CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 11/28/89 21:04:41 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 210660; next msg =42814; 367 active msgs. Prev. call 11/27/89 @ 23:13, next msg was 42808 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 3 KILLED. 65 SUMMARY. 24 11/27/89,23:22:22,210632,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, ]S,MESSAGE.X14, ]S,MESSAGE.X16, ]S,MESSAGE.X18, ]R,MESSAGE.X18, ]S,MESSAGE.X20,5 ]CURSE the line noise! AAArgh. Gotta get the 9600 modems back! WARD CHRISTENSEN, 11/28/89,03:18:18,210633,1,JIM ROMAN,,9 11/28/89,08:40:31,210634,2,MICHAEL MOSER,,6 11/28/89,08:50:18,210635,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42809,5 11/28/89,09:11:50,210636,2,JIM THALE,,12 11/28/89,10:31:28,210637,1,JOHN PARKHILL,MORTON GROVE/ ILL,13 11/28/89,10:43:44,210638,1,KEN SMITH,,15 11/28/89,11:05:13,210639,3,GENE BACKLIN,chicago/il,21 11/28/89,11:49:25,210640,2,HAROLD HUXHOLD,CHICAGO/ IL,4 11/28/89,12:34:21,210641,1,JEFFREY KELLMAN,Chicago/ Illinois,2 11/28/89,13:11:33,210642,2,WALT JANOWSKI,BENSENVILLE/IL,7 11/28/89,13:29:22,210643,2,KEN STRITZEL,,3 11/28/89,13:41:56,210644,1,TOM CAMPBELL,,2 ]TOM CAMPBELL, 11/28/89,13:48:44,210645,1,STAN DOMINIC,NILES,9 11/28/89,14:07:55,210646,1,TOM CAMPBELL,,1 11/28/89,15:57:24,210647,1,JOHN MUNDT,,2 11/28/89,16:04:04,210648,2,MICHAEL SULLIVAN,Chicago/ IL, >Help: RANGE,12 11/28/89,16:48:29,210649,1,PATRICK HARRINGTON,palatine/ il,11 11/28/89,17:01:08,210650,2,GARY ELFRING,,2 11/28/89,17:28:37,210651,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,3 11/28/89,17:52:36,210652,2,RICHARD HINTON,,2 11/28/89,17:56:31,210653,2,JOHN BEYER,,1 11/28/89,18:19:46,210654,1,DON PARIS,, E#42810, E#42811,16 11/28/89,18:37:27,210655,2,TIM ALLMAN,,3 11/28/89,18:44:27,210656,1,ALAN LAYA,,5 11/28/89,18:51:12,210657,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,, E#42812,11 11/28/89,19:51:27,210658,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42813,4 11/28/89,20:33:38,210659,2,WERNER LINDER,naperville,4 11/28/89,21:04:44,210660,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42808 11/27/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => CHARLIE KESTNER: "R/PC VOICE STUFF" 42809 11/28/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => CHARLIE KESTNER: "VOICE STUFF" 42810 11/28/89 DON PARIS => VIRENDRA DHUPELIA: "R/DON PARIS" 42811 11/28/89 DON PARIS => ERIC BOHLMAN: "R/COMMAND.COM" 42812 11/28/89 JAMES SCHMIDT => ALL: "CLEANING DISKETTE DRIVES" 42813 11/28/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => CHARLIE KESTNER: "SPEECH" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42808 is 11 line(s) on 11/27/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CHARLIE KESTNER re: R/PC VOICE STUFF What I might have said was that I had bought "The Speech Thing" which is a little box, and doo-hickey for your printer port, that lets your computer speak, and that the same company (Covox) did have a microphone related "appliance", but I'm not sure if it had any voice reco software or if it was just for recording things to be played back. I might also have mentioned that a few years back IBM had a board th{t you could hook a microphone to and you could do things like 'DIR' 'B' 'colon' 'backspace' 'colon' 'enter' (the backspace being because it mis-understood the colon, grin). I don't know what practical hardware there is these days for speech reco. How big a vocab you looking to do? Msg 42809 is 03 line(s) on 11/28/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to CHARLIE KESTNER re: VOICE STUFF One of Covox's (same people with the "speech thing") does supply speech recognition software with its "voice master." I have no idea how good it is; they claim it will recognize 64 words or phrases. Msg 42810 is 06 line(s) on 11/28/89 from DON PARIS to VIRENDRA DHUPELIA re: R/DON PARIS thank you for your advice i donot have a manual, i bought this ibm pc/xt used and didnot get amanual with it, ibought some books to try to help me out but all the error message nos. do not mention any 4056 type of memeory positions. i do know that it must be a problem on the memory extender card but i don't know what chip. thank you again don paris Msg 42811 is 06 line(s) on 11/28/89 from DON PARIS to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/COMMAND.COM i made amistake i meant that i can't restore onto my h.d. the back up copy to the hd, i found that my disk drive went bad and was amking it's own format and would not read anything else but it,s own format. now i still have the extended card problem i get a error message 4056 201 and can not figure out what chip that indicates is bad. thank you for your help. don paris Msg 42812 is 17 line(s) on 11/28/89 from JAMES SCHMIDT to ALL re: CLEANING DISKETTE DRIVES I had my first SONY 3.5" diskette go bad on me today (after 3 years). Which brings to mind the thought of possibly cleaning my diskette drive. At work we never clean anything and the drives seem to just keep working and working. I looked in the slot with a flashlight and I could see dust (the fluffy house type) but not great quantities. I used one of those ozone layer destroyer compressed freon cans to blow ou the dust but I hesitate actually cleaning the drive itself. What are the pro's and con's of diskette drive cleaning? Oh by the way when I looked at the diskette very closely it did have a scratch on it that looked like it was a gouge mark as opposed to a worn spot. I doubt that dust could have done that but I would be appreciative of any expert information in this subject. James Schmidt Msg 42813 is 04 line(s) on 11/28/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to CHARLIE KESTNER re: SPEECH Got literature for QuickBasic stuff and there is somekind of black box for speech. I would assume it is able to program the voice file in somehow. Was going to send for literature but wonder what good speech would do on a 386. dup. chars. >Function:?