CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 03/18/90 17:56:00 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 213577; next msg =43364; 385 active msgs. Prev. call 03/17/90 @ 08:37, next msg was 43354 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 12 KILLED. 25 SUMMARY. 25 03/17/90,08:37:51,213544,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43354, E#43355,5 03/17/90,10:08:16,213545,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,3 ]ward, Maybe you should put something in the Welcome stating: "The XMODEM spec is located on my other system @ (708) ..." Have a good one. LARRY GLASSMAN, 03/17/90,10:28:00,213546,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 03/17/90,11:19:00,213547,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 03/17/90,13:03:28,213548,1,JIM LIDDELL,, E#43356, E#43357,15 03/17/90,13:42:04,213549,1,BILL WUNSCHEL,PALATINE, >Help: HEADS, >Help: HEADLINE,16 03/17/90,14:42:22,213550,2,ED FOSTER,,1 03/17/90,15:18:20,213551,3,MATT DRASE,n.aurora/il, 03/17/90,16:14:02,213552,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, E#43358, E#43359, E#43360,12 03/17/90,17:15:58,213553,1,JERRY HASLETT,,1 03/17/90,17:24:34,213554,1,PETER GORDON,, 03/17/90,17:45:31,213555,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#43361,7 03/17/90,19:01:09,213556,3,JAY KNYAL,,5 03/17/90,19:15:23,213557,1,JIM LIDDELL,,0 03/17/90,19:55:40,213558,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 03/17/90,20:24:42,213559,2,PETE CANTELE,,3 03/17/90,20:32:14,213560,3,JIM COLLING,,9 03/17/90,22:15:22,213561,2,JIM KEHOE,chicago, >Help: [D, 03/17/90,23:48:12,213562,2,JAMES KARAGANIS,,8 03/18/90,00:27:57,213563,2,CAPT JACK,, 03/18/90,00:32:45,213564,2,PHIL JERN,,1 03/18/90,01:56:59,213565,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#43362,13 03/18/90,02:12:52,213566,2,CLIFF SHARP,,12 ]For the small hard drive, you might try a company called PrairieTek. I'm not sure if I'm saying something I shouldn't (never heard of the company before I went under nondisclosure to someone), so don't say you heard it here... CLIFF SHARP, 03/18/90,03:53:53,213567,1,DANNY VAISRUB,,3 03/18/90,07:29:16,213568,1,VASILIJE ZLOKOVIC,kOTOR YUGOSLAVIA,4 03/18/90,10:54:06,213569,1,JIM LIDDELL,,2 03/18/90,10:58:29,213570,2,JACK HOMA,,1 03/18/90,11:03:16,213571,1,STEVE BRICHTA,,7 03/18/90,13:59:16,213572,2,GLENN LAUDERMITH,franklin park / il,3 03/18/90,15:38:19,213573,1,BOB STARK,winthrop harbor/ il.,3 03/18/90,15:57:29,213574,1,DAVID COOK,BLOOMINGDALE/ IL,10 03/18/90,16:41:41,213575,1,DAVID COOK,,0 03/18/90,16:48:31,213576,1,JIM LIDDELL,, E#43363,5 03/18/90,17:56:05,213577,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43354 03/17/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => DOUG PETERSON: "R/XMODEM PROTOCOL" 43355 03/17/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ROBERT SCHMIDT: "REGISTER?" 43356 03/17/90 JIM LIDDELL => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/COMPAC RAM HELP NEEDED" 43357 03/17/90 JIM LIDDELL => BILL PRECHT: "R/MAC FORMAT RECOVER" 43358 03/17/90 COLIN SCHROEDER => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/386 BIOS" 43359 03/17/90 COLIN SCHROEDER => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/DISKETTE CACHE?" 43360 03/17/90 COLIN SCHROEDER => ALL: "HD CTRLR FLAKY" 43361 03/17/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => COLIN SCHROEDER: "R/HD CTRLR FLAKY" 43362 03/18/90 JERRY OLSEN => COLIN SCHROEDER: "R/HD CTRLR FLAKY" 43363 03/18/90 JIM LIDDELL => ALL: "THERE IS A WIZARD" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43354 is 03 line(s) on 03/17/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to DOUG PETERSON re: R/XMODEM PROTOCOL Call tht "Ward Board" at (708) 849-1132, and look at the "low numbered" messages - I forget the exact number. The MODEM (aka XMODEM) protocol is documented there. Msg 43355 is 01 line(s) on 03/17/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ROBERT SCHMIDT re: REGISTER? Register? Msg 43356 is 01 line(s) on 03/17/90 from JIM LIDDELL to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/COMPAC RAM HELP NEEDED thanks. I will do so Sun afternoon when my schedule is looser. Perhaps yours Msg 43357 is 08 line(s) on 03/17/90 from JIM LIDDELL to BILL PRECHT re: R/MAC FORMAT RECOVER yes, Norton Advanced Utilities has one, and perhaps two, programs to recover these files. I have used one of them (and there may only be one as some of Norton is over my head and the manual is not the best in the world for explaining things at the idotic level), and was able to recover about 90 percent of a story I had written. What I lost, for some reason, was the last revise I had done. Try NORTON Adv Format Recovery (FR), called up with a /SAVE, but you need to use the manual to have all the steps and text. Msg 43358 is 03 line(s) on 03/17/90 from COLIN SCHROEDER to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/386 BIOS I might be interested-need first to check out whether it's the BIOS or logic chips which is making my machine act flaky. I'm not up on BIOS pricing; what price would you suggest? Msg 43359 is 05 line(s) on 03/17/90 from COLIN SCHROEDER to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/DISKETTE CACHE? I think there's a diskette cache included in the PC-Kwik Power Pack (forget the publisher)-you might check with them. Also, I think there's one inuded in a package from Golden Bow Systems called V (they start the names of all their utils with a "V"). Let me know what you find! Msg 43360 is 10 line(s) on 03/17/90 from COLIN SCHROEDER to ALL re: HD CTRLR FLAKY A weird situation has come with my machine and its use of the HD ctrlr-it will format, read, write, etc. the harddisk, but won't boot from it! If I swap the disk subsystem out to another machine, without reformatting or changing anything, it boots right up! Thourough testing indicates that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the disk or ctr (no bad boot sector, ctrlr problems, etc.), and I've tried putting the ctrlr in different slots in the problem machine, wit results. My theory is that either a BIOS routine has gone bad (in ROM) or that a logic chip has flaked out. Any ideas?? Have you ever seen this before?? Help! Msg 43361 is 09 line(s) on 03/17/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to COLIN SCHROEDER re: R/HD CTRLR FLAKY What happens if you boot from a floppy, take the floppy out and give the 3-finger salute? If you successfully boot from the HD under those circumstances, what's happening is that either your HD is taking too long to come up to speed or your controller isn't waiting long enough for the HD to spin up. It could be that your power supply is flaky; if the power to the disk motor is too low, the drive will take longer than usual to spin up but will probably run OK once it reaches full speed (takes more power to accelerate it from a stop than it does to overcome bearing friction once it's running). Msg 43362 is 08 line(s) on 03/18/90 from JERRY OLSEN to COLIN SCHROEDER re: R/HD CTRLR FLAKY As Eric noted, it does sound like a timing problem. If by chance you're in the habit of skipping some of the start-up memory diagnostics (as I sometimes was before adding a fourth drive recently), you may find-as I did-that letting the diagnostics run further through its cycle (i.e., what it's doing when on most hardware it displays a number incrementing on the screen) solves the problem. Otherwise, I would tend to think the most appropriate place to start is a check of the power reaching the drive. In any case, good luck in solving the problem. Msg 43363 is 06 line(s) on 03/18/90 from JIM LIDDELL to ALL re: THERE IS A WIZARD Just to let you all know, computer wizards do exist. And Eric Buhlman is one of them. This guy solved problems over the phone that a computer company could not solve in two visits, plus phone conversations of their own, over two years. If you have a problem, I suggest you leave a message for him. This is, truly, an unsolicted endorsement. I just like for the good guys to get recognized. dup. chars. >Function:?hold Won't time out >Function:?