CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 11/10/89 08:13:18 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 210273; next msg =42743; 366 active msgs. Prev. call 11/08/89 @ 07:52, next msg was 42735 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 4 KILLED. 16 SUMMARY. 24 11/08/89,08:07:46,210226,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 11/08/89,09:02:45,210227,2,ED FOSTER,,2 11/08/89,09:30:39,210228,2,MARTY LINGG,,0 11/08/89,10:26:04,210229,2,CHARLES LEE,slc/ut,2 11/08/89,10:30:23,210230,1,JERALD DAWSON,,12 11/08/89,10:45:47,210231,2,BERNARD GOLDLUST,,1 11/08/89,14:56:59,210232,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 11/08/89,15:23:56,210233,2,JEFF SIMON,CHICAGO/ IL,10 11/08/89,17:23:37,210234,1,MIKE KAVADIAS,,9 11/08/89,17:48:23,210235,2,JEFF SIMON,,1 11/08/89,18:44:46,210236,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,2 11/08/89,19:10:44,210237,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 11/08/89,19:31:08,210238,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,2 11/08/89,20:05:43,210239,2,MARTY SILVERMAN,,0 11/08/89,21:25:41,210240,1,DON PARIS,, E#42738,9 11/08/89,21:57:12,210241,1,BOB COVELL,Howard City/ MI,11 ]The lines are at first to quick to follow and the screen scrolls off before they can be read. I discovered rather quickly to use ctrl s. I'll go off line and read my script file of this encounter and check it for BBS'S. I have a Radio Shack Mod. II that I want to put online with a Corvus hard disk for a BBS (because that's all I can Get from my employer to try a BBS out). Thanks BOB COVELL, 11/08/89,22:40:40,210242,1,BEN TEIFELD,,8 11/08/89,23:02:34,210243,2,MIKE LADA,, E#42739,27 11/08/89,23:42:50,210244,1,BOB COVELL,,6 11/08/89,23:49:58,210245,1,BRUNO RUSSO,,5 11/09/89,00:06:01,210246,1,PIERRE FRANCOIS,,4 11/09/89,00:39:24,210247,2,JIM ANDERSON,,13 11/09/89,00:57:19,210248,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42740, E#42741,12 11/09/89,01:55:09,210249,2,TONY ANTONUCCI,,8 11/09/89,02:24:16,210250,1,STEVE ZULO,,3 11/09/89,02:31:33,210251,2,JERRY OLSEN,,5 11/09/89,11:15:06,210252,2,MARTY LINGG,,0 11/09/89,11:20:18,210253,2,JACK HOMA,,3 11/09/89,13:36:43,210254,1,JOHN MUNDT,,2 11/09/89,17:45:14,210255,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#42742,5 11/09/89,18:23:53,210256,2,ALEX ZELL,, 11/09/89,18:50:23,210257,1,ERIC KUDZIN,chicago,76 11/09/89,20:17:34,210258,1,DON PARIS,,5 11/09/89,20:25:13,210259,2,JIM SACKETT,,3 11/09/89,20:30:10,210260,2,JOHN COOPER,,3 11/09/89,20:40:00,210261,2,JOHN COOPER,,1 11/09/89,21:23:39,210262,1,MICHAEL BLAKE,,3 11/09/89,21:27:31,210263,2,DAVID GIBBS,,1 11/09/89,21:32:21,210264,2,JACK GORAL,downers grove/ il 60516,8 11/09/89,21:59:50,210265,1,TERRY ARP,,24 11/09/89,23:34:00,210266,2,JIM POLOUS,,3 11/09/89,23:50:05,210267,1,PIERRE FRANCOIS,,2 11/10/89,00:09:57,210268,2,PETE CANTELE,,4 11/10/89,01:27:38,210269,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 11/10/89,03:10:18,210270,2,JOHN ZWIERZYNA,,5 11/10/89,05:25:53,210271,2,PETE JONES,,1 11/10/89,06:08:17,210272,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 11/10/89,08:13:22,210273,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42735 11/08/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => CHRIS THACKER: "CBBS USE" 42736 11/08/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MIKE LADA: "WORD-WRAP" 42737 11/08/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JIM FLANAGAN: "CBBS CONNECT TIME" 42738 11/08/89 DON PARIS => ALL: "COMMAND.COM" 42739 11/08/89 MIKE LADA => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/WORD-WRAP" 42740 11/09/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => BILL MATTSON: "R/UPGRADING XT HARD DRIVE" 42741 11/09/89 ERIC BOHLMAN => DON PARIS: "R/COMMAND.COM" 42742 11/09/89 BILL WOLFF => MARTY DIPPEL: "R/HAYES COMMANDS?" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42735 is 07 line(s) on 11/08/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CHRIS THACKER re: CBBS USE The way you learn to use CBBS is by observing the kind of topics that are discussed, and participating in the messaging back and forth between those asking, and those replying. Please also observe the "general rules" that come by in the (B)ulletin and (W)elcome, and you should be all set! No one is going to call or write to you to tell you how to use CBBS. Figure it out - just like everyone else has. No "users guide" has ever been written. Msg 42736 is 11 line(s) on 11/08/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MIKE LADA re: WORD-WRAP Since CBBS wasn't interrupt-driven, there was no reliable way to cause word wrap to work on message entry - what I mean is that I couldn't back up a partial word, bring it to the next line, and NOT lose what you'd been typing since then. However, when leaving comments, by having a CBBS running at my house, I was just amazed that the number of people who typed continuously ignoring the fact that the line went on and on - I guess they didn't learn to type (i.e. on a typewriter) the way I did. SO, I just did a "crude" word- wrap in the comments section (when you use the (G) command), one which didn't try to back up partial words but instead just stuck in a CR at for a space after column 70 or something like that. Sorry it is inconsistent. Msg 42737 is 05 line(s) on 11/08/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JIM FLANAGAN re: CBBS CONNECT TIME That is one of the mysteries of CBBS. The code looks straight forward, yet at times it appears you are accumulating the connect time of you AND the person before you - or more correctly, the time SINCE the PREVIOUS call. AZ used to bug me about it until he realized it wasn't going to be fixed. Sorry. Msg 42738 is 07 line(s) on 11/08/89 from DON PARIS to ALL re: COMMAND.COM nI am in need of copy o0f command.com for version 3.1 DOS. I crashed all my files and am not sure of just what happened , I don't know if i got a virus or what but I cannot restore my backup copies. I can't even read any of my sharewhare disks}i.After post I get a 4056 301 error message, and know one I know has ever hear}id of such a error code. Thanks Don Msg 42739 is 01 line(s) on 11/08/89 from MIKE LADA to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/WORD-WRAP Ward, Ahhhhh now I see. Thanks for education. - - Mike - - Msg 42740 is 07 line(s) on 11/09/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to BILL MATTSON re: R/UPGRADING XT HARD DRIVE You're thinking of the limitation on the size of an addressable drive, based on the number of bits used in the FAT. That isn't the problem; the Disk Manager driver takes care of it. The problem is more low-level than that. The controller card can plainly access all 6 heads on the drive, as DM is capable of doing a low-level format of the entire drive, and the whole thing verifies. The problem is that when the driver is run, it insists that the drive has only 4 heads. Msg 42741 is 1 Msg 42742 is 01 line(s) on 11/09/89 from BILL WOLFF to MARTY DIPPEL re: R/HAYES COMMANDS? Thanks a lot Marty! Cheers! dup. chars. >Function:?r;-2;+ Msg 42741 is 11 line(s) on 11/09/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to DON PARIS re: R/COMMAND.COM Not sure what you mean by "can't restore your backup copies." Do you mean that you put in your original DOS disk (you have one, don't you?) and the system won't boot? If that's the case, you have definite hardware problems. If you mean that you can't use the restore component of your backup program (especially if you're trying to run it off the HD), that could be because of file corruption (which could have occurred due to hardware trouble; people first think "virus" when confronted with many problems that have purely accidental causes (such as power failure in the middle of critical writes, etc{ the worst case I ever saw happened when a system was using a write cache and power went out before the cache had been flushed; pieces of one file were scattered all throughout the file system). Msg 42742 is 01 line(s) on 11/09/89 from BILL WOLFF to MARTY DIPPEL re: R/HAYES COMMANDS? Thanks a lot Marty! Cheers! Past hi msg # Msg #:? >Function:?