CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/29/89 01:32:14 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 209898; next msg =42690; 369 active msgs. Prev. call 10/26/89 @ 21:37, next msg was 42673 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward {;or;*;short LOG. 15 KILLED. 117 SUMMARY. 24 42673 10/26/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MIKE LADA: "CONTRIBS TO CBBS" 42674 10/26/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => PHIL JERN: "LJ II-P" 42675 10/26/89 WARD CHRI type-56 log,ward c 10/26/89,21:37:26,209833,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42673, E#42674, E#42675,12 10/26/89,22:14:27,209834,2,STEVE COHEN,, E#42676,2 10/26/89,22:23:29,209835,1,DONNIE STUHLMAN,, E#42677,11 10/26/89,22:47:25,209836,2,BILL WOLFF,,6 10/26/89,23:10:54,209837,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#42678,8 10/27/89,00:39:26,209838,3,MIKE DAWSON,,6 10/27/89,04:00:31,209839,2,JERRY OLSEN,,4 10/27/89,05:42:49,209840,2,PETE JONES,,1 10/27/89,09:04:15,209841,2,JACK HOMA,,2 10/27/89,10:06:32,209842,2,PHIL JERN,, E#42679,7 10/27/89,10:30:14,209843,1,ANDY SHAPIRO,,5 10/27/89,10:46:12,209844,2,DON PIVEN,,3 10/27/89,10:52:59,209845,1,KEN STOX,, E#42680,13 10/27/89,12:11:32,209846,1,ZASHA MICHEL,,2 10/27/89,14:29:32,209847,2,DENNIS STAHL,,3 10/27/89,15:03:11,209848,1,GUS HOSSINI,,1 10/27/89,16:32:21,209849,1,BILL WOLFF,,1 10/27/89,16:58:50,209850,2,PETE CANTELE,,3 10/27/89,18:18:24,209851,2,TOM LUBECK,,1 10/27/89,18:54:27,209852,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 10/27/89,19:14:58,209853,1,DON PARIS,,10 10/27/89,19:31:17,209854,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 10/27/89,19:43:06,209855,1,NICK TEXICH,, 10/27/89,19:50:39,209856,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 10/27/89,20:08:11,209857,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,4 10/27/89,20:30:52,209858,2,GARY ELFRING,,2 10/27/89,21:00:16,209859,2,JIM ANDERSON,, E#42681,11 10/27/89,21:11:37,209860,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,2 10/27/89,21:35:09,209861,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,3 10/27/89,21:41:51,209862,2,ALAN SAHAKIAN,,3 10/27/89,21:51:55,209863,2,PIERRE FRANCOIS,, >Help: F*B, >Help: FILE,4 10/27/89,22:31:56,209864,1,WILLIAM DAVIES,glenview/il.,2 10/27/89,23:16:59,209865,2,LESLIE HENSLEY,MANCHESTER/KY, ]CHAT: STARTING A BBS,11 10/27/89,23:27:20,209866,2,PHIL BOLD,Addison/IL,21 10/28/89,04:38:13,209867,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 10/28/89,06:21:03,209868,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/28/89,06:36:59,209869,1,GUS HOSSINI,,6 10/28/89,07:26:18,209870,2,JAMES MOY,,3 10/28/89,09:36:38,209871,2,GARY BROWN,,3 10/28/89,09:50:15,209872,2,BILL WOLFF,,0 10/28/89,10:25:02,209873,1,MARK GAMBER,Lancaster,2 10/28/89,11:07:48,209874,1,BRENT JONES,, ]K,42361,BRENT JONES, ]K,42451,BRENT JONES, E#42682, E#42683, E#42684, E#42685,35 10/28/89,12:13:17,209875,1,BILL JOHNSON,Sunnyvale,3 10/28/89,14:18:24,209876,2,KAREN FANJOY,BALTIMORE,2 10/28/89,14:24:07,209877,2,KAREN FANJOY,,3 10/28/89,14:36:26,209878,2,DAVID GIBBS,,3 10/28/89,14:45:49,209879,1,SCOTT TEIPE,, 10/28/89,17:52:03,209880,3,ED FANTA,,4 10/28/89,18:36:02,209881,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 10/28/89,18:48:51,209882,1,JOSEPH SKOM,, E#42686,10 10/28/89,19:21:14,209883,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,, E#42687,11 10/28/89,20:29:49,209884,1,PHIL SCOPES,chicago, 10/28/89,20:30:57,209885,1,JOSEPH SKOM,,2 10/28/89,20:39:07,209886,2,KEN WALANSKI,,13 10/28/89,20:50:08,209887,3,MARK SCHRANER,,6 10/28/89,21:05:43,209888,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42688,3 10/28/89,21:26:03,209889,1,DAVID JOHNSON,Cicero,20 10/28/89,22:39:20,209890,2,OP R,Y,3 10/28/89,23:00:57,209891,3,SANJIO ABDULLAH,,6 10/28/89,23:12:55,209892,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/28/89,23:27:11,209893,2,MARTY SILVERMAN,Chicago/Il, E#42689,11 10/28/89,23:49:06,209894,2,BILL WOLFF,,4 10/29/89,00:05:56,209895,1,KEN WALLACE,elgin/ il, >Help: H MESSAGES, >Help: ]IR,20 10/29/89,00:47:32,209896,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 10/29/89,01:10:00,209897,2,JIM ANDERSON,,7 10/29/89,01:32:18,209898,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,r;42673;+;+;+ Msg 42673 is 02 line(s) on 10/26/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MIKE LADA re: CONTRIBS TO CBBS Well, the best contribs are just asking good questions, and trying to help others - participating in the general message flow. Msg 42674 is 08 line(s) on 10/26/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to PHIL JERN re: LJ II-P What's an "EP"? Is that a cartridge? I see you "got by" at a good price. I hate soft fonts- very tired of taking the time to DL them with my DeskJet. Wish I'd bought "hard" cartridges. Is there a cartridge that would handle 8-14 point times roman and helvetica? Mebbe I should go to ElekTek this weekend. The printer sounds great! Oh, BTW, I'd need the meg add-on, maybe go right for the 2 meg. I want to do full-page graphics. Msg 42675 is 02 line(s) on 10/26/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to DAV HOLLE re: MISSING FILE Sure 'nuff, "scanhelp" is missing. I'll have to shag down a copy and modem it in. Thanks! Msg 42676 is 10 line(s) on 10/26/89 from STEVE COHEN to LEO ANGEVINE re: REPLY Leo, just saw your message from last month. Flew United last night and althought delayed by bad weather/traffic, had a very nice flight. Have been practicing MS Flight Sim and can land the Cessna smoothly at most airports. I like to use the program to 'fly' around SF, NY, etc. and with a little imagination its something like sightseeing. Using a 386 with VGA is very smooth and responsive, even with the faster Learjet. But the objects seem primitive and detail lacking. I hear a new version (4.0) is on the way with the feature of allowing you to 'design' an airplane and try to fly it. Msg 42677 is 09 line(s) on 10/26/89 from DONNIE STUHLMAN to KEN STOX re: GREETINGS Hi! I just saw your message indicating that you still work for Bell Labs. I don't know where Indian Hills is, but is it the same as the Bell Labs in Naperville? I have several friends who work there. I am now the LAN Adminstrator for the Illinois Student Assistance Commission in Deerfield. We use Novelle Netware and a gateway to the IBM mainframe sitting in Springfield. Within two months we will have dial-up lines for our people to call in from remote locations. I'm certainly glad that I don't work in a retail computer store any more. Msg 42678 is 06 line(s) on 10/26/89 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: PRINT TO DISK I just tried out a nice PRINT to DISK type of program. It is called LPTX700.ARC (48801 bytes) and runs in MS-DOS. A program that I really needed for Prodigy. Interestingly it works fine. But Prodigy doesn't give you that option very often. I also capture graphic screens with another commerical program. Now all I need is a file section on Prodigy and this may not be that bad at all. Msg 42679 is 05 line(s) on 10/27/89 from PHIL JERN to WARD re: LASERJET EP stands for ElectroPhotographic.the piece of the printer that contains the tone and drum.says in the manual that 1 meg add-on is sufficient for 300 by 300 full page stuff, although that may not be the case if you do download fonts. Rotating fonts to landsape mode also eats up memory. To be safe, I probably would go to the 2 meg board. you can never have too much memory. Msg 42680 is 11 line(s) on 10/27/89 from KEN STOX to DONNIE STUHLMAN re: GREETINGS Good to hear from you again after so long, I'm not on the BBS's much these days. I'm happy to hear you left the retail business, it's hell. Why do figure I work for Bell Labs these days ?? Anyway, Indian Hill is in Naperville, although I probably won't know the names of your friends working here. There are 5000+ people working in this location. If I didn't know better, I'd think that Naperville was in Northern New Jersey with all the AT&T locations in this area. If you have access to USENET, or ARPANET, I can be reached at (pick one :-> ): stox@att.com, att!ihlpb!stox, stox@ihlpb.att.com, stox@arpa.att.com, or att!k.stox Msg 42681 is 01 line(s) on 10/27/89 from JIM ANDERSON to PHIL JERN re: R/DRIVE FOR SALE Doyou still habve the drive???? Would you trade for something??? Msg 42682 is 03 line(s) on 10/28/89 from BRENT JONES to ALL re: MCI MAIL Anyone using MCI Mail on a regular basis? Would you say that it is cheaper than CompuServe? Is is very widely used? What is the most widely used e-mail system? Thanks for the info. Msg 42683 is 11 line(s) on 10/28/89 from BRENT JONES to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/PUTTING UP BBS I would recommend that you aim a EXTREME simplicity of structure and easy of use. [Maybe the two don't go together well.] But I have been showing some computer users some simple local bbs and find that they are disturbed by the current BBS menu structures. Somehow they are just not all that logical. Or perhaps it is the terms-a bulletin is not a message on many boards. Or you can write a message to all but it isn't a bulletin-those only come from the sysop. I am very interested in how your BBS turns out, Ward. In terms of the number of people using a particular BBS software, I would steer you to RBBS or the commercial version TBBS [I think]. The bandwagon effect is significant. Msg 42684 is 06 line(s) on 10/28/89 from BRENT JONES to LARRY SHIPINSKI re: R/PC REPAIR 4 LESS A friend has a new computer which will not format floppies in the A: drive. It is a 5.25" 360K drive on an AT class machine. The drive reads but won't format-gives tract 0 error on good floppies. I can copy from the console but can't copy from HD for backups. What to do to diagnose? IBM advanced diagnostics? Disk technician? I'm at 312/665-4462 Brent Jones Msg 42685 is 07 line(s) on 10/28/89 from BRENT JONES to MIKE LADA re: R/PRODIGY An editor which has multiple windows-check out PC Outline. As share- ware it is free to demo and cheap to buy. Supports 9 open windows on screen at once. Outline features are top notch. I use it for all correspondence. It will inport/export ASCII but native mode is non-ASCII. You can make any keys do anything through a very slick macro feature. I like it so much that I'm shocked to find it-and outline products in general-have few users. Msg 42686 is 08 line(s) on 10/28/89 from JOSEPH SKOM to ALL re: NEED ADVICE ON 976 EQUIPMENT I am considering puting up a service on a 976 number that would require some sort of equipment that allows the caller to select information via touch tone. The system should also be able to record and playback voice messages. More specifically, callers would call one phone line to record a message and I would select 3 or so of those messages to be put up on the 976 line for retrieval by callers. I would need several 976 lines, and one message-taking line. My question is what would be the most efficient and cost-effective way to set up this type of system? Msg 42687 is 06 line(s) on 10/28/89 from BENJAMIN COHEN to BRENT JONES re: R/MCI MAIL There are differences between MCI maail and CompuServe that make cost comparisons apples and oranges. For example, with MCI mail you can have your message sent in hard copy if th recipient isn't on th system. And as far as 'most widely used' what does that mean? Most subscribers? Most e-mail mesages? Isn't the reall issue whether your target recipients are on the system? Msg 42688 is 02 line(s) on 10/28/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to BRENT JONES re: R/PC REPAIR 4 LESS I thought the first drive is a 1.2 on an AT. I don't know for sure had enough problems with a 360K drive! Msg 42689 is 08 line(s) on 10/28/89 from MARTY SILVERMAN to ALL re: PCTERM EMULATION ON MAC I am looking for either a public domain or pay for communication program which will allow a MAC to emulate a PC type terminal. Specifically, I need a program on a MAC that will do more than simple ANSI, I need to be able call into a PC-MOS system (multiuser DOS) and have the MAC emulate a PC termiaw3{nal program so that I can get the eight bit PC character set and maybe even bit mapped CGA graphics in monochrome mode. Any suggestions or leads on such a product would be most helpful. Thanks in advance Past hi msg # Msg #:? >Function:?# Next caller 209901; next msg =42690; 369 active msgs. *=42690 (hi msg last call) >Function:?