CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 02/16/90 21:10:21 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 212831; next msg =43225; 377 active msgs. Prev. call 02/15/90 @ 00:25, next msg was 43219 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 13 KILLED. 45 SUMMARY. 25 02/15/90,00:25:12,212774,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, ]S,MESSAGE.X18, ]R,MESSAGE.X18, E#43219,14 02/15/90,01:10:27,212775,2,DONALD CROSS,,2 02/15/90,01:51:46,212776,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#43220,5 02/15/90,03:33:25,212777,1,BRIAN JOHN,, 02/15/90,07:37:29,212778,2,ED FOSTER,,5 02/15/90,08:00:29,212779,1,BILL WOLFF,, E#43221,8 02/15/90,09:03:19,212780,2,ED FOSTER,, E#43222,2 02/15/90,09:45:00,212781,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 02/15/90,10:25:03,212782,1,KEN STOX,,2 02/15/90,10:32:57,212783,2,CHRIS JONES,chicago,1 02/15/90,10:42:34,212784,1,KEN STOX,,2 02/15/90,10:45:06,212785,1,KEN STOX,,0 02/15/90,10:52:22,212786,1,KEN STOX,,2 02/15/90,11:18:17,212787,1,DRAMEL THOMPSON,,2 02/15/90,13:14:41,212788,1,ED GLOSSOP,,3 02/15/90,14:14:20,212789,1,AL HIGGINS,, 02/15/90,14:36:34,212790,1,AL HIGGINS,,10 02/15/90,15:26:46,212791,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 02/15/90,16:01:15,212792,2,JIM PRICE,Irving/ TX,2 02/15/90,16:17:53,212793,2,JIM PRICE,,4 02/15/90,16:22:59,212794,2,JIM PRICE,, E#43223,21 02/15/90,16:48:33,212795,2,S S,s, 02/15/90,17:32:53,212796,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 02/15/90,18:12:23,212797,1,DAN BOND,,6 02/15/90,18:32:08,212798,2,ALEX ZELL,, 02/15/90,18:52:45,212799,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,1 02/15/90,19:09:47,212800,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,2 ]Ward, I'd have ni problem w/ putting the 9600 BPS modem on Randy's BBS Jim .o JIM FLANAGAN, 02/15/90,19:56:56,212801,2,BILL WOLFF,,4 02/15/90,20:43:36,212802,2,DENNIS STAHL,,4 02/15/90,20:54:42,212803,2,TIM CANNON,,16 02/15/90,21:39:31,212804,2,BILL PRECHT,,17 02/15/90,22:16:55,212805,2,PAUL STREETER,,6 02/15/90,22:26:35,212806,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 02/15/90,22:39:17,212807,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,5 02/15/90,23:14:57,212808,2,HELMUT AYET,,11 02/15/90,23:50:14,212809,3,TONY PERKINS,chicago/il, 02/16/90,00:06:33,212810,1,DEEPAK AGRAWAL,,3 02/16/90,00:48:47,212811,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 02/16/90,02:08:26,212812,2,MORRIS JONES,, 02/16/90,05:03:50,212813,2,PETE JONES,,1 02/16/90,09:35:49,212814,1,FANK MADIGAN,OAKLAWN ILLINOIS, >Help: /G,5 02/16/90,11:10:37,212815,3,PHIL SCHUMAN,,3 02/16/90,11:19:11,212816,3,XXX XXXX,xxx, 02/16/90,12:39:11,212817,3,JIM COLLING,,3 02/16/90,13:01:12,212818,2,RANDY IMAEN,,6 02/16/90,13:20:01,212819,2,BART SIMPSON,lisle,5 02/16/90,14:01:11,212820,1,BILL MANTHEY,,13 02/16/90,14:21:21,212821,2,GARY ELFRING,, E#43224,5 02/16/90,14:32:58,212822,3,WILLIAM MCBRINE,Salisbury/ NC,23 ]Hi! Just thought I should call the world's oldest BBS. I'm a little surprised that you don't (at least, officially) support file transfers - you, Mr. Xmodem? WILLIAM MCBRINE, 02/16/90,17:28:32,212823,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,6 02/16/90,17:36:15,212824,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 02/16/90,19:33:04,212825,1,BILL WOLFF,,3 02/16/90,19:39:07,212826,1,MATT WIZARD,chytown,17 02/16/90,20:02:28,212827,3,DEVON VALENTINE,CHI/ IL,7 02/16/90,20:21:07,212828,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 02/16/90,20:33:59,212829,2,JIM POLOUS,,4 02/16/90,20:46:22,212830,2,BILL MOYNIHAN,,3 ]HELLO: THIS MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE BUT... I HAVE A "LIMITED EDITION" BLUE CHIP PRINTER WHICH HAS CABLING CONNECTIONS FOR THE COMMODORE DIN PLUG ONLY. AS A PROJECT OF SORTS, I NEED TO KNOW IF THERE IS A WAY OF BUILDING\BUYING SOME TYPE OF INTERFACE THAT WOULD ALLOW MY OLD, ODDLY CONFIGURED, PRINTER TO RUN OFF OF THER SERIAL PORT OF MY NEW PC. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANKS, BILL MOYNIHAN 708-699-0334 BILL MOYNIHAN, 02/16/90,21:10:26,212831,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43219 02/15/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "SMALL PC?" 43220 02/15/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/SMALL PC?" 43221 02/15/90 BILL WOLFF => TROY TUCKER: "R/MULTILINES" 43222 02/15/90 ED FOSTER => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/WANT TO CODE?" 43223 02/15/90 JIM PRICE => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "XMODEM" 43224 02/16/90 GARY ELFRING => WARD: "DESKJET STUFF" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43219 is 11 line(s) on 02/15/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: SMALL PC? Just for "grins", I'd like to put together a small - VERY small - PC, to replace the "Ward Board" CBBS. I'd like to convert CBBS from ASM to PC C, with an eye on keeping it somewhat device independent to be able to port to Randy's Unix system. I'm thinking of one of those single-board PCs, such as the Ampro Little Board. I'd need CGA/composite to drive a cheap 7" monitor that's now on it, serial for the modem, and one slot for a network board so I could back it up across the network. I'd put it in an old full-height drive case, with a half height floppy and half-height hard disk. Is there such a thing - particularly with the one slot? Tnx! Msg 43220 is 06 line(s) on 02/15/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/SMALL PC? My guess is that the cheapest way to go about it would be to use an old XT motherboard. Not as small as a Little Board (but I think you'd need at least one auxilliary board in that case anyway, and I haven't heard of them having slots). As long as it doesn't have to be portable (portable system with a network card? Actually I guess that makes sense if it's only connected to the network when it needs to be backed up). Msg 43221 is 09 line(s) on 02/15/90 from BILL WOLFF to TROY TUCKER re: R/MULTILINES Computer Direct has eight lines I believe. Their number is (708) 382-3270 and they offer want you are talking about, plus Commodore, Apple, IBM, etc. message bases and file section. Plus you can place an order through their on-line catalog! No this isn't really a plug, I am a customer like everybody else, just trying to be helpful! Enjoy! Msg 43222 is 06 line(s) on 02/15/90 from ED FOSTER to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/WANT TO CODE? If you have KEDIT version 4.0 you can do some of the things you want right within the text editor. For example, use a macro to set the selection level for each line equal to the number of blanks at the beginning of the line. Then you would see only lines starting in column 1. If you SET DISPLAY 3 * you would see lines indented 3 or more spaces. It would be crude, but it might work. Msg 43223 is 12 line(s) on 02/15/90 from JIM PRICE to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: XMODEM Ward, if memory serves me correctly, you're the inventor of MODEM, MODEM7, and XMODEM (i.e., the grandpaw of pc-pc communication). I downloaded from some board n Chicago (several years ago), I think this one the spec for XMODEM. Is it available for downloading, or could you steer me towards a good source for a copy of the spec. I am also interested in the later derivatives (YMODEM, IMODEM, ZMODEM, etc.) I have been working with PCs for a relatively short time (since 1984), and have in my spare time developed an interest in data communications. My eventual intent is to develop a protocol that will support a service similar to Prodigy (i.e., interactive graphics), perhaps a subset of the X11 protocol, custom tailored for modem communication. Anyway thanks. Jim Price, Irving, TX Msg 43224 is 10 line(s) on 02/16/90 from GARY ELFRING to WARD re: DESKJET STUFF I've been finishing up this issue of DeskNews and tried to track a few things down. I call Mile High Engineering about their "permanent" ink. They claimed its not permanent, just better than HPs. They sent me a refill kit for free to evaluate. The stuff is pricey at $19.95 for 2 refills, but if you don't have access to a syringe its a good way to get 2 refillers! I'll be playing with it to see if it's really any better. Do you want one of the refill bottles? Only condition is you have to report back on how well it does. I also called the author of DeskJet Unlimited (new book) and they are sending a free copy. "The power of the press." dup. chars. >Function:?