CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 12/15/89 23:49:59 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 211086; next msg =42896; 370 active msgs. Prev. call 12/12/89 @ 21:01, next msg was 42879 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 9 KILLED. 16 SUMMARY. 25 :01:10,211011,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, ]S,MESSAGE.X48, ]S,MESSAGE.X50, E#42879, E#42880, E#42881,24 12/12/89,21:31:46,211012,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,10 12/12/89,22:46:21,211013,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 12/12/89,22:53:21,211014,1,BOB RICKER,,11 12/13/89,00:47:29,211015,3,TONY ANTONUCCI,,4 12/13/89,00:56:06,211016,2,MIKE REINHART,, E#42882,19 12/13/89,02:09:27,211017,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 12/13/89,02:33:32,211018,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, E#42883,2 12/13/89,04:37:16,211019,2,PETE JONES,,0 12/13/89,08:36:54,211020,1,JOHN MUNDT,,3 12/13/89,08:59:06,211021,1,D D,chicago/ill, 12/13/89,09:31:49,211022,2,JACK HOMA,,1 12/13/89,12:04:36,211023,1,JOE BLOW,CHICAGO/ILL,3 12/13/89,13:35:17,211024,2,CHERYL SLUDER,,5 12/13/89,14:36:29,211025,3,JIM JOINER,,10 12/13/89,15:59:12,211026,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, E#42884,2 12/13/89,17:04:17,211027,2,TOM KOWALCZYK,,1 12/13/89,18:00:04,211028,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,, E#42885, E#42886,14 12/13/89,18:25:39,211029,3,DAVID KNAB,Ijamsville/ MD,14 12/13/89,19:13:44,211030,1,BOB SULLIVAN,, E#42887,6 12/13/89,20:55:25,211031,2,DENNIS STAHL,,8 12/13/89,21:03:43,211032,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 12/13/89,21:42:46,211033,2,GLENN POPELKA,Chicago/IL,9 12/13/89,21:56:38,211034,2,JIM SACKETT,, 12/13/89,22:27:41,211035,2,ALEX ZELL,, 12/14/89,00:09:59,211036,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42888,6 12/14/89,03:04:10,211037,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 12/14/89,05:45:22,211038,2,EDGAR COUDAL,,9 12/14/89,06:42:12,211039,1,ALEX ZELL,, 12/14/89,06:54:38,211040,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,18 12/14/89,09:17:39,211041,2,EARL HALL,,4 12/14/89,09:43:34,211042,3,JOE HOLEWINSKI,ill,7 12/14/89,11:00:33,211043,1,DON PIVEN,,1 12/14/89,11:40:30,211044,1,ALEX ZELL,, 12/14/89,13:16:20,211045,3,MIKE MACK,chgo/il,6 12/14/89,13:19:01,211046,1,MIKE MACK,,10 12/14/89,14:01:14,211047,1,IRVING BROWN SR.,CHICAGO,10 12/14/89,16:33:07,211048,2,BOB HAGER,,9 12/14/89,18:01:57,211049,1,LANE LARRISON,,3 12/14/89,18:05:31,211050,3,ARNOLD BOYD,,2 12/14/89,18:31:44,211051,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 12/14/89,18:48:28,211052,2,GLENN POWERS,,0 12/14/89,19:13:41,211053,2,RICHARD HINTON,,3 12/14/89,19:34:50,211054,2,RICHARD HINTON,, E#42889,3 12/14/89,19:59:52,211055,2,BILL MATTSON,,3 12/14/89,20:18:20,211056,1,BRENT JONES,, E#42890,26 12/14/89,22:03:00,211057,2,JIM ANDERSON,,21 12/14/89,22:43:40,211058,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 12/14/89,23:30:48,211059,1,SKD DJDJ,, 12/14/89,23:37:54,211060,1,ERIC CRIST,,5 12/14/89,23:40:25,211061,2,EARL HALL,, E#42891,3 12/15/89,00:03:54,211062,2,BOB VON BORSTEL,,2 12/15/89,00:10:13,211063,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 12/15/89,01:57:03,211064,1,SEAN SULLIVAN,Wilkes-Barre/ PA,3 12/15/89,04:41:51,211065,2,PETE JONES,,1 12/15/89,05:15:27,211066,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,0 12/15/89,11:06:22,211067,2,CHERYL SLUDER,, E#42892,7 12/15/89,12:56:24,211068,2,GARY ELFRING,,4 12/15/89,14:28:33,211069,1,KEITH RICHARDSON,,3 12/15/89,15:36:41,211070,2,RICHARD HINTON,,1 12/15/89,16:15:28,211071,2,BILL WOLFF,,5 12/15/89,16:24:45,211072,2,JIM POLOUS,, E#42893, E#42894,5 12/15/89,16:52:29,211073,2,JAMES KARAGANIS,, E#42895,8 12/15/89,17:02:22,211074,2,HERB ELLIOTT,CHICAGO,6 12/15/89,17:27:03,211075,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 12/15/89,17:51:54,211076,2,REGINA JOHNSON,, 12/15/89,19:13:50,211077,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,4 12/15/89,20:10:00,211078,1,JOHN WEITEKAMP,,13 12/15/89,20:37:32,211079,2,ALAN SAHAKIAN,,1 12/15/89,20:38:54,211080,2,ALAN SAHAKIAN,,7 12/15/89,20:59:11,211081,2,ALEX ZELL,, 12/15/89,21:11:05,211082,2,DAV HOLLE,,2 12/15/89,22:14:06,211083,2,LARRY LAFFER,las vegas,1 12/15/89,23:20:50,211084,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 12/15/89,23:34:42,211085,1,DENNIS TOKOPH,,12 12/15/89,23:50:03,211086,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42879 12/12/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BOB SULLIVAN: "R/PSION ORGANISER" 42880 12/12/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JAMES SCHMIDT: "R/QUATTRO-PRO" 42881 12/12/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JAMES SCHMIDT: "R/IBM CORP PC BBS" 42882 12/13/89 MIKE REINHART => ALL: "APPARAT EPROM BURNER SOFTWARE" 42883 12/13/89 JAMES SCHMIDT => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/QUATTRO-PRO" 42884 12/13/89 JAMES SCHMIDT => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/IBM CORP PC BBS" 42885 12/13/89 BENJAMIN COHEN => JERRY OLSEN: "R/HELP! WITH CP/M COMM SOFTWAR" 42886 12/13/89 BENJAMIN COHEN => BILL WOLFF: "4DOS" 42887 12/13/89 BOB SULLIVAN => ALL: "NEW TI VOICE CHIP" 42888 12/14/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => BOB SULLIVAN: "R/NEW TI VOICE CHIP" 42889 12/14/89 RICHARD HINTON => ALL: "6 OR ABOVE BOARD?" 42890 12/14/89 BRENT JONES => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/PRODIGY" 42891 12/14/89 EARL HALL => BENJAMIN COHEN: "COMMAND PLUS LIKE 4DOS" 42892 12/15/89 CHERYL SLUDER => WARD: "STARTING UP A BBS" 42893 12/15/89 JIM POLOUS => CHERYL SLUDER: "BOOK ON BBS" 42894 12/15/89 JIM POLOUS => ALL: "UNIX AND NOVELL" 42895 12/15/89 JAMES KARAGANIS => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/COPY NAME1+NAME2" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42879 is 04 line(s) on 12/12/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BOB SULLIVAN re: R/PSION ORGANISER I learned about Cuckoo's Egg just today, so you beat me by at least a few hours. Randy said it was good. Re: the new Psion machines: "classic laptop" layout. At least that's all I saw in their exhibit at Comdex. Msg 42880 is 23 line(s) on 12/12/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JAMES SCHMIDT re: R/QUATTRO-PRO The fonts are for all the supported printers - it just goes to ALL devices in graphics mode - that saves it a lot of trouble. I don't have an Epson on my Q-Pro machine, but I'm going to see if I can specify an Epson as my printer, then print to disk, then copy it to my Epson JX-80. It supports Epsons in 3 resolutions, and the results is surprisingly good (I'm anticipating). Yes, the fonts would consume the additional space "no matter what" - but again, only the ones you actually USE. The font outlines don't seem to take all that much space, but the "generated" fonts, which only happen when you do a hi-res screen display or actually print, will take the space. You could be conservative by limiting the number and size of fonts - but heck it is FUN to mix 6 to 24 point fonts, with "cute" chart annotation, etc. Unfortunately, my font directory is now up to 3/4 meg itself! Ooh! I just copied 30K of a print file (binary) to my Epson - it is OUTSTANDING! almost SCARY! Of course, terribly slow. You'd want to do your prints "overnight", heh heh. You might do all your stuff in lo-res, then crank up hi-res and start printing before you go to bed. Or if at work, start before going to lunch or something. I can send you Epson output if you want, what I could do is print-to-disk, then copy /b it off to my Epson via my network - lots of trouble, but if you're interested - "OK". Or just GO FOR IT! You can also print in text mode just like "old" spreadsheets, and can do the usual "setup strings" (to put it in condensed, for example). Msg 42881 is 07 line(s) on 12/12/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JAMES SCHMIDT re: R/IBM CORP PC BBS I dunno when things changed. There has always been the BBS, but I thought it was more oriented toward clubs. The availability of a CSD is quite a surprise. I wonder what organization supports it - was there any indication like "National Distribution Division" (dealers) or National Support Division (NSD = service) or Entry Systems Division (ESD, the PC folks)? It sure isn't the division I'm in, or if it is, it is a well-kept secret. Msg 42882 is 04 line(s) on 12/13/89 from MIKE REINHART to ALL re: APPARAT EPROM BURNER SOFTWARE Help! I lost the disk that goes with my IBM version of the Apparate eprom burner. If you could help, leave Message here. Thanks in advance. Mike Msg 42883 is 23 line(s) on 12/13/89 from JAMES SCHMIDT to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/QUATTRO-PRO Ward, OK I'm sold. I called Borland and ordered QPro today. I've been sitting on one of those $99 certificates for a few weeks and you convinced me it's worth a try. Actually I feel as though I'm collecting $99 spreadsheets. I got SuperCalc5 last summer in a similar way but I'm a bit dissappointed in it's speed. It's graphics are SUPER and it will be fun comparing the two. Anyhow with these packages getting larger and larger I think I must start planning for a Hardfile upgrade. The 20Mb on this PS/2-30 is starting to fill up (again). On a separate note is there a difference in the 20Mb Hardfile comes on the PS/2-30-286 and the one that comes on the PS/2-30-8086 ? And if they are the same is there any reason the 30Mb Hardfile for the 30-286 couldn't be plugged into the 30-8086 to replace the 20Mb one? I don't want to use up a slot for a Hardfile upgrade if possible and I'd like to stay BLUE also if possibl~T~since I've got this machine on an IBM maintenance contract I wonder what ramifications a upgrade would have? What do you know about these aftermarket hardfiles that have the integrated controllers (IDE's I think). Do all the 3 1/2" have the same form factor? Again I'm just trying to investigate options that won't take up a slot. Thanks for your time, James P.S. Sorry about mixing two topics in one message. Msg 42884 is 28 line(s) on 12/13/89 from JAMES SCHMIDT to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/IBM CORP PC BBS Ward, An update on the IBM PC BBS. When you establish a connection the BBS describes itself as: "IBM PC User Group Support System" Later on you get the LARGE "IBM" Logo followed by: "IBM National Support Center" Apparently the SYSOP's name is "Mike Austin". Maybe the IBM system can tell you what division he works for. Two nodes have Hayes V.42 Series Smartmodems running up to 9600 baud. The first node is available only to those people who register and only for the distribution of OS/2 related information and I think the only file you can download is the latest OS/2 CSD. The other 2 nodes are available for distribution of all other PC related information including DOS, OS/2, PCJr . etc. There are message threads and up/download file areas available. Once again: Node 1: 1-404-988-1347 Registered users, OS/2 CSD only. Hayes V.42 Smartmodem 9600 series. Node 2: 1-404-988-2790 Public line all PC,PS/2,DOS,OS/2 PCJr. etc. stuff. Hayes V.42 Smartmodem 9600 series. Node 2: 1-404-988-2778 Same as Node 2 except supports 300 to 2400 baud only. Hayes Smartmodem 2400 (I think). Sincerely, James Msg 42885 is 03 line(s) on 12/13/89 from BENJAMIN COHEN to JERRY OLSEN re: R/HELP! WITH CP/M COMM SOFTWAR MEX doesn't help with VT100. For that you need MEX PLUS. Contact Night Owl Software. There's an 800 number. It's in Ft. Atkinson WIS. Msg 42886 is 21 line(s) on 12/13/89 from BENJAMIN COHEN to BILL WOLFF re: 4DOS 4DOS is a non-menu shell - it adds power at the command line. You get aliases, extended commands, additional commands, a buffer that can send keystrokes to programs, extended batch commands, and lots more. Try DIR *2*.* to find any filename with a 2 in any position. Option for two column display of DIR. Swaps out to EMS or DISK (including RAM disk), takes only 5K of memory, about 60K on the disk. Download the DOC files - over 100 pages. If you use DOS from the command line it's absolutely invaluable! Try this: DIR *.COM *.EXE *.BAT and get (separately) a listing of all the COM, EXE, and BAT files. Try this: ERA *.BAK TODAY TEST JUNK to erase all the BAK files and three other files not related by filename in any way. Or try this: EXCEPT (*.COM *.EXE *.BAT) DIR *2*.* /DF to get all the files with a 2 in the name (the /F means files only, no subdirectories), in the current directory or any one below it, but not including EXE, COM, or BAT files. Msg 42887 is 04 line(s) on 12/13/89 from BOB SULLIVAN to ALL re: NEW TI VOICE CHIP Has anyone heard much about the new TI chip that holds 40 seconds? of sound for replay? I think I read it cost $2 in lots of one million. Also, some issues of Business Week used the chips to sound off an ad? Msg 42888 is 06 line(s) on 12/14/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to BOB SULLIVAN re: R/NEW TI VOICE CHIP I don't know the details of that particular chip, but I have seen some from Oki that do similar things (though somewhat more expensively). I'd guess that the TI chip uses their LPC synthesis method, and includes a masked ROM with the LPC data for the voice. The Oki chips use ADPCM which, while not as memory-efficient as LPC, can be encoded at little cost and without fancy hardware. Msg 42889 is 05 line(s) on 12/14/89 from RICHARD HINTON to ALL re: 6 OR ABOVE BOARD? I have a 286 based machine and I am wondering what would expand the memory capability and increase the speed too-(1) an Intel above board device or (2) a 386 coprocess to be installed. Any ideas? How do these 386 coprocessors work on the 286 machines. I think I saw an ad for one. Thanks Msg 42890 is 12 line(s) on 12/14/89 from BRENT JONES to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/PRODIGY I have been using PC Outline for over a year and a half. It is a very w written program. It can be RAM resident like Sidekick and can show 9 windows at once. Actually you can both load it as RAM resident, then load it the normal way in DOS and pop it up in two different sessions. I really like it, especially for planning teaching outlines. I even use it for most of my correspondence now, even though I have WordStar and WordPerfect. It is neat to be able to pop up an outline while using Lotus 123. I keep my to do list there. I heard about the Brown Bag business with John Friend. Actually, it is easy to see that Grandview is "related" to PC Outline, but 123 is related to the first spreadsheet program. Ward, what do you use Grandview for? Do you use the "categories" much? Msg 42891 is 30 line(s) on 12/14/89 from EARL HALL to BENJAMIN COHEN re: COMMAND PLUS LIKE 4DOS I've been getting settled in with a commercial COMMAND.COM replacement called Command Plus. It, like 4DOS, can use EMS memory for its buffers and transient portion. With that memory enabled, it takes up about 5K of DOS memory and gives me command recall and editing, aliases, directory stacks (remembers prior directories for easy return), enhanced DOS commands and a block-structured batch language. I had previously used PCED (the commercial version of CED) and this has all the features of that, plus the size of the alias buffer can be up to 32K without taking up any DOS memory (same with the Environment size). You can string multiple commands in the aliases and one alias can call another. There are all sorts of abilities to use parameters and environment variables in the aliases. And, if you SET ALIAS ON in a batch file, the aliases are recognized there too. Their additions to the DOS commands are nice. DIR, COPY and DEL will take Regular Expressions for the file commands and will take multiple file specifications; CD can change directories and drives with one command; there's a MOVE command and a BROWSE (similar to Buerg's LIST). There's PUSHD, POPD, CLRD and XCHGD commands to manipulate the directory stack and commands to accept characters and strings from the keyboard. That's just the normal commands used from the command-line and in .BAT files; there's even more in their Script language (batch-like files that have an extension of .S instead of .BAT). It's got FOR and WHILE loops, CASE statements, BEGIN/END blocking, Integer and String variables and a buch of added functions. For all this functionality I've gained in available memory. I've got about 30K more available DOS memory now than I did before. Msg 42892 is 04 line(s) on 12/15/89 from CHERYL SLUDER to WARD re: STARTING UP A BBS Dear Ward, I am researching starting up a BBS and would like to talk to your to gather info. Would you please call me at your earliest convenience as I am putting myu thoughts together in the next fdew days. Thanks, Cheryl Sluder, 312-906-4707 Msg 42893 is 02 line(s) on 12/15/89 from JIM POLOUS to CHERYL SLUDER re: BOOK ON BBS I saw that book that you mentioned in your message at the B.Dalton Bookseller store on Wabash in downtown Chicago. Msg 42894 is 04 line(s) on 12/15/89 from JIM POLOUS to ALL re: UNIX AND NOVELL Has anyone integrated a UNIX based machine with a Novell Network? Please let me know how that type of a system would work out. Can users on the Network access UNIX drives? Can users on UNIX access network drives? Please help Msg 42895 is 06 line(s) on 12/15/89 from JAMES KARAGANIS to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/COPY NAME1+NAME2 Ward, What you did will work OK except that I've found that the cntrl-z EOF marker sometimes get stuck in the middle of the append. I have a share-ware program called ADDTO that does it nicely though. Whether the EOF gets stripped or not seems to be somewhat DOS version dependent. dup. chars. >Function:?