CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 12/03/89 22:00:24 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 210798; next msg =42837; 373 active msgs. Prev. call 12/01/89 @ 21:08, next msg was 42826 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 9 KILLED. 74 SUMMARY. 25 /01/89,21:08:10,210742,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 12/01/89,22:03:02,210743,3,JOHN WEITEKAMP,Chicago/IL, 12/01/89,22:13:47,210744,1,JOHN WEITEKAMP,,9 12/01/89,23:06:40,210745,1,STU BAKER,,2 12/01/89,23:48:14,210746,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,2 12/02/89,00:00:35,210747,2,BILL MATTSON,,3 12/02/89,00:08:05,210748,1,JOHN WEITEKAMP,,32 12/02/89,02:15:27,210749,1,JOHN WEITEKAMP,,6 12/02/89,03:45:25,210750,2,EARL HALL,,8 12/02/89,06:32:28,210751,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,8 12/02/89,07:44:36,210752,2,GARY BROWN,,4 12/02/89,08:05:23,210753,1,GARY MASSENGILL,Shreveport/Louisiana,4 12/02/89,08:59:30,210754,2,ED FOSTER,,1 12/02/89,09:48:00,210755,3,GREG LOOMIS,, 12/02/89,10:03:04,210756,1,JOHN MCDERMOTT,chicago/l,3 12/02/89,10:49:11,210757,1,JAMES MYERS,,1 12/02/89,11:04:49,210758,2,GREG LAURIANO,,11 12/02/89,11:20:09,210759,2,DAVID GIBBS,, 12/02/89,11:22:40,210760,2,RICH KURTZ,,11 12/02/89,11:36:19,210761,2,DENNIS STAHL,,14 12/02/89,13:19:35,210762,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,4 12/02/89,14:16:28,210763,1,RON PACE,,2 12/02/89,16:11:45,210764,3,ED FANTA,,5 12/02/89,16:39:38,210765,1,ERIC WAHLSTROM,Brookfield/IL,14 12/02/89,17:54:24,210766,1,BILL WOLFF,,2 12/02/89,19:26:45,210767,2,JOSEPH SKOM,, E#42826,2 12/02/89,20:43:43,210768,2,RANDY BESCHORNER,Villa Park,5 12/02/89,21:22:55,210769,2,THOM QUICK,,2 12/02/89,22:42:17,210770,1,AL HIGGINS,,2 12/02/89,23:22:30,210771,2,HUGH MILLER,CHICAGO,2 12/02/89,23:56:46,210772,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 12/03/89,01:00:18,210773,1,MARVIN LUSTGARTEN,,4 ]i think a board without jokes and raunchy stories is totally unworthy of my attention. MARVIN LUSTGARTEN, 12/03/89,01:45:54,210774,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 12/03/89,03:04:01,210775,2,ALEX ZELL,, 12/03/89,03:28:40,210776,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#42827, E#42828,23 12/03/89,07:40:30,210777,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,3 12/03/89,09:17:08,210778,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 12/03/89,10:43:56,210779,1,BOB SULLIVAN,, E#42829, E#42830, E#42831,12 12/03/89,11:38:05,210780,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, E#42832, E#42833,14 12/03/89,12:07:17,210781,1,MICHAEL SKURLA,,1 12/03/89,12:54:48,210782,1,BOB SULLIVAN,, >Help: BBS, >Help: ALL, >Help: ', >Help: ALL, >Help: BRIEF,14 12/03/89,13:40:30,210783,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 12/03/89,14:36:38,210784,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,6 12/03/89,15:57:17,210785,1,JOHN BURKE,,2 12/03/89,16:24:50,210786,1,JOHN BURKE,, 12/03/89,16:38:49,210787,3,JANICE FULLER,,9 12/03/89,16:44:25,210788,1,MARTY DIPPEL,,2 12/03/89,16:49:33,210789,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,0 12/03/89,17:01:16,210790,3,JULIA ROY,CHICAGO,10 12/03/89,17:58:19,210791,3,DAVID JOHNSON,,16 12/03/89,18:40:06,210792,1,LANE LARRISON,,2 12/03/89,18:47:08,210793,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, E#42834,6 12/03/89,19:16:51,210794,1,JIM FLANAGAN,, E#42835,39 12/03/89,20:32:34,210795,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#42836,22 12/03/89,21:01:30,210796,2,JIM POLOUS,,1 12/03/89,21:11:03,210797,1,WILLIAM STUMPP,Bartlett,21 12/03/89,22:00:28,210798,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42826 12/02/89 JOSEPH SKOM => JOE JESSON: "R/286 LAPTOP F/SALE" 42827 12/03/89 JERRY OLSEN => ED FOSTER: "R/AREA CODE CONVERSION" 42828 12/03/89 JERRY OLSEN => JAMES SCHMIDT: "R/CLEANING DRIVES" 42829 12/03/89 BOB SULLIVAN => ALL: "COMPUTER ESPIONAGE" 42830 12/03/89 BOB SULLIVAN => ALL: "OUTLINER FOR APPLE?" 42831 12/03/89 BOB SULLIVAN => ALL: "PSION ORGANISER" 42832 12/03/89 COLIN SCHROEDER => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/PC-BASED UNIX OS" 42833 12/03/89 COLIN SCHROEDER => JIM ANDERSON: "R/PC-BASED UNIX OS" 42834 12/03/89 COLIN SCHROEDER => JIM ANDERSON: "R/PC-BASED UNIX OS" 42835 12/03/89 JIM FLANAGAN => BOB SULLIVAN: "RE/ APPLE OUTLINER" 42836 12/03/89 BILL WOLFF => ALL: "CLEANING DRIVES" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42826 is 01 line(s) on 12/02/89 from JOSEPH SKOM to JOE JESSON re: R/286 LAPTOP F/SALE Yes, I do have a VGA monitor with my PS/2. Msg 42827 is 18 line(s) on 12/03/89 from JERRY OLSEN to ED FOSTER re: R/AREA CODE CONVERSION My program publicized by Ma Bell handle several phone numbers in a data base's record, changing only those with a '312' prefix, not those with '708'. As a 'generic' program, though, it relies upon the address to determine whether to update the '312' numbers. Of course, this logic doesn't deal with situations where one (or more) numbers remain in 312 and another or others must be changed. As the documentation notes, in some such cases you might want to run the program and "touch up" the bad records. And, if your DB contains a bundle of such "exceptions," you may want to either write a dedicated program, modify the source code (provided) or just do it manually. (Hey, whatcha expect for $0?!) It has been helping a number of folks, though. So the effort was worth it. The prefix approach would be ideal, except that Bell has been playing games about all that. I'd suggest you call the board I run and do an S;'708' (note semicolon and SINGLE quote marks) in the msg base for a detailed outline of that issue. And if you have further comments, I obviously get on there frequently, whereas less so here. Thanx for the comments, though. The Advocate/NOWAR, 312.939.4411, 24 hrs., 8/n/1, 300/1200/2400 (Loop area) Msg 42828 is 13 line(s) on 12/03/89 from JERRY OLSEN to JAMES SCHMIDT re: R/CLEANING DRIVES I more or less agree with Ward's comments. If your system runs primarily off a hard disk, I've found a cleaning once every 6 months to a year is about right, depending upon the environment. On the other hand, when I was using a single computer which had only floppies, I'd need to clean it nearly once each month. These days, with 6 machines, most using HDs, I hardly know where I left my cleaning kits (grin). Seriously, I now tend to clean drives only when they show signs of difficulty in reading/writing. One often-overlooked question is whether to use the kits which include liquid you spread on the cleaning disk or the abrasive type. I'm convinced it's good to have one of each around. The liquid kits are easier on a drive. On the other hand, I've had several experiences over the years where such kits didn't do the job. In that case, do a quick run with the abrasive disks. Virtually always, that solves the problem. Msg 42829 is 03 line(s) on 12/03/89 from BOB SULLIVAN to ALL re: COMPUTER ESPIONAGE This may be old stuff, but I thought I'd pass it along. I have just read THE CUCKOO'S EGG by Clifford Stoll. Non-fiction that reads like fiction. Highly recommended entertainment. Msg 42830 is 03 line(s) on 12/03/89 from BOB SULLIVAN to ALL re: OUTLINER FOR APPLE? Any recommendations for an Outline Program for the Apple. I am looking for something simple. Any help will be appreciated. Msg 42831 is 02 line(s) on 12/03/89 from BOB SULLIVAN to ALL re: PSION ORGANISER I am looking for information about the PSION ORGANISER. Any information will be appreciated. Msg 42832 is 04 line(s) on 12/03/89 from COLIN SCHROEDER to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/PC-BASED UNIX OS thanks for the additional info! I'll call Randy and find out why he no longer recommends SCO. As for AIX, isn't IBM software always fairly expensive, relative to competition?? ESIX 1-2 user with all the same stuff should run about $1200 or so. Well, thanks again! Msg 42833 is 16 line(s) on 12/03/89 from COLIN SCHROEDER to JIM ANDERSON re: R/PC-BASED UNIX OS I may be interested-didn't we exchange msgs about this before?? Is your copy of XENIX/386 version 2.x? I'm really looking to go with a flavor of UNIX V version 3.2, but for that price I may be willing to do it, just to get acquainted before laying out more $ for an upgrade. What is included in the package you've got? Specifically, does it include development tools; C compiler, make, sdb, etc.? Also, how about text processing tools? And finally, does it include a DOS shell that allows running DOS programs as tasks, and a file system which allows cross-access (DOS prog-> UNIX partition/file, UNIX prog-> DOS partition/file)?? I'm really looking to set up a UNIX/DOS machine and do low to med. level development in both environments. Please drop me a msg. with more info. If I don't hear anything from you I'll probably give you a buzz on the phone. Colin Msg 42834 is 09 line(s) on 12/03/89 from COLIN SCHROEDER to JIM ANDERSON re: R/PC-BASED UNIX OS Oops! Forgot a couple of questions in my other reply. These concern hardware compatibility. First, does the XENIX you have support ESDI disks/controllers (specifically the Adaptec 2322B ESDI controller and the Miniscribe 3130E drive)? Does it support VGA (or at least EGA) adapters-specifically the Paradise +16 card?? These are important considerations for me. Also, do you have any idea if one can buy hardware that allows a standard mono monitor and AT Enhanced type kbd to be linked to the CPU as a terminal?? If so, what is it? Thanks in advance! Msg 42835 is 06 line(s) on 12/03/89 from JIM FLANAGAN to BOB SULLIVAN re: RE/ APPLE OUTLINER Bob, I like and use an old program. ThinkWorks from Megahaus, It's ProDOS but I'm not sure if they're still in business. MECC also has a nice simple one. Free if your schools a MECC member. It's just called the MECC Outliner. If you need more info call me at 312-275-7497 Jim Msg 42836 is 22 line(s) on 12/03/89 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: CLEANING DRIVES In my eight years of computer use, I had never cleaned a disk drive. Nor have I ever demagnatised them. I also never had to replaced a worn out disk drive head. Nor do I have read/write errors caused by my heads. Also never would I recomend the abrasive type of cleaners. That is a good way to end the life of a good head. It is like using sand paper on them. True it works, but your heads have a shorter life. All that I have studied about the subject. Most experts say the type of disks are the important factor. Soft (cheap) disks causes more dirt and requires more cleaning and hard (big bucks) disks wears your heads more. BTW, dirt can wear the heads too! So what do you do? You got me? Do you want to keep your drives a long time? Then don't clean them unless you have problems. I doubt that cleaning the drives will ever help in most cases. As it never helped me! BTW, the disks I use, the cheaper the better! I do oil the drives with sewing machine oil about every eight months or so. That's seven disks drives I do that to, and never clean the heads. Plus if the heads do build up a film. It will really pervent your heads from wearing out. If it still reads and writes, what more can you ask? dup. chars. >Function:?