CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 03/03/90 10:32:24 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 213190; next msg =43306; 372 active msgs. Prev. call 02/27/90 @ 00:53, next msg was 43286 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 6 KILLED. 89 SUMMARY. 25 03/03/90,10:32:28,213190,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43286 02/27/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ED FOSTER: "R/720K IN OLD AT?" 43287X 02/27/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => PHIL SCHUMAN: "R/720K" 43288X 02/27/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => DAVE BRAUNSCHWEIG: "R/XMODEM" 43289 02/27/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "NO-PRINTER HANG?" 43290 02/27/90 JERRY OLSEN => BILL MATSON: "CP/M UNLHARCER" 43291 02/27/90 HARV MILLMAN => ALL: "MATRIX INVERSION IN C" 43292 02/28/90 GLENN POPELKA => ALL: "ACCURATE AT TIMING (HOW?)" 43293 02/28/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => GLENN POPELKA: "R/ACCURATE AT TIMING (HOW?)" 43294 02/28/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => WARD: "NO PRINTER" 43295 02/28/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => WARD: "NO PRINTER" 43296 02/28/90 COLIN SCHROEDER => ALL: "WARNING" 43297 02/28/90 ED FOSTER => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/720K IN OLD AT?" 43298 03/01/90 GLENN POPELKA => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/ACCURATE AT TIMING (HOW?)" 43299 03/01/90 PAT CROSBY => ALL: "GETTING BBS LIST" 43300 03/01/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => GLENN POPELKA: "R/ACCURATE AT TIMING (HOW?)" 43301 03/02/90 GLENN POPELKA => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/ACCURATE AT TIMING (HOW?)" 43302 03/02/90 GLENN POPELKA => PAT CROSBY: "R/GETTING BBS LIST" 43303 03/02/90 PAT CROSBY => GLENN POPELKA: "GETTING BBS LIST" 43304 03/03/90 TROY TUCKER => BILL WOLF: "BBS'S" 43305 03/03/90 MURRAY ARNOW => HARV MILLMAN: "R/MATRIX INVERSION IN C" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43286 is 03 line(s) on 02/27/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ED FOSTER re: R/720K IN OLD AT? Thanks, but it seems an AT doesn't work as easily. I, too, added 720K to my PC with no problems - this guy's AT seems to be the source of the problems. Heck, it may turn out he has a bad drive! No msg 43287 No msg 43288 Msg 43289 is 09 line(s) on 02/27/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: NO-PRINTER HANG? Anyone have a little TSR that looks like you have a printer, when you don't? Occasionally when I drop back to DOS in CBBS, a line glitch comes along and looks like ^P! As a result I have to call Randy and have him reset the system. I'm sure I could hack one up - but if there's already one, I'd like to know about it. It would merely have to say "OK" when an attempt is made to print, i.e. act like it printed; and when asked if the printer was ready, it would also reply "yes". Thanks! Msg 43290 is 12 line(s) on 02/27/90 from JERRY OLSEN to BILL MATSON re: CP/M UNLHARCER Your mods almost worked. But even though at first glance it might seems that toupper() would yield the info needed in lieu of the unavailable strupr(), that ain't true. The full argv[1] (which is a char array one byte of a char array called argv[]!) must be copied and terminated with a null. Otherwise, as happened when I tested your compilation, random garbage would be copied into char arc_name[] till a random null was encountered. Ungood. . I rewrote the one reference to strupr() when CPM is defined to kludge the same effect, and put the revised code up on The Advocate. Msg there has details to locate it. Can you give it one more shot? (Just a Z80 version OK till we ensure all the bugs are out, then 8080 version appreciated too for distribution purposes.) Thanx. Msg 43291 is 03 line(s) on 02/27/90 from HARV MILLMAN to ALL re: MATRIX INVERSION IN C Need a public domain C source program to invert a matrix. Prefer the Microsoft 5.1 C compiler. To be used by a grad student in a graphics- related application. Any help appreciated. Thanks, Harv Msg 43292 is 15 line(s) on 02/28/90 from GLENN POPELKA to ALL re: ACCURATE AT TIMING (HOW?) I need a pointer or two on how to program the MC146818A (the real time clock chip the has the CMOS memory on AT class machines). I would like to be able to load a count value into the clock and generate an interrupt when the count gets to 0. Most of the examples I've seen (like from the March 1986 Dr Dobbs), set it up so that the chip generates an INT 70h on each clock tick,but I can't afford the overhead in this application. I know this will screw up the real time clock; I don't care too much about that. Does anyone have experience with this? Currently, I have commandeered the other clock(8253), revved it up to 100Hz, and do my processing in the int 08 routine, but again, I'm incurring overhead by interrupting so often. Has anyone messed around with this or know of some articles I should look at? I have the Moto docs for the chip and the Phoenix System Bios book (that's a great book by the way.), but still haven't made the big breakthrough. glenn Msg 43293 is 03 line(s) on 02/28/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to GLENN POPELKA re: R/ACCURATE AT TIMING (HOW?) You can use int 1Ah, function 06h to set the RTC to generate an interrupt (int 04H, which is normally for arithmetic overflow and normally unused), at a specified time. Msg 43294 is 11 line(s) on 02/28/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to WARD re: NO PRINTER It would be easy enough to do; just write a handler for int 17h that ALWAYS returns 0d0h in AH; that should be interpreted as "not busy, acknowledged, selected." The code itself would be: noprint proc far mov ah,0d0h iret noprint endp The installation routine would be bigger than the actual TSR; all it would have to do is revector int 17H to noprint and then TSR, keeping a para- graph or two. Msg 43295 is 03 line(s) on 02/28/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to WARD re: NO PRINTER As it turns out, I did write and test a simple "no priner" TSR. If you're interested in it, call me voice at 708-251-5787 in the evening and I can transfer it (COM file is 32 bytes long). Msg 43296 is 10 line(s) on 02/28/90 from COLIN SCHROEDER to ALL re: WARNING WARNING! If you are considering buying a machine from Spear Technology (Northbrook), first consider the following: I ordered a Spear 386/25 in July, '89, and was promised (by ad and by salesperson) a $100 rebate. After more wrangling, buck passing, and runarounds than words can describe, I STILL haven't received it! They won't even return my calls! The machine is fine, and I haven't had any problems with IT, but if SPear's actions are any indication, their customer support SUCKS! AVOID THEM! Msg 43297 is 02 line(s) on 02/28/90 from ED FOSTER to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/720K IN OLD AT? I thought you said you had tried several different drives. You sure the cable is OK? Msg 43298 is 11 line(s) on 03/01/90 from GLENN POPELKA to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/ACCURATE AT TIMING (HOW?) Thanks for the response. The alarm on int 1A is only accurate to 1 second, ;and I need to send out voltage pulses on the order of 1-2 milliseconds. That's what makes the problem such a pain. Also, this function kicks the int 70h in on every tick, which adds overhead. I know the chip can be programmed like I described, but I don't know whether it can be done in the AT machine. It'd be nice to load a count value, set the timer to 1024 ticks/sec, and sit back and wait (well, not really) for the interrupt. I want the chip to count by itself, without having to generate an interrupt for every tick. If worse comes to worse, I'll get my boss to buy a board with the AMD 9513 timer chip and use that, but we're already stuffed with boards. Msg 43299 is 02 line(s) on 03/01/90 from PAT CROSBY to ALL re: GETTING BBS LIST how do i download or print a list of bbs's ? i read message # 43276 but it didn't give any methods for getting a list Msg 43300 is 07 line(s) on 03/01/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to GLENN POPELKA re: R/ACCURATE AT TIMING (HOW?) The 146818 doesn't have a count-down mode with millisecond resolution. It just maintains a time-of-day clock and can be made to issue periodic interrupts. It's unlike an 8253 or 9513. I'd suggest using the 8253 channel that's normally dedicated to sound generation (that's the ONLY thing it's used for, and the only thing DOS uses it for is the control-g beep; OK, the BIOS also ses it for the keyboard buffer full beep,but ne neither of those should get in your way. Msg 43301 is 09 line(s) on 03/02/90 from GLENN POPELKA to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/ACCURATE AT TIMING (HOW?) I'm about ready to give up on the 146818 for now. I'd use channel 2 of the 8254 ( or 8253, whatever.), but I don't think it's tied to an interrupt line. My current method of interrupting at 100Hz on channel 0 is at least letting me work on other parts of the project, but I'm starting to take a look at other counting modes available on the chip (there's six, I think). If I can't get an interrupt on countdown function, I'll have to factor in the time it takes to process the interrupts into the count value that is decremented on the interrupt routine. Arrgghhh. glenn Msg 43302 is 06 line(s) on 03/02/90 from GLENN POPELKA to PAT CROSBY re: R/GETTING BBS LIST Pat, For an up to date BBS list, call Stillwaters BBS, (708) 403-2826. They publish an updated version each month, and a group of volunteers (I am one of the many minions) calls each board to verify operations before putting it on the list for that month. February's list had about 415 boards listed. glenn Msg 43303 is 01 line(s) on 03/02/90 from PAT CROSBY to GLENN POPELKA re: GETTING BBS LIST Thankyou very much for your hel. I am very grateful. Msg 43304 is 07 line(s) on 03/03/90 from TROY TUCKER to BILL WOLF re: BBS'S bill, do you know of any bbs's in the lombard,villa pk.,addison,or surrounding suburbs, or of any 1-800 numbers? - - troy - - tucker - - Msg 43305 is 06 line(s) on 03/03/90 from MURRAY ARNOW to HARV MILLMAN re: R/MARIX INVERSION IN C I have a couple of matrix inversion routines that are taken from Bevington's Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences (a common reference source among physicists). I translated matrix routines from FORTRAN to C. I have used them and seem to be error free. I'll be happy to give you a copy. You can reach me at (708) 675-1863 s dup. chars. >Function:?type-40 log,ward c 03/03/90,10:32:28,213190,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, >Function:?type log,ward c 02/27/90,01:09:54,213086,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43289,8 02/27/90,02:18:51,213087,1,SAMIR SHYAMANI,,3 02/27/90,05:10:02,213088,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#43290,9 02/27/90,06:33:40,213089,2,ZORAN URH,yugoslavia,14 02/27/90,06:47:49,213090,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 02/27/90,08:33:08,213091,1,BILL WOLFF,,5 02/27/90,08:54:38,213092,2,CURT ROSTENBACH,,0 02/27/90,12:32:43,213093,1,NORBERT TAYLOR,Evanston Illinois,17 02/27/90,15:54:59,213094,1,KEVIN KING,,2 02/27/90,16:20:33,213095,1,BOB LANGE,Hanover Park/ IL,2 02/27/90,17:21:48,213096,2,JEFF MARTIN,,2 02/27/90,17:33:02,213097,2,DON PIVEN,,1 02/27/90,18:13:47,213098,1,NORBERT TAYLOR,, >Help: //,5 02/27/90,18:47:51,213099,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 02/27/90,19:14:21,213100,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,6 02/27/90,20:04:35,213101,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,5 02/27/90,20:28:35,213102,1,HARV MILLMAN,Evanston/ IL, E#43291,13 02/27/90,20:41:31,213103,2,PHIL JERN,,1 02/27/90,20:59:27,213104,2,JAMES KARAGANIS,,1 02/27/90,21:08:59,213105,1,JERRY HASLETT,,8 02/27/90,21:52:45,213106,1,JIM EATON,,3 02/27/90,21:55:23,213107,1,JOSEPH SKOM,,1 02/27/90,22:00:24,213108,2,JIM POLOUS,,2 02/27/90,22:52:03,213109,1,GREGORY PRUITT,Chicago/Il.,11 02/27/90,23:40:13,213110,2,PETE CANTELE,,5 02/27/90,23:48:56,213111,1,ALAN LAYA,,2 02/28/90,01:08:03,213112,1,STEVE RYAN,,3 02/28/90,02:26:41,213113,2,GLENN POPELKA,, E#43292,23 02/28/90,04:18:46,213114,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#43293, E#43294,14 02/28/90,06:22:05,213115,2,PETE JONES,,1 02/28/90,07:08:50,213116,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#43295,2 02/28/90,13:25:48,213117,1,JOHN MUNDT,,1 02/28/90,13:57:49,213118,2,JIM PRICE,,1 ]Thanks for the info! JIM PRICE, 02/28/90,15:42:44,213119,1,DAVID BETHE,chicago, >Help: B,22 02/28/90,16:20:42,213120,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,2 02/28/90,16:39:49,213121,2,ALLEN PETLOCK,, 02/28/90,17:51:53,213122,1,ALAN MARTIN,, 02/28/90,18:08:54,213123,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 02/28/90,19:37:24,213124,3,ROBERT JOHNSON,skokie/il,10 02/28/90,20:06:51,213125,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, E#43296, ]K,43214,COLIN SCHROEDER, 9 02/28/90,21:06:07,213126,1,HARV MILLMAN,,1 02/28/90,21:51:05,213127,2,PAUL STREETER,,2 02/28/90,22:52:56,213128,1,LANE LARRISON,,2 02/28/90,23:10:44,213129,2,PHIL JERN,,1 02/28/90,23:34:32,213130,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 ]ERIC BOHLMAN, 02/28/90,23:43:33,213131,2,ED FOSTER,, E#43297,3 03/01/90,10:13:50,213132,3,SMITH MAX,CHICAGO,10 03/01/90,11:17:50,213133,2,JEFF MARTIN,,1 03/01/90,11:37:19,213134,2,PETE CANTELE,,1 03/01/90,12:17:20,213135,2,GLENN POPELKA,, E#43298,15 03/01/90,15:30:29,213136,2,ANDREW DECKOWITZ,,1 03/01/90,16:12:00,213137,1,MARC ADAMS,,16 ]MARC ADAMS, 03/01/90,16:44:06,213138,2,PETE GROBAREK,,1 03/01/90,18:22:12,213139,2,ZORAN MILENOVIC,,2 03/01/90,19:02:42,213140,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 03/01/90,19:30:04,213141,1,VIRENDRA DHUPELIA,,19 03/01/90,20:02:30,213142,1,JACK PINES,,10 03/01/90,20:29:20,213143,1,BILL WOLFF,,3 03/01/90,20:45:39,213144,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 03/01/90,21:06:01,213145,2,PAT CROSBY,evanston,8 03/01/90,21:12:54,213146,2,PAT CROSBY,, E#43299, 03/01/90,21:39:13,213147,2,SEAN DURKIN,, 03/01/90,22:14:56,213148,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#43300,7 03/01/90,22:36:04,213149,1,HARV MILLMAN,,1 03/01/90,23:05:25,213150,1,DANIEL BRESLAU,Chicago,11 03/01/90,23:40:20,213151,2,BILL MATTSON,, 03/02/90,00:38:56,213152,2,JIM ANDERSON,,12 03/02/90,01:25:44,213153,2,JIM KLIORA,Waukegan/IL,6 03/02/90,03:57:06,213154,9,DON WILLIAMS,Phoenix/ AZ,5 03/02/90,05:49:21,213155,2,PETE JONES,,0 03/02/90,06:43:09,213156,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 03/02/90,09:48:45,213157,2,JOHN BURKE,naperville/ il, 03/02/90,11:48:09,213158,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,10 03/02/90,12:51:19,213159,3,JIM COLLING,,5 03/02/90,13:06:14,213160,1,KEN STOX,,1 03/02/90,13:08:16,213161,2,JEFF MARTIN,,0 03/02/90,16:19:05,213162,3,ROBERT JOHNSON,, 03/02/90,16:56:12,213163,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 03/02/90,17:52:53,213164,1,ALAN MARTIN,,2 03/02/90,19:21:18,213165,2,BILL SMITH,,5 03/02/90,19:25:59,213166,1,ALAN CAPESIUS,,1 03/02/90,19:33:06,213167,2,DAVE BRAUNSCHWEIG,,5 ]Ward, Thanks for the information. I understand that the eight bit counter or the anding would be much faster than MOD. It just seemed to be a much easier way to explain it. Tomorrow morning should be fun, I now get to argue with my instructor and his text book showing that XMODEM divides by 255! Again, thanks for the info. DAVE BRAUNSCHWEIG, 03/02/90,20:27:30,213168,1,BILL SCHUTTEN,chicago, 03/02/90,20:46:58,213169,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 03/02/90,21:17:25,213170,1,JERRY HASLETT,,3 03/02/90,21:43:14,213171,2,GLENN POPELKA,, E#43301, E#43302,23 03/02/90,22:14:34,213172,1,MARTIN ANNAND,San Diego Ca.,6 03/02/90,22:22:01,213173,2,TOM JAKUBOWSKI,Naperville/ IL,2 03/02/90,23:08:06,213174,2,PAT CROSBY,, E#43303,3 03/02/90,23:44:20,213175,2,ED MURRAY,chicago/ il.,9 03/03/90,00:20:04,23176,3,TROY TUCKER,, E#43304,25 03/03/90,00:45:07,213177,2,PHIL JERN,,0 03/03/90,03:36:33,213178,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 03/03/90,05:18:26,213179,1,HARV MILLMAN,,1 03/03/90,05:22:19,213180,1,HARV MILLMAN,,2 03/03/90,05:26:41,213181,1,HARV MILLMAN,,2 03/03/90,05:29:08,213182,1,HARV MILLMAN,,1 03/03/90,05:32:33,213183,1,HARV MILLMAN,,1 03/03/90,05:40:04,213184,1,HARV MILLMAN,,1 03/03/90,06:46:40,213185,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,2 03/03/90,07:34:45,213186,1,MICHAEL MCDANIEL,,5 03/03/90,07:41:53,213187,2,BILL PRECHT,,2 ]Ward, I'm still interested in the pgm to switch CAPS-Lock and Control. Also, did you hear any more on the List/Browse/CED bug? BILL PRECHT, 03/03/90,08:06:08,213188,2,GARY BROWN,,3 03/03/90,08:24:47,213189,3,MURRAY ARNOW,, E#43305,27 03/03/90,10:32:28,213190,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, >Function:?