CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 01/25/90 23:28:00 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 212225; next msg =43085; 372 active msgs. Prev. call 01/23/90 @ 20:56, next msg was 43073 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 10 KILLED. 73 SUMMARY. 24 01/23/90,20:56:41,212162,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43073, E#43074, E#43075,20 01/23/90,21:28:36,212163,2,RAY WIEDENHOFT,,3 01/23/90,21:58:46,212164,2,EDWIN HOLLINS,,4 01/23/90,22:11:16,212165,2,JIM SACKETT,, E#43076,11 01/23/90,22:51:39,212166,2,BUZZ MCSTUN,, ]K,42630,BUZZ MCSTUN, 6 01/23/90,23:00:42,212167,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, E#43077, E#43078,33 01/23/90,23:46:33,212168,2,JIM SACKETT,,6 01/24/90,00:22:54,212169,2,ED FOSTER,,2 01/24/90,03:06:11,212170,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,3 01/24/90,04:53:36,212171,2,PETE JONES,,1 01/24/90,05:03:31,212172,1,JIM DAVIS,Murray/UT, E#43079,21 01/24/90,05:47:20,212173,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,2 01/24/90,07:50:08,212174,2,MIKE DEER,, E#43080,4 01/24/90,08:38:20,212175,2,DON DOCKMAN,,4 01/24/90,08:53:55,212176,2,DON DOCKMAN,,5 01/24/90,10:53:54,212177,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 01/24/90,11:32:28,212178,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 01/24/90,11:55:00,212179,2,JIM POLOUS,, E#43081,5 01/24/90,12:01:56,212180,1,KEN STOX,,3 01/24/90,12:16:33,212181,1,GARY MCCOY,,4 01/24/90,13:15:59,212182,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,7 01/24/90,14:33:43,212183,3,MIKE VIELEHR,SCHAUMBURG/IL,5 01/24/90,15:12:01,212184,2,ALEX ZELL,, 01/24/90,16:35:46,212185,1,SCOTT ADAMS,, 01/24/90,17:00:43,212186,2,BUZZ MCSTUN,,5 01/24/90,17:04:09,212187,2,BUZZ MCSTUN,,8 01/24/90,17:14:37,212188,1,SCOTT ADAMS,, 01/24/90,18:00:23,212189,1,SCOTT ADAMS,, 01/24/90,18:31:57,212190,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,3 01/24/90,18:57:50,212191,2,SCOTT KELLEY,, 01/24/90,19:15:14,212192,2,DON PIVEN,,1 01/24/90,19:21:47,212193,2,DENNIS STAHL,, 01/24/90,19:32:59,212194,1,JOHN RIDDLE,,5 01/24/90,19:55:48,212195,1,ALLEN NIELSEN,Bensenville/Il,9 01/24/90,20:05:18,212196,1,KEVIN KEYSER,,7 01/24/90,20:24:34,212197,1,BRENT JONES,,12 01/24/90,20:41:00,212198,2,JOHN ZWIERZYNA,,12 01/24/90,20:54:24,212199,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,17 01/24/90,21:03:52,212200,2,BILL MATTSON,,11 01/24/90,21:20:35,212201,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,,8 01/24/90,21:30:15,212202,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,,3 01/24/90,22:16:51,212203,2,JIM ANDERSON,,11 01/24/90,22:34:13,212204,1,JOSEPH SKOM,,4 01/24/90,23:00:06,212205,2,JOHN SERRANO,CHICAGO/ IL, E#43082, E#43083,16 01/24/90,23:55:03,212206,2,LARRY KILLMER,Orland pk. Ill,8 01/25/90,00:10:13,212207,2,DANNY VAISRUB,,3 01/25/90,01:02:33,212208,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 01/25/90,03:28:24,212209,1,BILL WEST,chgo il,4 ]BILL WEST, 01/25/90,10:18:18,212210,3,SANJIO ABDULLAH,,7 01/25/90,10:27:30,212211,2,TROY VOSS,Belleville/ Il,3 01/25/90,12:36:32,212212,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 01/25/90,12:56:15,212213,1,BOB SULLIVAN,,3 01/25/90,14:36:53,212214,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,1 01/25/90,14:41:28,212215,2,LEE LEGGETT,arlington hts/il,3 01/25/90,14:56:19,212216,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 01/25/90,17:32:26,212217,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 01/25/90,18:19:41,212218,1,BOB BALANOFF,chicago,13 01/25/90,19:15:09,212219,1,FRED LOUDERMAN,Oak Park/ Il,5 01/25/90,19:30:29,212220,2,JIM POLOUS,,0 01/25/90,19:53:58,212221,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,7 01/25/90,21:57:01,212222,1,KEVIN KEYSER,,1 01/25/90,22:17:16,212223,1,JOSEPH SKOM,, E#43084,2 01/25/90,22:38:46,212224,2,JIM SACKETT,,8 01/25/90,23:28:04,212225,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43073X 01/23/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => DALE WALSH: "INFORMATION" 43074 01/23/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => DALE WALSH: "PROTOCOLS" 43075 01/23/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JIM POLOUS: "R/IBM PS/2 PROBLEM" 43076 01/23/90 JIM SACKETT => ALL: "MICRO HELP TOOLBOX HELP" 43077 01/23/90 COLIN SCHROEDER => MARTIN SCHRADER: "R/DISK MANGLER & BIG DRIVES" 43078 01/23/90 COLIN SCHROEDER => ALL: "DATA ERRORS W/ BIG DISKS" 43079 01/24/90 JIM DAVIS => ALL: "HELP WITH STARLINK" 43080 01/24/90 MIKE DEER => SHERMAN DAY/ JR.: "R/NEED SOFTWARE HELP/ APPLE II" 43081 01/24/90 JIM POLOUS => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "PS/2" 43082 01/24/90 JOHN SERRANO => WARD: "NUDIES" 43083 01/24/90 JOHN SERRANO => ALL: "GARBLED CHARACTERS" 43084 01/25/90 JOSEPH SKOM => JIM POLOUS: "NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. No msg 43073 Msg 43074 is 22 line(s) on 01/23/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to DALE WALSH re: PROTOCOLS Sorry, I had to delete your msg since you weren't able to contain your frustration sufficiently to keep from swearing. The only info I have is on the Ward Board, (312) 849-1132, in the low numbered msgs. It is what has been there for quite a few years. There is no file access here or there. Your search for "1,modem" didn't work here because there has never been any protocol documentation here. Here's the list of protocol documentation I was able to find on Compuserve: BPROTO.NFO 20 58 Differences between XMODEM, etc and "B" protocols DSZ .ARC 86B 59 External Zmodem protocol module RELAX .THD 8 N6 Oct 86: explanation of "relaxed" XMODEM RZ .EXE 21B 86 MS-DOS version of RZ from UNIX (ZMODEM receive) RZSZ .ARC 94B 59 VMS + Unix Zmodem protocol file xfer programs SZ .EXE 20B 86 MS-DOS version of SZ from UNIX (ZMODEM send) TCRC .C 6 26 C source to implement XMODEM with CRC for PASCAL or BASIC UPDCRC.PAS 2 56 Turbo Pascal INClude file to add CRC Xmodem protocol to pgm WXMODE.ARC 25B 66 Description of Xmodem, CRC Xmodem, error recovery, WXmodem XMODEM.DOC 26 96 Description of XMODEM protocol as implemented on CIS XMODEM.EXP 11 25 Description of XMODEM protocol in general YZMODM.ARC 86B O7 Official YMODEM and ZMODEM protocol descriptions Hopefully you or a friend are on Compuserve, or, given these names (which are truncated to CIS 6-char filenames) you can find what you're looking for. Good luck. Calm down. Count to 10. Msg 43075 is 15 line(s) on 01/23/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JIM POLOUS re: R/IBM PS/2 PROBLEM I haven't memorized the various error msgs, but the system is smart enough that if something is wrong, the only thing it will boot is the ref disk. I'm surprised it boots the hard disk - but if you say it won't boot a floppy, I must conclude you're probably trying to boot a DOS disk or something - other than a ref disk. Of the 3 common errors, 162, 163, and 165, I don't remember which one means which, but (I guess you could call this a multiple choice quiz with no known answer) the 3 mean: - clock bad - memory configuration change{ - unrecognized adapter. Also, you should get a 162 if you have an external drive but it is powered off - the system is checking the config and is unable to communicate with the external drive so the 162 comes up. This is certainly the most common 162 error. Msg 43076 is 10 line(s) on 01/23/90 from JIM SACKETT to ALL re: MICRO HELP TOOLBOX HELP I have purchased Micro help toolbox for use with Quick Basic. I have having a hard time trying to get it to accept changes thet I have made to the MHDEF.INC include file. I have tried looking for a OBJ of MAK file that may be causing this problem but as of yet I have found nothing. I have verified that the changes are happening to the inc file but they aren't reflected during internal or external compile and link. I have to be missing something. The file that I am trying to change only effects the key detected. I've tried just about everything. Jim Sackett Msg 43077 is 21 line(s) on 01/23/90 from COLIN SCHROEDER to MARTIN SCHRADER re: R/DISK MANGLER & BIG DRIVES I'd be very interested to hear what sort of problems you're running into with DM, since I've run it on two different systems, with very different hardware! The first was an ALR 386/16 with ALR mother- board, Phoenix BIOS, and 42 Mb Miniscribe MFM drive (C: = 1 Mb, D: = 41 Mb). The second is an Everex OEM (Spear) 386/25 with AMI motherboard/BIOS, and 130 Mb Miniscribe ESDI drive and Adaptec ctrlr (C: = 1 Mb, D: = 129 Mb). I have had no problems, and I run a wide variety of software. I certainly don't intend this as a plug for Ontrack! I'd just like some info on what sort of things to look out for! Part of the reason is that I've talked to three different people who have had problems with serious data errors when writing large DOS files to ESDI disks when using an Adaptec 2322-B ctrlr and 100+ Mb disk. As far as I know, none of these cases involved DM, but I'm using that same ctrlr, and am getting a bit worried. (SEE next msg for more) Any further info you have would be appreciated-especially since my boss crashed his harddisk when trying to run the PC-Labs DOS File Access-Large Record benchmark (using the Adaptec ctrlr w/ 150 Mb disk!) Thanks in advance! Colin Msg 43078 is 25 line(s) on 01/23/90 from COLIN SCHROEDER to ALL re: DATA ERRORS W/ BIG DISKS Hi All! I've run into several very similar cases of serious disk/ctrlr errors recently, with people who are using the same Adaptec ESDI controller with 100+ Mb disks. Two customers who I've talked to, as well as my boss and myself, use the Adaptec 2322-B ESDI ctrlr with large ESDI disks. The two customers I've talked to experienced serious corruption of large (600K+) data files when they were written to disk using standard DOS I/O functions. Both were using 150 Mb ESDI disks; one a CDC Wren III, the other probably the same. My boss crashed his disk irreparably while trying to run the PC-Labs DOS File Access-Large Record benchmark with a similar configuration, and had to replace the disk! I use the same controller, but with a MiniScribe 130 Mb ESDI disk, formatted with DiskManager, and have had no problem, even when I tried to replicate the above problems with a 1 Mb data file! Haven't tried it without DiskManager-and all other cases happened (I think) under standard DOS 3.3 formatting. One person I talked to said he seemed to recall reading a report that certain batches of the Adaptec 2322-B had a problematic data verification chip, and that this was fixed at some point. Anyone hear/recall where I might find more info?? Or do you have other ideas as to the cause?? Any help would be much appreciated! Colin Msg 43079 is 06 line(s) on 01/24/90 from JIM DAVIS to ALL re: HELP WITH STARLINK Hi, I was wondering if anyone had the number/info for the STATLINK (STARLINK that is) service. Thier old number at 800-343-7304 went out of service a long time ago but I'm still seeing BBS's giving out thier starlink address. I cancelled my PCPURSUIT a few months back and figured this would be the way to go, now i can't find info on it anywhere. Thanks. Msg 43080 is 01 line(s) on 01/24/90 from MIKE DEER to SHERMAN DAY/ JR. re: R/NEED SOFTWARE HELP/ APPLE II you were misinformed. Msg 43081 is 03 line(s) on 01/24/90 from JIM POLOUS to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: PS/2 I once had a keyboard error on that computer, it turned out that it was a tempermental keyboard. I had that fixed, and it works fine, but now it won't even boot the reference disk. Msg 43082 is 01 line(s) on 01/24/90 from JOHN SERRANO to WARD re: NUDIES something weird happened! i received some garbled chars. Msg 43083 is 01 line(s) on 01/24/90 from JOHN SERRANO to ALL re: GARBLED CHARACTERS get some 'garbage characters' on the screen. i backspace, and i get more. Msg 43084 is 01 line(s) on 01/25/90 from JOSEPH SKOM to JIM POLOUS re: NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER (312)549-8439 dup. chars. >Function:?f*^U ?k;43082 43082,01,01/24/90,JOHN SERRANO,WARD NUDIES >Function:?