CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/16/89 22:54:14 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk. You are caller 209565; next msg =42629; 377 active msgs. Prev. call 10/12/89 @ 23:55, next msg was 42616 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking f >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 11 KILLED. 78 SUMMARY. 25 RD CHRISTENSEN,, 42616 10/12/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => STEVE CASTLE: "THANKS-RANDY" 42617 10/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MIKE LADA: "R/PRODIGYF*" 42618 10/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/TYPEWRITER" 42619 10/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ED FOSTER: "R/EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY" dup. chars. >Function:?type-50 log,ward c;or;* 10/12/89,23:55:53,209493,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42616, E#42617, E#42618, E#42619,20 ]AZ: Owell, I tried. Too bad when $50 is too much - and keeps someone out of a board like Chinet. Gad, I've not been there in a couple weeks. __I got VERY tired of "general" - I think randy talking about Dawn being drunk and him getting "lucky" - twice - was the straw that broke the reader's interest. __Wonder what happened to the 9600 modems? They were going to get 24 hour turn-around a couple months ago but UPS lost 'em - but found 'em a month ago. Hmmm. Need a tardis. WARD CHRISTENSEN, 10/13/89,03:15:06,209494,1,THOMAS HOLLOWAY,, >Help: \,5 10/13/89,04:05:23,209495,2,JERRY OLSEN,,5 10/13/89,06:05:57,209496,2,PETE JONES,,1 10/13/89,06:09:42,209497,1,MICHAEL MCDANIEL,,7 ]MICHAEL MCDANIEL, 10/13/89,07:08:36,209498,2,PETE CANTELE,,1 10/13/89,07:17:42,209499,2,PETE CANTELE,, E#42620,1 10/13/89,08:27:39,209500,2,LEO ANGEVINE,, E#42621,10 10/13/89,08:42:52,209501,2,GARY ELFRING,,1 10/13/89,09:01:41,209502,2,DENNIS DUFFNER,,4 10/13/89,09:17:08,209503,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,0 10/13/89,10:31:06,209504,2,DON PIVEN,,2 10/13/89,12:23:01,209505,2,MARC ALLEN,,7 10/13/89,14:30:22,209506,1,KEN STOX,,3 10/13/89,14:43:38,209507,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 10/13/89,15:55:00,209508,1,LANE LARRISON,,2 10/13/89,17:04:34,209509,2,TIM POTTS,[_hilliard oh,2 10/13/89,18:19:29,209510,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,2 10/13/89,19:02:27,209511,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 10/13/89,19:18:49,209512,1,ANNE STONE,,4 10/13/89,19:46:16,209513,1,GENE GARZA,SAN ANTONIO/TX,3 10/13/89,20:07:23,209514,2,DAVID GIBBS,,1 10/13/89,20:35:32,209515,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42622, ]K,42582,RICHARD GOZDAL, 5 10/13/89,21:41:18,209516,2,ANTHONY FAZZONE,schenectady/ ny,5 10/13/89,21:48:27,209517,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,6 10/13/89,22:00:14,209518,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,13 10/13/89,22:08:53,209519,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,3 10/13/89,22:14:27,209520,1,JIM FLANAGAN,, E#42623,14 10/13/89,23:05:15,209521,2,YOHMA GRAY,Evanston,2 10/13/89,23:10:27,209522,2,JOHN QUINTANA,,4 10/14/89,00:13:47,209523,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,2 10/14/89,00:33:24,209524,1,STU BAKER,evanston/ il,3 10/14/89,00:59:17,209525,2,MART MEIER,,12 10/14/89,02:50:10,209526,2,JOHN STILLS,,3 10/14/89,02:54:03,209527,2,JOHN STILLS,,6 10/14/89,07:21:36,209528,1,ALEX ZELL,,3 ]=Chinet, yep, a recurrent phenomenon. =Typewriters, mchanical: Local typewriter shop upgraded to electronic stuff tells me they grab all the mechanical "junk" they can find. Resell at high profit to third world. Where is a Bedouin aboard a camel going to plug his word processor in? *sigh* <Help: [,4 10/14/89,13:31:37,209535,2,JAMES KARAGANIS,,4 10/14/89,14:30:23,209536,1,CHARLES ZACEK,Gary In,3 10/14/89,15:22:06,209537,2,EDGAR COUDAL,,2 10/14/89,15:47:51,209538,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, E#42624,19 10/14/89,16:08:59,209539,2,LEO TOWLE,,7 10/14/89,17:43:10,209540,2,PHIL JERN,,1 10/14/89,20:21:59,209541,1,MICHAEL BLAKE,,1 10/14/89,20:26:32,209542,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 10/14/89,21:04:44,209543,1,ANDRE PINA,NY/NY,2 10/14/89,21:24:50,209544,1,THORBJOERN LIELL,, E#42625,34 10/14/89,22:29:12,209545,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42626, E#42627,9 10/14/89,22:40:05,209546,1,BOB NAGLICH,,3 10/14/89,22:45:09,209547,1,JOHN PETENES,,3 10/14/89,22:57:50,209548,2,BILL WOLFF,,8 10/14/89,23:26:14,209549,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 10/15/89,00:05:11,209550,3,DAN BOND,,39 10/15/89,01:53:28,209551,2,FRANK SPIVEY II,,17 ]IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE MODEM ON CBBS, OR IS IT MY MODEM? I GET EXTRA CHARACTERS AUTOMATICALLY APPEARING AFTER CONNECTING AT 2400 BAUD. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IT HAPPENED. THIS LEADS ME TO THIS QUESTION. WHAT IS THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SAY A MODEM WITH LEVEL FIVE MNP ERROR CHECKING AND ONE OF THESE $89.00 MODEMS. I PURCHASED THIS 2400 BAUD MODEM FROM COMPUTER DIRECT AND IT SEEMS TO BE PERFORMING UP TO EXPECTATION. WHY, IN TURN, DOES IT COST SO MUCH LESS THAN SAY A U.S. ROBOTICS, GIVEN THE SAME BAUD RATE. IS MY MODEM $250.00 INFERIOR? FRANK SPIVEY II, 10/15/89,02:30:22,209552,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,1 10/15/89,05:24:38,209553,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 10/15/89,07:44:03,209554,3,THORBJOERN LIELL,,2 10/16/89,19:23:11,209555,2,DENNIS STAHL,,4 10/16/89,19:42:37,209556,2,JOHN COOPER,,3 10/16/89,20:05:21,209557,1,JIM EATON,, 10/16/89,20:51:54,209558,1,PAUL MORAN,orono/me,7 10/16/89,20:59:25,209559,1,JOHN HUPFEL,HOFFMAN ESTATES/ILL., >Help: FILE,6 10/16/89,21:06:35,209560,2,ED FOSTER,, E#42628,4 10/16/89,21:19:39,209561,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,1 10/16/89,21:22:51,209562,1,KEVIN KEYSER,,3 10/16/89,21:26:26,209563,2,JIM POLOUS,,1 10/16/89,22:22:46,209564,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,,3 10/16/89,22:54:18,209565,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42616 10/12/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => STEVE CASTLE: "THANKS-RANDY" 42617 10/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MIKE LADA: "R/PRODIGYF*" 42618 10/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/TYPEWRITER" 42619 10/13/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ED FOSTER: "R/EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY" 42620 10/13/89 PETE CANTELE => ERIC BOHLMAN: "PRINTER FILTER" 42621 10/13/89 LEO ANGEVINE => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/HELLO" 42622 10/13/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/TYPEWRITER" 42623 10/13/89 JIM FLANAGAN => RICHARD GOZDAL: "R/TYPEWRITER" 42624 10/14/89 COLIN SCHROEDER => MARTIN SCHRADER: "R/DISK MANGLER & BIG DRIVES" 42625 10/14/89 THORBJOERN LIELL => ALL: "PROBLEMS WITH DISK DRIVE" 42626 10/14/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => JIM FLANAGAN: "R/TYPEWRITER" 42627 10/14/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/TYPEWRITER" 42628 10/16/89 ED FOSTER => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY" ---- End of summary ---- Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42616 is 04 line(s) on 10/12/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to STEVE CASTLE re: THANKS-RANDY I get a kick out of your "thanks Randy". You really need to talk to him on phone or Chinet. His last cal here was July! ... of '87 type: find randy suess Msg 42617 is 10 line(s) on 10/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MIKE LADA re: R/PRODIGYF* Be careful of that Prodigy modem - while it IS a Hayes, it doesn't have all the programmable registers (such as time to wait for carrier) that a "real" (or maybe I should say "full") Hayes modem has. Also, people have noticed more line noise with the "personal" Hayes modems than with the more expensive ones. A call to customer support got a "What do you expect?" type of answer. P.S. are you sure it is not $149 for the modem? - though I keep hearing different prices for different things - I thought it was $49 a year, but that turned out to be 6 months - $90 for a year - not bad, considering the unlimited usage. Msg 42618 is 07 line(s) on 10/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/TYPEWRITER Where were you 2 months ago! I threw out a manual typewriter! (sorry, I shouldn't have told you!) Actually, what I did was get one of the inexpensive electronic typewriters from Service Merchandise, and a PC interface, so I effectively have a Diablo-type daisy. I quit using it (hooked to the computer) when I got the DeskJet - but I still use it all the time for filling out forms, typing labels and envelopes, etc. Msg 42619 is 02 line(s) on 10/13/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ED FOSTER re: R/EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The best Turbo Pascal programmer I know just moved to the Western 'Burbs - Mike Warot. He's at 357-3810. Msg 42620 is 05 line(s) on 10/13/89 from PETE CANTELE to ERIC BOHLMAN re: PRINTER FILTER Thanks for the reply, Eric. Two printers at work act this way; an H-P Laserjet and I believe the other is a Qume daisy wheel. I forgot that I have a TSR prog. that can send codes to the printer that might work. I'll try that first. Msg 42621 is 10 line(s) on 10/13/89 from LEO ANGEVINE to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/HELLO The MIDI sounds interesting. Would that work on my PCXT, or should I wait for the upgrade to a faster system? I'd really enjoy being able to be my own orchestra in the confines of the apartment. Hmmm-- maybe this is a separate computer system? Where does one shop for a MIDI system? Could I make a background of harpsichord or flute to go along with my guitar? Leo (interested mode) Msg 42622 is 07 line(s) on 10/13/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/TYPEWRITER I just threw out an old typewriter that was bad. Guess a "ball" type will be best for "looks". Really only want it for labels. With a 24 pin I can do forms etc on the printer but those labels get to me. Easy way to break a printer, changing the paper stock all the time, especially with labels. Getting one stuck in an Epson is a bummer! I just think how much it will cost to get it out if I can't do it myself (quite often). Msg 42623 is 08 line(s) on 10/13/89 from JIM FLANAGAN to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/TYPEWRITER Richard, Don't know if you've seen the Oct. 9th Infoworld. On pg. 51 in Jerry Pournelle's column he discusses the new Smart Label Printer from Seiko. It is the size of a small telephone, holds labels all the time, has a special cable so that you can hook both it and your printer to the same port and has TSR software so that you write your letter, hit the hotkey, move a box that appears on screen over the address, hit a key and out pops oyur label. It will also generate bar codes. Sounds like the thing for me .... If the price is right. Msg 42624 is 15 line(s) on 10/14/89 from COLIN SCHROEDER to MARTIN SCHRADER re: R/DISK MANGLER & BIG DRIVES Sorry to hear about all your troubles w/ Disk Manager!! I must say I'm a little surprised, as I've been using DM on several systems over the past couple yrs. First on a basic Miniscribe 40meg MFM drive, then a Miniscribe 110meg ESDI, and never a problem with COMPRESS, CHKDSK, or any other program. I'm using PCTools v 5.?-- I know it's not 5.5. Do you suppose it's the SCSI interface??, or perhaps the size of the drive?? Hmmm....... Oh, well, I'll not propagandize for OnTrak--they're certainly not perfect, and they charge an arm and a leg for data recovery services. I will however, put in a potshot at DOS 4.x--I work for a software company, and we've had trouble first with bugs in 4.0, and now just with the size of 4.01.....it takes up enough RAM that our admittedly RAM-hungry graphics app. often can't fit in available memory!! I've been advising users w/ serious RAM cram to go back to 3.3!! Msg 42625 is 11 line(s) on 10/14/89 from THORBJOERN LIELL to ALL re: PROBLEMS WITH DISK DRIVE Hi, you guys.... Have you ever heard about a disk drive called Computer Memories Inc. model CM 6640 ?? My problem is that I cannot low-level format this drive on my computer unless I can determine the number of cyl's and heads!! Probably it is a 30MB drive, but I'm not sure. I guess I've tried almost every drive type number between 1 and 40! If you ever heard about the CM6640 or know someone who knows, let me get a msg. from YOU. . Thorbjoern (Norway) Msg 42626 is 02 line(s) on 10/14/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to JIM FLANAGAN re: R/TYPEWRITER I can see the price of such a printer. It sounds great but most likely QUITE expensive, at least compared to a typewriter. Msg 42627 is 12 line(s) on 10/14/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/TYPEWRITER Just installed my XT into a baby upright. Looks real neat. The problems encountered were a different power supply ($) and locating the reset jumper on the board (still haven't found it FOR SURE). Have to call about that jumper. I have to look if I can "hang" a 5 1/2 in HD inside if need be. There is a slot for a 3 1/2 and a 1/4 height floppy yet. Only 2 5 1/2 in drives is a bummer for an XT. The part I like is I set the LED at 22 so it looks good!Who needs to change turbo from 4 to 8, just leave it at 8. The supply and drive hum real nice. The black face plates look O.K. on top of this case. The real drawback is I now have the monitor closer and it is driving me bananas. HAVE to rearrange this. Msg 42628 is 03 line(s) on 10/16/89 from ED FOSTER to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Naperville, eh? Everybody else seems to be moving there too. We have made an offer to an NIU grad, but I will definitely give Mike a call tomorrow. Thanks for the lead. >Function:?