only requires a true blue Hayes 1200 baud external modem, it requires it have a serial number in a certain range! The programmer eveidently wrote this whole program based upon a unique flaw in the Hayes modem and it wasn't until it was too late that he discovered this one characteristic is not common to all Hayes compatible modems. Msg 43571 is 10 line(s) on 05/12/90 from JIM SACKETT to WARD re: LINE NOISE Ward It's been a while since I';ve been on this BBS. I just recieved your message It was referring to line noise.\ As you can see by this preseeding line that there is noise. I justy got off with the 2020 bbs for about 40 minutes without any problems. I called CBBS and as soon as I read your message and was prompted for a response, I recieved some garble. It i]just happened again. I was wondering if I changed to a 7 bit parity instead of 8 might help ? There is no graphics on the BBS so E$ I might be ok to run like that. Any iddeas ? Jim Sackett Msg 43572 is 13 line(s) on 05/12/90 from CLIFF SHARP to ALL re: COMM PROBS REVISITED Well, I've done a little experimental programming and have found yet another weirdness about all this. I trapped interrupts 8-F (IRQs 0-7) and displayed a character whenever an interrupt occurred here. I'm *pretty* sure I didn't do anything stupid in the program, but. If a video access happens during a timer interrupt (IRQ0, INT 8), or if the machine tries to beep at all while I have interrupts trapped, the machine locks up totally and completely. If I don't trap the timer interrupt, everything's fine. I removed all TSRs that trap that interrupt (KBFIX and my cache program), and verified that the ISR is in the DOS area. Also switched from Phoenix DOS 3.3 to Zenith DOS 3.1 with no effect. I'm starting to think that my AMI BIOS is the culprit in both cases! Anyone care to comment? dup. chars. >Function:?