CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 12/18/89 00:16:54 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 211136; next msg =42912; 375 active msgs. Prev. call 12/15/89 @ 23:49, next msg was 42896 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 11 KILLED. 23 SUMMARY. 25 3:50:03,211086,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, ]S,MESSAGE.X52, ]S,MESSAGE.X54, E#42896, E#42897, ]S,MESSAGE.X84, ]R,MESSAGE.X84, E#42898, E#42899, E#42900, E#42901,40 12/16/89,00:33:12,211087,2,EARL HALL,,1 12/16/89,01:50:20,211088,2,BILL MATTSON,,3 12/16/89,02:58:32,211089,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,4 12/16/89,08:31:26,211090,2,GARY BROWN,,4 12/16/89,08:40:29,211091,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 12/16/89,10:18:10,211092,2,PETER HOLSTEIN,CHICAGO/ IL,7 12/16/89,10:58:50,211093,1,KEVIN KEYSER,, E#42902,8 12/16/89,11:23:34,211094,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 12/16/89,11:31:02,211095,3,LARRY KLABER,CHICAGO, 12/16/89,11:52:31,211096,2,TONY KUEH,, E#42903,5 12/16/89,12:27:52,211097,2,RICHARD HINTON,,2 12/16/89,12:31:06,211098,1,BILL WOLFF,,3 12/16/89,12:57:00,211099,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,2 12/16/89,14:10:04,211100,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,5 12/16/89,14:27:01,211101,2,ED FOSTER,,3 12/16/89,15:18:29,211102,1,JOE BRADLEY,, 12/16/89,15:51:37,211103,2,DENNIS STAHL,,6 12/16/89,16:47:12,211104,1,HANNIBAL SMITH,,3 12/16/89,17:52:54,211105,1,JIM CUNNING,,6 12/16/89,18:35:30,211106,1,SCOTT MUELLER,,12 12/16/89,19:04:38,211107,1,DAVE DEVORE,,4 12/16/89,19:44:10,211108,2,JIM POLOUS,,1 12/16/89,19:50:40,211109,2,JOSEPH SKOM,, E#42904,9 12/16/89,20:00:14,211110,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42905,5 12/16/89,20:23:56,211111,3,DAVID KNAB,,4 12/16/89,20:44:43,211112,1,MIKE WISNOSKI,,14 12/16/89,21:08:02,211113,1,RANDY PATTERSON,, 12/16/89,22:47:58,211114,1,BRENT JONES,, E#42906, E#42907,28 12/16/89,23:30:08,211115,1,STEVEN HARRISON,Chicago/ IL,5 12/17/89,00:04:59,211116,1,JOHN ZIMMERMAN,Chicago IL, >Help: LOW,47 12/17/89,02:05:08,211117,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42908, E#42909,6 12/17/89,04:06:59,211118,2,JERRY OLSEN,,9 12/17/89,10:02:24,211119,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,9 12/17/89,10:09:38,211120,2,EARL HALL,,1 12/17/89,12:09:57,211121,2,BOB SMITH,,1 12/17/89,14:32:31,211122,3,RUSS WAGNER,,12 12/17/89,14:49:05,211123,2,SANDY HORROCKS,denver/co,3 12/17/89,15:34:44,211124,2,GARY ELFRING,,1 12/17/89,16:11:10,211125,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42910,5 12/17/89,16:20:24,211126,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 12/17/89,16:35:39,211127,2,RICK MCFANN,CHICAGO/ IL.,9 12/17/89,17:33:19,211128,1,KEN STOX,,1 12/17/89,18:06:27,211129,3,DAVID JOHNSON,,11 12/17/89,19:16:56,211130,1,RICK MCFANN,,1 12/17/89,20:21:43,211131,2,PAUL STREETER,,69 12/17/89,20:46:12,211132,1,BOB SULLIVAN,, E#42911,7 12/17/89,22:11:58,211133,2,JIM ANDERSON,,5 12/17/89,23:42:46,211134,2,DAV HOLLE,,5 12/18/89,00:10:04,211135,2,RALPH STINSON,,4 12/18/89,00:16:58,211136,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42896 12/15/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JAMES SCHMIDT: "PS/2 DRIVES" 42897 12/15/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JAMES SCHMIDT: "AFTERMARKET DRIVES" 42898 12/16/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BRENT JONES: "GRANDVIEW/PCO" 42899 12/16/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => CHERYL SLUDER: "R/STARTING UP A BBS" 42900 12/16/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JAMES KARAGANIS: "R/COPY NAME1+NAME2" 42901 12/16/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RICHARD HINTON: "R/6 OR ABOVE BOARD?" 42902 12/16/89 KEVIN KEYSER => ALL: "THE ROUND TABLE BBS" 42903 12/16/89 TONY KUEH => ALL: "NEW BBS" 42904 12/16/89 JOSEPH SKOM => ALL: "MCA INTERNAL MODEM DISK" 42905 12/16/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => ALL: "COPYRIGHT HELP." 42906 12/16/89 BRENT JONES => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/GRANDVIEW/PCO" 42907 12/16/89 BRENT JONES => ALL: "EDITORS" 42908 12/17/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => BRENT JONES: "R/EDITORS" 42909 12/17/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/COPYRIGHT HELP." 42910 12/17/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/COPYRIGHT HELP." 42911 12/17/89 BOB SULLIVAN => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/NEW TI VOICE CHIP" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42896 is 06 line(s) on 12/15/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JAMES SCHMIDT re: PS/2 DRIVES Sorry, I don't know - but I suspect that at the time the 30-021 came out, there was no plan for the 30-286, much less the 30-E31 version with its 30M hard drive, so I doubt the ROMS handle that drive. Also I believe IBM stepped up to the customer requirements for faster drives at some time and the newer drives might be different - perhaps even a different head/cyl layout. Msg 42897 is 07 line(s) on 12/15/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JAMES SCHMIDT re: AFTERMARKET DRIVES Not all 3.5"ers have the same form factor - or at least not all have the same connector. My technique for stuff that I don't personally have is to find a company making a drive THEY say is compatible. For my own purposes, I either get a controller that is customizable, or got a ROM set that supports "a jillion drives". (It is called "Second Nature Rom"). Msg 42898 is 30 line(s) on 12/16/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BRENT JONES re: GRANDVIEW/PCO I use Grandview mostly for writing responses to complicated letters requesting hardware configurations. It allows me to organize my thoughts into general categories, then expound on them. (Gee, that's a generic answer - that is what ALL outliners do!) I found one problem: that I need to use it more to be more familiar with it. There are just too many capabilities for me to memorize all the added keys. The worst case was where I'd do a FIND then ESC out of it, almost CURSING the fact that it kept going BACK to where I was, not staying "at the find". Well, read the manual today, it is as simple as pressing ENTER to stay there, ESC to go back. VERY good way to do it! One problem I have is that I DON'T plan the outline well enough - I just "write", and find that I have covered things in II/C that were really supposed to be in III, so I just grab II/C and make it III. That's "making use of its capabilities" but not correctly. I SHOULD remember to do it "top down". I don't use categories. I don't know what they are. And I accidentally hit the "gather" key, and got kind of lost. It actually, for now, has TOO MANY capabilities. P.S. don't expect any more mailings from Brown Bag about your copy of PCO - they just declared bankruptcy. Actually, I HAVE gotten letters from the "courts" since I was on their registered user list (not BB, but other companies) and there might have been an obligation for future free updates or something that would represent a small obligation. I have extremely customized the keyboard, but am VERY annoyed at quite a few things about Grandview - most notably that the keyboard definitions ONLY apply in 'pure text edit mode'. For example, if you start to move an item, only the unwanted cursor keys work, not MY CONTROL KEYS for "cursor down". Also, the thing can't seem to be customized for short on-screen lines, so it doesn't jump back and forth! VERY VERY VERY annoying. I was working w/2 other people and continually apologizing for it! Msg 42899 is 05 line(s) on 12/16/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CHERYL SLUDER re: R/STARTING UP A BBS Sorry, no. If you have questions, leave a msg. But remember, this BBS was started by Randy Suess (at whose house it still resides) in February of 1978, so to ask me about "starting a BBS" is only relevant from the historical sense. For example, we don't have "doors", "downloads", etc. Msg 42900 is 12 line(s) on 12/16/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JAMES KARAGANIS re: R/COPY NAME1+NAME2 Oh, ok, thanks. I've always had the ^Z get eaten OK. (more to the point, I noticed that an UNWANTED ^Z appears at the end of the final file - I know it wasn't in either file to start.). I've started writing my own append command - to append the "send" files to a "sent" file, but also to append the date and time before the file. For example, for Compuserve, I might have "IBMHW.S", which I send, then append to "CIS.SNT", but without a header SAYING it is a send file to IBMHW, it is not as meaningful, and very hard to do anything with at a later time. But then again like magazines, I tend to keep things I SHOULDN'T, and some day my house is going to sink! - just as my hard drives "sink" from all the data I have on 'em (they're always full). Msg 42901 is 05 line(s) on 12/16/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to RICHARD HINTON re: R/6 OR ABOVE BOARD? People who have the Inboard 386 from Intel love it. The price is quite outstanding - something like 5-600 for a 386! If you got enough memory (say 2M) on an inboard, you could use one of the magic programs that turns extended memory into expanded (like QEMM 386 or 386^MAX (pronounced 386-to-the-max). Msg 42902 is 11 line(s) on 12/16/89 from KEVIN KEYSER to ALL re: THE ROUND TABLE BBS The Round Table BBS 312/777-9480. 300-2400 baud 24 hours 7 days a week. Featuring: Full ANSI support, 40 Meg on-line storage, IBM, Commodore, Apple, and Amiga downloads, MicroBytes on-line magazine, The Poets Corner monthly, and many other exciting features. Membership is free, so why not give it a call today?! Msg 42903 is 04 line(s) on 12/16/89 from TONY KUEH to ALL re: NEW BBS There is a new bbs in Schaumburg area. The phone number is (708)885-8792. Call now! You can get free discounts from the retail store and special pr for hardware. And also public domain software are avalible on-line. Call now The phone number again is (708)885-8792. Msg 42904 is 04 line(s) on 12/16/89 from JOSEPH SKOM to ALL re: MCA INTERNAL MODEM DISK I picked up a used PS/2 Model 50 that included an IBM internal modem. Unfortunately, a power surge caused the software configuration to be lost and the computer no longer recognizes the modem. Does anyone have the configuration diskette for this modem? Msg 42905 is 06 line(s) on 12/16/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to ALL re: COPYRIGHT HELP. I know about copyrighting a program "I" write but I am asking about a program I write using third party TOOLS (copyrighted, bought!). Do you just include on the Copyright form that part is already copyrighted? and leave out ANY code to that effect on the printout? i.e., just print out the code "I" wrote and leave the rest to the commercial TOOLS copyright? Msg 42906 is 17 line(s) on 12/16/89 from BRENT JONES to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/GRANDVIEW/PCO Ward, I would suggest strongly that you give PC Outline a try, at least for an hour or so. I have been using it very heavily for about 18 months. And I think that many of the annoying things that you mentioned about Grandview *May* not be in PCO. The keyboard macros are very nicely done. Just watch out for and change Ctrl + RtArrow if you are used to the WordStar conventions for cursor movements. WS gives word right, but PCO gives DELETE word right! Ditto for Ctrl + LeftArrow. The category feature of Grandview is the main reason that I would go to it. I think that you should read about 5 pages of the manual on it and give it a little trial. You might not ever use it but the reviews of GV say it is a great feature. What do you think will happen to all the software owned by Brown Bag? Will it go to new owners? or to Public Domain? If PCO had been sold for about $75 thru normal software sales (rather than shareware) BB might still be in business. How is the bulletin board going for the IBM campus reps? Msg 42907 is 04 line(s) on 12/16/89 from BRENT JONES to ALL re: EDITORS I am wondering what are the favorite editors of the people who visit this BBS. I have been using a lot of different things, including good ole WordStar. Anyone have any very small editors that are PD or shareware? Msg 42908 is 02 line(s) on 12/17/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to BRENT JONES re: R/EDITORS I use VDE as a programming editor a lot. It's nice and small, Wordstar compatible, and I'm pretty well used to it. Works nicely for me. Msg 42909 is 08 line(s) on 12/17/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/COPYRIGHT HELP. I guess it would depend on how much of the third-party libraries exist in source rather than object form. If portions of the third-party stuff make it into the source, I'd just include the copyright notice that came with them. There's also an option to leave certain portions of the source blank; you could do that in your submission, with a comment to the effect that those portions are copyright by third parties (this does, however, mean that you have to submit more of your own source than if you didn't blank out portions). Msg 42910 is 12 line(s) on 12/17/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/COPYRIGHT HELP. With these TOOLS there are "sample" programs used to CALL the assembly (OBJ) files. The OBJ files are used for compling so I guess they CANNOT in anyway be included even though the ASM source for some are included with one KIT. The original code will be so short using all the routin}ies that a few pages mightt even suffice. These QB TOOLS get SO inclusive that they can do most of the pgm except the MAIN purpose which wouldbe NEW code. At least it would save on mailing when sending in a copy of the code! I guess the Copyright notice of 3rd party tools ON the form is enough plus a REM about the TOOLS used. Then again if the name is NOT given for the TOOLS no one can figure it out! Will have to read the FORM closer. Msg 42911 is 04 line(s) on 12/17/89 from BOB SULLIVAN to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/NEW TI VOICE CHIP ADPCM? What is this? I know Linear Predictive Coding LPC. I had the impression the memory was maybe Eprom? What does it take to program ROM? Thanks for the info. dup. chars. >Function:?