CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 01/23/90 20:56:37 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 212162; next msg =43073; 365 active msgs. Prev. call 01/22/90 @ 22:10, next msg was 43067 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 7 KILLED. 71 SUMMARY. 24 1/22/90,22:10:22,212139,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#43067, E#43068,10 ]damn line noise! I'm gonna have to go bust in randy's house and re-capture my 2 9600 baud modems and take 'em in for service! WARD CHRISTENSEN, 01/22/90,22:46:58,212140,2,BILL PRECHT,,2 01/22/90,22:58:54,212141,1,SAM DINKHA,CHICAGO/ILL.,44 01/23/90,00:45:13,212142,2,DALE WALSH,OTTAWA/ONTARIO/CANADA, E#43069,28 ]I'm trying to get some information, I'm pissed off, not at you, but at the lack of availability of stuff which is supposed to be available, If you have any, please call me, this is not a crank, I really need information and in 2 months I've found none. My number is (613) 230-6918, any time after 10:00 pm, I work early evening and I'm up till 4:00am. It amazes me how angry a person can become when he's told that there's all kinds of files out there, and when he looks f*he can't find one !!! I read a message someone upload me localy which "Morgan Davis" stats that there is an abundance of information all over, well, to hell with who-ever he is cause I can't find one file, even your system can't find one, I tried the "S" "1,modem" and it gave me nothing. I preffer the old method of being prompted for tagging and auto-retreival when the search is completed. Not giving you shit, just letting off a little steam, guess I've chewed on your ear long enough, I hope you, or you convince someone to call me, I'd feel much better about all this. Dale Walsh. If you try to verify the number by "1-613-555-1212" you will be told that the number is a non published number. My address is 2-205 Charlotte Ave. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K17 I would preffer a call though, I need the information now and will absorb the cost of long distance charges to achieve this. DALE WALSH, 01/23/90,02:20:19,212143,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,3 ]Guess that makes this my 11th year of calling CBBS !!! I first called with an Apple II (not a plus) at 110 baud in 1979 I think I might have had 16K RAM in the machine by then....talk like this should be saved for the Pizza party. I should be able to make it...as my body is healing well after the plane crash in July. See ya ! TONY ANTONUCCI, 01/23/90,07:16:19,212144,2,JIM POLOUS,, E#43070,11 01/23/90,08:45:55,212145,1,FRANK SAMPEY,ADDISON / ILLINOIS,3 01/23/90,11:00:53,212146,2,DON STIEN,chicago/ill,7 ]DON STIEN, 01/23/90,11:35:03,212147,2,JOEL WEINER,,2 01/23/90,12:08:13,212148,2,JEFF MARTIN,,2 01/23/90,12:26:33,212149,1,STELLA BERTAKIS,, 01/23/90,12:42:24,212150,1,STELLA BERTAKIS,,3 01/23/90,14:35:08,212151,2,JOE HOLEWINSKI,,3 01/23/90,15:01:59,212152,1,CHUCK PERRY,SCHAUMBURG IL,16 01/23/90,15:18:14,212153,1,CHUCK PERRY,, 01/23/90,15:22:19,212154,1,CHUCK PERRY,,8 01/23/90,16:19:05,212155,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, E#43071,5 01/23/90,17:30:27,212156,2,JIM GOERSCH,SOUTHBRIDGE/ MA.,2 01/23/90,18:19:48,212157,2,DON PIVEN,,1 01/23/90,18:59:17,212158,2,UUIT FFDH,, 01/23/90,19:01:55,212159,2,BUZZ MCSTUN,BARRINGTON/IL, E#43072,8 01/23/90,19:12:44,212160,2,DENNIS STAHL,,6 01/23/90,20:39:26,212161,2,JIM SACKETT,,2 01/23/90,20:56:41,212162,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 43067 01/22/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => DENNIS DUFFNER: "R/EXT. DRIVE" 43068 01/22/90 WARD CHRISTENSEN => TROY KASER: "R/THE WORLD CONNECTION" 43069 01/23/90 DALE WALSH => ALL: "MODEM PROTOCOLS" 43070 01/23/90 JIM POLOUS => ALL: "IBM PS/2 PROBLEM" 43071 01/23/90 JAMES SCHMIDT => BILL WOLFF: "R/CHECKFREE EXPERIENCES" 43072 01/23/90 BUZZ MCSTUN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/HELLO" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 43067 is 11 line(s) on 01/22/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to DENNIS DUFFNER re: R/EXT. DRIVE Turned out to be a lack of "twist" in the I/O cable! Pins 10-16 have to be reversed. (DAMN IBM for @#$%ing with manufacturer's drive addressing!) 10 is something like "motor select A", while 16 is "motor select B", then 12 and 14 are the drive select pins, so apparently pins 10 and 12 are "hot" for "the" drive, so to get the "other" drive, you need to pick up those signals from 16 and 14. Gak. I probably still need a terminator. Now that the drive is working, it gets read errors on diskettes that are OK on other machine, but then again it seems to read some diskettes OK. Tnx for the comments. Msg 43068 is 04 line(s) on 01/22/90 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to TROY KASER re: R/THE WORLD CONNECTION (Please, don't call me SYSOP! Please don't call my Cheerios "Cereal" ;-) I guess I don't catch the idea - an '83 book saying this is the CBBS H/Q isn't inconsistent with our celebrating our 12th anniversary. CBBS was the first micro BBS, and was put up in Feb '78. Msg 43069 is 14 line(s) on 01/23/90 from DALE WALSH to ALL re: MODEM PROTOCOLS I am trying to get as much information as I can regarding protocols If you have information, such as application bulletins on Xmodem, Xmodem1k, Xmodem4k, Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Zmodem please call me. I am at a point that I would drive over to your homes to get any information I can Since most of this information is supposed to be available to on most BBS's I become pissed off trying to locate such. If you read this and you have ANY, please call me collect, I just want information, it'll cost you nothing to call so please, don't pass this message, help me out. My name is Dale Walsh, I can be reached at (613) 230-6918 after 10:00 pm It's in Ontario, Canada for those questioning the area code Dale Walsh. Msg 43070 is 13 line(s) on 01/23/90 from JIM POLOUS to ALL re: IBM PS/2 PROBLEM At work here, I have an IBM PS/2 Model 80 that is acting as a Novell filf*e file server. Since we moved the server two floors down a couple of months ago, it began giving us an error 162 after the POST. The time was right as was the memory in the system, so I assumed the CMOS was okay. (You know what they say about ASS-U-ME.) Our server went down for the umpteenth time so I decieded to come in early, down the server and reconfigure Netware. Businessland left a driver loaded for a SCSI drive that didn't work properly and wasn't Novell certified (but that's another story)]+~ Anyway, when the error 162 came up we thought nothing of it - we had a stuck key on the keyboard for a long time and had always gotten an error. Anyway, the computer won't boot from a floppy.f*. Only the hard disk, but that is no help as it loads the Novell Cold Boot Loader If anyone has any information they can provide call me at 312-269-1186. Msg 43071 is 09 line(s) on 01/23/90 from JAMES SCHMIDT to BILL WOLFF re: R/CHECKFREE EXPERIENCES Bill, The back of the box says: 100% IBM PC compatible computer with 512K RAM or greater and MS-DOS 2.1 or greater. Hayes(R) compatible modem. Two floppy drives or a hard disk system. James Msg 43072 is 01 line(s) on 01/23/90 from BUZZ MCSTUN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/HELLO sounds great, ward. dup. chars. >Function:?k;43072 43072,01,01/23/90,BUZZ MCSTUN,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/HELLO >Function:?