CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 04/07/90 02:12:48 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 214028; next msg =43445; 367 active msgs. Prev. call 04/06/90 @ 00:04, next msg was 43441 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. 4 >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 2 KILLED. 5 SUMMARY. 24 04/06/90,00:08:11,214011,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,0 ]My father blacked out in the bathroom this am, fell, broke his leg. Probably going up there Saturday. Doing taxes Friday. WARD CHRISTENSEN, 04/06/90,05:49:14,214012,2,PETE JONES,,0 04/06/90,07:30:54,214013,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 04/06/90,08:57:27,214014,2,DAVE LEONARD,,2 04/06/90,10:51:04,214015,1,KEN STOX,,2 04/06/90,12:00:39,214016,1,GEORGE LAUDERMITH,,20 04/06/90,13:31:52,214017,2,REX WARSHELL,okc ok,5 ]REX WARSHELL, 04/06/90,14:22:50,214018,2,DON PIVEN,,2 04/06/90,16:57:25,214019,2,BEN CLARK,,2 ]BEN CLARK, 04/06/90,17:02:23,214020,1,MARK TASSIN,PARK FOREST IL,3 04/06/90,17:40:30,214021,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,, E#43441, E#43442,6 04/06/90,19:09:11,214022,1,BOB LUND,, E#43443, E#43444,19 04/06/90,19:40:02,214023,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 04/06/90,22:34:31,214024,2,PHIL JERN,,1 04/06/90,23:06:12,214025,2,STEVE SMITH,,6 04/06/90,23:52:31,214026,2,PETE GROBAREK,,2 04/07/90,01:33:47,214027,2,ALEX ZELL,, 04/07/90,02:12:53,214028,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43441 04/06/90 PHIL SCHUMAN => ALL: "T1200HB FOR SALE" 43442 04/06/90 PHIL SCHUMAN => ALL: "NOVELL ELS I & VGA" 43443 04/06/90 BOB LUND => ALL: "80XX HELP" 43444 04/06/90 BOB LUND => STEVE RYAN: "R/FREQ. COUNTER WANTED" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43441 is 07 line(s) on 04/06/90 from PHIL SCHUMAN to ALL re: T1200HB FOR SALE I have a Toshiba T1200HB laptop for sale. it is a 9mhz 8086 type machine - with a backlit LCD screen - 720k floppy & 20meg hard drive 1 meg of ram - expandable to more - the extra 384k can be made into a RAM disk and/or EMS 3.2 memory all this and 12 lbs - tested out of the box - with DOS 3.3 - Asking $1500 Msg 43442 is 09 line(s) on 04/06/90 from PHIL SCHUMAN to ALL re: NOVELL ELS I & VGA we have a ELS-I network of 3 nodes. 2 of which are VGA - using arcnet. whenever we attempt ANY kind of video change we get an error from the shell. even if we are not logged in, but just ANET3 connected to the server, the problem exists - just a normal MODE CO80 causes problems. programs that will run from a floppy without the network being connected will have problems running from the same floppy IF the ANET3 shell is invoked. The application for the network runs just fine, as it is just normal text based - and never causes the problem to occur. help ??? Msg 43443 is 10 line(s) on 04/06/90 from BOB LUND to ALL re: 80XX HELP Help! Can anyone suggest a good book or informational document detailing the instruction set for the Intel 80XX series micros? More specifically, I am looking for info on programming the 8748-51 series. I've been in the Motorola world to long and want to broaden my horizons! I am intimately familiar with the Mot. stuff and have done extensive development work with these devices, but need info on Intel. I don't need the bare basics, only a description of the instruction set, some examples and programming info - HELP and thanks. Msg 43444 is 05 line(s) on 04/06/90 from BOB LUND to STEVE RYAN re: R/FREQ. COUNTER WANTED hi, I've got a DANA 550Mhz. counter for sale. Eight digit, works good and has a high stability osc. Asking $125.00 (or trade??) Leave message here or call me (708)530-0957 evenings after 7:00pm local. Bob Lund dup. chars. >Function:?