CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 12/05/89 23:26:34 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?{\{\{^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 210846; next msg =42851; 374 active msgs. Prev. call 12/03/89 @ 22:00, next msg was 42837 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 12 KILLED. 80 SUMMARY. 24 12/03/89,22:00:28,210798,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42837, E#42838, E#42839, E#42840,22 12/03/89,23:21:41,210799,1,BEN TEIFELD,,6 12/03/89,23:35:03,210800,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42841,7 12/04/89,00:37:46,210801,1,STEVE RYAN,,1 12/04/89,01:02:52,210802,1,STEVE RYAN,, 12/04/89,01:05:37,210803,1,STEVE RYAN,, 12/04/89,05:19:07,210804,2,PETE JONES,,2 12/04/89,06:09:17,210805,2,BILL PRECHT,,28 12/04/89,06:46:24,210806,1,BARRY FUERST,, E#42842,9 ]Like any outher BBS your take a little time to get use to. I will eventualy hasck your system out! Feel free to give me a call (voice ) 708-386-3930 I would like to talk to the programmer of several CP/m programs I have in person. Regards, Barry Fuerst BARRY FUERST, 12/04/89,07:11:07,210807,1,GARY MASSENGILL,,2 12/04/89,07:22:03,210808,2,ED FOSTER,,2 12/04/89,07:36:12,210809,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 12/04/89,09:11:21,210810,2,MIKE KAVADIAS,,12 12/04/89,09:31:35,210811,2,ED FOSTER,, E#42843,2 12/04/89,09:57:47,210812,2,JAMES KARAGANIS,,2 12/04/89,10:07:31,210813,2,JAMES KARAGANIS,, E#42844, >Help: HELP SEARCH, >Help: 1,L[NE NOISE,20 12/04/89,11:44:16,210814,2,JOHN ZWIERZYNA,,13 12/04/89,12:03:29,210815,1,DALE RANDALL,Florissant/ Missouri,8 12/04/89,12:41:26,210816,1,THAN NGUYEN,, 12/04/89,13:50:03,210817,1,BILL WOLFF,, E#42845, E#42846,12 12/04/89,16:11:23,210818,1,BILL WOLFF,,1 12/04/89,17:37:23,210819,3,BRIAN SCHULTZ,Chicago/Il,7 12/04/89,20:05:53,210820,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, ]>> got Flash<< 2 ]Ward: thanks for the tip! I must admit that often I'm a bit sloppy! I'm used to writing quick reply letters to our foreign users, most of whom use left aligned paragraphs with no indenting! I see full well how much it would help here! Thanks again for providing such a great board--the information exchanged here has helped me immeasurably! Regards, Colin COLIN SCHROEDER, 12/04/89,20:34:08,210821,2,ALEX ZELL,, 12/04/89,20:51:05,210822,2,MATT AU,chicago illinois, >Help: [,8 12/04/89,21:03:15,210823,3,STEVE TURMAN,,6 12/04/89,21:18:28,210824,2,PHIL JERN,,3 12/04/89,21:39:09,210825,1,LANE LARRISON,,2 12/04/89,23:01:00,210826,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42847,5 12/04/89,23:16:53,210827,1,RON PACE,,1 12/04/89,23:25:55,210828,1,MIKE DEER,,5 12/05/89,00:25:12,210829,2,PAUL BERKER,,4 12/05/89,00:48:02,210830,2,JIM ANDERSON,, E#42848,20 12/05/89,01:50:11,210831,2,JIM MORAVEC,,6 12/05/89,06:12:12,210832,1,MICHAEL MCDANIEL,,4 12/05/89,07:34:46,210833,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,4 12/05/89,11:28:04,210834,1,BILL WOLFF,,2 12/05/89,13:21:34,210835,2,VERNE ARASE,, E#42849,9 12/05/89,13:57:53,210836,1,TED BANACKA,NILES/ MI,8 12/05/89,15:24:11,210837,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 12/05/89,18:28:15,210838,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, E#42850,10 12/05/89,19:34:54,210839,1,KEVIN KEYSER,,13 12/05/89,20:32:05,210840,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,8 12/05/89,20:57:05,210841,2,PHIL JERN,,1 12/05/89,21:40:07,210842,1,JOE JESSON,, 12/05/89,22:03:17,210843,2,MICHAEL GIFFORD,,5 12/05/89,22:56:55,210844,2,JIM ANDERSON,,4 12/05/89,23:19:49,210845,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 12/05/89,23:26:38,210846,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42837 12/03/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => BOB SULLIVAN: "R/PSION ORGANISER" 42838 12/03/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "USING GRANDVIEW?" 42839 12/03/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "STOCKS SPREADSHEET?" 42840 12/03/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "QUATTRO-PRO" 42841 12/03/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "BORLAND" 42842 12/04/89 BARRY FUERST => WARD CHRISTANSON: "WHAT ARE 'Z' FILES?" 42843 12/04/89 ED FOSTER => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/QUATTRO-PRO" 42844 12/04/89 JAMES KARAGANIS => ALAN LAYA: "UTILITIES" 42845 12/04/89 BILL WOLFF => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/QUATTRO-PRO" 42846 12/04/89 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "4DOS AND DOS 4.0" 42847 12/04/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => BARRY FUERST: "R/WHAT ARE 'Z' FILES?" 42848X 12/05/89 JIM ANDERSON => COLIN SCHROEDER: "R/PC-BASED UNIX OS" 42849 12/05/89 VERNE ARASE => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/QUATTRO-PRO" 42850 12/05/89 COLIN SCHROEDER => JIM ANDERSON: "R/PC-BASED UNIX OS" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42837 is 09 line(s) on 12/03/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to BOB SULLIVAN re: R/PSION ORGANISER What are you looking to do with the Organizer? I've seen 'em at a store in downtown (which was out of biz last time I checked). I also saw 'em at Comdex, and their "new" machine. The Organizer is a small computer, in a very - to me - ungainly shape - about like a "Fluke" digital multimeter. In other words, the vertical format and thickness leave a lot to be desired. However, it DOES seem to work out well for some applications. I guess I'm just not into "dedicated applications" for which it might be appropriate. What is YOUR application? Msg 42838 is 14 line(s) on 12/03/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: USING GRANDVIEW? Anyone else using Grandview? Any comments on it? Grandview is a very good outliner for the PC. It was written by the same author as PC Outline, which came under problems due to being sold to Brown Bag. John Friend has really done a nice job with GV, but it commands a premium price (around $200). It really helps you organize your thoughts in outline form, so you can see just the main headings, or any level of detail you wish. You can export and import a variety of formats, as well as of course, print either to printer or disk. What attracted me to it was the totally customizable keyboard. Even when there wasn't a key to do something I wanted, I was able to define a macro executed by a control key, that "simulated" the function - i.e. so now that the macro is defined, I don't even notice that the key does anything unusual. Nicely, the macro def's are loaded automatically. Msg 42839 is 15 line(s) on 12/03/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: STOCKS SPREADSHEET? Anyone have any thoughts about the best way to organize a spreadsheet for keeping track of stock transactions? Basically what I do is create: name date buy/sell shares cost charges total for headings, with buy/sell being a 1 or -1 so that I simply multiply the costs by that column to get a + or - value. I then total vertically, to give me the net of a buy/sell transaction. Example: IBM 12/01/88 -1 10 123.00 50 -1280.00 IBM 03/03/89 -1 10 117.00 45 -1215.00 IBM 12/01/89 1 20 97.50 90 1860.00 -635.00 i.e. the final line sums the total lines. Anyone have any better ideas? One of the problems I have is stocks that are bought one year and sold another - I guess I just have to keep them in my spreadsheet forever, then do my taxes based upon only those I bought and sold in a particular year. Now that there's no long term vs short term, that part is easier to compute. Msg 42840 is 15 line(s) on 12/03/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: QUATTRO-PRO Just received my official copy of Quattro Pro. Boy, what a spreadsheet! It has such a good graph annotater that it can be used to produce simple charts independent of any spreadsheet numbers (this is called a "text chart"). It displays in graphics mode (ega/vga) or in EGA 43 line or VGA 50 line, or of course 25 line mode. The formula capabilits are very nice, but I'm not qualified to compare it to anything else - I avoided Lotus all these years due to its policy of copy protection. I had Super Calc for a few years, but became a Borland fan due to all the languages, Reflex, etc. (I'm sorry they're finding it necessary to narrow down their focus to just a handful of products - ASM, Pascal, C, Quattro, and one other, I forget which). Anyone else ordered it or gotten it? I particularly like the fact that it behaves well without gobs of memory (will theoretically even run in 512K) which is important to me because I have many TSRs etc. Msg 42841 is 05 line(s) on 12/03/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: BORLAND I suspect the "missing" product you're thinking of is Paradox. Seems that they're also supporting Reflex, since they just released a new version. All I can think of that they've dropped are Turbo Basic and Turbo Prolog; I think the latter just isn't mass-market enough, and the former simply got out-positioned by QB. Msg 42842 is 03 line(s) on 12/04/89 from BARRY FUERST to WARD CHRISTANSON re: WHAT ARE 'Z' FILES? What are the files on the Advocate BBS that have a Z in the file type and what do I need to unsqueese them? USQ.COM doesn't work. I left some messages for you over there. Regards, Barry Msg 42843 is 08 line(s) on 12/04/89 from ED FOSTER to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/QUATTRO-PRO Ward, I mailed my order for Quattro Pro last week. I have been using Excel, but mainly because it will read dBASE and Lotus files and write a tab-delimited text file. Excel is very capable, but even on a 386 it is slower than 1-2-3 on an 8088, at least as far as panning around the screen. What sold me on Quattro is its VROOM, however they spell it, that allows working with a spreadsheet that won't fit entirely into RAM. That will be impressive even if it's slow. Msg 42844 is 10 line(s) on 12/04/89 from JAMES KARAGANIS to ALAN LAYA re: UTILITIES Alan, You might want to consider the ProBAS series of libraries from Hammerly Associates. You can find their full page spread in Byte and PC magazine. I understand they have considerable graphics support. Their prices are quite reasonable too ($139.00 for the main library). Originally, the package was called ADVBAS and was distributed as shareware. Eventually it became fairly polished and is now sold commercially. Thanks, Jim Msg 42845 is 07 line(s) on 12/04/89 from BILL WOLFF to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/QUATTRO-PRO I use both AS-EASY-AS and LOTUS V1.0A. Both does graphics and I have used LOTUS 2.01 too. And the best deal I believe is AS-EASY-AS. It is fast and works even in a 256K envirament (sp?). But since I have 640K on all my computers, it doesn't matter much. I have heard that QUATTRO-PRO is very good! But what does it offer that others doesn't have? Msg 42846 is 04 line(s) on 12/04/89 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: 4DOS AND DOS 4.0 Can anybody tell me about the shareware version of 4DOS? Also can anybody tell me if DOS 4.0 is useful on a XT (V20) laptop? And what features it has over DOS 3.3? Msg 42847 is 08 line(s) on 12/04/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to BARRY FUERST re: R/WHAT ARE 'Z' FILES? You need UNCR24 to decompress those files. They've been "crunched" which is an LZW coding method similar to that used by ARC for MS-DOS machines. P.S. BBS etiquette normally dictates that you ask such questions on the BBS where the files were found. In particular, the Advocate has lots of CP/M users, whereas my understanding is that Ward hasn't been into CP/M for quite a few years. He may have invented the BBS concept, but that doesn't obligate him to stay on top of each and every development involving BBS systems (as if anybody could). No msg 42848 Msg 42849 is 04 line(s) on 12/05/89 from VERNE ARASE to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/QUATTRO-PRO We ordered an evaluation copy of Quattro-Pro; I'll comment on it after I've seen it. Hope you got it on the $99 offer; I'm a tad down on Borland as they appear to be pulling out of all but the PC marketplace (leaving licenced users on other platforms stranded). Msg 42850 is 13 line(s) on 12/05/89 from COLIN SCHROEDER to JIM ANDERSON re: R/PC-BASED UNIX OS Thanks for the additional info, Jim. Sorry, but I'll have to pass- can't afford it. BTW, are you a reseller? If so, I'd advise checking out other vendors; there are some which are significantly cheaper than SCO, and also more current. I'm looking at ESIX, a UNIX System V/3.2 from an Everex subsidiary. The whole works, with OS, development tools, and unltd user license. It lists for $825, and they'll give me a 30% (!) discount if I 'trade up' from Microport UNIX. The only hitch is that if you want the extended doc.s you pay an additional $3. After the 30% discount, it still comes to a total of about $930. The big issue is performance, and comparison tests (at least those sent by ESIX, published in MIPS mag.) show that it's quite competitive with other UNIX variants. Check it out! dup. chars. >Function:?