CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/10/89 05:48:05 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 209417; next msg =42598; 388 active msgs. Prev. call 10/05/89 @ 21:17, next msg was 42560 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;t{pe-30 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 15 KILLED. 53 SUMMARY. 26 I don't understand 'T[PE-30 LOG,WARD C', WARD Type ? for list of valid commands. >Function:? r;*;shorttype-80 log,ward c;or;*;short 10/05/89,21:18:10,209291,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42560, E#42561, E#42562, E#42563, E#42564, E#42565, E#42566, E#42567, E#42568, E#42569, E#42570, E#42571, E#42572, E#42573, E#42574, E#42575, E#42576, 10/05/89,21:57:08,209292,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,1 ]Finally got BBS list up - forced to - deleting oldest msgs caused prev list to go away ;-) I just gut-shotted an ascii upload - seemed to work OK. WARD CHRISTENSEN, 10/05/89,22:22:34,209293,1,BEN TEIFELD,,11 10/05/89,23:00:33,209294,2,PETE CANTELE,,11 10/05/89,23:36:16,209295,2,FRANK SPIVEY II,,2 10/05/89,23:48:08,209296,1,MARTY LINGG,,6 10/06/89,02:50:03,209297,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42577,5 10/06/89,03:12:26,209298,2,JERRY OLSEN,,5 ]Mostly for Alex, I suspect: Been a long time since we've been in touch. Should voice chat sometime soon...or maybe "do lunch" while you're down this way at work. Specific request in the meantime: You've often U/Led the Chgo-area BBS list over our way. Any chance you have access to the new version and pass it along one way or another? I'm fairly underwhelmed with the idea of capturing (errors and all along the way), then editing the sucker. Been the (delightfully) busiest period in a looonnng time. So, while I'd like to get folks over our way the latest version for use when SEARCHing, I'd like to do it the lazy way if possible . Regards.... JERRY OLSEN, 10/06/89,05:37:45,209299,2,PETE JONES,,3 10/06/89,05:41:26,209300,2,PETE JONES,,1 10/06/89,06:47:58,209301,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/06/89,06:48:40,209302,2,ALEX ZELL,,4 ]Boy am I getting line noise while trying to type a comment. Had to ctrl U several times. We might stahinking about how to handle the non-city of Chicago numbers. Show them all as or ? Next time around 1-708+ will be mandatory for those calls. So I put a copy of the original list in chinet. Will have to capture it and shoot it up to Jerry. {Or mebbe I'll check and see if the October! list is up yet on Stillwater. Now to see how bad the garbage is in this{.. ALEX ZELL,11 ]Waddya know? The{junk chars don't seem to show...and where I try to erase them I{back up over my own text. the missing phrase above is "as 1-708+ or let people find out for themselves...or ? ALEX ZELL, 10/06/89,08:36:52,209303,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42578,18 10/06/89,09:13:36,209304,2,JACK HOMA,,4 10/06/89,09:18:26,209305,2,DENNIS STAHL,,7 10/06/89,09:53:48,209306,2,DAVID GIBBS,,3 10/06/89,10:33:34,209307,2,DON PIVEN,,1 10/06/89,10:39:07,209308,2,DAN MICHELSON,,5 10/06/89,12:42:30,209309,1,KEN STOX,,3 10/06/89,13:28:13,209310,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42579,2 10/06/89,15:13:32,209311,1,MICHAEL HOLDER,Los Alamos/ NM,17 10/06/89,15:27:48,209312,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42580,3 10/06/89,15:34:24,209313,1,MICHAEL HOLDER,,2 10/06/89,15:54:16,209314,1,UWE BRUCKER,Chicago/Il,6 10/06/89,17:24:19,209315,2,EDGAR COUDAL,,4 ]thanks for putting the whole stillwater list on your board, Ward. a service to us all, and the kind of thing that goes unremarked. EDGAR COUDAL, 10/06/89,17:33:18,209316,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 10/06/89,17:36:19,209317,2,GARY ELFRING,,1 10/06/89,18:11:37,209318,2,MIKE DRISCOLL,Naperville IL, 10/06/89,18:24:43,209319,1,LANE LARRISON,,4 10/06/89,19:01:01,209320,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#42581,12 10/06/89,19:33:14,209321,2,ART HABEL,,5 10/06/89,20:11:17,209322,2,RUSSELL GROCE,goose creek/sc,3 10/06/89,20:36:34,209323,2,JOHN H.,CHICAGO, ]CHAT: I, LIKE TO ASK ABOUT HOW TO GET MORE BB NUMBERS,15 10/06/89,20:46:52,209324,1,QUENTIN MOUDY,GAITHERSBURG/ MD,17 10/06/89,20:51:55,209325,1,QUENTIN MOUDY,,5 10/06/89,21:03:27,209326,1,QUENTIN MOUDY,,4 10/06/89,21:22:56,209327,2,JIM POLOUS,, E#42582,6 10/06/89,21:29:25,209328,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 10/06/89,22:22:54,209329,3,MURRAY ARNOW,,5 10/06/89,22:45:53,209330,2,JOE SMITH,, 10/07/89,01:17:22,209331,1,MARTIN SCHRADER,, E#42583,21 ]Have you given any more consideration to having different sub-boards for topics such as hardware, software development, etc? I don't know if it's worth the work or not. Just thought I'd ask. B C'ing U... MARTIN SCHRADER, 10/07/89,01:57:42,209332,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 10/07/89,02:19:34,209333,2,CLIFF SHARP,,6 10/07/89,03:02:16,209334,2,JIM MORAVEC,,3 10/07/89,03:40:40,209335,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,4 10/07/89,07:18:10,209336,1,PERRY STOKES,austin texas,2 10/07/89,07:21:06,209337,2,GARY BROWN,,3 10/07/89,08:56:01,209338,2,FURD BURFEL,chicago, 10/07/89,09:20:22,209339,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#42584, E#42585,33 10/07/89,10:13:33,209340,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 10/07/89,10:41:28,209341,1,QUENTIN MOUDY,,5 10/07/89,11:07:01,209342,1,CHRIS RANALLETTA,chicago/ il,2 10/07/89,11:24:03,209343,1,QUENTIN MOUDY,,11 10/07/89,11:36:57,209344,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/07/89,13:49:29,209345,1,MARCIA SNOW,,9 10/07/89,13:57:14,209346,2,ROBERT BRANDENBURG,Park Ridge/ IL,1 10/07/89,15:07:01,209347,1,TOM FLASCH,naperville/ il,3 10/07/89,15:15:09,209348,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, 10/07/89,15:27:59,209349,1,GLENN POWERS,,4 10/07/89,16:06:59,209350,1,WILLIAM JESSE,PRAIRIE VIEW/ IL,17 10/07/89,16:26:17,209351,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 10/07/89,16:42:52,209352,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#42586,4 10/07/89,17:28:25,209353,1,GARY BECHTOLD,,17 ]GREAT SYSTEM GARY BECHTOLD, 10/07/89,18:25:25,209354,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 10/07/89,18:31:55,209355,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,12 10/07/89,18:51:35,209356,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42587, E#42588, E#42589,10 10/07/89,19:16:53,209357,2,BILL TAYLOR,ny/ny,1 10/07/89,20:10:10,209358,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/07/89,21:05:25,209359,2,JOSEPH SKOM,, 10/07/89,21:15:24,209360,3,ED FANTA,, 10/07/89,21:49:10,209361,3,THORBJOERN LIELL,OSLO,10 10/07/89,22:03:53,209362,2,BILL COLEMAN,,10 10/07/89,22:21:19,209363,1,CHARLIE KESTNER,,12 10/07/89,22:58:20,209364,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,1 10/08/89,00:02:44,209365,1,OSKAR PEABODY,chicago/ il,2 10/08/89,01:22:00,209366,2,EARL HALL,, E#42590,12 10/08/89,02:56:03,209367,1,DENNIS LEONG,,5 10/08/89,06:27:57,209368,2,BILL WOLFF,,4 10/08/89,07:23:30,209369,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,16 10/08/89,11:34:07,209370,3,JOHN WILKERSON,CHICAGO/IL, 10/08/89,12:59:41,209371,2,TIM SMITHERS,ORLANDO FLORIDA,3 10/08/89,14:12:17,209372,1,MARK VIEHMAN,Chicago/ IL,3 10/08/89,14:16:50,209373,3,ED FANTA,,7 10/08/89,15:47:38,209374,2,CHRIS STOMPOR,, >Help: [NEWS,5 10/08/89,15:55:35,209375,2,JAMES SCHMIDT,,1 10/08/89,16:17:57,209376,2,JIM POLOUS,,4 10/08/89,17:11:06,209377,2,VIET VU,san jose,1 10/08/89,18:38:46,209378,1,WS DELKO,, >Help: DOS, >Help: BASIC,12 10/08/89,19:47:59,209379,2,GUS ROUMAYA,,8 ]I COULD NOT READ EVERYTHING BECAUSE THE INSTRUCTIONS ZIPPED BY ON THE SCREEN. I AM LOOKING FOR COMMUNICATION PAKAGE FOR THE VICTOR 9000 TYPE COMPUTER. IWILL TRY TO CHECK BACK TO SEE IF I GET ANY ANSWERS ABUT MY PROBLEMS. BUT FIRST I HAVE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE YOUR BBS. THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME SIGN ON GUS... GUS ROUMAYA, 10/08/89,20:15:52,209380,2,BILL WOLFF,,1 10/08/89,21:27:49,209381,2,BOB VON BORSTEL,,12 10/08/89,21:54:56,209382,2,ED FOSTER,,4 10/08/89,22:18:32,209383,1,WILLIAM SIGNER,DES PLAINES, 10/08/89,22:38:30,209384,2,DAVID BYRD,Long Beach/ CA,8 10/08/89,23:01:15,209385,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#42591,9 10/08/89,23:11:27,209386,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/08/89,23:21:22,209387,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42592,5 10/08/89,23:58:18,209388,1,MICHAEL BLAKE,,1 10/09/89,00:42:59,209389,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42593,4 10/09/89,01:58:20,209390,2,ED GARCIA,Los Angeles/ CA,2 10/09/89,02:01:38,209391,2,PETER JOHNSON,JOLIET/IL,3 10/09/89,03:42:25,209392,2,JERRY OLSEN,,5 10/09/89,03:52:25,209393,2,JERRY OLSEN,, E#42594,5 10/09/89,05:45:50,209394,2,PETE JONES,,2 10/09/89,05:58:10,209395,2,CATHY KONAS,,1 10/09/89,07:05:02,209396,2,EARL HALL,,1 10/09/89,07:14:36,209397,2,DAVID GIBBS,,4 10/09/89,10:35:34,209398,2,MIKE SANDMAN,,30 10/09/89,11:58:28,209399,2,DON PIVEN,,1 10/09/89,13:51:31,209400,1,CAROL FREY,CHICAGO/ILL,10 10/09/89,14:12:15,209401,2,STEVE SIMEK,VERNON HILLS/ILL, 10/09/89,14:39:13,209402,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,4 10/09/89,16:11:23,209403,2,LUCAS ADAMSKI,,2 10/09/89,17:34:56,209404,2,GARY ELFRING,,1 10/09/89,19:39:39,209405,2,JIM POLOUS,, E#42595,2 10/09/89,20:38:07,209406,2,JOSEPH SKOM,,1 10/09/89,20:43:37,209407,2,KARL LUNDBORG,CHGO/IL,7 10/09/89,21:02:10,209408,1,PETE CANTELE,,3 10/09/89,21:54:00,209409,1,KEVIN KEYSER,,4 10/09/89,22:02:25,209410,2,JIM SACKETT,,5 10/09/89,22:42:23,209411,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,8 10/09/89,22:56:08,209412,2,LO DISCONNECT,,5 10/09/89,23:21:36,209413,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,2 10/09/89,23:29:15,209414,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#42596,3 10/09/89,23:50:18,209415,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,, E#42597,3 10/10/89,03:38:35,209416,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/10/89,05:48:09,209417,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, >Function:?find lo disconnect 20941, ,LO DISCONNECT , ,10/09/89,22:52,42596,271 G00001, , Recording logon for next time. >Function:?twit next:?[*,discon*,/] next:? >Function:?twit next:?[*,discon*,]/ next:? Msg 42577 is 03 line(s) on 10/06/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to STEVE CASTLE re: R/XMODEM SOURCE FOR UNIX IN C A few years back Dr. Dobbs ran an article giving C source for XMODEM transfers. I don't remember the date, but I think it was some time in 1987. Msg 42578 is 25 line(s) on 10/06/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/360K PROBLEM The situation with ONLY formatting disk to be written to on the 386 1.2 drive is a bummer. When I do a lot of copying I format on 2 machines to get it done quickly. I am hoping to get this debugged so I can SAFELY send out 360K drives that can be read on other computers. At the same time I don't want to rely on the XT as a backup that HAS to be used for copying the disks to ship. If I have to keep sending out upgrades due to bad disks I will go broke! I have to play around with formatting on the 1.2 and reading on the 360K. It didn't work at first but then again I am getting the hang of it a little more now. Oh well, a minor problem considering some things that can go wrong. The HD blew after about 2 weeks and had to have a new one installed but NOW I can see that it was bad from the start. It had the red light on where this new one has the green light on all the time. Funny how even SEEING signs of problems go undetected mentally when using something new. Realized this when a 40 meg blew on the XT. The red light stays on. Think the XT was jealous and blew the drive to get even! Last upgrade for the XT will be a new case. I got spoiled already with the new 386 case and the Calif. prices on hardware makes a new case look interesting. I heard the hardware prices in Ca. are getting so low at flea markets that it is unbelievable. 80ns 256K chips at $2.75 for example. Msg 42579 is 03 line(s) on 10/06/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to ALL re: 720K DRIVE IN LEADING EDGE M? A friend is trying to add a 720K floppy to his Leading Edge Model M and is running into trouble. He's using DOS 2.1. Later versions of DRIVER.SYS are incompatible. Is there a 2.1 version of it? Msg 42580 is 04 line(s) on 10/06/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/360K PROBLEM Got fed up with TRYING to write and read a 360K disk. Called and ordered a TEAC (noisy but) 360K drive and a controller that will handle two MORE floppy drives. Hope this is all the expense I run acros! Msg 42581 is 16 line(s) on 10/06/89 from BILL WOLFF to JIM SACKETT re: R/MBASIC TO GWBASIC Hi Jim; No thats not what I mean! I have a Commodore 128 that traansfers CP/M to MS-DOS very nicely thanks. I also have Uniform too, which runs on a MS-DOS computer and reads CP/M. What more can you ask for! No the real problem comes that the tokenized MBASIC isn't the same tokenized GWBASIC. Some of it works, but not close enough. The real problem is to convert tokenized MBASIC to ASCII files (not real hard, but I have hundreds of them) and it means loading each one from BASIC and resave with "FILENAME",A option. That's a lot of typing and waiting! I think a automated utility should work. A submit file is an idea, but once in BASIC, submit doesn't work (or so I here). Big problem huh? Msg 42582 is 08 line(s) on 10/06/89 from JIM POLOUS to RICHARD GOZDAL re: 360K PROBLEM Because there are 80 tracks on 1.2 meg drives and 40 on 360K drives, the magnetic path a 1.2 writes is 1/2 as wide. Because of this, the 360K drive will pick up the original format and the new data when writing to a previously formatted disk. The solution? Use brxDa brand new 360K disks and format them in your 1.2 meg, copy them on to 360K disks using a 360K drive in your XT. If you don't want to use new diskettes, invest in a good bulk eraser or strong magnet! (I keep a stash of new cheapo 360K disks on hand for copying to an XT!) Msg 42583 is 23 line(s) on 10/07/89 from MARTIN SCHRADER to RICHARD HINTON re: DISK MANGLER & BIG DRIVES We use Disk Mangler as part of our product where I work, so I speak from some experience when I say this: avoid On-Track products wherever possible. Disk Manager inserts a device driver into DOS so that the normal device tables are replaced by DM's tables. This, among other strangness that DM does behind your back, causes such problems as CHKDSK refusing to check a disk out. PCTools version 5.5 won't work properly with DM, either - I found that out the hard way when I tried to COMPRESS my 300 MB CDC SCSI Wren IV. The compression seemed to be okay, but the directory structure got hosed. I don't blame Central Point; COMPRESS seems to work just fine on disks not accessed thru Disk Mangler's device tables. Also, the *only* way to do a complete, accurate "chkdsk" on a DMed drive is to use another $100 product from On-Track - DOSUTILS. This collection of crude utilities provides a disk scanning and error correction facility, a deleted file recovery tool, and some other stuff. You can't use CHKDSK, so if you want to do any kind of disk maintainance at all, you gotta buy this puppy. Oh, well. Look more closely at MS-DOS 4.01 (or better yet, PC-MOS from Software Link). B C'ing U. Msg 42584 is 12 line(s) on 10/07/89 from BILL MATTSON to ALL re: VIDEO DISPLAY UPGRADE Am considering upgrade from monochrome CGA to ???. Would like your thoughts on various alternatives and brands of displays and boards Current tentative choice is NEC 3D + Video7 8-16 bit board (brand new) but not sure. Upgrade flexibility is very important as my current machine, an XT clone, will someday be a 486 EISA machine, so. transferability of display, modem, and other boards is important. This also justifies purchase of speed/functionality not necessarily useful in the old XT right now. I'd like to hear from you a the brands and co you have running and thoughts on the future. Price is a relative concern as I expect to get 5 to 10 years use out of the equipment I buy, as I have with this circa 1980 stuff I'm using now. I do want at least super VGA ability in this combination, I think. Msg 42585 is 03 line(s) on 10/07/89 from BILL MATTSON to ALL re: MICRORIM/RBASE What's become of Microrim? I haven't seen an ad in any of the trade rags or PC magazines by them in a long time. Have they gone away???? I have RBASE 5000 and RBASE for OS2, so I'm interested in their future! Msg 42586 is 30 line(s) on 10/07/89 from BILL WOLFF to ALL re: PRODIGYF* Greetings all; I know, your all saying now what about Prodigy! Well what else can I add to it? I am sure you heard many things about it, of which many are true! But how about some things you did know about it! Ever hear of "Consumer Reports"? You know, that magazine which rates things and then gives you the scoop? Anyway, they are on-line with them. Yes Ward! Even your laptop is in there too! You can do your banking through the service. I am not sure why you would though. As this is only available at extra cost and if your computer or phone line dies (like a bad rush to buy Cubs tickets) you can't pay your bills! What are you going to use as an excuse to American Express? Sorry, but my modem's been down for a month and US Robotics hasn't sent it back yet! This by the way is a true story! Other features like news and weather perks you up! The perk doesn't last long, as there isn't that much there. Or you can spend your time looking up users from your town. Not a lot of fun, unless you know somebody you didn't know was signed up too. If you travel and hope to use Prodigy, I hope it is California or something like it. Because some states don't have a local line yet. I said state and not city. To name a few, Wisconsin and Ohio are blacked out as far as yet! Two states that I go to. Also Champaign, IL lacks a number too, but the reps promised there would be a number soon. One nice thing for those who signed up! You have 30-days to find out if you like it or not. And within that time, they promise your money back! Msg 42587 is 04 line(s) on 10/07/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to JIM POLOUS re: R/360K PROBLEM I want to make sure I can use 360K disks in the 386 AFTER (if) I loose/get rid of the XT. The 360K disk drive and controller should work UNLESS there is a driver/card bios that is incompatible.!.! This way I can just copy files to the 360K and NOT worry. Msg 42588 is 05 line(s) on 10/07/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to MARTIN SCHRADER re: R/DISK MANGLER & BIG DRIVES I used On Track disk manager on my XT before. I guess the low level format is just fine but when the manager is installed, it causes the computer to READ the DM code for each HD read/write ( I think) and it slows it down so. a DOS with partitioning capabilities is faster! Msg 42589 is 06 line(s) on 10/07/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to BILL MATTSON re: R/VIDEO DISPLAY UPGRADE I read a lot of message about the ATI VGA card (512K). I have had the ATI EGA for some time and loved/love it. It runs ALL programming languages where the Paradise is having trouble with old Basic stuff. I would buy an ATI VGA board if I did it again. As a matter of fact if you want a Paradise VGA Plus, I will sell mine so I can buy the ATI VGA board. Msg 42590 is 11 line(s) on 10/08/89 from EARL HALL to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: PRODIGY KEYBOARD BUFFER If you're still using Prodigy (I gave up on it last night and deleted its subdirectory), there's a file of auto-logon/fixes to the software available. I uploaded a copy of it to Plantz' BBS, called PRODHP12.ZIP. Besides giving sample .BAT files that include using KEYFAKE to stuff the userid/password in automatically, there's a PROWIDE program that re-enables the keyboard buffer. (It also changes 40-column printing to 80-columns, but the fix to the keyboard buffer is why I loaded it.) It almost made Prodigy livable for me, for a short time, due to the improvement. But I realized today that I still couldn't stand it and used it for the last time. Msg 42591 is 02 line(s) on 10/08/89 from BILL MATTSON to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/VIDEO DISPLAY UPGRADE Thanks for the info. I'm not familiar with ATI. Do they have another name? Where can I find it, local or mailorder? Regards Msg 42592 is 08 line(s) on 10/08/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to BILL MATTSON re: R/VIDEO DISPLAY UPGRADE The "ATI VGA " board is advertised a LOT in computer shopper. The price varies with US location. The ATI VGA with 512K is the one you would want unless there is a newer one. The advertise in a lot of the magazines and you can call them about info. I called long ago and it was a Canadian call! That is the best way, CALL. You can't miss the ads. it is "ATI" as a headline. The price is over $200 but heck I paid way over $300 for my EGA Wonder board a way back. Msg 42593 is 05 line(s) on 10/09/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to ALL re: 720K UPGRADE ON XT CLONE A friend is trying to add a second floppy (a 3.5" 720K unit) to his Leading Edge Model M XT clone. He's using DOS 2.11, and apparently some quirk of his motherboard makes upgrading to 3.xx difficult. The drive he bought didn't come with any driver software. Is there a driver floating around somewhere that he can use? Msg 42594 is 07 line(s) on 10/09/89 from JERRY OLSEN to MARTIN SCHRADER re: R/DISK MANGLER & BIG DRIVES Interesting comments regarding Disk Manager.My own experience and that of others I know is entirely the opposite. What version are/were you using? My copy is v. 3.2. I regularly use CHKDSK with no adverse effects; ditto for various other HD diagnostic and maintenance utilities. Either your experiences are with an older version, or some hardware-specific problems are involved. (I run on an XT clone with two 20-meg HDs from different manufacturers.) Msg 42595 is 04 line(s) on 10/09/89 from JIM POLOUS to ERIC BOHLMAN re: R/720K UPGRADE ON XT CLONE Driver.SYS should have come with DOS 2. If it did, he should put the following line in his config.sys device = driver.sys /d:1 /f:2 Jim Msg 42596 is 02 line(s) on 10/09/89 from BILL MATTSON to RICHARD GOZDAL re: R/VIDEO DISPLAY UPGRADE Thanks, I'll do ase read on BYTE and pick up a Computer Shopper. I don't read the Shopper much any more. Msg 42597 is 06 line(s) on 10/09/89 from ERIC BOHLMAN to JERRY OLSEN re: R/DISK MANGLER & BIG DRIVES There is one situation where DM will interfere with CHKDSK; that's when you use it to set below-normal cluster sizes. The DM documentation clearly explains this. (for example, I have my D: drive (actually the last 9M of my ST251) set for 1K clusters because I keep a lot of small files there. I could have gotten it down to 512K clusters, but then I'd have had problems with CHKDSK.) Msg #:?{^U ?+ Past hi msg # Msg #:? >Function:?