CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/05/89 21:17:53 ++LINE > 9 LONG - truncated, return to ACCEPT, ^U to RE-ENTER: CHRISTENS^U ?^U ?^U ?ward;christensen;od\d\{raw;;fullc;piss ++LI Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?n; What is your FIRST name?^U ?^U ?^U ?ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 209291; next msg =42560; 384 active msgs. Prev. call 10/01/89 @ 23:49, next msg was 42544 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking fo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-30 log,ward c;or;*;short range Park Il,6 10/01/89,22:12:04,209195,1,TIM FURY,Barberton/Ohio,2 10/01/89,23:06:53,209196,3,TIMOTHY BROWN,CALUMET PARK/IL.,6 10/01/89,23:20:51,209197,2,BILL WOLFF,, E#42543,2 10/01/89,23:29:13,209198,2,TOM YORK,, 10/01/89,23:49:34,209199,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#42544, 10/02/89,00:05:44,209200,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 10/02/89,00:25:09,209201,1,JOE GRAY,park forest/il, 10/02/89,05:22:17,209202,2,PETE JONES,,0 10/02/89,06:13:29,209203,2,CATHY KONAS,, E#42545,6 10/02/89,06:22:09,209204,2,EARL HALL,,3 10/02/89,06:45:46,209205,2,CATHY KONAS,, E#42546,7 10/02/89,07:13:35,209206,1,GARY MCCOY,,9 10/02/89,08:25:50,209207,1,DENNIS STAHL,,4 10/02/89,09:23:16,209208,1,CHARLES ENGLUND,,2 10/02/89,09:54:17,209209,1,JOHN CECALA,chicago,2 10/02/89,11:11:28,209210,2,PAUL STREETER,,79 10/02/89,13:39:59,209211,2,BILL WOLFF,,2 10/02/89,15:29:58,209212,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 10/02/89,15:31:40,209213,2,MARTY LINGG,,1 10/02/89,15:45:41,209214,1,BRENT JONES,, E#42547, E#42548,31 10/02/89,16:42:17,209215,2,RICHARD HINTON,,1 10/02/89,16:53:07,209216,1,MARTY LINGG,,0 10/02/89,19:53:58,209217,2,RICHARD HINTON,,1 10/02/89,19:58:55,209218,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/02/89,21:03:40,209219,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,,3 10/02/89,21:49:09,209220,2,PHIL JERN,, 10/02/89,21:59:22,209221,1,WANJENG WANG,JONESBORO/AR,4 10/02/89,22:16:19,209222,2,PHIL JERN,,11 10/02/89,22:57:42,209223,1,MARTY LINGG,,11 10/02/89,23:44:05,209224,1,WANJENG WANG,,5 10/03/89,00:09:11,209225,2,THOM QUICK,,2 10/03/89,02:36:58,209226,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,2 10/03/89,05:15:30,209227,2,JERRY OLSEN,,4 10/03/89,07:39:07,209228,2,ALEX ZELL,,1 10/03/89,08:02:34,209229,1,DENNIS STAHL,,0 10/03/89,08:07:42,209230,2,MURRAY SIMON,chicago/illinois,14 10/03/89,08:17:41,209231,2,MURRAY SIMON,,18 10/03/89,09:23:32,209232,2,JACK HOMA,,1 10/03/89,10:53:42,209233,1,COLIN SCHROEDER,, E#42549, E#42550,12 10/03/89,12:06:14,209234,2,GEORGE HWANG,evanston,3 10/03/89,12:16:50,209235,2,PAUL STREETER,,13 10/03/89,13:25:19,209236,2,JACK HOMA,,5 10/03/89,14:23:18,209237,2,PHIL JERN,, E#42551, E#42552,4 10/03/89,15:38:01,209238,2,RICHARD HINTON,,1 10/03/89,17:10:12,209239,3,JAIME CABAN,,6 10/03/89,17:31:17,209240,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,3 10/03/89,18:59:30,209241,2,JAY TOMEO,,4 10/03/89,20:33:50,209242,2,VERNE ARASE,, E#42553,10 10/03/89,21:04:22,209243,1,MARTY LINGG,,5 10/03/89,21:25:08,209244,1,MICHAEL BLAKE,,2 10/03/89,21:37:04,209245,2,MICHAEL LICHTENSTEIN,,7 ]MICHAEL LICHTENSTEIN, 10/03/89,22:50:36,209246,1,JOHN ZWIERZYNA,,4 10/03/89,22:55:45,209247,2,FRANK SPIVEY II,, E#42554,19 10/03/89,23:39:54,209248,1,ALAN LAYA,, E#42555,19 10/04/89,02:13:26,209249,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,10 10/04/89,02:43:27,209250,2,JIM MORAVEC,,1 10/04/89,05:22:36,209251,2,PETE JONES,,1 10/04/89,07:47:43,209252,1,BOB SULLIVAN,,5 10/04/89,07:58:49,209253,2,PAUL STREETER,,13 10/04/89,09:23:39,209254,2,ED FOSTER,,2 10/04/89,09:27:25,209255,1,PAUL LEONARD,,3 10/04/89,10:47:39,209256,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 10/04/89,10:52:14,209257,2,DENNIS DUFFNER,,6 10/04/89,11:22:55,209258,3,OQ K,, 10/04/89,12:59:57,209259,3,BOB KOBETSKY,glenview ill,5 10/04/89,13:25:18,209260,3,BOB KOBETSKY,, 10/04/89,14:49:37,209261,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,2 10/04/89,15:56:24,209262,1,JOHN MUNDT,,1 10/04/89,16:06:21,209263,1,LANE LARRISON,,3 10/04/89,16:13:16,209264,1,JEFF GOAD,Schaumburg/ IL,2 10/04/89,18:22:28,209265,2,JOHN COOPER,,2 10/04/89,19:30:08,209266,2,RICHARD HINTON,,2 10/04/89,20:08:29,209267,1,JASON TREVOR,,8 10/04/89,20:55:28,209268,1,JASON TREVOR,, 10/04/89,21:04:18,209269,2,EDGAR COUDAL,,1 10/04/89,21:16:01,209270,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/04/89,22:53:13,209271,2,FRANK SPIVEY II,,4 10/04/89,23:35:19,209272,1,DON PIVEN,,3 10/05/89,00:05:18,209273,2,JIM SACKETT,, E#42556,25 10/05/89,00:43:15,209274,1,PAUL ADAMS,Siotville/Ohio, ]CHAT: New User.,3 10/05/89,06:21:09,209275,1,MICHAEL MCDANIEL,,6 10/05/89,07:41:19,209276,2,ALEX ZELL,,1 10/05/89,07:45:29,209277,3,BOB KOBETSKY,,3 10/05/89,08:11:49,209278,2,PAUL STREETER,,28 10/05/89,08:25:00,209279,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 10/05/89,09:27:52,209280,2,STEVE CASTLE,Northbrook/Il, E#42557,44 ]Tks Randy STEVE CASTLE, 10/05/89,11:13:47,209281,1,PATRICK COLLINS,streamwood/il,3 10/05/89,13:45:43,209282,1,JOHN NELSON,VALLEY VIEW/OH, 10/05/89,18:18:32,209283,3,DON PARIS,,2 10/05/89,18:44:23,209284,2,RICHARD HINTON,,1 10/05/89,19:43:54,209285,2,MATT WALKER,IL, 10/05/89,19:53:49,209286,1,LANE LARRISON,, 10/05/89,19:57:02,209287,1,LANE LARRISON,,1 10/05/89,20:13:33,209288,1,RICHARD GOZDAL,, E#42558, E#42559,8 10/05/89,20:30:52,209289,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,3 10/05/89,20:59:00,209290,1,JIM FLANAGAN,,1 ]Ward, noisy line this time. I'm not acting crazy just trying to develop some logon macros Jim Thanks JIM FLANAGAN, 10/05/89,21:18:10,209291,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 42544 10/01/89 WARD CHRISTENSEN => LEO ANGEVINE: "R/HELLO" 42545 10/02/89 CATHY KONAS => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/BBS" 42546 10/02/89 CATHY KONAS => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "LOREN'S BBS" 42547 10/02/89 BRENT JONES => RICHARD HINTON: "R/I DIDN'T LIKE PRODIGY" 42548 10/02/89 BRENT JONES => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/PC DATABASE - HIERARCHICAL" 42549 10/03/89 COLIN SCHROEDER => JIM ANDERSON: "R/386 UNIX INFO?" 42550 10/03/89 COLIN SCHROEDER => RICHARD HINTON: "R/A GRAPHICS PROGRAM??" 42551 10/03/89 PHIL JERN => ALL: "DRIVE FOR SALE" 42552 10/03/89 PHIL JERN => ALL: "HP LASERJET 4 SALE" 42553 10/03/89 VERNE ARASE => BILL WOLFF: "R/GEOS AND LASERWRITER!" 42554 10/03/89 FRANK SPIVEY II => ALL: "BENCHMARKING PROGRAMS" 42555 10/03/89 ALAN LAYA => ALL: ".PCX/.EPS FILES FROM QB OR C??" 42556 10/05/89 JIM SACKETT => BILL WOLFF: "R/MBASIC TO GWBASIC" 42557 10/05/89 STEVE CASTLE => ALL: "XMODEM SOURCE FOR UNIX IN C" 42558 10/05/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => ALAN LAYA: "R/.PCX/.EPS FILES FROM QB OR C" 42559 10/05/89 RICHARD GOZDAL => ALL: "360K PROBLEM" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 42544 is 27 line(s) on 10/01/89 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to LEO ANGEVINE re: R/HELLO Not too clear how midi can work in the context of classical guitar (of which I'm quite fond). Midi is the hardware and protocol related to allowing sequencers, synthesizers, and computers to all talk together. There are even guitar midi pickups, but I don't know how well they "track". Synthesizers come in two basic forms - those with keyboards, and those without. There are MANY different kinds of synthesizers - analog, digital, "LA" (a new acronym I've not learned the meaning of - linear amplitude or something like that), samplers, etc. Samplers are the most interesting - because they have "actual instrument sounds" digitally stored in ROM or RAM, and they play them back. For example, a Sax I have, is SO realistic - within limits - it has many of the different tricks good sax player would use - grace note, falls, growls, "breathy" sounds, etc. Typically, MIDI people have a computer with sequencing program, which basically acts like a multi-track tape recorder, a rack of synthesizers, a mixer, possibly some special effects boxes (reverb, etc), and a power amp and speakers. For example, I have a sampler synthesizer, and a "rack" synthesizer, the latter of which has 192 instruments, and is able to play up to 32 different instruments simultaneously, 16 DIFFERENT instruments. I had fun "jamming" a little acoustic guitar "spanish influence", then adding some latin drums, and a few horns. Really quite fun. Playing the keyboard is an important part of a mini hobby, though for example I have "keyed in" sheet music, had the synthesizer play it, and from that, learn the notes and rhythm - then I start to play along on the piano, eventually learning the tune ;-) Msg 42545 is 12 line(s) on 10/02/89 from CATHY KONAS to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/BBS fnfortunately, I do not have the CD-ROM with the magazines on it, but I'm working on it. It looks very interesting, even without BYTE (which is probably a bit too technical for me, anyway).I understand about your limiting your calls. I do, too - not because I'm in such demand, but because I like to be able to pay my phone bills! If you ever decide to drop by, I'll leave the number for you on Loren's BBS. I've seen your name there every once in a blue moon. Running a board that's basically for m messages is tough enough to keep up to date, let alone allowing time to manage files. The CD-ROM keeps that to a very bare minimum. Bui]t, you know what? I average 1 file download per day. My guys arf*e more interested in talking up a storm, which is fine by me. ck Msg 42546 is 19 line(s) on 10/02/89 from CATHY KONAS to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: LOREN'S BBS Okay, guess I mixed you up with another well-known name (Phil Katz), 'cause you're not listed on Loren's BBS as an active user. Oh, well. This CBBS software is interesting. reminds me of IBBS on Henry Kisor's WP BBS. And, actually, it sort of reminds me of Galacticomm (which I'm not particularly fond of - guess I'm just an old-fashioned RBBS-PC fan). The reason I like RBBS (and PCBoard) is the ease with which the message base is accessed. If you're ever speaking anywhere about anything, I hope that I can be there. I understand that you did attend the Chicago Computer Society Sysop's Roundtable during Spring COMDEX - so I know you come out in public sometime. Wonder if anybody is organizing another sysop conference, on the line of the one a couple of years ago (courtesy of Paul Bernstein maybe?) regarding sysop liability. I wasn't a sysop then, although I was invited (but I couldn't attend due to a busyf* work sf*chedule at the time). There I go again, babble, babble, babble! ck P.S. Sorry about the line noise - but I'm not in the mood to figure out editing on this system. Msg 42547 is 03 line(s) on 10/02/89 from BRENT JONES to RICHARD HINTON re: R/I DIDN'T LIKE PRODIGY For the Prodigy number nearest you call 1-800-759-8000 and ask. Be prepared to wait through some recorded messages. I have these # for the western suburbs 515-8172 and 437-0213 Msg 42548 is 12 line(s) on 10/02/89 from BRENT JONES to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/PC DATABASE - HIERARCHICAL I have used PC-File (shareware) for quite a few years and it is very well written and easy to use. There is now a PC-File db that requires a hard disk. But I use PC-File + version 2. I know that it is "flat field" but I would think that using the appropriate "code" fields you could sort and get all the student reps at a given school for example. In looking thru my shareware catalog I see that the "db" version supports 70 fields that can all be "chained to other databases to give full relational reporting capabilities". Up to 1 billion records per database-just in case you need to keep inventory on spare parts for the space shuttle. Wampum would also be a dBase III shareware product. Call Public Brand Software at 1-800-426-DISK for a well written catalog, describing most of the shareware available. [No I don't get $ for this commercial.] Msg 42549 is 04 line(s) on 10/03/89 from COLIN SCHROEDER to JIM ANDERSON re: R/386 UNIX INFO? Thanks for the msg.I'm afraid, tho', that I'll have to pass. I'm going to wait a while, and then will probably go with SCO's new UNIX OS, which is supposed to include complete XENIX compatibility. It'll be expensive, but hopefully worth it! Msg 42550 is 08 line(s) on 10/03/89 from COLIN SCHROEDER to RICHARD HINTON re: R/A GRAPHICS PROGRAM?? You might want to try SYGRAPH, a scientific graphics package from SYSTAT, Inc. in Evanston. It will do just about any type of graphics, with a little programming. On that note, I don't know how its ease of use compares with SAS and SPSS, but I think its pretty easy. One caveat: I work for SYSTAT, so its my job to know how to use the stuff! Still, its very impressive, and the overlaid images you mentioned are well within its abilitites. If you want more info, you can call me or Leah Dorsey (our Sales Rep.) at 864-5670. Msg 42551 is 02 line(s) on 10/03/89 from PHIL JERN to ALL re: DRIVE FOR SALE I have a micropolis 71 MB 1325 drive for sale, nearly new, test formatted only. $350.00. Call 33f*8-0338 or lv msg here. Msg 42552 is 02 line(s) on 10/03/89 from PHIL JERN to ALL re: HP LASERJET 4 SALE I also have an original HP laserjet for sale, with a Ziyad multi-sheet feeder attached. In good condition, works well. Best offer takes it. Msg 42553 is 04 line(s) on 10/03/89 from VERNE ARASE to BILL WOLFF re: R/GEOS AND LASERWRITER! You might try contacting the makers of that 25-in-1 cartridge. They're supposed to have some kind of Postscript emulator that plugs into the Laserjet. (Like I said before, the name of the firm is Pacific something-or-other :-). Msg 42554 is 07 line(s) on 10/03/89 from FRANK SPIVEY II to ALL re: BENCHMARKING PROGRAMS Does anyone know where I can find some source code for a few bench- marking programs for PC's. I would like to obtain some code for the Liver- more loops, dhryhurst, linpack, and Norton. I have the source code for the dhryhurst benchmark for a Unix based system. I prefer to have the source written in C for DOS based systems. Your help is greatly appreciated. In addition, I would also like some info on the whetstone benchmark. Msg 42555 is 13 line(s) on 10/03/89 from ALAN LAYA to ALL re: .PCX/.EPS FILES FROM QB OR C?? Does anyone out there know of a graphics toolkit/utility/library routine for QuickBASIC 4.5 or TurboC 2.0 that is able to do the following: 1. "Paste" graphics files (i.e. .PCX, .EPS, .PIC, etc.) to an empty screen (window?), the location of which is controllable via a parameter set from the calling HL lang.? 2. Allow editing of graphics files (i.e. a paint program callable from a HLL?? 3. Allow the printing of graphics files to a HP LaserJet. 4. Is reliable??. Leads to some sharp tools/utility/lib. routine would be apprec. Thx, Alan Msg 42556 is 13 line(s) on 10/05/89 from JIM SACKETT to BILL WOLFF re: R/MBASIC TO GWBASIC Bill I may have just what the Doctor ordered. A while back I sent out for a shareware package to convert some DBASE file written on a KayPro 10 which is a CPM machine, to IBM DOS format . The program worked great and I only had to change some code from DBASE II to DBASE III format on my IBM machine. The CPM disk is read in and it writes out MS-DOS format ! You can't ask for much more. If you supply me with an address or a board I can get you a copy. If you want to get a copy else where I picked up a copy from Public Brand Software 1 800 426-DISK Let Me Know Jim Sackett Msg 42557 is 03 line(s) on 10/05/89 from STEVE CASTLE to ALL re: XMODEM SOURCE FOR UNIX IN C Would like the phone number of a cbbs which has XMODEM source in the "C" language which could be listed or down loaded. Would like to understand how it works and convert it to other language or compile it for use on unix. Msg 42558 is 03 line(s) on 10/05/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to ALAN LAYA re: R/.PCX/.EPS FILES FROM QB OR C I have a LOT of QB tools and can't find anything like a PIC routine. I really could use it myself! The QB stuff still seems to be being worked on for graphic combinations for EGA/VGA +. Msg 42559 is 09 line(s) on 10/05/89 from RICHARD GOZDAL to ALL re: 360K PROBLEM Something was bound to go wrong with this 386 system! The 1.2 meg drive is a "G" something or another. I can't write to the drive on a formatted 360K disk and read it on ANOTHER conputer (XT). This seems to be a problem on a LOT of 1.2 meg drives. I am ready to get a TEAK drive and 4-drive controller to run the 1.2, 1.4 and 360. Is there an easier remedy like getting a better 1.2 and floppy controller. I do want the 1.2 and 1.4 installed so don't want to just disconnect the 1.4. Any help with this BUGger. dup. chars. >Function:?