CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 02/11/90 02:29:34 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 212657; next msg =43192; 384 active msgs. Prev. call 02/08/90 @ 21:08, next msg was 43174 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 4 KILLED. 25 SUMMARY. 25 02/08/90,21:18:58,212597,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 02/08/90,21:52:30,212598,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 02/08/90,22:27:10,212599,1,BOB MCCARTHY,Evanston,8 02/08/90,23:20:07,212600,3,BURTON DOEN,ELMHURST/ IL, 02/08/90,23:28:15,212601,2,JIM SACKETT,,3 02/09/90,00:15:00,212602,3,BURTON DOEN,, 02/09/90,03:01:04,212603,2,JIM POLOUS,,1 02/09/90,05:18:40,212604,2,ALEX ZELL,, 02/09/90,05:48:21,212605,2,PETE JONES,,2 02/09/90,05:51:33,212606,2,PETE JONES,,0 02/09/90,05:52:27,212607,2,PETE JONES,,1 02/09/90,07:57:06,212608,1,BRIAN JOHN,WOLVERHAMPTON ENGLAND,4 02/09/90,08:00:53,212609,1,BRIAN JOHN,, >Help: //, >Help: ]I]I??, >Help: SS, 02/09/90,08:26:14,212610,1,GARY MCCOY,,2 02/09/90,08:46:39,212611,2,JACK HOMA,,4 02/09/90,08:52:35,212612,1,GERALD PINE,, E#43177,11 02/09/90,09:04:56,212613,1,GERALD PINE,, E#43178,7 02/09/90,09:54:09,212614,2,LARRY HITZ,,1 02/09/90,11:01:23,212615,1,JEANETTE ZOBJECK,JANESVILLE/ WI,4 02/09/90,11:23:57,212616,2,JAMES DURKIN,, 02/09/90,11:58:46,212617,2,JAMES DURKIN,,2 02/09/90,12:35:55,212618,1,JERRY HASLETT,, E#43179,8 02/09/90,12:46:05,212619,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 02/09/90,14:57:50,212620,3,JIM COLLING,,5 02/09/90,15:10:45,212621,2,JIM BEYER,,5 02/09/90,15:18:04,212622,1,JIM POLOUS,,1 02/09/90,18:16:09,212623,9,GREG WALLACE,,3 ]5285020 GREG WALLACE, 02/09/90,18:30:36,212624,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#43180, E#43181,18 02/09/90,18:50:36,212625,2,KEVIN MCGUIGAN,LAKE VI, 02/09/90,19:02:45,212626,2,KEVIN MCGUIGAN,,9 ]WARD - TALKED TO YOU TODAY, THANKS FOR THE HELP AND EDUCATION. (I.S.A.COMMISSION). INTERESTING PROBLEM... KEVIN MCGUIGAN, 02/09/90,19:16:44,212627,3,BURTON DOEN,, 02/09/90,20:01:47,212628,1,JIM SKINNER,evanstong$y,8 02/09/90,20:32:56,212629,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,5 02/09/90,21:22:38,212630,2,KEVIN KEYSER,,4 02/09/90,22:10:37,212631,1,MARK NAFICY,WOODRIDGE, E#43182,8 02/09/90,22:16:57,212632,3,JIM EATON,,8 02/09/90,22:28:35,212633,1,DON KIM,,12 02/10/90,01:01:04,212634,1,BILL WOLFF,,1 02/10/90,01:30:16,212635,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#43183, E#43184,11 02/10/90,07:19:55,212636,2,GARY BROWN,,3 02/10/90,09:52:36,212637,1,BILL WOLFF,, E#43185,16 02/10/90,10:10:43,212638,2,WAL SCHAJNOHA,fergus on,2 02/10/90,10:18:06,212639,3,BURTON DOEN,, 02/10/90,10:39:08,212640,3,BURTON DOEN,, 02/10/90,11:22:50,212641,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 02/10/90,13:34:58,212642,2,RANDY IMAGEN,,15 02/10/90,14:04:47,212643,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,10 02/10/90,17:23:00,212644,1,BILL WOLFF,,1 02/10/90,17:41:48,212645,1,JERRY HASLETT,, E#43186, E#43187, E#43188,14 02/10/90,19:03:13,212646,1,ANDY PAPAS,CHICAGO,2 02/10/90,19:38:53,212647,1,RON PACE,,2 02/10/90,19:56:20,212648,2,JOHN KOSCHWANEZ,warrington/pa,4 02/10/90,20:16:37,212649,1,PETER BRENTON,Chicago IL,7 02/10/90,20:26:40,212650,2,BILL WOLFF,,15 02/10/90,20:48:12,212651,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 02/10/90,21:22:56,212652,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, E#43189,3 02/10/90,21:28:36,212653,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, E#43190,6 02/10/90,22:43:02,212654,3,MURRAY ARNOW,, E#43191,11 02/10/90,23:11:57,212655,1,EDDIE COLVIN,CHICAGO,9 02/11/90,01:13:44,212656,1,JOHNATHON NORDQUIST,CHICAGO/ IL, 02/11/90,02:29:38,212657,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43174 02/08/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JERRY HASLETT: "R/3.5 IN. DRIVES" 43175 02/08/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JIM DURKIN: "R/XMODEM FILE TRANSFERS" 43176 02/08/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => GARY DORAN: "MODEM 7 BATCH" 43177X 02/09/90 GERALD PINE => WARD CHRISTIANSEN: "8-INCH DRIVES" 43178 02/09/90 GERALD PINE => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/8-INCH DRIVE JUMPER SETTINGS" 43179 02/09/90 JERRY HASLETT => BILL WOLF AND WARD: "3.5 IN DRIVE FLEXIBILITY" 43180 02/09/90 BILL WOLFF => JERRY HASLETT: "R/3.5 IN DRIVE FLEXIBILITY" 43181 02/09/90 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "DBASE III PLUS" 43182 02/09/90 MARK NAFICY => >AALL: "CUCKOO'S EGG K7[STOLL" 43183 02/10/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => JIM DURKIN: "R/XMODEM FILE TRANSFERS" 43184 02/10/90 ERIC BOHLMAN => BILL WOLFF: "R/3.5 IN. DRIVES" 43185 02/10/90 BILL WOLFF => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/3.5 IN. DRIVES" 43186X 02/10/90 JERRY HASLETT => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/3.5 IN. DRIVES" 43187 02/10/90 JERRY HASLETT => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "SE OF 1.44M DRIVES" 43188 02/10/90 JERRY HASLETT => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "TRY AGAIN" 43189 02/10/90 JAMES SCHMIDT => ALL: "LIST.COM EDITOR CAPABILITY" 43190 02/10/90 JAMES SCHMIDT => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/3.5 IN. DRIVES" 43191 02/10/90 MURRAY ARNOW => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/ZENITH 386 - GOOD?" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43174 is 04 line(s) on 02/08/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JERRY HASLETT re: R/3.5 IN. DRIVES As long as you're using 720K diskettes at 720K and 1.44 at 1.44, no I don't know any reason why the 1.44 wouldn't work perfectly for both - that's the kind of drive (1.44) that I use at home and at work, and most of my use IS with 720K diskettes. Msg 43175 is 11 line(s) on 02/08/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JIM DURKIN re: R/XMODEM FILE TRANSFERS XMODEM is an 8-bit protocol. There's no way it would work with a system set for 7-e-1. Also, xmodem was designed for micro-to-micro, so if you have a rate- adapting step, you'll need to run a "relaxed" xmodem protocol, in which the inter-char timeout is extended - and possibly the inter-block timeout. For example, if you sent at 9600 but stepped down to 2400, the 9600 would be done sending soon enough that it might wonder what happened to the other end. Come to think of it, the longer inter-char timeouts probably are NOT necessary, as long as there's no packet net involved that could chop up an xmodem block. Msg 43176 is 04 line(s) on 02/08/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to GARY DORAN re: MODEM 7 BATCH Sorry, I only tried MODEM 7 batch two times, and it failed both times. It was a bad implementation (it echoed every char of the filename) and has been totally replaced by Chuck Forsberg's YMODEM Batch which uses a block 0 to send a filename as a separate block. No msg 43177 Msg 43178 is 08 line(s) on 02/09/90 from GERALD PINE to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/8-INCH DRIVE JUMPER SETTINGS Unfortunately, I have been using double-sided diskettes. I already made that mistake and learned the difference previously. I do have an 851 drive that I have used occasionally in double sided mode. DS diskettes that I have created on the 851 cannot be read on the Mitsubishi drive. I forgot to mention that I had tried both reading DS diskettes with information on them and formatting new diskettes DS. But thanks for the suggestion. That's exactly the kind of thing that usually proves to be the solution to this kind of problem. Msg 43179 is 06 line(s) on 02/09/90 from JERRY HASLETT to BILL WOLF AND WARD re: 3.5 IN DRIVE FLEXIBILITY Gentlemen, thanks for the info. It looks like a drive capable of 1.44M is versatile provided proper disks are used. but that there is the possibility that a 720k disk written on a 1.44M drive might not get read on a drive designed for 720k only. Is that right? Are many 3.5 in. drives designed for 720k only? Any idea which brands or models? Msg 43180 is 06 line(s) on 02/09/90 from BILL WOLFF to JERRY HASLETT re: R/3.5 IN DRIVE FLEXIBILITY Yes, I believe that to be so. I know it is true for the 5.25" disk drives. And I am guessing the same is true with the 3.5" disks. Yes there are many 720K only drives. Mostly on XT's. 1.44K is more likely found on AT's. I am not sure, but I don't think I have ever seen a QD drive on any PC/XT computer. Maybe it can't be done. Msg 43181 is 18 line(s) on 02/09/90 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: DBASE III PLUS Did you ever wanted dBase III Plus just to play around with. But didn't want to spend $ for it. Well guess what I ran into at the University of Chicago, at the book store there? There was a book called dBase III Plus Procedures Manual by Dennis P. Curtin, and guess what is found inside? You guessed it, a real working copy of dBase III Plus for the total cost of $24.00. But before you jump in your car and get it, let me tell you two things. They only have one left and the dBase copy has been modified to hold only 31 records max! But everything else is there including ASSIST and HELP. What a deal for those who want to learn dBase at home or work at very little cost. Or a real deal for those who never has more than 31 reconds anyway (of those, do you really need a computer). Well I call this the MS-DOS application deal of 1990! What do you think? Msg 43182 is 03 line(s) on 02/09/90 from MARK NAFICY to >AALL re: CUCKOO'S EGG K7[STOLL it is a very good book, i highly rej$~command it to every body. /x e Msg 43183 is 05 line(s) on 02/10/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to JIM DURKIN re: R/XMODEM FILE TRANSFERS Describe the rate-adapting step in more detail. It's possible that something is getting buffered, with the result that the NAK is taking too long to make it from one end to the other. As Ward mentioned, set up for an 8-bit word length; checksums, block numbers and block counts use all 8 bits, even if the data doesn't. Msg 43184 is 12 line(s) on 02/10/90 from ERIC BOHLMAN to BILL WOLFF re: R/3.5 IN. DRIVES The problem with mixing disks arises when you take a disk that was originally written to with a 720K drive, write on it with a 1.44M drive and then try to read it back on a 720K drive. The original 720K drive writes a wide track. The 1.44M drive writes on a narrow track. When the disk goes back to the 720K drive, the wide read head is picking up both the narrow track written by the 1.44M drive and half of what was originally written. This confuses the controller. The same thing applies to 360K disks written on by a 1.2M drive. The 1581 can read both types of disks because it has a narrow head (as it would have to in order to be able to write 1.44M disks). The problem never arises because it (like any 1.44M drive) isn't reading a full low-density track. Msg 43185 is 04 line(s) on 02/10/90 from BILL WOLFF to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/3.5 IN. DRIVES I agree with everything you say, except that the C1581 can't read QD (1.44K) disks, so I may assume it reads and writes a wide track. If so, why does it still read wide and narrow tracks correctly? Does it have something to do with the ability that C= drives are programmable? No msg 43186 Msg 43187 is 04 line(s) on 02/10/90 from JERRY HASLETT to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: SE OF 1.44M DRIVES Perhaps I missed something . but there must be a good reason fousing 1.44M drives and dihalf thei capacity .wow, is the noise on the line! Msg 43188 is 02 line(s) on 02/10/90 from JERRY HASLETT to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: TRY AGAIN Over the noise, if possible, why use a drive at half its capacity? Msg 43189 is 28 line(s) on 02/10/90 from JAMES SCHMIDT to ALL re: LIST.COM EDITOR CAPABILITY One of the new but undocumented features of Vernon Buerg's LIST program is its ability to invoke you favorite editor in a point and shoot manner. Assuming you have version 7.3d which is the current version as I write this you can customize LIST for your editor as follows: ; Using DEBUG and assuming you editor is named MYEDIT.EXE and is in your PATH. Make the directory that contains LIST.COM the current directory. Then: debug n list.com l e 17f7 "myedit" w q It is important that if your editor name is less than 4 characters long you pad the name with spaces to a minumum length of 4. This is because you are actually overwriting the default editor name of "edit". I guess an alternative would be to rename your favorite editor to EDIT.EXE or EDIT.COM as appropriate. ; Now when you are in LIST you can invoke a directory list via the ALT-V command. Just select the file you want to edit and move the cursor block the the filename and press 'e'. You will instantly invoke the editor you selected. Note: the 'e' is not listed as one the selections on the ALT-V screen and that's why I call this feature undocumented. ; Once you've tried this I am confident you will use it often. James Schmidt Msg 43190 is 13 line(s) on 02/10/90 from JAMES SCHMIDT to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/3.5 IN. DRIVES I think you are describing a problem that is unique to 1.2Mb 5 1/4" drives. The 1.44Mb drives write a track that is the same width as a 720K only at a higher density and double the sectors per track an then only when actually writing at 1.44Mb. If you write a 720K diskette with a 1.44Mb drive it should be totally compatable with a a 720K drive. I do it all the time. Format and write @ 720K with a 720K drive, write with a 1.44Mb capable drive and read again with a 720K drive. Never a problem. You can't do that with a 1.2Mb drive and a 360K diskette for the reasons you stated in your original message. James Msg 43191 is 03 line(s) on 02/10/90 from MURRAY ARNOW to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/ZENITH 386 - GOOD? This is again speculation. I think what Zenith auctioned off was inventory excluded in their sale of ZDS to Bull. I am reasonably certain the sale of ZDS is final. dup. chars. >Function:?CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 02/11/90 16:00:58 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk. You are caller 212670; next msg =43198; 380 active msgs. Prev. call 02/11/90 @ 02:29, next msg was 43192 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abort. >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 5 KILLED. 30 SUMMARY. 25 02/11/90,02:29:38,212657,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43192, E#43193,10 02/11/90,04:25:12,212658,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,2 02/11/90,07:32:50,212659,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 02/11/90,08:37:06,212660,2,ED DESOTO,,4 02/11/90,08:54:21,212661,2,MIKE SANDMAN,,26 02/11/90,10:22:38,212662,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 02/11/90,10:27:05,212663,1,BILL WOLFF,, E#43194, E#43195,20 02/11/90,12:29:07,212664,1,MICHAEL MCDANIEL,,8 02/11/90,12:49:19,212665,1,PETER GORDON,LISLE,19 02/11/90,13:19:18,212666,1,JOSEPH SKOM,,2 02/11/90,13:37:04,212667,1,JERRY HASLETT,,3 02/11/90,14:15:36,212668,1,EDDIE COLVIN,,7 ]INEED HELP WITH THIS SYSTEM CONTACT ME AT 821 6775 EDDIE P.S WHERE CCAN IFIND PUBLIC D SOFTWARE FREE EDDIE COLVIN, 02/11/90,15:42:17,212669,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43196, E#43197,7 02/11/90,16:01:02,212670,9,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, or;* 43192 02/11/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JERRY HASLETT: "R/TRY AGAIN" 43193 02/11/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JERRY HASLETT: "R/3.5 IN DRIVE FLEXIBILITY" 43194 02/11/90 BILL WOLFF => JAMES SCHMIDT: "R/3.5 IN. DRIVES" 43195 02/11/90 BILL WOLFF => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "ANSI EDITOR!" 43196 02/11/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL HST 9600: "CBBS OK @ 9600 AGAIN" 43197 02/11/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => EDDIG COLVIN: "CALLING YOU" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43192 is 07 line(s) on 02/11/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JERRY HASLETT re: R/TRY AGAIN I don't understand "why use a drive at half its capacity?". You must hvae mis-understood something I said, for I can't imagine what that question means. 1.44M diskettes are significantly more expensive than 720K, and aren't compatible with 720K laptops or smaller machines, so there's LOTS of reason to use 720K diskettes in a 1.44M drive. I use 1.44M diskettes when doing backups or other things that are time expensive. Msg 43193 is 09 line(s) on 02/11/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JERRY HASLETT re: R/3.5 IN DRIVE FLEXIBILITY 1.44M drives write 720K diskettes with flawless reliability. I have a 720K drive on my laptop and on my PC, and 1.44 in my AST Premium 286. Egghead sells 1.44M diskettes for about $40/box, but I've heard of some <$1 high density diskettes - wonder how good they are? MEI seems to have gotten a reputation for adequately good disks - meaning "occasional failures in formatting, but they replace defective diskettes quite quickly. I believe their # is 1-800-MEI-DIST but I could be forgetting - I remember seeing SOME disk place whose number was 1-800-xxx-disT because I was surprised it wasn't "DISK". Msg 43194 is 06 line(s) on 02/11/90 from BILL WOLFF to JAMES SCHMIDT re: R/3.5 IN. DRIVES I didn't know for sure if the 1.44M/720K has the same problem as the 1.2M/360K problem. Thanks for straighting this out for us! I know I found early on, that some of my 360K disk written by a 1.2M drive sometimes made my disks unreadable on the 360K drive. Gosh, I hated that. I had to buy another 360K drive and install it next to my 1.2M drive. What a pain in the neck that was, just to be compatible. Msg 43195 is 15 line(s) on 02/11/90 from BILL WOLFF to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: ANSI EDITOR! I know I am asking a lot, but what's the chances getting a ANSI editor on-line here? I sure would help writing messages on-line here. At least when I call with a MS-DOS computer. When I use a CP/M computer I would still be stuck, like right now! That should be a nice challenge for a CP/M programmer! Make a ANSI driver for CP/M. Odds are the graphics would have to use regular ASCII characters, but at least the editing would be nice. Whoops! I just remembered, cursoring around on CP/M has about 6 different terminal configurations if not more. Almost have to write a small patch for each computer huh? Plus some can't do it because the terminal type won't let them period! P.S. I tried! Msg 43196 is 08 line(s) on 02/11/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL HST 9600 re: CBBS OK @ 9600 AGAIN I am entering this msg from an HST modem at 9600 baud. Something is screwed up in my commo program but this time (blush) I'm running from a 7-line BASIC program, and it is working just fine, IF I first power off the modem to reset to factory. I'll have to see what my "string" of initialization is that is hosing it up. Greg Wallace called in 2 days ago @ 9600 but I'd not noticed his call so I thought it was the CBBS modem. Msg 43197 is 07 line(s) on 02/11/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to EDDIG COLVIN re: CALLING YOU No, no, you don't catch on. I'm not going to CALL you. This system is for communicating! Leave a msg! THIS system is NOT a download system. If you want download systems, I suggest leaving a msg for ALL and be sure to state what KIND of system you're looking for (i.e. what kind of computer, etc). Sorry you had trouble figuring things out - the software in CBBS IS rather "ancient", but only a few have trouble. "Hang in there". >Function:?